The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, October 10, 1906, Image 10
»■ — in THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. \V KDN KSI *A V, WANT ADS. ONLY ONE CENT A WORD No ad. taken for less than 25 cents, the price of four lines. Six words of average length make a line. The following rates are for consecutive insertions* , 1 time . . 3 times . 6 times • 26 times . , 52 times . , 78 times . , . . 6 cents a line. . . 5 cents a line. • . 4y 2 cents a line. . . 4 cents a line. . . 3V? cents a line. . . 3 cents a line. WE WILL SEND FOR YOUR AD. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE. CALL US ON BELL PHONE 4927 MAIN. OR 4401 ATLANTA PHONE. When ser.ding ad., pay for at rates quoted above. ADS FOR SITUATIONS WANTED-WILL BE INSERTED FREE. WANTED HELP—MALE. .NK1IIT SCHOOL—B O O K K E B P I N O. Shorthand. Typewriting. ete.. only M a month. Pro nation's |* r / , . ct, C nI , S U xiSTJiitSSl* lege. Piedmont Hotel block. 12J Pesehtroe. Bell phone «». Celt, phone or writ# for catalogue. It will convince yon that Dmnghon’s Is the best. WANTED—YOUNG MEN TO LEARN pharmacy. Apply to Dr. Crenshaw, Luckle street, city. WANTED—THREE YOUNG MEN AS collectors. Mnst know the city wall.’ Ad dress at once R. X. L-. cnro The Georgian. WANTED-COOK AND HOUSB-SERV ant. male or female; must Bwon place Best wage# paid to light party. Apply 666 North Boulevard. WANTED—100 LABOR ERS, WEDNESDAY, 7:30 A. M., MAIN ENTRANCE FAIR GROUND, TO WORK IN THE SETTING UP OF PAIN’S “POM PEII.” WANTED—TWO GOOD C1 ‘TT,? 1 r n n itlesraen; must have good experience, tail ) o'clock Thursday morning. The Globe Nothing Co., 8® Whitehall street WANTED—REPRESENTATIVE COLOR (4 man who stands well with his people ^Oklahoma," Terminal Hotel. MACHINIST, BXFERT; MUBT BE HIOH- ctaia. with aaleiman’a ahtllty, to repra- aent standard mechanical necessity to anop men* dtr and road; big pay and advance ment to man .who can Qualify. Apply aft®r S3> a. m. Thursday. C. R. Graham. Kim ball House. „ WANTED—FIFTY LABORERS AT CAM- tol and Bell street compresses, to handle cotton. Will pey fl.» per day. Atla"*'" WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WANTED—GIRLS TO DO. FOLPINOi good My: its#** wort. Bln.wt Press. Tv. C. Nun.m.rli.r, Msr. 40 Wnlton 8t SITUATIONS WANTED YOUNG LAST DESIRES STENOGRAPH IC |>o.ltlon. PlftMO yMrF Good 1 reference. No cbjnp poittlon will li* comldered. Address, Florence, c«ro Con- atltntlon. WANTED—A GOOD. RELIABLE Cnl^Mroc*70yj1edninn^>r«mjej COOK. AQENT8 WANTED. PiCTURF. AGENTS--BEND YOUR WORK to a, for enlargement; fair pric.., food flnl.b; 1« by 20. Religious and acanery pie- tore, cheap. The (Inrner Company, llA sirest. Atlanta, O.. WANTED—8ALE8MEN. PIKMinESRIVK LAND COMPANY DE- .tree survlre# ef three Ilea "ten of good nddrees; hu.tler. will be well nsld for their wrrlm. Call nt Room 7, Folsom# Hotel, FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. HARNESS PLEASES E. D. CRANE * CO.. FRONT NEW DEPOT. FOR SALE-NEW REMINGTON TYPE- writer, dealt and ehnlr. cheap. Address Rnrgnln. care Georftsn. COLD WEATHER IS HERE. We have the Goode. HEATERS. BLANKET* and COMFORTS. Wa Can Snve Yon Money. CASH OR CREDIT. Wa Repair, Pack and Ship. Rail Phone 17e.. Bell Phone 1757. THE B. TURNER FURNITURE CO., 41 and 43 West Mitchell St. LEGHORN HENS, IS LAYING HENS. 1 cock and 4 pullets: will aell all nceonnt of apace. Call batwacn 13 and 2 nt DO East ^tlaaagdaytreaj^^ —— WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. 8 A LA It LR ^^l^joij^^Whltahal^atrect. 'Phone 3 ' I miscellaneous. It TYPEWRITER CO.. — il Baa' ‘ ~ National Bask building. 