The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, September 22, 1906, Image 11
TALK ATLANTA GEORGIAN. 11 TRADE MODERATE AT THEOPENING Changes Slight with Profes sionals Doing Bulk of the Business. NEWS AND GOSSIP 01 the Fleecy Staple. UNDERTONE IS STEADY Heavy Rains in the Eastern Belt Was Only Sus taining Influence. New York, Sept. 21.—'There was only moderate trade at the opening of the local cotton market, mainly for pro fessional account. The weather map Indicated favorable condition In the belt generally, except In the vicinity of Macon and Montgomery, where there was too much rain. This checked sell ing and contributed to the steadiness that prevailed after the call. The professional element still has control of the cotton market. They hold possession through necessity; they cannot turn loose •nd the public absolutely refuses to come to tbelr assistance. As s result business Is very dull with trade light. Fluctuations during the morning corered a range of some l to 4 points. Weather reports this morning were un favorable In the eastern belt, though fa vorable west. Liverpool was not a factor,’opening about ■s expected or H to 1 point lower on fu tures. while spot was minted 5 points down at f».S7d; sales 6,000 bales. The opening 111 New York also met expec tations, Initial prices showing very small changes, with the undertone steady. Up to mid-day prices varied only 2 points from opening flguies. A i ok decidedly.” Following are the active months In Liver pool today: Open. High. Low. October-Noreraber 6.04 6.06 5.03% Janusry-Pcbrnary. . . .6.06 6.07 6.04 Mnrch-Aprll 6.09 , 6.11 6.06% Mnr-June.. 5.11% 6.14 6.11% Comparative receipts at all U. 8. ports: Net receipts today 38,041 8nmc day last year 38,471 Decrease 430 Total receipts for the week 186,497 Same week Inst year 239.063 52.566 305,701 629,449 Prlniie Wire to albert & Clay. J™* }°f k ; »«Pt a.-Qv;rp^>I nt U:» p. m., H ami I lower. Waa due unchanged. same local bear crowd arrayed against but ° rlw ** has been a moderate buyer on differences. Carpenter, Baggett & Co. say: “We be 3n lower prices.” & F 0 -**r “ Ther ® are some faithful bears who believe we shall have a large crop, and while they do not look for an Immediate drop they are selling on hard spots Instead of covering on them. This la about all there la to the market Just row, aud see little reason to get excited over the outlook.' Georgia's agricultural commissioner says: Cotton has deteriorated in this state past two or three weeks. Condition now nt av- •WJP of 65 per cent.” Mitchell offering 5,000 October at 8.68 and offering March nt 9.46. The Journal of Commerce says; "Statis tically ^the trade In staple cotton Is In a very strong position. The stocks In tlrst nnuds are nominal, and some of the largest Jobbers have gone as close to the Itonrds as they can and still remain in hnstness. Any replenishing In the next sixty days will lie at full values, aud If there are no advances tuer anticipate a very large volume of si nets when they are finally forrod In. Mlille mnuy of them recognise tho fact that the widespread amount of hand-to-mouth purchase Is a strong factor In holding spot Prices, they do not see what they can do to relieve themselves without encouraging further advances.” New Orleans, Sept. 21.—Market Is quiet nud steady, with no particular feature. The unsettled weather Is causing a few shorts to cover. Our traveling representative wires: '‘Colo rado City to Sweetwater, through to Fort North, crop f« simply immense. Past two weeks favorable weather adds to the condi tions.” Today's map shows heavy rains In Ten (lessee, (ieorgla, Alabama and Mississippi and scattered showers in Texas. Weather Edited by Joseph B. Lively MARKETS Mr. Lively'. twenty-Or, yean' .iperlene. of ed- I tin, market. In Atlanta and tha South baa mada him a recoinlaed au thority In bla apodalty. TIPS FLASHED From Wall Street RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCKS AND COTTON MARKETS Trlvate Wire to Olbert & Clay. New York, Kept. 21.