The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, November 10, 1906, Image 7
THE BYRD PRINTING CO BYRD PRINTING COMPANY’S HANDSOME BUILDING ON S. PRYOR ST. IS SYNONYMOUS WITH “THE BEST” IN PRINTING. OUR NAME PRINTING PRINTING. THU ATLANTA GEORGIAN, 57, 59, 61 SOUTH PRYOR ST. Opposite Court House. The Best Equipped Printing Plant in the South NEWTYPE NEW BUILDING NEW PRESSES ITH pardonable pride we take pleasure in announcing to the public that, our am bition to possess the most ujj-to-date printing house in the South Uud been realized in our present equipment, and we cordial ly invite an inspection of our superb plant. With the newest and fastest presses equipped with au tomatic feeders; with an assortment of the latest faces of job and display type in quantities suffi cient to meet all demands; with type-setting ma chines capable of handling all classes of work with'the greatest dispatch; with the most compe tent and skilled workmen in every department; and with our own building erected especially for our business, with every requisite of light, conven ience in handling work, comfort and cleanliness carefully planned in advance, we Hatter ourselves there is no institution in the South that can,offer superior facilities for the prompt and satisfactory handling of the better grades of printing, such as handsomely Illustrated Catalogues., Pamphlets, Brochures, Railroad Folders, etc., as well as of fice stationers- and all kinds of commercial work. Our publication and periodical work has be come quite a feature of our business, and among those we print are to be found the handsomest publications in the South. From our presses are issued: Watson's Jeffersoniau Magazine. The Concrete Age. Southern Engineer. Practical Machinist. . Southern Carbouator and Bottler. The Missionary Helper. ’Tabernacle Pulpit. • Spelman Messenger, and a muuber of others. In addition to our unexcelled facilities for doing high-grade printing, we have an expert advertis ing man, whose business it is to prepare copy in an attractiw way for those who are inexperienc ed in this line of work. This is a new clepnrture in the printing business, hut one which has been hailed with delight by ail who have taken advan tage of it. Call oii us when vott want something good. We let the other fellow do the other kind. NO FURTHER DELAY TO BE TOLERATED IN RAWLINS CASE « to Tlte Georgian. Macon, Qa., Nov. 10.—In making the late of the United State* supreme ro »rt. In the Ratvlln* case in the Ped- riai court here today, Judge Speer took y axljn to Intimate to Attorney J. B. '■ "per, that If he became convinced >h..t the attorney for Rawlins took'an “-vantage of any more frivolous legal means for the purpose merely of de laying the execution of the state court'a "■titence, he might Hnd It necessary to m ;| ke It unpleasant for Attorney Coop. The latter denied that any steps he h.-i,| taken were frivolous and that he ■vilered If a certain record had gone — *h* lTnit.a states supreme court “■urn the Lowndes court the Judgment ?[ *h« Federal court here would have " f, t | reversed. 'Chile expressing perfectly friendly “•cling for Attorney Cooper. Judge op»er was emphatic In Ills remarks let It be thoroughly understood be would not stand for any more "*■ through his court. MAY REQUEST U, S, TO ORDER MAGOON TO LEAVE CUBA Havana. Nov. 10.—A- new, tact has been made by disgruntled Liberal lend, ers whose antagonism to Governor JIa. goon has been aroused by his failure to deal some of the political berths The!'- threatened action against him will probably take the form of a protest to Washington nnd a request for Ms re moval. 8. C. M. L BEAT MERCER BY SCORE OF 10 TO 0 Special to The Georgian. Charleston, 8. Not." 10.