The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, November 15, 1906, Image 10
10 i iinisiiAV. NOl EMBER rr== Want Ads Only 1 Cent a Word No ad. taken for left than 25 cents. Six worda of average length make a line. The following ratea are for conaecutive inaertiona: 1 time . . . . S centa a line. 3 timea . . . . S centa a lino. 6 timea .... 4'/j centa a line. 26 timea .... 4 centa a line. 52 timea .... 3'/ 2 canta a line. 7S timea .... 3 canta a line. We Will Send for Your Ad. Without Charge For Maaaengar Service. Call Lla on Bell Phone 4927 Main, or 4401 Atlanta Phone. When Sanding Ada. Pay for at Ratea quoted above. Ada. for Situationa Wanted Will be Ineertad Free. V/ANTED HELP—Male and Female. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. miAMRACR PIANOS. CTTXIJ.IHHED 1S23. I BECHT PIANO CO.. 6} N. FORSYTH SITUATIONS WANTED. mrhrr. prlndpli^ an osperlenciHl ed orator, acrufluatu of th«- University of ifrorgln, niui n successful school man. Address Superintendent, can* The Georgian. WANTlifPn- bV" EXPERIENCED AND WANTED—PORITION IN A DRCO STORE AGENTS WANTED. WANTED HELP—MALE. PICTURE AOENTS- -SEND YOUR WORK Patera atreet, Atlaata, Ga. i V ANTED—BRIGHT. IN TELLIGENT BOY OF NEAT APPEAR ANCE FOR OFFICE BOY; MUST COME WELL RECOM MENDED. APPLY AT ONCE AT THE GEOR GIAN OFFICE. . / GUT PS'IIIHJLf—b cm MV k n r I N li, v. Piedmont Hotel block. 2£K Peachtree. taUlofu*. It win 11 * conrhfci L’rai’gnoD’a le the beat AGENTH WANTKD-$5 AND $10 A DAY made Mllng and putting np our win dow letter*. They sell nt alght. Write today for free sample and particular*. Gold letter Company, 59 Dearfiorn atreet, Chi rago. Ills. BICYCLE SUNDRIES. BICYCLE* AND 8UNDRIi:S-LAROEST Wcrcle and sundry distributor! In the Booth. Southern agents for Pierce. Yale. Fnrll and Hndson bicycles. Write for oar catalogue and price Hat Alexander* Elyea Co. GEORGIAN. E. L. MORSE. till FOURTH NATIO.VAI. HANK BLDG. regularly for $13 montli. me. I u Price $1.550. COTTAGE; BRAND-NEW MIX-KOOM lot 45 feet front, extemllug hack to an other street. Rental $15 month; $1,500. Terms. CAPiTofa Installs furnaces In old bouses os well as new. He prepares n cellar If you bare icrlef Fur " * urnace Co. Both ‘phones. MESSENGER SERVICE. FOR PROM IT AND RELIABLE ME8- sengers. ’phone 22. J. A. Davies sod J. SEWING MACHINES. RENTKD-TWO DOLUAItS FEU MONTH. either 8lnger or Wbecler A Wilson. We rent onlv new machines wlib complete set attachment*. Prompt dallrery. Both ones 1893. Singer Sewing Machine Co., Whitehall street. FOR SALE—MI8CELLANEOU8. COLD WEATHER IS HERE. We bare the Goods. HEATERS, BLANKETS* and COMrORTS. We Can Save Yoo Money, 41 and Phone 1757. NER FURNITURE CO., flieit Mitchell BtHl IIUT, mUJ W 44 The business men appreciate our metht of furnishing help. National Emptovmi Association. 102M023 Century bulldli rectate our method* The Plcosers. WE WANT TODAY HTENO BOOKKEBP* era, Jsposrriters. office boys and cooks. Globe 'Business Bureau. 411 Fourth National Bank Bldg. Bell phone. Main 481$. WANTS D-COMPETENT REMINGTON operators furnished positions. Remington Typewriter Co.. 11$ Peachtree atreet. WANTED FOR UNITED STATES MA- line Corps, men between agea of 19 and >• ik. LV.. 55: nn opportunity to ace the world. For fall Information, apply In person or liy ter to Marine Recruiting Office. 711 Au building, Atlanta, Ga. WANTED-rMAN COOK AND DRIVER. Good wages. Room on lot. Apply to 4 St. Charles. avenue. BRAMRACII PIANOS. ESTABLISHED 183. BECHT PIANO Co., 92 N. FORSYTH. TYPEWRITERS. Second-hand typewriters of nil makes our specialty. Best values and lowest rices guaranteed. Illustrated catalogue prices SOMETHING combination one. Call at 52 West Mitchell and let us show you. Georgia Vehicle Mfg. Co. ca(.i, and kef, ru n iieatf.hh, blan- pair furniture) park and ship. The J. u. Turner Furniture Company. 