The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, December 15, 1906, Image 8

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Mrs. George C. Bill, Editor.
And Woman s Interests
Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. A. P.
Cole* were hf*nt ami hostess at the
meeting of the Whist t’lub In the Wom
an's olub rooms at the Grand.
Mes&rs. Meyer and Lythgoe made
top scores north and south, and top
scores east and west were made by Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Johnson and Judge
and Mrs. Nash Broyles.
Ladles* trophies were pocket editions
of Tennyson's poems, on the Russian
leather cover of which there was a bas
relief In silver of the poet's head.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Coles, Colonel and Mrs. Wright, of Al
bany; Mrs. John Fltten, Miss Jessie
Muse, Mrs. Mitchell Horner. Mr. Hen
ry Miles, Mrs. Robert Ridley, Mrs.
Archibald Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Pappenhelmer, Judge and Mrs. Nash
Broyles, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey John
son, Dr. Dunbar Roy, Mr. Ben Conyers;
Mr. Sam Conyers, Mrs. John Oliver,
Captain Hansell, Mr. and Mrs. Rulph
Van Landlngham. Miss Mary Klngs-
bery, Mr. George Howard, Mr. and Mrs.
Lowry Arnold. Mr. Macy Miles, Mr.
Lythgoe, Mr Meyer.
One of the delightful social events
of the week was the bridge party which
Mrs. Mitchell Horner gave Saturday
afternoon at her home on Peachtree
road In compliment to her guest. Miss
Dorothy Horner, of Baltimore.
The artistic home was decorated with
palms, ferns and cut flowers. In the
library American Beauty roses were
used and in the drawing and dining
rooms pink roses were used. After the
game an elegant luncheon was served.
.The bridge prises were a pair of silk
Nose and a book.
Mrs. Horner received her guests In a
becoming gown of blue panne satin,
made prlncesse, and fashioned with
point de Venlse and Valenciennes laces.
Miss Horner was much admired In a
toilet of pink crepe de chine. The
skirt was empire style and was made
with panels of lace. The bodice was
fashioned with tucks and lace.
Invited to meet, the guest of honor
were: Miss Josle Btockdell, Miss Har-
rie Btockdell, Miss Louise Hawkins,
Miss Isma Dooly. Miss Marlon Peel,
Miss Constance Knowles, Miss Char
lotte Stewart, Miss Julia Porter, Miss
Nellie Hightower, Miss Ida Hightower,
Miss Eugenia Oglesby, Miss Ruth Hall
man, Miss Jennie English, Miss Antilo
Fltten, Miss Ruth Glover, Miss Alberta
Rankin, Miss Mary Thomas, Miss
Kathurinc Gholstln, Miss Virginia Ar
nold, Miss Nannie Nlcolson, Miss
Adora Anderson, Miss Ada Alexander,
Miss Harrle Fumade, Miss Nlta Black,
Miss Louise Black, Miss Junie Speer,
Miss Elsie Stewart, Miss Alberta Short
er. Miss Irene Keneflck, Miss Nan du-
Blgnon, Miss. Rosalie Howell, Miss
Elm a Westmoreland, Miss Elizabeth
Adair, Miss Mary Deas Tupper, Miss
Mary Klngsbery, Miss Emma Belle
DuBose, Mrs. William Inman, Mrs.
William Montgomery.
Next Wednesday afternoon Mrs.
Jack Mell, of Edgewood, will entertain
at a stocking shower In honor of Miss
May Healy.
The guests will Include: Miss El Iso
Landrum. Miss Helen Cay, Miss Lucy
Mlllarn, Miss Lula Moyer, Miss Annie
Lou Padgett, Miss Florence Denhls,
Miss Ludle Dennis, Miss Gertrudo
Rodgers, Miss Waite, Miss Nina Kirk
patrick. Miss Evelyn Warde, Mrs.
Frances Healy. Mrs. C. A. Green. Mrs.
W. K. Moyer. Mrs. Oscar Ragland, Mrs.
Graham West, Mrs. Mothwin, Mrs*
Henry Fite, Mrs. K. II. Fisher, Mrs.
Wade Harding, Mrs. Tom Weaver.
Mrs. Bowman. Mrs. Edward Kenedy,
Mrs. Randolph Dixon, Mrs. Will Beam,
Mr. Dudlsy Glass to Wsd Miss Ila Ssajy
The engagement Is announced of Miss Ila Sealy, of New Iberia, La., to
Mr. George Dudley Glass, of Atlanta, the wedding to take place January 2,
at the home of the bride, In New Iberia.