—The South Caroling military jjgmdeniy-beat Mercer 10 to 0 this morning In the football game. The visitors were oufc played. Right guard McC’athran’s punting prevented n larger score. The halves were twenty nnd fifteen min* utes. No one was knocked out. The line-up for Mercer was Shaw, Hogg. Lofton, Connor, Captain Adam son! McCathiam Wes'berry, Scrogrlns. Melton. Dyer, citadel^ Splgener, £***■ Hamnion Sturgeon. Watkins, Smith. Gamble. Russell, Smith J.. Martin, R. ISTRUCK BY TRAIN • KILLED A man, afterward identified us Buggies, of Clifton.' lla.. wus struck bjr a train on the Georgia railroad near Edgcwood early Saturday morning am! Instantly killed. The body was taken to the undertaking establishment .if Barclay & Brandon. ROCKMART HOSIERY MILLS HAVE BEEN ORGANIZED Special to The Georgian. Rock mart, On.. Nov. id.—The Rock- mart Hosiery Mill company has been organised, the requisite rapltal stock having been securad. The following named well known gentlemen were eiected by the stockholders: President, James Long; vice president, R. B. Beasley.: secretary,' A. H. Graefer; treasurer, James Heaton. Director*: J. V. Davlttg. H. ,C. Allgood, 8. E. Smith, W. Ferguson, W. C. Curtl*. WHITE TROOPS SENT TO OVERA WE NEGROES; PEOPLE ARE IN PANIC Trouble Feared When Blacks Are Muster ed Out. H. King; referee. G; V, Coleman. Coach Tarr umpired. Todd, of Mercer, head linesman: Captain Raines, timekeeper. Touchdowns by Right Half Able and Right Tackle Russell, first half. Fort Worth. Texas, Nov. 10.—Re ports from Rio Grand City are to the effect jthat a reign of terror exists there. The people are nit under arms and another clnah Is expected at any time; After killing four of the Mexicans who opened lire on them, the state rangers claim to have the- rltuatlbn well In hand and It Is believed that valuable Infoijnatlon will be- gleaned from the two assailants tinder arrest. Havs to Ride 20 Miles. The troop of cavalry from Corsicana cannot reach the scene until some time tonight the men will have to ride 20 miles after leaving the car*. The trou ble, Including the assassination of a district judge, grew out of politics. It Is claimed that- the customs of- the Mexicans on uccoiint of the Demo crats taking steps to prevent the Mexi cans from flossing the line from Mex ico and voting. There Is great excite- meat, and it bodes III for the Mexican population. Discharged. Neoross Angry. A special train passed through lieie toduy bearing a battnllon of the Twen ty-sixth Infantry, bound from Fort Bam Houston, Ban Antonio, to Fort Reno. Three companies oh, negro sol diers are being dishonorably discharged at Fort Reno for complicity In the Brownsville outrages. They are sullen and In an ugly mood and trouble Is fcased when they are mustered out. The white troops are being rushed to the scepe In nn effort t^ overawe the negroes. Fatally Crushed by Trollty. Hpeclsl to The Georgian. Anniston. Ala., Nov. 10.—Tom Ray- fleld, married, living at the corner of Bixth street and Palmetto avenue, was run down and fatally Injured by an electric ear at the corner of Tenth soil Noble streets at 6 o’clock Friday night. His right arm was run over by the HARRIMAN LINES MAY BE BY FEDERAL BOARD IN TEXAS TOWN The Coinmorcc Conmiitwion |State* Board of Healti Likely to Take Up the dcred to Make In- . * .Matter Soon. vegturation. llclnls at Rio Grand city have,Incited wheels and terribly torn and crushed. Washington, Nov. 10.—A general In vestigation of what Is known as the tfarrlman system of railroads, under the authority conferred by law. Is one of the subjects that has been discussed by the Interslate commerce commls- slon. Because of. the pressure of work-now before the commission and the great amount of labor and time Involved in OP such qn undertaking, the matter lias raD id|y thus-far been carried »n only Ut an ' . , b informal manner, and no flnel decision *, 1 , ha* been reached as to when the pro-1 it Austin, Texas,' Nov. le.—G Lanham today received o t< from the Business Men's flub pine, Texas, saying j strange 'has made Its appearance In th jtrtct. and Is killing marly .,11 » attacked by IL At ilasfa thei been twelve deaths from iho In the last few days. It Is ods to be followed In securing the In formation. The propriety of an Investigation of the system has been talked about by the member* of the commission fori — some time, and that body. It is said,• strs really stands committed to an Inquiry, for tn response emor Lanham board to take and make nr In