717*711 Fourth VICTOB VANOANESB AND CROME • afaa and rault doors; aiery- IL W. Kills. Agent, 24 S. EDUCATIONAL. Filling, of all kinds. Including gold, don; free: non# but esperlancad .indent* allowed t^^grata^fh^Atkant^janUMJolj^e^ 'MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO- pla and others. American loTestnwit ColT 704 Candler Bldg. . Eatabllahed MM. WETMAN A CONNERS. EQUITABLE. Mortgage loans on raal estate. THE FIRST PARTY THAT .CALLS BELL ■phone MU after a a. m. Wednesday. Oc tober 10. will ha glrrn a ribbon fur nnr typewriter ••almolntelr free.” BUTLER fPBWRITER CO., 717-71H Fourth Nation- Bank building. purchase money 1 . an Improved Atlanta property a able rates Bell phone 7*4. Gould Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5. « AND 7 PER cent Interest, according to security at-, fered; small expense and prompt atteutloa. ; Only on real estata la and near Atlanta B. B. Turman. SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND; | any amount, tit. 4 and 4 per cent. Wrlta or call S. W. Canon. 24 S. Broad atraat. | FARM LOANS—WE ARE PLACING loans on Georgia farms at the lowest rates ever nllercl. The Southern Mortgage Company. Gould building. Harman, room. 702 3 Temnte Court. also money for purchase money notea Straight loaaa made nt S per cent ar.d up ward*. according to de.lnihlllty of loau. W. A. Foatcr. 12 8. Broad atreet. A SNAP ON PEACHTREE ROAD. I have, if taken this week, 1(H) feet frout tm Peach tree road, extending back uuu i in nu 4*4*44 j*ic. dim nurnru i , . „ (formerly of Burnett ft Wllllm In not -Irod 1 2i)0 iOCt, lUSt aPl'OSS 11*0111 tor uiInnIik;. Il»» Is run tract lug wall {taper .. t . , , . . ... Wff^MrSS^RStf'ASaSS" 12 ,)r - Bratton 8 nice home, will c ~ ————————— sol! tor $20 per foot, easily WALL PAPER. WB8LEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE AND Con**rvntorjr of Mualr, Macon, (in.—Old- sat and t>rot. If joti' wish to attend any time this school year, get on the waltlus list now. Catalogues free. DuPont Guercy, president. ART 8CHOOL. WANTBD-THE PUBLIC TO V181T fllappy's School of Art and Inspect por traits painted by his large classes. Corner Peachtree and Auburn. FOR RENT. TO LET-HOTEL; ONE HUNDRED room*; furnished; every Improvement; hair mnttresaea. steam heat; rent low; Ho tel Llthla. Tallapoosa, Gn. Open for In spection. Call or addrma F. J. Beyer, Tal lapoosa. Agents protected In commissions. FOR RENT—HOU8E8. FOR BENT-SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. 41 Irwin; porcelain Imth. hot nud cold wa ter.. Apply to 8. A. Williams, 257 Mariet ta street. FOR RENT—ROOMS. FOR RENT—THREE LARGE UNFUR- nlshed connecting rooms, alngln or to gether; will furnish one or more If desired. 406 Spring street. FOR 8ALE—RLAL ESTATE. IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO HELL, place It with us; we give It our special and personal attention. If It’s worth the price we will sell It. C. II. Wells A Co.. 1104 Fourth National Bank. TEN-ROOM HOUSE. 15 HIGHLAND AVE- nue, Is being put lu perfect condition; in good locality; ten minute*’ walk from cen ter of city $36.00 ^EVEN-ROOM HOUSE. 303 At LA NT A avenue; good locality $12.50 tilGllTdltklM ll(‘)UHh;. 77 HANKIN’ street; two-atory and cheap for. ...$13.50 kBVEN itooM houhi-: in khikwood. ten steps from ear line; line fruit; mod ern convenience $17.00 H. 1. DA LI. AH. Ill Fourth Kntlonnl Ilauk Building. ’Phone 1455. BOARDER8 WANTED. THE BON AIR, 384 Peachtree st., solicit* Inspection, comparison and patronage. .LOST. LOST-WHITE BULL TERRIER: BLACK spots ou bend: niiNwer* to inline of Jack. Return to 184 Plum street nml receive re- FOUND. FRANKLIN. THE CLEAN CLEAN FED low. dennn suits $1 to 11.50. Psots 50c. 168 Whitehall St. Phones. Bell 520. A. 38S1. WANTED—MONEY. MONEY WANTED—11,600 WANTED AT once on good business property worth $3.- 500. Address ’’Mouey Wanted, care The Georgian. $2,500 FOR LOAN ON ATLANTA REAL estate; no delay; money In bank. Add re** Capital, care Georgian. FOR SALE—LAP ROBES. HANDSOME IsAP BORES. »lORHK blankets, riding Raddle*, home-made liar- neMR, etc. limncnnu line of horse furnish ing*. K. D. CRANK & CO.. FRONT NEW DEPOT. PERSONAS.. DAVID W. YARnr.OUOIL MASTLU I'LLUUKIt. Phos>» 12*. 90 K. Hunt.. *t. E. D. CRANE & C.O YOU KNOW GENUINE •TOLUMlirK' Buggies are abnolutely the best. |*»w prices; vast variety; wile ngent*.’ B. D. CRANE & CO., FRONT NEW DEPOT. DR. W. J. TUCKER. MORPHINE AND OPIUM HABIT CURED at home, without pain or dctentloo from tiuslnesa; permanent cute guaranteed: free trinl home treatment *ent In plain wrapper. Dr. W. J. Tucker, 154 N. Broad atreet, At- nntn. Ga. OLD HATS MADE NEW. OLD SOFT AND STIFF FELT HATH cleaned and re-*hnped for 35c. llnmln or awenta 25c each extra. Out-of-town order* given prompt and careful attention. Beat work, latest style*. Acme Hatter*, 6*4 Whitehall street. FOR 8ALE—WAGONS. ‘ •OLD HICKORY" WAGONS ALWAYS receive the "encore" for long service. The u*er*’ money-maker. B. D. CRANE ft CO.. FRONT NEW DEPOT. FOR 8ALE—8PRINGS. OUR XXX BOLSTER SPRINGS WILL rave you money nud trouble. e. d. Crane ft co., FRONT NEW DEPOT. M. A. SHELTON, DON’T FORGET M. A. SHELTON 18 A practical stove and range repairer: beat work and material guaranteed, both phone* 5276. 61 f. Pryor afreet. G. J. DALLAS, Heal Estate Agent, 317 and 318 FOURTH NATIONAL HANK BUILDING. THIRD FLOOR. BELL PHONE 1455. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ARCHITECTS. LET US DRAW YOUR PLANS AND Imlid your bouse. We can aave you money. Address P. O. Box 675. ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS. W. It. R1IKI.DON, KKI.IXtW OF 'Til* Amerlcso sod Orargla ktstr AssorioHon of I’ablle /^ToontsnD. Bb.lUoo Audit Uo.. public accoantants and auditor*. Temple Court. Kxarolnatlooe. apprahwla. audita. Local and long dlatance pnoue 1196. ARCHITECT. LET ME DRAW TO Bit I-I.AN8 AND build that dwelling bouse for yon. R. D. Stafford, carpenter and builder. College Park. Gn. BICYCLE SUNDRIES. BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES—LARGEST blcyrls and sundry instructors 1# IS* Sooth. 8outb<.rn uevuts tor -‘tercr. Snrli nnd Hudson blcyol*#. Wrltn f*«J 1904 ontaloxup and pAc* list. Alexsndsr- Elyos Co. CABINET WORK AND MODELS. CABINET WORK ANI) Prompt sorvloo. Belt ’phono 2374. MWj* Wooil and Iron Norelty Works, 388 Msriett# street. MONCRI EF HE’S THE MAN THAT SELLS HOT AIR. Installs furnners In old hmisjs »» *• Ho propsros n oollnr If you hnvo none. Uonorlof Fiirn.n o Co. Roth pnouos. MESSENGER SERVICE. FOR PROMPT AND HUMAtlLtl MBS- , soncors. ’phono 31. J. A. Dnvlos nnd J. C. Rrsntn. PIC?Ti7RB P FRAMES flADE ^fO ORDER. H. W. Yarbrough. IVi Auburn avenue, corner Peachtree. Entrance Auburn ara- •nue. PRESSING CLUB. PRE88ING—ALTERING—TIIK NEW BO- rokn Prosit ot Clut>-Closnln*-Ra>alrl n?. Atlsnts ’phono 700. Doll ’phono 2473. 10*li Whltohsll street, Atlnntn, Gn. Membership >1 per month. SEWING MACHINE8. „„„ RENTED—TWO DOLLARS PER MONTH. either 8^x4 or Wheoler A Wilson. We rent only new machines with complete set of attachment*. Prompt delivery. Both ^>honro^l893. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 8TOVES AND RANGE8 REPAIRED. STOVES AND RANGES H8PAIKKD AND •*et up. Expert workman. Patterson Furniture house, 216 Peters atreet. ’Phone*. Atlanta 3472, Bell 794 west. Wo buy any- thins. TALKING MACHINE8. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS- Wholesale and retail distributors of Vic tor. Talking Machines and ltecorda. Just received large cona’gnment of machines and over 10,000 records. Immediate attention given mall orders. We want tJe names of all talking machine denl.r* !u the South. Write for catalogue. Alexandrr-Elyea Co. TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. II. W. ROUNTREE ft IlRO. TRUNK AND BAG CO. Retail nnd repairing. No. 77 Whitehall street. Phone 157*. WATCHMAKING. TO THE TRADE: COMPLICATED watrbps are *ny bobby. Modern Wens In work nnd dentlnss. H. Walter Lett. Room 1217 Fourth Notional Rank Bids.. AtWntn. SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 132 PEACHTREE ST., OPPOSITE THE Candler Bblg. Hell ttS. Men** mewed half soles. 76c. CASH REGISTERS. (Second Hand.) NATIONALS. IIALLMOODS. IDEALS nnd all other makes at hargnln prices. W* can sell you a register, mil table for nuy business, nt a price Unit cuu not help but please you. Cash or monthly payment*. Every reg ister guaranteed for two year*. SECOND-HAND CASH REGISTERS OF ALL MAKES BOUGHT AND SOLD. THE SOUTHERN Second-Hand Cash Register Store, 34 South Broad Street. Atlanta, ua. W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. IN THE GRANT PARK SECTION A brand new 2-ntory. 