This announcement Is of Interest to friends of the young people In
Louisiana, In Nashville, Tenn., where Mr. Glass formerly lived, and In At
lanta, his present home. The bride-elect Is a gifted and charming young
woman, who will be warmly welcomed here.
Mr. Glass is a member of The Georgian staff, holding the responsible
position of city editor. After a brief trip South, Mr. and Mrs. Glass will be
at home at 171 Capitol avenue.
Mr. Falloh ahd Miss Gillette to Wed
Mr. George A. Black announces the engagement of his niece, Miss
Gertrude Leone Gillette, to Mr. Harry Tllden Fallon, the wedding to take
place December 20, at the Marlborough.
Mr. Turner to Marry Miss Hailey
The engagement of Miss Flora Halley, of Hartwell, to Mr. Thomaa H.
Turner, of Charleston, has been announced, the marriage to take place on
the evening of December 25, at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry F. Halley, at Hartwell. Miss Halley is one of Hartwell's most at
tractive young women, and Is universally popular, while the groom Is a
leading business man of Charleston, and Is held In high esteem by all who
know him.
Dr. Hudson to Wsd Miss Nunn
Mr. and Mrs. George Chappell Nunn, of Perry, Ga., announce the en
gagement of their daughter, Marie Frances, to Dr. Benjamin B. Hudson, of
Box Springs, Ga., the marriage to take place January 2, 1907, at 4 o'clock
In the afternoon, at the Methodist church In Perry.
Dr. Hudson Is a prominent and rising young physician. lie is a grad
uate of the Baltimore Medical College, and for several years w-as city phy
sician of Amerlcus. He has recently located at Box Springs, Ga., where
he has a large practice.
Miss Nunn, the third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Chappell Nunn,
Is a very charming and talented young woman. She Is always active and
helpful In all church work. She has for the past four years taught In the
Intermediate department of the Perry public school.
Debut of the Missss Shonts To Be 18th of December
All Washington’s exclusive society Is
Interested In the debut of Misses Theo
dora and Marguerite Shonts, which will
take place on the afternoon and even
ing of Tuesday, December 18, at the
residence of Mr. und Mrs. Shonts In
Washington. The president requested
that the Misses Shonts make their bow
In the national capital.
Mrs. Shonts nqd her two daughterly
have Just returned from Europe where
the “Shonts twins," as they ore known,
ere noted belles at the social affairs
given at the American embassy. At the
first drawing room held last spring they
were among the Americans who w'ere
presented to the king and queen. At
the same drawing room Misses Alice
Steele and Edna McCandless, both of
Atlanta, made their bow to royalty.
There will be no handsomer gown*
seen In Washington this season than
will be worn by these two popular
young women. They brought with
them twenty-eight trunks filled with
gowns and wraps that are the perfec
tion of the dressmaker's art.
The Misses Shonts are well know n In
this city, having attended school at
Agnes ScotL
. * fainty ’ Citrriesf C&f r*.
Misses Laura Green, Edith Fite and
Louise Mell will serve punch.
Among the very many charming
functions given in honor of Miss Mae
Healy, was the card party and linen
shower, at which Mrs. Henry Carnes
entertained at her home on Capitol
avenue. Pink roses and ferns were
used effectively In the decorations of
the house. In the dining room the ta
ble hud for Its centerpiece n cut gluss
vase holding quantities of pink roses,
and ferns with pink tulle streamers, de
pending from the chandeliers to the
four corners of the table.
Bonbon dishes In cut glass were
filled with pink bonbons and crystal
andetabra bolding pink candles with
pink silk shades, formed a circle
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry.
to b« found here, un tnexhausttvo atock to aelect from at unapproach
able pricea.
Atlanta’s Only Popular Priced Jewelry Establishment.
Thia (tore will be open every night until Chriatmat.
Next Door.
DuBose Co.
Charles W. Crankshaw,
Diamond Merchant and Jeweller.
16 Whitehall St,
Century Bldg.
A Gift of Gifts
A thing women really yearn for, and a fashion not of
the moment, but of all times—the Chatelaine "Watch. We
are showing these watches in exquisite styles—jeweled,
enameled and plain.