—Today's market will probably move oil the same lines as devel oped during the last hour's trading yes terday. The strength of Southern Pacific seems to have the approval of banking In terests and Its friends. Krle appears to lie more pronounced. They are support- NAME OF STOCK. Mississippi, not co aside i time Inst year Decrease «... 233,748 Crop Movement.—Secretary Hester: 1906. 4.510 12,152 In sight for week 256,306 Since Heptemlier 1 675,803 Interior movement for week: Total receipts 147,344 Shipments 123,404 Stocks.. Sup ..144,631 1906. 4,606 14,133 307,397 806,230 178,221 143,429 207,117 .254,716 Since Septemlier 1 670,314 Estimated receipts for tomorrow: 1906. 3.400 to 4,400 16,000 to 17,000 1906. 3.146 18,270 15.637 New Orleans Galveston Houston 18,000 to 14,000 The market nt the close was steady and unchanged to 2 points higher. SPOT COTTON MARKET. Liverpool, spot cotton quiet and easier; middling uplands 6.67d; sales 6,000; A mar- lean 4.600; speculation and export 600; re ceipts none. Atlanta, steady at 9%c. New York, quiet nt 9.76c. New Orleans, steady nt 9 6-16c. Augusta, quiet ut 9 7-16c. Savannah, easy at 9 3-16c. St. laorls. quiet at 9%c. Charleston, steady at 9%c. Baltimore, nominal nt 9%e. Memphis, steady at 9%c. Galveston, Ann at 9 7-16e. Wilmington, rteady at 9 3-16c. Norfolk, Arm at 3%c. Mol lie, quiet at 9 3-16c. TODAY’S PORT RECEIPT8. The following table shows receipts nt the ports today, compared with the tamo day last year: INTERIOR MOVEMENT. The following table shows receipts at the Interior towns today, compared with the day last year: COTTON 8EED OIL MARKET. New York, Sept. M.-Tlie market for cotton seed oil was again steady and fair ly active. The recent decline In prices failed to bring out any large offerings from the South, and there waa Instead fairly food buying at the decline, so the situa tion in still where nearby deliveries are commanding good premiums. The amount " " •Teh has been taken for early —- r — * large eno pressure of spot oil. lateness of the crop emphasizes the short ness of snppltes. The market at the close wn« steady, with prices unchanged to %c Maher than the opening.—Ware « Le* Poptendier. Dotobor, . , N’ote-nher. , •oetnhcr. . Lunin nr. .... ft?:;-. t'losed steady. 30*4630% », 4 red entirely favorable. iivnionn mm westers Texas: ror ino uu auce thunder storms today ana tomorrow. Trlvate Wire to Ware A Iceland. unchanged to % down. Liverpool cables: "Market steady with out especial feature.” Cotton opened quiet In New York, as ex ported, on Liverpool cables. October was heavily sold by commission and spot bouses nt 31 and 32 |H>liits under December. Weld was a heavy seller of December. Market does not show snap, and with cotton press ing on the market liellcve It must work lower. Think It a sale on alight rally. - good weather sets lu the market will de cline considerably. The weather map shows a moderate amount of rain In southeast Tcxaa and considerable In the eastern licit. No cHnnge in market. The ring Is life less and the snot market Is quiet and steady nt quotations, with * 1AA *~ 4 —*~ and oOO or 600 f. o. b. sold wont 28 to 30 on Oclolwr for Liverpool good middling, October delivery. NEW YORK. f Th. following I. tho rang. In cotton fu ture. In New York today: I s a ! ?i l il Sept . . . . Oct. . . . . Nov Dec Jan .March. . . . May R.84 8.88 ?.*-• 9.21 E9 *M6 9.57 8.44 8.90 v- 9.22 9.31 46 9.69 |i 9.27 i!44 9.66 its 8.17 9.02 E9 9.30 '9!<5 9.69 6.79-tt 3.87-18 9.03-04 9.20-n 9.29-80 9.37-39 9.46-46 9.57-6S LfTS 8.88-89 9.03-04 9.30-21 9.29-30 9,37-39 9.46-46 9.67-68 THE COFFEE MARKET. New York, Sept. 21.