7-rooin residence, with all the city convenience*; ou beautiful ele vated bit, halt block from the car Hue nud great value for $3,850 on terms of $650 cash and 130 |»er month. GRAND-NEW POTTAGE OF Hl.\ room*, with all the city oouveuleuce*. near Grant Park car line. A perfect little home and cbenp for $2,800, ou term* of $350 cash aud $25 per mouth. You cniiuot beat thl* If you want a borne. A BARGAIN IN A I.OT IN TUE PRET- tlest part of North Boulevard, near An gler avenue. 47x140 feet to alley. Huup for $2,500. Thl* 1* th? right place for a home or a gm*l place to Imlid a house that will *ell nl a profit. (IN t.GANT STREET ME HAVE A GOOD 6-rooiu eottnge. with all the city con- venlence*. large, elevr led lot. Price $2.70). Easy term*. . ON OAKLAND AVENUE. AI.M NEW fi rooin cottage, all the cltv convenience*. Grant Park for a front yard. Price $1,800. Easy terms. Itll’HMoND AVTlNUE - LAKEWOOD Height*. on(>' half block from the car line; brand new, well built <*nttnge home, containing four room* and ball; nice ele vated lot. 60x250. Rents $10 per month. Price. 11.000. WEST LINDEN STREET—NEAR XI’RINtl street; idee almost new 5-rooui cottage home; all elty conveniences: good ear servlee. Price $2,100. Terms $400 eash nml $20 tier month. i'ON N ALLY NT MEET - NEAR FAIR street school; well built nnd nuhstuAtlnl cottage home, containing live room* nnd hall; sll city convenience*! elevntiHl lot, 60 by 120 feet to nlley. Price $2,250; easy tertna. Si It A WHO N STREET - TWOHTOltY 7-room hon**». All eonvenlencea. Rent J30; price $3,000. Good home or Investment qiro|Mi*ltlon. Bell ’Phone 2>>27. Atlanta Phoim 1881. SAI.KK DEPARTMENT: A. 8. HOOK It. C. EVE. JUNIPER STREET. Handsome residence of 9 rooms, gas and electric light; furnace heated; stable and t*arriage house on east front; lot best locality on street. See me for bargain price. J. A. HON DU RANT & CO., 612 Fourth National Bank. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY, Phones 5488. 412 Pet,era Building. . $5,500 N. BOULEVARD— BRAND NEW HOME, NEAR PONCE DELEON; HAS 9 ROOMS; IS MOD ERN AND A BEAUTY. LOT IS LARGE AND LEV EL. IF YOU WANT SOME THING CHOICE LET US SHOWYOU THIS. TERMS IF DESIRED. • $4,750—NO. 275 E. PINE ST—A SPLENDIDLY BUILT 8-ROOM. 2-STORY HOME ON LOT 50X180 TO ALLEY. PARTY LEAV ING CITY ORDERS THIS SOLD AT ONCE ON TERMS OF $800 TO $1,000 CASH, BALANCE EASY. S. B. TURMAN & CO. SOUTH SIDE IlOMJt! IF YOU ABB looking for a nice, modern home op north side, call in nnd let us show you n house ■lid lot cii Piedmont svenue, lietween Eighth nnd Tenth streets. This is piped for furnace, wired for electric lights, gns. water, sower and hath; east front. All street luiproveuieuts down nnd paid for tile sidewalks, nice, large lot. We mu sell you this p!i.ce for $5,750; $1,750 cosli, balance on easy terms. CAPITOL AVENUE! • A TWO-8TOUY seven-room bouse. In thoroughly firsts ‘ condition; new plumbing, gas. sewer, water nnd liath. Newly painted luslde and out; east front; splendid lot; 50 by 200 feet to nn alley; $1,250 cash, balance easy. Price $1,750. VACANT LOTS! FOURTEENTH 8TREET. between Peachtree nnd Piedmont park, we have s nice lot for only $3,000. W will assist yon lu building If you desire. MYRTLE STREET LOT. 45 BY 140 FEET: only 41,S50. Til, aMetralks, sewtr, water nnd gns. MtCifjH AVENUE. WEST END-STREET car Hue and all Improvements down, such as sldew-nlk*. sower, witter, gas; 0l* ‘ ed streets; splendid neighbors, nud a new public school; price $900. OAK STREET I.OT-8EWEII. WATER. gns, etc. Price $660; I'onvenleut to Pei*, pies street, city school. Only one block .away from two car Hues. Gordon street nnd Luclle avenue. RAILROAD FRONT ACE—MAN! TACT Fit Ing sites. Fifty acre* of land 'fronting 1.200 feet on the Central railroad. Atlnntn and West Point railroad and College Park electric car Hue, right nt Oakland' Cltv miming water on the ground. Price oulj $25,000, or $500 per acre. FOR SALE—TYPEWRIT ERS. We have all makes second-hand and rebuilt Typewriters