DAVIS & FREEMAN, Jewelers.
around the central vase. Punch was
served during the afternoon. The
score cards represented wedding bells
In white and gold, with Miss Healy's
monogram In gold In one corner.
In the card game, the first prize, a
silver Jewel casket, was won by Mrs.
Jack Mell. Mrs. H. J. Fite won the
second prize, a bonbon dish, In silver,
and the consolation, a hand-painted
rose Jar, wan cut by Miss Louise Mc
Donald. A lingerie shower followed the
card game, when many beautiful gifts
were made Miss Healy.
Mrs. Curnes wore a handsome cos
tume of grey messsllne silk trimmed
with bluo velvet.
Miss Healy’s becoming toilet was
of crimson silk, trimmed In velvet and
lace, with which she wore a hat of
Irish lace, with while ostrich tips and
Mrs. Carnes' guests were Miss Healy,
Mrs. F. A. Heuly, Mesdames Phil
Green, Meredith Martin, Jack Mell,
Fred Vorhees, Oscar Ragland, Gaar, J.
S. Wells, Charley Witherspoon. Jack
Brnntly, R. C. Black. J. W. Nelms,
Floyd Cox, Oden Witherspoon, Robert
Htnhl, Mrs. II. J. Fite, Katherine Fisher,
Wade Harding, Emmett Rrogden, Miss
Louise McDonald. Miss Lucy Mlllen,
Miss Lulu Moyer, Miss Annie Lou Pad
gett, Miss Jennie Lowry. Miss Helen
Cfiy. Miss Florence Dennis and Miss
Lynn Carnes.
Mrs. ft. C. Dobbs entertained at
pretty lunchoon Saturday at her home
In Inman Park In honor of Miss Luclle
Bachelder, of Peoria III., the guest of
Miss .Maybelle Haralson.
The tabic had as Its centerpiece a
cut glass vase tilled with red roses.
The rystn! candle sticks had red
shudes und the mints were In red also.
Mrs. Dobbs wore a gown of creum
voile and lace.
Miss Bachelder was gowned In a blue
cloth suit and wore a hat of blue trim
med with plumes.
Miss Haralson’s toilet wus brown
cloth and her hat was of brown velvet.
The guests Included. Miss Bachelder,
Misses May belle Haralson. Marian
Fielder. Jennie Hutchins, Maud llaynlc,
llattic Harwell, Mary Dennis, Messrs.
\lbert Herring, Albert Dancy und Wil
liam Candler.
A pretty wedding was that In which
Miss Bertha H. Voigt, of Chattanooga,
n«l Mr. George Neal, of Atlanta, were
united In marriage at the Highland*
Park Baptist church Wednesday even
ing at Chattanooga, Rev. R. D. Cecil
The maid of honor was Miss Maggie
Neal, of Calhoun, Ga.. and the lw»st nan
as Mr. Eugene Hall.
At the close of the ceremony the bri
ll partv went to the home of the
bride, where an informal reception was
held. The dining room was In pink
id white.
The young couple left Thursday on
visit to friends and relatives, after
which they will reside in Atlanta.
Social News of Interest
Ih Atlanta arid Nashvill:
Special to The Georgian.
Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 15.—Mr*. T. B.
NesI returned Wednesday from a visit
to Atlailta, where she was charming
ly entertained. She was called home by
the serloua illness of her sister, Mrs.
Theodore Cooley, who Is at Clifton
Springs, N. Y.
Miss Ellse Lipscomb will go to At
lanta early In January for a visit to
Misses Blanche Carson and Martha
Whitman, w’ho were her popular guests
here a few weeks ago.
Miss Antoinette Blount, who spent
several w*eeka in Nashville as the guest
of Miss Kitty Stubblefield, and made
many friends during her stay, returned
home Wednesday. Miss DuBose, of
Atlanta, Is expected here later in the
season to be the guest of Miss Stub
The Gentlemen's Cotillion Club will
give a dance at the Duncan hotel Jan
uary 4.
Mrs. J. Harry Howe will be hostess
of a large afternoon reception Decem
ber 27 In honor of Mrs. John B. Howe
and Mrs. Bertram Howe, two recent
brides, and Miss Alice Carroll..
Mrs. Duncan Kenner gave a whist
luncheon for thlrty-Ave guests Thurs
day and a whist luncheon of the day
following was given by Mrs. John C.