—The opening was unchanged to 6 points tower, and the mar ket showed a further tendency toward re action after the galtis of yesterday during thu early session as a result of less ag gressive snpiNirt by the trade Interests, who have lieen bulling It and disappointing Eu ropean cables, while a bearish construction was nlsn placed upon nn article lu the Urn* xliNu Review of August 21, which expressed the opinion that nature had killed valoriza tion nt the outset by providing a bumper cron.-CHliert A ('lay. Following Is the opening range and dost of the New York coffee market for to day: Opening Range. Jnuiiniy February March April May June July August Septemlier October November Dccemlier Closed steady. 6,65-6.65 Close. ■ 6.45-6.50 6.50-6.561 6.60-6.65 6.65-6.75 6.75-6.80 6.80-6.85 6.85 6.90 6.906.96 6.20-6.25 6.25 6.30 6.30-6.35 6.40-6.45 er|MHil Improved slon. mid closed l<f2 points higher than yesterday. Foreign news was extremely scarce, probably owing to the lack of new developments. Spot sales weje 6,000 bales, 5 points lower. Covering by a few shorts shortly after the opening on further heavy rains in portions of the eastern belt con- stltuted about the market's only activity. The wentber Is decidedly unsettled over the belt, but It can not be said that such Ing activity, eveu, It Is said, at the ex pense of ginning operations; nevertheless the movement Is well np to ths average nud cotton Is lielng rapidly marketed, as the large receipts at Houston and Galveston ment show signs of falling short of renltza< tlon. for It appears now as though tho needs of the present have been satisfied. Foreign cable* report a material decrease In demand not ouly for th continent, but from all around from which the Inference may be drawn that spinners have become Imbued with the Idea that the ex|>ected liberal movement shortly will create a more profitable trade basis. New York. Sept. 21.—The market was strong today, though not particularly ac tive, except in certain specialties. Trading was of n mixed character, consisting, pf both pressure and support In turn. Gold engagements were announced, partly from Paris, amounting to $1,200,000. Among the Items of the money movement, the ship ments to the Interiorjncludlng fan Fran* cisco, approximate $4,200,000, nml this would Indicate a greater demand for money than hitherto expected by Interior banks. It Is quite clear that the ground work Is be ing laid for some form of old by the treasury department to business Interests. Interest and dividend payments for Octo- tier 1 will lie largo, meantime funds are possibly accumulating for .•neb disburse ment*. Engagements of gold from tin* Bank of France today almost surely fore- shadow further larger shipment* directly .or Indirectly from that source, and It Is quite GIBERT & CLAY STOCK*. »ONO». COTTON, GRAIN, COFFEE. PROVISION* ATLANTA. OA. opw XOTB BtOCk I 15® SB I nnd Di.tnno, T.ltphen. 529*. rtasjsssut n. faoan. m.^ ALONZO RICHARDSON & CO., PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Empire Building. Bell Phone, Main 858. ATLANTA. GEORGIA. Amalgamated Copper. % Atlantic Const Line. .. American Sugnr Kef. .. Anaconda American Locomotive. . do, preferred. . . . Amer. Smelting Ref. . do, preferred. . . . Atchison. . . do. preferred. . . * American Cotton Oil. . Amer. Car Fouudry. ,« Baltimore A Ohio. . .* Brooklyn lupld Tran,. Canadian Pacific. . . . Chic, it Northwestern.. Central leather do, preferred. . . . Ch e. A Great West’n. Chic., MU. fr-Bt. P. . . Pf In ware k Hudson. Erie * r * s<K!ur * t,e ** •• do, preferred.* .* .* .