at prices to move them. If you fall to let us know your wants In this lino you will lose money. ‘ Write or call for "Special Sale List.” We maintain the best repair department in the South and guarantee the best work. SOUTHERN STATES WRITING MACHINE CO. 424-2o-26 Candler Bldg. DEAD. BUY A LOT IN HOLLYWOOD CEMETERY. I AM OFFERING 500 OF THE CHOICEST LOTS RIGHT AT THE ELECTRIC STATION. EV ERY LOT FACES EAST AND A BEAUTY. GET YOUR PICK FIRST. SOLD ON EASY TERMS. THESE LOTS HAVE NEVER BEEN OFFER- ED BEFORE. SEE ME BEFORE THE BEST ARE GONE. YOU WILL WISH YOU HAD. J. A. BROOKS, 407 4th Nat. Bank. Bell P. 1393. SAUNDERS, PRATHER & COMPANY, # 510 Temple Court. Phone, Bell 2081. 1. O. CRANE A CO. CARRIAGE SATISFACTION every f.-Mwnetbni. Y. D. CRANE & CO, I’ttflVT VFW Ill'll 1 ,IT worth $10 per front foot; " 1 rM j parties obliged to hav. mon- ev this week. FOR SALE. A very desirable building lot 53x175 feet, corner Highland avenue and Ponce DeLeon Circle. #* DeLOACH MILL MKQ. CO.. 49o Highland Avenue- OAK STREET, WEST END—JUST BE- youd Lawton street, n nice cottage of 5 rooms and bath; house lu good coudltiou nud on lot 50x100 $2,300 GORDON HTRKKT-A 6 ROOM COTTAGE lot 80x28U. .Iu*t think of the ground yon are getting. Can make terms $3.000 QUEEN'HTRKKT.'WEHT END—A NICE 6- room eottnge on good. large lot; nil mod ern Improvement*. Can make terms..$3,500 STB WART AVKNIH NBA It WIIITBUAI.L atreet; n 6-room cottage on lot 60x160. Cnn make very enay terms on this.... $1,800 south iioflbvahT), NkATTTTu: uaUK. A 6-r«N>iu cottage ou lot 56x150. We 1*1111 make very enay terms on thla. $3.400 GAICDKN HTKEET NKAU E. GEOltGlA avenue; 6-rtMuu’ cottage, ou lot (3x140 to nn alley. A nice plain* for a botue $2,250 Woodm’Ard Avbnub-a MCB _r UoT' tnge o! ti roonia ou lot 52x162. This baa all uiixleru I'ouvenJeuees, nud very cheap $2,8» form Walt stiiEbt-a ciioom CBf: tnge on lot 50x130. Thla la close In nud will sell for $1,500 cnab, nud balnuee to quit ..$2,750 . IlINDBN HTRBBT—A SroItTl AND eight rooms, ou good, big comer lot. I^it Is large enough for another bourn* $$.000 ilASS STICKKT NEAR CAPITOL ~ AVE. Five nMiui^ trail reception hall, ou lot 50 churches near by: within ten minutes walk from electric cSr Hue. nnd price only $2,500; $1,000 cash and balance enay. CALL FOR OUR REAL ESTATE* AND rent bulletin, lu which you will tlud In teresting. read lug matter. S. B. TURMAN & CO. Cor Broad and Alabama Sts. Renting. Century Bldg. PHONE BELL ISM. any other lot on that magnificent toAVB A S*Uhi>! VISION Park m then make five iota of It. simi - for $4,280 on terum. Better look Into this today. HAVE $5,000,000 OF CITY PROPERTY ON our listn, and of course there must Ik* many real bargains In the buneb. many real bargains In •WE GET RESULTS.” SAUNDERS, PRATHER & COMPAN Y, 510 Temple Court Bldg. HELL PIH1XB 2081. Ivy and Courtlnud street*, n eottnge, on lot 50 by 160. Tills property is very close In. nud would be the very place for a flat. You can not buy s lot lu this uelghlMirlmod ns cheap ns you can get this house slid lot. This Is very cheap nt $4,500. SToTTlS AND TWO COTTAUIM ON TIIK corner of north side streets, between _ eachtree and Jackson streets. This nrc** erty Is almost new and rvtif*d for $4b...<) per month. Gootl tenants and property In gooil condition. Where ran you more for your money? ..$3,W> Hash StIibf.t-a nu-b fivbroom cottage on lot 50 by Id. and lu 150 feet of the Unpitot arenjw* car line. This has all modnru Impfovruei^s, nud will make the very place for n nice cottage home. If vou nre looking for a south able eot tnge. see this lief ore you buy $2,100 DAK STitBBT. WKHT BND-IIBItB WlO have a beautiful little five-room cottage, ou lot 50 It) 150. This cottage Is almost new. nnd has *tll modern Improvements. Now. If yon wait a nice little eottnge In vestment, or If yoi. wish to purchase home, come to sec us. If yon have any real estate you wish to sell. Hat It with us and get quick results. J. B. WEBB. Manager Sales Dep’t. Cheap Atlanta Dirt. NEAR the Electric Llslit Plant, on the west side, we have *ome good j),,, pieces of land that we can sell cheap for c;islt. These places aic s lp-u for stables, storage, sheds, coal nnd wood yards, or some similar uses •« tho beauty about them is that after using a year or two for some p;i-j 0 you can cut them up Into, small building lots and double your puicu ' price. Some people make big money building cheap houses on the.te |,] 0 ! * of land, tho rental soon repaying entire cost of lot and houses. Fo, stance, a block 120x246, fronting three streets; price, |1.200. FORREST & GEORGE ADA IK. FOR RENT. For rent or sale, an eight-room, modern cottage and barn, about three acres of land, near Donald Fraser school. On best street leading out of Decatur. Address OWNER, Decatur, Ga J. A. BROOKS, REAL ESTATE, 407 Fourth National Bank. Boll Phone 1393 Main BUY A IIOMB ON EASY TERMS, bare them. «r 41.13* FOR A S-KOOM lIOl'SE, 30x200, mur M.rlottn .tract. 1025 KAtTI FOR GOOD ltF.NTIXti iHinuc. mur Fulton Mill#. 15.790 FOR 6-faOOM HOUSE O.N LOT 100 by 290; h»# bath, are enhluet inmitcla. Ion Hhotild nee this.- FOR EXTRA HOME IN Tvb? 4LW0 ........ .... ... End; half acre laud; get this for * money-maker. M $2.603—AT GRANT PARK. 5 RUMS AND hall; nil ennveiileiicea; 48x185. • $2.750—CLOSE TO WEST PEACHTREE,' 6- rtKun bouae. modern ami good. $4.^50—KKiirrniOOM MODERN place, mortgaged for $4,n0O-nhowa the value. 42.BW-T WtntLOtTTsTOF'O BXWTOKi , $200 ciiwh. hnlancc easy. 12.000—HFYK A NkAR-IN PROPOSITION, $705—W. I*. Barge, to ;; r m». H •tory frame dwelling nt ]Q5 |,,,] $50— Mr*. Aruistroug. to re-cover*,,J frame dwelllug at 5 Victoria str.. r $100—A. Rrowu. to re-cover on,- s t„ r dwelling nt 14 Hnuiuiock pine* $100-A. M. Dudley, to re-cover frame dwelling nt 365 Haynes atreci , “ r ? $2.200—B. .f. MusstH*. to Imlid . frame dwelling nt 162 Gilmer Ktrci ^ $400—W. A; Gibson, to bull.l frame dw*ellliig nt 118 Simpson K ; * Why Don’t You Skate? GEORGIA NEWS IN PARAGRAPHS iiioney-mnker. ■’fBSE ARE ONLY HAMPI.BH OF MY list. Cnll at office. I’ll allow you. STATISTICS. Ilydurunce, at by 100 to nt alley very chea ■ .|2,r' GRANT STREET. BETWEEN SOUTH' avenue and Ormond atreet; 5 rooui«. ou bit 50x125. Can arrange easy terum $2,250 WHITEHALL TERIIA'CE-A '7-ROOM _ atory lioime, on lot 45x130. Ilouae iilumnt new. Cnii make easy teinm $2,850 WrttlDWAIlTi aVENTE-FI VE' ' ROOMS and luith. on lot 50x195 to an alley. Coni and chlckeu housea lu yard. Cara paaa the door .$3,250 e. liarhiA stitfe4rrrnetween coTTTF land nnd Ivy atreeta; 7 nwnn, on lot 50 by 160; lot alone Is worth the price* $5,000 8. KIRKWOOD—A 4-ROOM' HOU«-:, ON lot 100x230. Thla la one of the few homes In KlrkwiMKl with waterworks. Hna plenty of abad** nnd fruit*. East frout anil one- half block of ear line. $4.75*1 DF.fATFtl, <IA.-4VK HAVE SOME HOOD property, right lu the heart of the city, TiTof Nlf'E .. „ 1 near the we can sell very chetfp and eaay terum. IF YOU DO NOT NKR AXYTlflNcTTlST nl atMive that suits you, come to see ua.Tla e have other*. If you w*Uh to buy or sell real estate It will be to your Intereat to a** ua before you buy or sell. FRASIER & SMITH, Bell Phone 3533-M E. L. MORSE, • 1114 Fourth National Bank Builcliug. FOR RENT! Have several nice halls, See LIEBMAN, Real Estate and Rcntiug, 28 Peachtree St. NORTH SIDE. CLOSE-IN COTTAGE OF tire rooms nnd hull; nil convenience!!, oc- ruplet) by owner; ten mluittea* walk of Candler building; $3,101, $500 cash and $40 month. MARIETTA 8TRKKT STORK. 'RENTING $144 ^rror; lot 25 by 118 to 20-foot alley ONE ACRE IN \\*EKTERN HEIGHTS on city Hue; front* three street*; cbenp at $650, EAST LINDEN—GltOVE LOT. 39 ItV 130; water, newer and gn* main* lu atreet; >900. 