Miss Bessie Dake entertained the
Girls' Whist Club this afternoon, and
another pretty afTalr of the day for the
unmarried element was a luncheon, of
which Mrs. Jesse M. Overton was host
ess at her country home, Overton Hall,
for Miss Anna W. KUbreath, of New
York. This popular visiting girl Is also
the honoree of two-step to be given
tonight by the dancing men of the
Hermitage Club. Mrs. Edwin S. War
ner gave a handsome luncheon Tues
day for Miss KUbreath and Miss Anne
Mrs. Philip L. Hoyte will give two
large afternoon receptions next week,
one on Monday for the married ele
ment and another the day following
for her guest. Miss Elisabeth Bay, of
SL Louis.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Shelby Williams
will give a Christmas dance December
28 In honor of three school girls In
Nashville for a holiday visit. Miss
Mary Frazer, their daughter. Miss
Mildred Shllllto, of Cincinnati, and Miss
Frances Carroll, of St. Louis. Miss
Frazer, with Misses Kitty Stubble
field, Marlon Martin and Louise Ewing,
will be honorees of a tea December
29, of w’hlch Mrs. Tyree Rode* Is host
The Yale Glee Club, which comes to
Nashville during the holidays, will be
given a reception at the Golf and Count*
try Club December 29, given by Yale
alumni In Nashville, and that even
ing Mr. Goodloe Llndsley will tender
them a smoker at the-Unlverslty Club.
The annual New Year's ball at the
University Club is scheduled for De
cember 31, and It will be a large and
brilliant affair.
Miss Julia Llllard and Mr. Fount H.
RIon will be murrled December 18 at
Elm Street Methodist church.
notable social event of January
will be the marriage of Miss Annette
Sperry And Mr. Charles Arthur Moore,
Jr., of New York, at the First Presby
terian church, followed by a large re
ception at the Sperry home. Mr. Moore
Is a son of the New York multi-mil
lionaire and the young people met
w’hlle en route home from trip* abroad
last summer on an ocean liner.
Colonel and Mrs. W. S. Settle en
tertain the Benedict Whist Club this
Eighty representative Nashville peo.
pie left last night for Norfolk for the
presentation of the silver service to the
cruiser Tennessee. There were two
private car parties, besides a special
train. One was given by Mr. and Mrs.
John W. Thomas. Jr., ond the other by
Colonel and Mrs. A. M. Shook, who
had among other guests Governor and
Mrs. John I. Cox and their little daugh
ter, Miss Mary Cox, who will make the
presentation speech.
One of the pleasant social events of
the week was the enjoyable party giv
en Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs.
Gowan at their home at Fort McPher
Games were played and delightful
refreshments served.
About thirty *guests were present,
among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Norton, Mr. und Mrs. Attlcus Sims,
Misses Annie Conmtlly, Ola Peacock,
Alice Knight, Fanny North, Eva Lan
drum, Carrie Mann, Maud Sims,
Messrs. Lewis Peacock, Hugh Knight,
Ovid Wells, Elbert Peacock, Ernest
Betse! and others.
A beautiful event of Saturday was
the bridge luncheon at which Mr*.
George Bonney entertained Saturday
qmrnlng in honor of Miss Sara Collier.
Mrs. Bonney's attractive home was
artistically decorated for the occasion.
In many of the rooms red roses were
used with quantities of smllax, red
bells and mistletoe, carrying out still
further the holiday Idea. The dining
room was decorated with rosea In del
icate shades of pink. La France and
bride roses were placed In tall cut glass
vases on mantels and cabinets, und the
table on which were placed pretty bon
bons had as Its centerpiece a cut glass
bowl hlled with bride roses.
Bridge was plaved before luncheon
was served, and the first prize was a
hand-painted fan, und the consolation,
silk scarf.
Miss Collier was also presented with
silk scarf.
Mrs. Bonney received her guests In a
smart gown of black and white silk.
Miss Collier wore u suit of black
broadcloth with lace blouse.
Sixteen guests will play bridge, other
friends being Invited for luncheon.
The guest list is us follows:
Miss Florence Jackson, Miss Halite
Kill*. Miss Elizabeth Adair, Miss Sa
rah Morris. Miss May Haverty, Miss
Rohu Klngsbery. Mrs. Henry ilynds,
Mrs. Robert Meador, Mrs. Bryan Grant,
Mrs. Robert Davis. Mrs. Fred Patter
son. Mrs. GlUtimn Morrow, Mrs. Albert
oilier. Mrs. John Barry and Mrs. John
Atlanta, Ga. 601 Austell Bldg.