*! General Electric. . . . Illinois Central Aflrmfilh;:: Mexican Central Missouri Pacific. . . .. , Total stock sales today 826,700 sharesT NAME OF STOCK. Western* . . W. Y., 6bt. National Lead. . Northern Pacific. . . . New York Central. . . Norfolk A Western. . . Pennsylvania. . . . . . People's Gas Tressed Steel Car. . . do. preferred. . . * Pacific Mail Reading Republic Steel Rock Island do. preferred. * • • United States ItubDer. do. preferred. . . . Southern Pacific. . . . Southern Railway. . . do. preferred. . • . Stoss-Sheffleld Trim. Coal A Iron. • • , Texas St Pacific Union Pacific. ...... United 8tatee Steel. , , do. preferred. . . . , Va.-Car. Chemical. . . , do. preferred. . « • . Western Uulon Wabash do. preferred Wisconsin Central. . . , do. preferred LIVERPOOL. Th. following Agar*. Mr, tho opening rtog* and clow, compared with xaatrrdaj'a Future, opened quiet nnd iteadr. Opening. l'revlnu. Range. Clone. Cloee. :jF* a if*** -5-02V4 sir September..... Hept.-Oet. . . Dee.-Jap Jan.-Feb. . . E ib.*Mareb... • arch-April. . Anrll-Mny. . . . Mar-Junc. . . . Closed steady. NEW ORLEANS. turee In New Orleans today: He^t. . . . Nov. * * * Dec. . . . Jan. . . . Fab. . . . March. Ma; 157- cfe osedT’Ju 9.46 1 but steady. 9.47 9.22-1 9.32-38 9,87-39 9.47-48 9.63-64 U TS&t 9.16-17 9.18-20 9.21-22 9.31-32 9.35-37 9.46-47 9.61-62 NOTES ON GRAIN Pointorg on ProvUIons. bullish features In wheat hare been pretty well discounted by the recent advance. Shorts have covered freely, and new bull motives must lie found. Minneapolis stock of wheat decreased 400,* 000 for the week. Considerable rain through the couutry, and clnlni* made that wheat In shock has cept Bartlett, Frasier end Carrlugton buy ing n few Decomlier. « Chicago inter-ocean: "A Duluth house that has been bearish says: ‘To tell the truth, we hardly know whnt to make of thin wheat market, ltccelpte are light, farmers are not selling freely, nud are holding bock n good many dellverlce actu ally made to too country lines. Foreign markets are more decidedly Interested than In some time. They seem especially anx ious for springe, as this clsss of wheat from Russia has been liadly damaged, nnd other countries also hare very poor quality thin yenr. It looks ns If the market would work stronger unless wc get a larger move ment than now set-ms possible In Cauada and onr own northwest.*" Deliveries of corn on September trades WHEAT OPEHED Foreign and Domestic Ad vices Arrayed on Bull Side of Market. MARKET WAS SMALL; LEFT OFF LOWER New York, Sept 21.—The Sun says: “It was o day of small thlnga In the cotton market. The speculation waa small, the fluctuations were small, and the ending was a small decline. There was still a very general disposition to go slowly, pending further development* In the situation. More light Is wanted on the question of deterioration In the crop. The bulk of the news was favorable, but tho Southwest continued to send reports of a serious de cline In the condition of tho plant, nnd they wero not without effect, some fear ing that the Octolier rejiort by the gor- eminent would mnko n bullish exhibit. Then, too, the rocelpts were moderate, nod although a large movement Is predict- ns cxpecti Chicago, Sept. SI.—Profit taking on a large ecale was taken In wheat, corn, and oats on tho hard spots and prices JjjjJ, suffered In consequence, as the talent backed away from the Increased sup ply put on sale. Resting spots for the day showed sharp reactions and de clines from the best prices reached. Net changes for the day were; Wheat unchanged to l-8{$l-4c high er; corn 1 3-8c lower to unchanged; oats 3-80l-2c lower and provisions st any room Deliveries of corn on September trade* oats a-89f>i-2c arc Increasing, there liclng 65,0) bushels sent mn j n i v better out yesterday, the largest so far this f * ' .... . . month. It was delivered by Shaffer and Cash sales here were 18,000 bushels takeu in by Armour. Deliveries of wheat and oats 90.000 Ittiahc—, « paid for by Wells nnd sent out by Shaffer. Deliveries of lord were 1,760 tierces, and short riba 1.700,000 pounds, all to