41 and 43 West Mitchell street. Bell 'plume 1757. TYPEWRITERS—WE HAVE HOME 8PE* vers. Underwoods ami . taken ns part payment for the new Visible Fox. Write for bargain list No. 11$. But ler Typewriter Co.; 717-718 Fourth Nation al Bank building. Atlanta. Ga. FOR BALK—BEST RUBBER TIRE; workmanship guaranteed. Georgia Ve hicle Mfg. Col, W and 53 West Mitchell at WE WANT YOUNG MAN OVER SEVEN- teen to work In our typewriter shops. Sal ary to start, $5 per week. Apply In per son Fielder k Allen Company, $1 Peach tree. DEWBERRY’S DELIGHT. • DOES AWAY WITH FERMENTATION and removes all cold from the system, which prevents all diseases. Keep out the t-old and do away with fermeutatlon and you will need but little tnedldno of any kind. Office, 23ft Whitehall street WANTED—YOUNG MAN TO ASSIST IN office work. Address In own handwrit ing, with references, C. C. C., P. O. Box OR BALE-TWO CAR LOAD* FINE Urockway turrits, runabouts and depot wagons. Nothing better roads. Georgia Veolele Mfg. Co.. 60 and 63 West Mitchell street MISCELLANEOUS. VICTOR MANGANESE AND CROME steel bank safes aud vault doors; every thing In safe tins. It W. Ellis, Agent, 29 8. Broad street. THE NEW GAS LIGHT LINDSAY INVERTED SAVES GAS, INCREASES LIGHT. Tb Broad afreet. ‘Phones 500$.’ BOARDERS WANTED. WANTED-PI.ANINO MILL, SAW MILL. railroad and turpentine wood* laborers; white or colored; good wages, steady ployment. Jackson Lumber Company, L port, Covington county, Alabama. Bros., 114 Central avenue. . copyist operate typewriter rapidly, no. Bel- y Busltiesa Agency, 185) Caudler build ing. “ I ‘ WANTED - STENOGRAPHER TO * DO * special work; salary/$7.60*pCr week, with • hance of advancement. _ Apply in own handwriting. 1*. O. Box 400. WANTED—CAPABLE WAREHOUSEMAN. Fine* chance for advancement for right party- Address I*. C. Co., Box 547, At lanta, Ga. WANTED—LICENSED ENGINEER. ONE who also understands woodworking roa- i-ltlnery. E. G- Willingham & Co., 542 Whitehall street. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. aged white woman or girl to do cooklni aud general housework for small family. Good houie and good wages to right pnrty. Call at 419 North Jackson street, or 'phone' 2312- north. YOUNG LADIES, l,f ATTENTION! A Jil MIir.R OF BRIOI1T YOUNG ■ lES^rrWVRN THE AliEH OF U AND SECURE CONGENIAL AND PERSONAL. DAVJD \V. YAKIIHOI’GII, MASTER PLUMBER. Phones 1255. 20 E. Hunter St. STOVES AND RANGES REPAIRED. STOVES AND RANGES REPAIRED AND Expert workman. I'.tt.raoa AVENIHi-OilOICli COHNFU lot. I feet almve street: 190 by 250. Str • III ri-nr. Would .nt Into lire lot.: 12.5(1u. liLKNNWOOD AVESTK-NEAB HUAnY SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY. Phones 5488, 412 Peters Bldg. $2j25d—THIS SIDE GRANT PARK WE have the prettiest eottage of four rooms, ' 1 -I ' I': !i:t - •-r ter. gas. Iwfli. Kvtrut. Lot « by 290: •h,dy; Ideal JltTfe bom. In . good nelshlmr- hnod, two block, at *chool; Jam cnili. bal ance like rent. 44.MW—LOVELY HI.’IICUDAN IIOMB OX street. , _ Lot 46 by 140 feet; $3,000. Pay S.7D down and $25 month, 6 per cent In terest POWELL STREET, N'KAK FULTON* ft AG in In it tea* walk from center: beautiful In terior finish; pretty lot; $3,100. Terms, $500 eash, balance monthly. STREET.. THRE NKLKON STREET. THREE-FOURTHS mile from center of city nud five blocks of terminal station; ten-room, story and half house. Large lot. Would rent for $420 a year. Price $8,750. Furniture house, 288 Peters street. 