Office Hours. 9 to 12:30-1:JO to »
B. Pbqpe Mslu 1348.
The following letter has been issued
by the Free Kindergarten Association
of Atlanta, and should appeal to the
generosity of every man and woman
who has the welfare of the city at
heart. ♦
So worthy a cause should have the
Immediate und generous support of the
community at all seasons, and espe
cially at this time, when the heart of
the whole world Is filled with love for
the Child of Bethlehem, and for all oth.
er children whose Joy and brightness
make the happiness of the Christmas
Atlanta, Ga, Dec. 14, 1906.
To Our Friends:
The Free Kindergarten Association
will not have any entertainment this
season to make money.
We are asking you this Christmas,
when your heart Is full of the spirit of
love and giving, to think of the 400
bright little babies under 6 years of
age who attend pur seven schools, and
we want you to send un a gift In money
to help carry on this work. Surely no
greater happiness can come to you on
Christmas day thun the thought of the
tiny feet you have helped to lift from
the mire and clay, the briars and tan
gles of life, up to a good Arm road
where Joy ana happiness surround
them. The love-light In many childish
faces will be the sweet reward for your
Please mall your reply to Mrs. Wll
llam Green Raoul, treasurer, 708 Peach
tree street. Very truly yours,
First Vice President.
Second Vice President.
Corresponding Secretary.
A pleasant occasion was the In
formal bridge at w’htch Mr*. J. T. Tuck
er entertained Saturday morning at
her home on Juniper street.
The guest of honor was Miss Estelle
Moody, whose marriage to Mr. Fred
Hagan will be an Interesting event of
December 26.
brilliant and delightful occasion
the annual reception of the Teach
ers* Association which was held at the
Woman’s Club rooms on Saturday aft
ernoon. There were present over a
hundred teachers and their guests In
cluded the members of the city council
and their wives, the members of the
board of education und their wives, and
the members of the board of women
visitors and their husbands.
The club room* were elaborately and
artistically decorated w ith palms, fern*
and pink roses. The deep windows
were draped with smllax. Between the
hours of 5 and 7 there were several
hundred callers, and the brilliantly
lighted and decorated rooms presented
a beautiful scene.
In the receiving party were Mrs. F_
8. Whiteside, Dr. Theodore Toepel, Miss
Nena Mitchell, Mr. Frank Dykes, Miss
Lillian Flynn, Miss Emma Wesley. Miss
Lida Fields, Mrs. A. H. Smith and Miss
Lauru Wood.
Punch was served by Miss Nellie Do
zier. Miss Nena Guthman. Miss Bessie
Barker and Miss Eva Cassels. Ml**
Southern Accordion
Plaiting Company,
781-2 Whitehall SI.
and have it done right.
Prices reaaonable. Per
fect satisfaction guaran
teed. Sun Burst Skirts
a Specialty.
Famous Tapestry Designs
69 North Pryor Street.
Bracelets will be the rage this Christmas, and we have a good
line in solid gold plain and set with diamonda. AIho a good line of
toilet sets, shaving sets, jewel cases, sterling pieces, novelties, pin
sets; a good assortment. Don’t fail to see my line.
Chocolates and fQon Bans.
The Finest
Made. . .
60c lb.
W, Are Atlanta Agent,.
Frank Edmondson
& Brother.
The board of directors, consisting of
Misses Garda, Orr, Roddey, Grim, Per-
ilne, Flynn, Stelnhauer. Homady, Bark
er, Walker, Vaughn, Mr. Rasland. as
sisted In the entertainment of the
Miss Nan Rtevens entertained at
cards Friday evening In honor of Miss
Grace Norcross.
After the same refreshments v-rt
Tile first prise was a copy of 1 'are*
lyn Wells, “The Rubyiat of the M 1 r
Gar,” and was won by Mis*
Ray. The gentleman’s prize « as 1
pair of scales. Miss Norcross was rre*
sented with a pin cushion.
The hostess wore a becoming
of white silk and the guest of n-"• 1
was handsome In a red silk toll** 1
Did you ever stop to think that the girls who work in our stores look forward to
hristmas just as much as you do ? Buy some of your Christmas things now, and don’t keen
them at work till mid night later on.