Armour, the riba being sent out by Stone. Cash business In Chicago yesterday was 32,000 wheat, corn 40,000 bushels, and opts 90.000. At the seaboard export tales of 000 tierces Inru nud 17,000,000 pounds short ribs. All show losses from September 1. Minneapolis millers are not ns anxious for cash wheat nnd paid S03%c over Septemlier for No. 1 northern yesterday. Thla waa - reduction of %c. Outside mill* In oth state* were said to lie buying wheat uml paying good prices. From the wny millers ore aftsr whent It Is auggeated that they must have sold more flour than has been reported os having been sold of late. Private Wire to Olbert St Clay. Chicago, Hept. 21.—While we still feci very friendly to wheat, would not overlook taking profits on the hard spots. Prices not likely to ndranco abarnl; corn nt thla time, but look for good sup port on soft spots. Would continue to buy oats on any dip*. The Record-Herald: "Private elevator* continue to turn out rash corn ns rapidly as possible; expect to deliver about 1,600,0w> bushels. They are claiming that car short- ; ,i Canada and our own northwest. WEATHER IN COTTON BELT. Texas—'Tyler, Temple. Houston and Fort Porth cloudy and pleasant. SUerraan. •alias nnd Belton clear nnd pleasant, fan Antonio cloudy nnd pleasant. Mississippi—Jackson and Nntches partly cloudy nnd pleasant. Yazoo City clear and “lesaant. Vicksburg, F* “ ew Albany cloudy am urg, Aherdeeu, Amory a nnd pleaaant; rain laat T"; 'llIW'K hf. r .__ m,L clniidr. thr.'At?tilnj, ami pliminrit. Alnluma-nirralnKham rlnmly and throat- nnlnfr; rain yeatanla, nflrrnoon. Mont* .ntnrrv rltar ami nlniunt: bard rain yaa- farday nftarnnon. Molilla cloudy and nlaaa- an(; rained all-nlsht. Raima partly domly ami pleaaant; hard rain yaalarday after noon. Troy elenr and pleaaant; .bower, yaatarday afternoon. licorirla—Maaon clear nrnl warm; b*rd ml. yaatarday afternoon. Sarannah rlnmly and warm. Amarlaua. Albany nnd Atlnn- In Wear nnd plaaaanf. rolninbn* clear ami h-.t; rained yaatarday afternoon and U.t night. WEATHER IN WHEAT BELT. Northwnt—Fair and cloudy; l< to 52 Nurthwct—r»rtly alondy: 44 to to chore; general ralna In Mlnenaota nnd North Ira notn. Want and 8ontbwe«t—Partly cloudy: 70 nlaire; rain, anow .nd mm wared ahower. Mlaanurl and Illlnnln. .... _ Ohio Valley—ticnarally cloudy; M to W •bora. WEATHER FORECAST. Georgia—Oaan.lonal thunder abowera Fri day anti Saturday; light to fre.b aouth- f.nnlnlnaa, Ka,t Florida.. WMt Florida. Alabama and IfUflaalpi.1-Thunder .bower. Friday and Rnluiday; light variable wlnda, moatly aonthenat. Fast Tegn,—Featured thunder ihowera Friday nnd Rntimlay. fair weather In northweat portion; light to freah south- on st winds. . . . Arkansas—Fair in west portion and show ers hi cast portion Friday and 8a»nrdar. West Texas—Fair Friday as«l fatunlay. Illinois, Indians, Iowa. Missouri, Kansas. Nebraska. North DnkoU-GenerslIy fair tonight nnd tomorrow. „ , , , ., Yllnesota nml Koutb Dakota—Fair tonight ud tomorrow; cooler tomorrow. wheat, 34,000 bushels corn and 60,000 bushels oats. Clearances for the week were 4,678,- 000 bushels wheat, compared with 4,- 663,000 bushels for the week before, and 2.179,000 bushels a year ago. ttafn 646,000 bushels for the week, against .986,000 bushels the previous week and 1,2?3,000 bushels a year ago. The Modern Miller says that rains have permitted the resumption of seed ing In sections of the east and south west, and this work Is now being car ried on as far north as Nebraska. Primary wheat receipts 1,010,000 bushels, corn 669,000 bushels; a year ago 1,255,000 and 621,000 bushels rc opectlvsly. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. bouadk rate, the pressure was on the Local Wall street longs sold traders sold moderately for short account. The sonth also sent selling orders. The weather wnn favorable In the main, and Liverpool reacted before the close after advancing early In the day. At one time, bull support and more or less covering caused something of a rally, but It provod to be only temporary, the course of prices hinging In the end on the weather news and scattered liquidation.”—Olbert A Clay. New Orleans, sept. 21.—Tho Timet Dem ocrat: "Notwithstanding the rather gen era! belief that the near future will wit ness a relaxation 1(4 trade demand fnt sc- ttutl cotton, no ambition to sell the stuff down marks current operations. Con*r.. quently, the dally fiuctunmin* continue to range within very narrow limits, flout!- ment being against the market, Inconsa- a uentlnl declines now are practically Inev able, though the movement Is vet small enough to disappoint many old-time trad •ri, nnd to Impel the desire among aver age shorts for a rlens covering oppor tanlty. Yesterday'* cotton market felt the * ~ nee of tho Jewish holiday, not a few operators avoiding nctfve business. _ jero were no developments of moment, but Jn the absence of bullish support bear ish courage undoubtedly expnnded under snot Tber* S= Mill CORN— E=i MSB OATS— ■ R S S 16.75 16.69 16.60 16.71 13.18 13.07% 13.12% 13.00 FORK— Sept., 16.76 Jau.... 13.10 LARD— ftfc. I:** Jan... 7.77% SIDES- Sept... 8.75 8.92% Oct.... 8.47% 8.57% Jan.... 7.02%. 7.06 ( A8II WHEAT— 1.87% r.77% IT 7.77% IT 7.73V* I 6-»7V4 No. I do 7*874; No. 7.03 V, 7.(8 THE 8U0AR MARKET. New York. Bept. 71.-The loenl refined end rnw eugar market, are unrhnneed and •tendy. London nnitnr market itendy: Bep- temper np Id nt ta #d; Octolier up Mid at 9* 6«d. SOUTHERN EXCHANGE OldMt EnUbllihed Office South. conoi—STOCiS—BOIDS—GRlIH Ground Floor Oould Building. D»lly market letter and market manual mailed on application. LJ. ANDERSON & GO Bankers and Brokers, COTTON, STOCKS, GRAIN Correspondent's Capital $250,000 RcrotcNce. the ncal bank PHONE MIT. PRV dent,al BLOG "toils and a sale on bulges until the mone- ary situation Is cleared. Think Eric a good purchase. Think Baltimore nnd Ohio good for points advance. l'lttMburg special: “Officials of the Wa bash boro decline to affirm or deny the truth of the report that the company has secured a terminal In Philadelphia. State- ment roan-ding It was made by a promi nent railroad man who returned to this city from Philadelphia Inst night.” New York Financial Bureau: We pect Irregular prices lu the stock mn today. Specialty advance* seem likely In limited cases. But the recovery has been too swift for stability. Do not understand uh as being bearish. Developments thla morning Include the Increased gold re ceipts, which are good, nnd no further demand from the Interior, which Is nlso favorable The money situation, It rosy b# concluded. Is the dictator of the stock mar ket. There Is no danger because of the treasury relief that will prevent it, but the dally operator will keep n close watch on money nnd sail close to shoro temporari ly. Later we can have a broad market, and we believe It la to the Interests loaded with stocks to promote anch a market. But they will not do It now, wheu It would not only arouse a storm of censure, ac complish practically nothing and Invite so- rioua danger. The present situation ap pear* to ua to be the Wall street view But we again caution you to conflw bullish operations of an aggressive nature to specialties, buying standard stocks on reactions. Private Wire to Ware St Lelnnd. New York, Sept. 21.