'Phones, Atlanta 2478, Bell 7*4 west. We buy any thing A. J. WEST & CO., TALKING MACHINES. J—ml. and retail distributor* ot Vic tor Talklas Machine, and Record,, in at received l.rfe coua'enment ot machine, aad or.r 10,000 record, immediate attention rlrea mall order,. W. want tao name* of IlTcn mall order*. We want toe name* of all talking machine dealers In tho'SoatlL Write for catalogue. Alexandcr-Elyca Ca TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. II. W. ROUNTREE ft URO. TRUNK AND DAO CO. Retail and re^olriog. No. V Whitehall atreet. Phun. : WATCHMAKING. TO THE TRADE: COMPLICATED watchr. are my bobby. Modem Idea* la (lf|| and d**“ Bn mm II IValtao latt llnnm lh< Fourth SHOE REPAIRING. GWINN’S SHOE SHOP. 122 PEACHTREE ST.. OPPOSITE THE Cnndlor Hide. Bell am. lien • Mwad half aolca. He. FREE TO ALL! For a limited time all dental work at the Southern Dental College will be absolutely free, materials fur nished. Work supervised by skilful Instructors. Hours, 1 to G. 100 Butler St., Opposite Grady Hospital. CENTURY BUILDING. ALEXANDER STREET-GOOD LITTLE home; four-room cottage. Renting for $13 per month; $1,300. PIEDMONT AVENUE-NEW UP-TO-DATE . two-atory ulne-room residence, beat part of atreet Everythin* first class; $7,500. CItQBCENT AVENUE - WELL-BUILT new eight-room two-atory residence, with In 260 feet of Peachtree; only $4,500. LIST YOUR SALABLE REAL ESTATE with us.' We handle everything fn real estate and purchase money notes and make results, too. ATTENTION! For Sale—A corner in the Third Ward that can he made into a fine invest ment. See BU8INE8S OPPORTUNITIES. THE CELEBRATED BARRETT 8TOVE8 AND UANGE8 v Stoves and Ranges on earth he heat PA8NKS KNIRELY THE OVEN. Fully protected by government patents, manufactured by Atlanta Stove Works. Mako your dealer get you cue. Are the oul In which |L- . AROUND THE FOR 8ALE— RLAL E8TATE. IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO BELL. and pcrsoual attention. .. “■rlc* we will tell It. C. U. Wtl 'ourth National Bank. TURPENTINE LOCATION IN GEORGIA for sale; 40 eropa virgin flintier; inure to Ih* had; near large town; plenty of lalior; well established; profitable going concern. Write me at once. F. It. Graham, Hox 280, I lain bridge, Gn. WANTED—REAL E8TATE. OLD HAT8 MADE NEW. DR. W. J. TUCKER. at home, without pain or detention from MW * —* trial ' malneaa; permanent cute guaranteed; free rial home treatment sent In plain wrapper. Jr. W. J. Tucker, lftlfc N. Broad atreet. At- MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PRO- ^pie_ and others^ . American Investment sweats 28c each extra. Out-of-town orders given prompt and careful attention. Beat work, latest styles. Acf Whitehall street. LIEBMAN, Iteal Estate—^Renting, 28 Peachtree St. has seven rooms, water, —_ ^ of ground, servant's house, barn, chicken yards fenced off, large orchard, you»f *°Hed trees Just In their prime. Thickly settled neighborhood, not far front car line, terms ensv. fcjoO-SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. THIB SH»K .tinwt park, on elevated, level shady lot, 58 by 150. This place Is simply Ideal. can't, help but like it If you bnvb au.ey* to the l»eaiitiynl. Easy terms. $2.850—SIX.ROOM COTTAGE. Paul avenue; on terms of $350 nud fS pcr month. You know what a lovely street this Is. Good uelghlNirhood. Ix*t us show you this home. flUiOD—WEST PHACHTKEB nine rooms on large lot. , .IOME OF —. uu miium House Is Idj a. In arrangenieut, beautifully tlulshed I aud out. Can make terms to suit right pnrty on this, or can rent to acceptable Pfrty either furnlahed or unfurnished. Ap- ply at once. SOO-NEAU MAKIKTTA KTltKK Two Good Lots On Edgewood Ave Between Jackson and Boulevard, 40x100, adjoin No. 868 Edgewood avenue, has 12-foot alley on side and i 20-foot street in rear; price $1,300. ' ■ Between Boulevard and Daniel, adjoining the new brick stores, 50x93, with alley in rear; price $1,500. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR COAL LANDS. ilw ACRES HIGH-GRAJ)] Renting. DOMESTIC TENN. CO\ ^ WITH VEIN 4 TO 5 FF 0 r ^ntury Bldg. 1 0R • 6>000 T0 NS| PHONE BELL 434. PE] , wv ., tvAIfc oiREBT t AND Jones a venae, we have n licnutlfu! five- room brand-new cottage on lot 33 1-3 by 129; has water, gas and sewerage, owner Iws refdsed to rent this at $18 time and again. This Is something you ought to look after at once. Very easy terms. *UOO—CKNTHAL AVK. COKNGil ‘'I’d rlooo In. 60x90. Thl» U .Imply fill wlge dirt, good as if It bad gold In It. m.wo-bkbT BariiaIn ON Tllf: NORTH A??D BEK l'8 TODAY—IIKURITTH AVENUE corner: fine, wdl-bullt cottage with oppor tunity for nnother building on snine lot. You eiiu make 15 to 20 per cent on white property ou north aide right here, and no Make your offer r Cost over $7,000, snd li practically Crand new. We will only give Information on this at the office. Can mako some terms to right party. SAUNDERS, PRATHER & COMPANY, 510 Temple Court Bell Phone 2081. M ACRES IN 1 MILE OF IIAPBVILLE, 42.9H0. a ACRES 6 Ml LEM ATLANTA, 2 MILES 16 ACRES AND TWO HOUSES, 1 MILE of East Point. $4,000. OAKLAND CITY, ON CORNER LOT 1 FAC- lng car line; large bouse. $3,000. UecatIIr - six-kooM flousE and Istorc; right In town; lot 120 by 175, $3,25071 West north avence—kkiiit rooms DEPOT WAGONS, THE VERY BEST, MADE BY BROCKWAY, HOMER, N. YORK, AND SOLD BY GEORGIA VEHICLE MFG. CO., 52 W. MITCH ELL ST. CALL AND SEE OUR UP-TO-DATE LINE. and hoth: lot to by IW, 14.600. SOUTH ; Httiio. .Hh'Ajii)-: I-NBW; rooms; lot 40 by 192. Bomethlng g< 160. * TERRACE - BfcVEN $2.600—LISTEN: NEW 8-ROOM WEST End cottage; east front, all conveniences, large lot, front and side alleys, half block of car line; mahagony finish; gas. porcelain bath; rented for $27.50 to good tenants. Owner obliged to leave the city at once on account of health, and matt realise, nud at this nrlt-e will lose several hundred dol lars. This Jh absolutely the cheapest place lu West End today. ACRE, WITHIN 1-2 MIL OF RAILROAD ()] GRADING TO CONNECT S.J'EVEL! COSTS 504 I’Ll»’ TOX TO MIXK ; Mi FOR TIPPING; $1.40 FR1 TO ATLANTA; CAN SEE] COAL E.O.B. STATION $1.75. $17.50 ACRE. $2,600—WEST END COT $2.500—FOR NORTH BIDE NEGRO PROP- ertv renting for $33.60 per month; In good condition; large lot; pays you 16 per cent. $3,260—RENTING FOR $58.50; 2 MONTHS' old; north side; all conveniences. This Is an unusual opportunity. $2.260—FINE 5-ROOM COTTAGE: TINTED walls, cabinet mantels, complete bnth: only $500 down and $25 per month: rente«| for $22.50. HplendUl street and neighborhood; car line, both ways. MANY OTHER BAKGAINM. “WE GET RE8ULTH.' TAGE; 6 ROOMS; A LI CONVENIENCES; LOT 5| BY 127; SPLENDIDIA LOCATED; RENTED O' LEASE FOR $260 PEI YEAR. SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY 412 PETERS BLDG. PHONES 5488. S. B. TURMAN & CO. whtfei?aIX rooms; lot 45 by 130. Almost new. Terms. O.K0. $03,000”aUrEH FEOBET TIMBER LANDS. If this will Interest you, come to see us. J. ii. WEBB, Mauager Bales Department. $2,500 - SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, WITH ■late root; built of best material; sit uated on the north side; right uear Atlanta Stove works, Atlantic compress, DeLoach's mill and those other big Industries. The owner will sell on very essy tern)#. Soy, $20) cash and balance $25 per month. Tbla Is a very attractive proposition