8AMPNON STREET, JUBT OFF HIGH- land avenue, 50 by 159; $450; $50 cash, lialnnct* within five year*; tl iwr cent. »» per « tl’liKHiH AViIEEt. NEAll fai.IIoI'x street school; lot 50 by 140 to another DAIRY t 1 Alt Si. 31) AIRES. >«. MILES ont mncndamlze«l road: $5,000; $500 cash nml $504 yearly; 5 per eeilt. FOR RENT. r*eoitd floor; hna gn*. *lnk In the kltrhen. bath and Ktntloiiary wa*lmtnnd ou the llrat floor; thrce-rnom servant's h«»u*4* In the yard: in v«*ry good «i>n(Htloii; Rr~" g ** la. eloa Kent tltO per mouth. IULKVARD—THIH TWO- •tory 7-room frame la ou the West able of Ibmlevnrd. nt the (i»rii<*r of Jforrrot avenue: ha* ga*. hot trad cold water. |*»r- celnln Iwth. cloaet. stationary waidiMiirad, ■Ink In the kitchen; in a g«**l nelghlntrliaod. and In g»**l rej»alr. Will lie vacant October Rent $35 per month. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THK RENTING AGENT. 12 Auburn Avrtui*. * Doth Phone# C14. BIRTH8. To Mr. mill Mr#. J. W. 92 Potrrll ,tri‘i't. a Im>.v. To Mr. nml Mr#. S. J. Flelil, nt 4.1 Ilntler *tr»M*t, a girl. To Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy, nt 86 Foundry street, n girl. To Mr. nnd Mr*. W. II. C. Rose, at 309 spring Rtreet. n girl. To Mr. a ml Mr*. Me. K. Vestor, at 238 Oak street, a girl. nd Sir*. Rnlw* avenue, a »rlr.. Reid, nt 286 Court To Mr. and '’Mr*. J. W. 'Tlp**lu, at 18 Fowler street, it girl. To Mr. and Sir*. Charles Rnines, nt 79 Teunllle street, n boy. To Dr. nml 3!r*. \V. R. Sharp, nt 261 DEATH8. Mr*. Siiwiii Ilrowu. 34 year* old, tiled nt King* Daughters’ hiMpllal. Mi*. Fniinie WellhoiiRe. 70 year* old, dletl of tllabete* at New York. Mrs. Mary Kuoller, 49 year* old, died of peritonitis at Carteravilh*. ({a. Mary K Delnca. 33 year* ohl, died of a*tliina nt 69 Luckle street. Wiiiinui Todd. *TI year* old, died of apoplexy, nt 55 Culher*oii street. W. 11. 'I’houin*. 43 year* old. died of perl- old age, at Wheeler street and Redwood avenue. IV. H. railroad at*! 1 Ray, 4 year* old, dletl at Flat Bbonl* road. Renuett IL Reid, 2 mouth* old, died of cerehml congestion, nt 129 Hoath .McDaniel *tri»et. C. G. Wilson. 63 year* old. dletl of hem orrhage, nt 70 Pulliam street. Infnut of Hoyt Parker, dletl at 29 Luckle street. Mrs. Lula White, 45 year* old, dletl nt 65 Kiln street. Anna May McKinney. 2 month* old. dletl holern Infantum at S3 Gnsklll street Mr*. Joel Mnrk*. 69 year* old, died of rtsttJ. cancer on Flatshoal rood. PROPERTY~TRANSFERS. $5,000—11. M. McDaniel to Mr*. Rom Wns- *er, lot tin Pryor street, near Alice street, lbuul for title. $14.000—C. K. Hall nnd Fred Reuter to J. F. Ruldey, lot on Gordon street, near Love. Warranty deed. $1.800—J. A. Farnsworth Jo Chrl* Cmha* kes, lot ou Alice street, near Pulliam street. Rond for title. m.500-D. I>. McCall nud Mr*. Ileulith II. Reid to I. II. Hirst'll, lot on Jackson street, near Rice Rtreet. I sura deed. $1.100—W. R. Jones to C. C. Stovall and Mattie K. Stovall, lot on lllgtilaml avenue uenr Randolph strict. Wiirrnuty deed. $700—W. P. Thlkklebl to George W Adolplnm. let on Crew Rtreet, uear Atlanta a veil tie. Warrantny deed. $1,000—George T. Warren to ..H ,, lot on Hrynu *tii»ct. near Clierokm* avenue. Warnnty ileed. $11,000—Lewis W. Thomas to W. O. Finite, lot on West Peachtree street. Warranty $1.430—C. W. Riser to Oscar and Chit A. Dnvla. lot on Pearl street. Warn ■deed. $525—Josephine Roger* et nl. to J. ... Smith, et al., lot situated Iii laiul lot 2$t, 14th district. Warranty deed. $1,630—M. I.. IlAte* to John 1#. Mell. Jr., lot on Lludeii avenue, uear Myrtle street. Ilond for title. $13,600— Mr*. S. W. Foster to Mrs. 4. Flournoy, lot on North nvoune, near Williams street. Bond for title. $1.910—Mr*. Mollle >!. Shro(mhlre to J. M. ‘ Lee. BUILDING PERMITS. $1.500—M. E. Church South to Inilbl a on am! repair Methodist parsonage at 19 Trlnltr avenue. $4.000—Sterling «. Turner to build two- •tory frame dwelling nt 381 Pouee DeLeon avenue. $6.200—Mrs, IL Dobbs to build two- story frame dwelling nt 39f Boulevard. $L100— Roliert J. Griffin to build one-story brick laundry at 65 James street. $11,000— E. J. Pnrkenon to Inilbl three two- Rtor.v frame dwelling* at 3M-60-52 Myrtle street. $1.803—S. W. Sullivan to Inilbl one-*tory frame dwelling nt 66 Oakland avenue. $3.50O-C. A. Jackson to Inilbl three one- story frame dwellings at 199, 201, 206 Ivy street.. $100—Dr. W. W. Powell to recover two- story frame dwelling nt 3S7 Auburn avenue. $1,500— P. 11. llopklns to Inilbl one-story