—There was good buying of Baltimore nnd Ohio reported thla morning. We observe Oaten' advices urg ing the purchase of It. Western absorption wna reported. We believe the stock will work much higher. There Is bull talk this morning In good circles on Louisville nnd Nashville. Wo think thla stock will have Its turn. When the pool Is ready, we hope to hear of It. Wo do not now know hut the rood enn pay a higher dividend, nnd as Atlantic Const Line controlling Interests naturally like to get more cash from holdings, an In crease Is expected by the liest people. Hear Louisville nnd Nashville will pay 7 per cent and should sell up about 10 points. Dow-Jones A Co.'s summary: American stocks In London stasdy st about parity. Further gold engagements In London ex pected, especially on Monday, when 1430,- ooo Is available In open market. Loss by disaster at Hongkong estimated nt $20,000,000. Secretary Taft la still adjusting disputes In Culm. Chesapeake and Ohio earnings and eqnl- ties for fiscal yenr equal to 8 per cent on ‘tnl stock. Jgh prices for bar gold paid In London yesterday offsets advantage derived from treasury deposits against gold In transit Itenl earnings of Hocking Y’alley equal to 20 per cent on common. Crop reports continue satisfactory. Distillers' Securities' dividend qnnrterly 1% per cent, advancing the rate from 4 to 6 per cent basis. World's production of wheat largest on record, ana will exceed 3,600,000,0017 bush* fioo earning* second week of September Increased $67,662. Twelve Industrials advaitced .60 per cent. Twenty active railroads advanced .10 per cent. i this Into n very bull rgument, simply because of the Itellef that light receipt* are canoed by holding back In tho country for higher prices. The situation, wne-very evenly balanced, and it will take aoiuo strong new development to move the market out of the rat U Is now runulng In. The chief feature of ths first of the weekly figures was the light receipts In the eastern belt. Th# crop In the Atlantic* Is showing up much lighter than expected. One of the reasons why TONE WHS STRONG AT THEJPENING Money Tension Relieved by Action of Secretary of the Treasury. OFFERING FREE LATER Except in Southern Pacific Prices Declined—General List Neglected. New York, b'cpt. 21.—There was no fur ther developments of note In the money sit uation thla morning, and the stock market betrayed the same uncertainty that It has nil the week an to whether the next turn In this quarter would be farorsble or unfavor able. Call money loaned In the forenoon between 6 nnd 6% per, cent, Imt again there was no evidences of nn easing of the strain In time money or commercial discounts, and the rather unexpected reduction through yesterday's operations of the week’s gain at the sub-treasury was uot an encouraging Incident. The stock market preserved in the main a pronounced degree of strength, but the moveweut of prices waa very Irreg ular throughout the morning, and where manipulative buying forced up some Issues heavy realising depressed others. Southern Pacific, Kt. I'snl, Baltimore and Ohio aud the Coppers were ths strongest nnd moat active stocks on the list, but tbelr move ment excited no outside interest nml the whole character of the tradlug was more narrow and professional than evsr. New York, Sept. 21.—With the ex ception of Union Pacific nnd Chesa peake and Ohio, the opening prices of stocks did not show large changes from yesterday's closing, and the market was somewhat irregular. The undertone, however, was firm. Union Pacific opened 3-4 higher and advanced a full point later. Chesapeake and Ohio ross 3-4. Reading was 1-4, and after open ing advanced 3-8. Other gains extend ed to 1-8 in Atchison, 1-4 in Missouri Pacific, and Erie was down 3-8. Nor folk and Western down 1-4. After tho opening the market became Irregular. The expectation of early artfon by tho secretary of the treasury to relieve tho money tension roused a strong tone nt the opening, and In the opening trading, but later the outside speculative element became aggressively l>earlah. nnd stocks were freely offered st declining prlcss. ex cept In case* where thero waa apparent pool buying and bull manipulation, South- — Pacific was