snd a bar gain. $4,000—TWO-STORY NINE-ROOM MOUSE on Highland avenue. In fine condition: near corner Jackaon street. This Is s treat big bargain and we can fell on easy terra*. If you have $500 to $750 cash, we will trade —snd balsnce esu be paid 00 easy monthly Installments. $2,000—FIVE-BOOM COTTAGE ON EAST avenue; not far from North Boulevard. If you can raise about $250 cash you may taka this house and pay the rest $20 month. The place Is worth $2,500, andgou get a Mg bargain If you buy It. BETWEEN THE PEACH TREES. NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE ON TENTH STREET, NEXT TO WEST PEACH TREE, $4,750. ADJOINING LOT, $1,600. COLUMBIA AVE. LOT 50 FEET NORTH OF MRS. WHITESIDE, $2,250. WEST PEACHTREE LOT, 50 FEET NORTH OF MR. BURTON SMITH, $3,250. W. M. SCOTT & CO., 210-212 Gould Building.' “BARGAIN^.” FORMWALT HTREBT, BETWEEN GBOR- gla avenue and IJnden streets, seven-room utai OOI.KTIIOUI'E avenue, Weht' R.n’Ii- 6cm* Ilattcra, 6H W. A. FOSTER, 704 Candler Bldg. Established 1 ISO. WBYMAN * CONNERS, EQUITABLE. Mortgage loans on real estate. MONEY TO LOAN AT i, I AND 7 PER cent Interest, according to security of fered; small expense and prompt attention. Only on real estate In aud near Atlanta. 8. ft. T or* call ! _ rufcDB TO LEND: , I ami 6 per cent. Write 24 & Broad street. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE at very lowest ratea. No delays. Charles Herman, rooms 202-8 Teronle Court FOUR PER CENT HOME MONEY TO lend on monthly payment plan; no dotay; also money for purchase money notes. Straight loans made at 6 per cent and op- BRAMRACH PIANOS. ESTABLISHED 1S23. BECHT PIANO CO.. 62 N. FORSYTH. BDUCA _ AW. COMMON SCHOOL I TION REQUIRED. SALARY PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY IN PER SON AT NO. 7* SOUTH PRYOR STREET. ATLANTA. GA* 4 WANTED—TWO YOUNG LADIES THAT ran m w. with a tailor. Good wages to start with. Apply -JU Austell building. f-OOK WASTED—WHITE OB COLORED. Only two lit family. .Good wagra. fall Ctonbm street $5,000 TO LOAN ON CITY REAL Es tate. Amounts to nult. City Merchant, car«* Georgian. FOR RENT 13 HT. PAUL AVENUE. THIS BRAND NEW TWO STORY SEVEN r«H»m frame, on lot 40 by 100. which Hon. level, Is on the north side of St. Paul ave nue, lietweeti ltroyle* and Grant streets: has four rooms on the first floor and three rooms mi the second floor; has gas, hot and cold water, stationary wushstand. hath, closet, «lnk In the kitchen; In a good nelgli- liorhood. nnd U real nlet* lu every purtieu- 174 ANGIElt AVENUE. THIS TW« STORY SEVEN ROOM FRAME lortli side of Angler avenue. Iictween Boulevard and Arnold streets; has gn*. td eold water, lutth. closet, sink )n the klteheu; Is In a K'HkI nelghlMirliooil, Inis Just lH*en nicely |>nlute«l mid tin- walls ■■■» mmm * * * ir opportunity. Boulevard ca ay. Rents $35 |n*r month. Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. IN THAT NORTHWEST SECTION OF Atlanta between the railroads, where there Is something doing very shortly. CI.OSE IN. ON OltME BT.-WItHTS three minutes' walk ot the uew postof fice. A flrst-chtaa 4-room cottage; everything - this pro|»- down lb the - street and paid for;* _ _ vljl sell for good Profit In reasouab cor r age II the city UP BIX you do aa well? Gas. hot and cold water; ■rcelstn lutth tub. Price $2,500. Terms. | ■plETT HTUeSt, WE.ST END—ftKAtjJ 350 TO 400 FEET FRONT ON PEACn taee. In the heart of tho t>cst of that beautiful avenue. Will sub-dlvldo to suit purchaser, and make lots 350 feet deep. V/e are In position to mako price* o t tb proprity that will attract buyers who want Peachtree homes. Come and see ua about It. S. B. TURMAN & CO. FOR RENT rear porches. Lot GO by 171 another south boulevard home Jnat listed; 95,000. Half cash. We have several beautiful homes on thla atreet nt | attractive prices.