rame dwelling at 4 Cunningham street. $136—c. Manly to re-cover frame duelling nt 9 Short street. $40—J. A. RrldwelJ to recover one frame dwelling nt. IS Tlftnn street. $5)0—Dr. A. Avery to recover and tvimlr one-story frame dwellings nt MB, 105r MB, 111 nnd 113 West Georgia avenue. $6.200—Mrs. L. B. Ibtbbs to liulbl two- tory frame dwelling at 394 North Boule vard n venae. $53.000—J. K. Orr Co., to build foni •tore brick factory at 101-3 Youge striker. I1.50J-S. B. Turman & Co., to Inilbl one- orr frame dwelling at 24 Cimnlgliaui place. • ro* ■>—re-cover nne-atory Municipal Race la Lively. Special to The Georgiau. Brunswick, Ga., Oct. 10.—The n t* election to take place here In .\\,veni. ber will be one of the most hotly fun- tested,of many years. C. P. Goodyear and W. F. Symons are In the race li mayor, and H. M. King, J. t. Lam- bright, J. C. Ugeour, Claud Dari i A. Robinson, W. R. Cox nnd u v Mann are to run as aldermen. '•Clansman” Date Canceled, Special to The Georgian. Columbus, Ga., Oct. 10.—Mi,n.i K er Springer ha# publicly announce*! that "The Clansman” will not be seen ai Springer opera house this season, the manager of the show having wrlttet him canceling the engagement. 500 Balts by Boat Special to The Georgian. Columbus, Ga., Otc. 10.—Cotton It coming In by the river route, two steamers that came up yesterdu bringing over 500 bales. The counir, contiguous to Columbus- is showing a shortage of the crop, however. Extension Will Bs Built. Special to The Georgian. Brunswick, Ga., Oct. 10.—Three coi mittees, composed of representative business men, put all matters tfected with the proposed entry t city by the Georgia Coast and mont railroad Into shape at a merlin, held last night - It Is thought the ex. tension will be built. To Build Y. M. C. A. Annex. Hpeclal to The Georgian. Columbus, Ga., Oct. 10.—Owing to the large attendance at the regular meetings and exercises of the Y. M A. here a plan Is being considered to add a three-story annex to the pr ent structure, which was presented t, the city by George Foster Peabody. Arrested on Larceny Charge. Special to The Georgian. Columbus, Ga., Oct. 10.—G. \V. Mi Gulrt, of Griffin, Os., was arrested here by the police on a warrant from that place charging him with larceny and taken back to Griffin. Funeral of Frances Eberhart. Hpcrlal to The Georgian. Athens, Ga., Oct, 10.—Sunday after, noon at 4 o’clock Frances Eberhart, the child of Mr. and Mrs. John IV. Eberhart, Jr., was buried. The funeral services were conducted from home of the parents, on College nue, by the pastor of the First Meth odist church. Dr. I. S. Hopkins. Thi killing of the child by being run dnnn by a heavy dray, driven by a negm. John Williams, came as a severe sh sk to the parents. Woman Dias From Wound. Special to The Georgian. Warrenton, Ga,, Oct. 10.—Mri George Felts, while moving a shotgun, was accidentally shot In the right hand. Her hand was amputated the shock was too great and at about •lock yesterday morning she died. Hunters’ Camp Firtd On. Special ot The Geonglan. Cordele, Go., Oct. 10.—Colonel J. ft Jeter, who was one of a party of dcleans who have been on a camp hunt down on the Flint river, hna returned home and reports that while In camp n night or two ago some unknown party fired Into the party, at cl"« range, with a shotgun. Seven or i-lghi shots were Bred Into the camp b« every one of the party was lying do* and only two of them were hit. DECLINE TO ON AMY TICKET He’s in a Huff Because !>i-v- an Was Indorsed for President. Boston; Mass., Oct. 10.—John M nominee for governor on three tic*- -Democratic, Prohibition and in dependence League—may decline i» run on any. The Democratic manage are In a quandary today. Mr. Moran, upon returning from N« York, announced that he would dv l- • their nomination, because, rontia' his expressed wish, the platform in dorsed the presidential oendtdv > Bryan. Behind this reason lies the " known fact that the Bryan plank alienated William R. Hearsi. »h" • supposed to have resisted Mr. M-raa appeal for campaign funds.