made s leader on the bull and sold as high as 97, a new high ... rd. In this, those afflllatod with E. II. Ilnrriman Mid that the accumulation of Southern Pacific on thla advance was based efly on Information that arrangements re lieen to retire the preferred stock. _.. Paul opened %c higher nt 178, and de clined to 177% under arbitrage trading against 8t. Paul. Rubber shoxvM strength •llr.oclin lft to M. Bmrltlnif ro.0 l 1 , PIT rent to 1M& »nd NatlonM Lreil A ro wn,. The gen.rel ll.t w.i nr.lreled, nnd drellnc. were developing. London m, not n factor In the tntrket movement. whieh "In* too qulcklj be followed 1 ‘When you go to a lummer hotel the flr.t thing you ohould do i, to hav, all your money put In the hotel nafe.” "Thnt In the Ia»t thin* I do."—Hou«- ton Po«L THE LONDON 8TOCK MARKET. v niiouian I'nciuc... , . . ... Chic., MU. and Bt. Paul. . .fir" nlJnoi* Central.... .. .. Louisville and Nashville. . .. Reading Pennsylvania.,.. •• •< S Southern Part!!#.. .. , nlon Pacific. . . . nlted Htalro Steel., do, preferred. . . miner iiuin nmiani. cunMurrnuunm iiriicp will furnish no real clew to tho ultimate outcome.”—War* k LeJand. WARS A LFLAND’S DAILY COTTON LETTER. New Orleans. Kept. 21.—Today's market was shout the* narrowest on record up to noon, the range of the active, or hereto fore active, positions wna only 2 points, December selling from 9.22c to 9.24c. The outside public wna not In the market at all, and professional trading was extreme ly limited. Liverpool eniuo In about na expected, nnd neither aide received any help from thnt quarter. The weather map waa about as good aa It waa bad, good weather In the west balanced rather un favorable weather In the cast. The expec tation of rather bearish week-end statis tic* waa about bain need by a lessening In the spot demand, and the claim by relia ble people thnt the greater oart of \w pressure to buy spots to fill September shipments had been removed. The move- . T. HOLLEY!AN, President. F. J. PAX ON. Vlce-Prealdsnt. W. L. KEYIP. Treasurer. * J. W. ANDREWS, Secretary. UNION SAVINGS BANK Four Per Cent Inter est Paid on Deposits ASSETS $150,000.00 On, dollar start, an account. Hour,: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Sat urdays till B o’clock at night. 1 liun. 4. rc,r,i i.r,n, W. B. STOVALL. K. J. PAXON. W. O. FOOTE. L T. HOLLEMAN CLYDE BROOKS,J. M. JOHNSON. JWADDOX-RDCKER BANKING COMPANY. CAPITAL $200,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . . $500,000.00 Accounts, small as well as large, invited. 3 1-2 per cent interest paid and compounded semi annually in our Savings Department Safe Deposit Boxes For rent in our vaults in the basement of the Empire {Building for only $5.00 each per annum. Absolute Security and all Modem Conveniences You should not be without one. We invite you to call and inspect them. Title Guarantee and Trust Co. nlivlnn. .that aurli « rtoveloimu-nt would nutltutr . .Iron* rentlm.nt.l lullurure on .. uiark.t. whl.'h wr .'«|«ret to <re or- rr and hl,Urr. .. . re.ult of thla and furlhrr rvldrnre Of th- Intmtlon of rev- rral corporation, to make * larger dl«- -tlou of earning* COTTOnVgIMI^, ?BfOVISl5N‘S, l STOCKS^*BONDS, la. 1 Will SI., run11,1111,1. All,til. 6<- EBSBsSSr “ SSSv 0 TriT.fVKttfrtK r«t. i» Orimi, cnee. e. c cothaa, u, iiimmiia si,,*,'trim Frank Hawkins, President. Tnoma* C. Erwin. A**t. Cashier. II. W. fryers. Asst. Cashier. Third National Bank Capital Surplus Dr. A. W. Calhoun. Milton Dargan. John W. Grant ” *' McCord. . . . . $200,000.00. . . . . $300,000.00. DIRECTORSi j, H. Nuntmlly. Frank Hawkins. J. Tarroll Payne. II. M. Atklnsnn. E. B. Uoaser. Joseph A. McCord. David Woodward. LOWRY NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS Foreign Exchange, Travelers’ Checks, Brown Brothers’ Letters of Credit available in all parts of the world.