| attractive prices. KELLY STREET CAltM i’AHrt TOT DOOR. Hlx-rooni cottage with porcelnln Imth. Here la an opportunity for a nice home. Only $2.660h Half cash. ANlITIIKR GEORGIA AVENUE REMITY Six-room cottage, near the park; extn large lot, uniform width; all conveniences. Another place that must be seen to be np- predated. WOODWARD ■ avenue, bouse. 1 takeH VESVl NEAR PARK air ri.ii r.. Dr.Aii i aiu\ Beautiful eight-room two-story * | ale: h ~~ OET, _ ights. Klx-room eottage, on R hnI lot. House enn not Ik* built fm^ ). Owner must have quick sale; $850 >ak*a It. STREET - NEW l ilEW ‘ STREET - NEW TWO-STORY house; 16 foot-front veranda; have purty will lease fur two years at $32.50 month: $3,250 takes It; $1,500 f ensh. balance to stilt. As an In vestment, wo have tenant ho will take It for two years ot $32.50 city conveniences. . per riiouth: 10 per rent nit $3,900. VACANT U'lT-THE LAST IN THE I'lEll mout avenue section on Tenth street; near Grant I^rk car line. 'A perfect little j $1.20. Jfftf ^r'moSr YS»^S!at f lSK | ANGIEft AVkNI^fWo-8Tt)Wnt)t HE this If you want s home. bait ate.” Lot V by ISO. Price $3,660. A llAUGAIN IN A LOT IN THE PREY- arrange terms. with all conveniences; cabinet mantels. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. It Auburn Avenut. Both Phones lit. tlest port of North Boulevard, near An gler avenue, 47*140 fe-.-t to alley. Suap foi $2,500. This Is the right place for a borne or a good place to build a house that will sell at a profit. ON CiCAftT STREET WE HAVE A GOOD 8-room cottage, with all the city con- [ venlences, large, clev .ed lot. Price $3,700l i Easy terms. ON UAKI.AND AVENUE. ALM ,oT NEW 5-room cottage, nil the cltv conveniences. Grant Purk for n front yard. Price $L800. Easy terms. FOR SALE—TYPEWRIT ERS. ' RICHMOND AVENUE - LAKEWOOD Heights, on'.v half block from the car Hue; orand new, well built cottage home. Price. I1.000. THE NOTED EGYPTIAN PALMIST, rau be consulted ou ull affairs of life. She reunites the separated, causes a speedy marriage with the one of your choice, gives WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER AND PAINTB. •Don’t let Vim fool yon.” Jim Barnett (formerly of Burnett A Willi*! Is not dead He j g eootraetjng wa j| lag. L__ ^ and palDtlog. Office and show room East Ilustcr street. Both 'phones CM. We ha'/o all makes second-hand and -ebullt Typewriters at prices to move them. If you fall to let us know your wants in thU line you will lose money. Write or call for “Special Sale List.’* We maintain the best repair department in the South aud guarantee the best work. WKBT UNDEN STREET-NEAR tiPHING street; uj<v almost new 5-room cottagr home; nil dty conveniences; good car service. Price $2,10). Terms $400 cash and $20 per month. CONN ALLY KTRKKT - NEAR KAMI FACTORY SITES: .MOST DESIRABLE IS FULTON COUNTY. CALL AND UET LOCATION, ADVANTAGES, ETC. CALI. FOR I. >”. BOWEN. W. M. SCOTT & CO., 210-212 Gould Building. Both, Phones. hall; all city conveniences: elevated lot. 50 by 120 fset to alley. Price $2,250; easy term*. WRITE 6*0It A DEKCRII-fION OF ONE SOTTTIIRRY ST ATFSl «t tk, b«t pUmUrlun. in* OrarAi. Tb* AIIE.IV1N iJI.ULfi pl.ntatlon I. fin*, the |irl*e I. risl ^ j the description Is very nwspleb. WRITING MACHINE CO. |MrSsrajg: 426*2*-2l# Candler Bids. Atlanta IPhone UU.' SALES DEPARTMENT: fL. S. UOOK. U- C. EVIL NEW NORTH SIDE COT TAGE AT TENTH AND WEST PEACHTREE, SIT UATED ON AN ELEVAT ED LOT; WILL RENT FOR $35. THIS COTTA&E HAS ALL MODERN IM PROVEMENTS, INCLUD ING ELECTRIC LIGHTS, AND IS ESPECIALLY WELL BUILT. APPLY OWNER, B. MIFFLIN HOOD, 316 PETERS BUILDING. Both Phones, 3519 and 2249. BRIEF NEWS NOTES Tit* board of health of Newark. X. after a long conference, decided that there waa no use wasting time In trying to collect a bill ot 116 from Het ty Green for sanitary repairs on her property at No. 1168 Broad street, or dered by the board, and voted to send the bill to her son In Texas. It wa» explained by the counsel for the con tractors who did the work that all ef fort* to reach Airs. Oreen had been in APPLY TO OWNER, B. MIFFLIN HOOD. 316 PETERS BLDG. Both Phones 3519 and Bell 2249. FRASIER & SMITH, Bell Phone 3533-M WE BUT AND SELL HOUSES AND LOTI oa easy term,, iss Anburo avenue. on Its eastern coasts this winter. Six new war vessels, tlvo of which are already completed, will be added to the eight lighters now In the service. .Mrs. Jane Dowle has been given, by tho order of Judge Landis, of Chicagn, the property at White Lake, Mich. In return for this she relinquishes all claim to property In Zion City and as- signs to Overseer Volivla her stock la the lace factories. The lion sent to President Roosevelt by the King of Abyssinia, which was Injured on the ocean trip, was found to be Incurable and the keepers chloro formed If at the soo In Washington. The suit brought by the receiver of the Citlsene’ National Bank of Oberlln, Ohio, against B. Newton, of Brookline, to recover on a note for $10,000 which he made to accommodate Mrs. Canale Chadwick, was settled by agreement. Mr. Newton. It le stated, paid *4,100. Two men were killed and two In jured when a bank of a railroad cut, being made by the New York Central caved In at Watertown, N. T. Anna Ettly, ts years old, told the Louisville police that her father. John Ettly, killed her - toother, and that she hid the weapon and helped him hide his guilt for a week. vain. The live-masted schooner Klneo from Hawaii arrived today after a voyage of seven months. She was blown hun dreds of miles out of her course by terrific winds. The revenue rutter Thetis. Captain Hamlet, has been ordered to search for the British ship Ivoml, which was last seen off Astoria on October 16. Mrs. Grace Gallatin Seton, In the ab sence'of her husband, Ernest Thomi- son Seton, has appealed to the publif to help safe the estate at CoscoK Conn., which Is devoted to a summer camp for boya of the Indian tribe? of New York, from the new route of il* New Haven Railroad Company. 6Tve terrorists. Including a girl, "ere tried by courtmartlal at Odessa for throwing a bomb Into a cafe. Injuries two persons, and two men and the eln Were sentenced to death. The other men got seventeen years In prison Thousands of dollars were scattered on the fioor of the tracks when early today an engineer miscalculate,! tt» speed of his locomtlve. and allowed R to crash Into n pay car. Injuring w™ men, in the Mott Haven yards of tw New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad at One Hundred nnd Thiri> second street and Brook avenue. The appellate division at Albany M. A. SHELTON, DON'T FORUET M. A. SHELTON 18 A work and material sun mat red. i ISk 61 *. I'rtwr nueeL A ( hlnese dally paper for women, edited by n native woman, has appeared in Pekin. The United Ktates will have the most powerful battleahip Meet In the world ■ in- uivmiun m . versed the decision of the surrogat; •* Warren county who refused to ' to probate the will of Oeorge R. I h"“ the wealthy lumber dealer of t,.ra Fall#, who was about to be operated •* for appendicitis, made hi* will and an hour later. The matter will be ult* , by Jury. mrn * — ■ -