Newspaper Page Text
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What the Southern Polks are Doing???The
Latest News by Mail and Wire
to The Constitution.
The tremendous cyclone is of coarse the
leading event of the week. Its ravages are
told elsewhere with great particularity, and
it needs no elaboration here.
The failures throughout the south for the
week show a great falling off, as indeed they
do throughout the country???giving evidence
as many think of returning confidence and
In farming circles there is marked diminu
tion in the sale of commercial fertilizers, the
compost heap taking the place of the $40 fer
tilizer, and costing the farmer hardly as much
as $10 a ton. It is possible that the aggregate
sales of fertilizers will be shown to have de
creased onMblrd when the returns are all in.
The capture of Ogletree, the child-stealer,
in Mississippi; the killing of Suhrer in Fer-
nsndina for insulting a wife, are the notable
occurrences in the south, and both will*be
found detailed in fnll below. .
Norfolk, February 21.???An election to day for
stale senator and two delegates, resulted lu the
election of the coalitionists. This Is looked upon
as important, as It breaks the democratic two-thirds
In the state legislature.
Richmond. February 22 ???The senate to-day
pasaed over the gorproor???s veto tho bill reappnr
Honing the state for representation In congress.
This action was Immediately rommunicated to the
house of delegates, ar.d the hill was also passed by
that body over the veto. The hill la now a law.
LaGranak, Trx . February 21.???Emma McCoy,
colored, to-day gave a pol-one 1 bl?? nit to her hus
band???s alleged paramour. The latter,Instead of par
taking divided thnglft between her two children,
one of whom died from its t fleets. The other was
saved by the physician.
Fort Wokth, February 19 ???Tho state grand
lodge of Odd Fellows met here the other day and
selected a p'ace for its future meetings. It was un
derstood that the town nfT-rin* the largest dona
tion for the erection of a f100 000 temple wculd he
chosen. Dallas offered 931009, other towns smaller
amounts, and Austin rarne last with a prayer for
about to remove dirt, coin and all.when Mr. H. re- 1 session of a German Ho threatened the German with
quested him not 11 move Dan???s dollar Dan ro- ??? tho pcnaltit a of the law for harboring theabfcmrt-
plied: "l Ituowed you knowed it was dar all do ed wlfuuless he should fu*iy satisfy him (to^me-
lime??? ; cbaulc) for the injury inti lend The mechaulc
L'nioktown. February 21 ???At Unlontown, Ferry > props r d that the German should pay him 115 for
A co.. on the Alanama central divhlou of the ! the woman, for which he would surrender all
fca-t I'ennenee. Virginia and Georgia railroad. 33 ! claim upon her and uever prosecute. The other
North Carolina.
The tin ore vein at Ktns's Mountain turns out to
bs very rich, it is loo* ted on property bounded by
Judge Avery Dr C. W. Dabney. Captain W. T. R.
Bell and Mr J. T. Clay well. The vein isfonror
five feet thick, but how deep or how long is un
Soma time ago Jackson Tod1, Bledsoe Todd,
Levi Todd and Inaih Todd, of Grayson county,
Virginia, attacked an officer in Alleghany county,
North Carolina, forcing him to relew- Jacob Todd
who was under arrest for assault with iutent to
murdor. Governor Jarvis has made two requlit
tions on Governor Camornn for the Todds, hut the
governor of Virginia refuses to surrender the
From tho ow-BYiiie, n.u . iauuuiih.
Mr A. M. Vannoy has lately returned from k
trip over a considerable jartof Wilkes. On Red
dies' river ho saw a hov, John Tucker, who at 8
years of sge, weighed 125 pounds; at 9, 133. and
now, at 10, weighs 145V$ pounds. On Moravian
creek he saw old Aunt Patsy Palller, who will be
100 years old if she lives uutil next month???and
there Is every proepect that aho will???since she is
???tout, healthy and as lively as an ordinary woman
of 60.
From the Charlotte. N. C??? Observer.
Information reached the ciiy yesterday morning
of a shocking accident that occurred at Helleg's
mill. In Cabarrus county, last Tuesday evening,
resulting in the instant death of Mr. John Bogrr,
the miller. Thera was no one at the mill except
Mr. Boger when the accident occurred, and just
how it came about *??? fc ???* *???
supposed that wbili _ _ - ???*
chinery Mr. Boger was accidentally caught and
tclr g drawn in among the pulleys and belts was
crushed to death. Ills mangled remains were
found by parties who call* d at tho mill a few mo
ments after the accldeut occurred.
CHATTANOOGA, February 18 ???Tho rcsidonco of
D. Mayes, on what is known as tho Divine farm!
on tho north side of ihe river, a few mlloa from the
city, wai totally destroyed by fire on Saturday
night, together with its cl tire contents.
ham Read, of this (l>y, has determined to build a
new opera bouse on nfuth street, ne-r the union
depot. The structure will cost over$50.0C0.
The report put in dicula'ion Saturday that Mrs.
Hunter, allied at Ro^eravllle juuctlou, was mur
dered by her brother, is denied by a retail* e of
Mrs Hunter redding in this city, who states that
Mrs HuuV???T had no brother. .
Nahivillk. Term . February 19???Private fnfor
motion r?? e* lved hero from New York to-day states
that the Polk silver mines lu Chlhauhua. Mexico,
bavo been sold to a syndicate for $i.l 00,000. Two-
thirds of this property belongs to the defaulting
live. The amouut of the <1* I
and Polk wassontecced to twenty years impruoa-
meut, and a due of ho amouut duo the elate. Ue
appealed to the supremo court, and his case will
come tip to morrow.
Msmphis, Tenn.. February 21.-Quito a commo-
. tion waa created In the Linden street public achool
this morning by tho discovery of a colored young
mlrs, who had been In attendance at tho school as
a pupil since tho opening of the session last Hep
temper. The person in quetUou Is Mary Wells.
Her mother. It Is alleged, is colored, and Is known
as Mary Brown. The rules governing the public
schools do not admit of the race* mixing, and ao
little Mary Wells was dismissed and ssd. ntd to
one of the colored schools. Her mother claims to
be white, and will in all probability institute legal
prooet dings against the school boasd.
Chattanooga, February22 ???James W. Crenshaw
was arrested to-day for cruelly beating David Li-
lington, a hoy in the employ of the South Tradcgar
nail works and conmltted to jail.
To-d*y one of the most important events In the
history of the city took place. The Maguoli* sa
loon. to . long a (catering sore and
cess-pool of corruption, yielded to to??i
march of progress ant* was torn away.
The very foundations will bo dug np in order that
lta history of dt grads ton and crime may, If possi
ble, bt wiped from the city???s memory.
???Chattanooga, Feoiu*ry 22 ???Dr. Roe, a promi
nent aud will io*do,ci Uenof Birmingham,A la.. In
a quarrel lo-d??y with Samuel Harrison,Jawjer,cut
hi? thro it, ail lag nlra instantly. Roe escaped.but
a pOMe is in pursuit _ . ??? _
Chattanooga February 23 ???J. R. Cravens, T.
A. Clay, Nr , 8. B Lowe, sod C. F. Robertson, have
filed a charter fora sunk company to engage In
the manufacture of paints In this city.
The bluff near fcbtllmound, on the Nashville
and Chattanooga, where the recent terrible acci
dent occurred, la being blasted off. Yesterday a
large boulder wss blown on the track and all the
trains delayed several hours before it could be
removed. . , ...... ???
Dr. Roe, aprominent dentist, killed Henry C
HaraUou, at Fort Payne. Alabama, yesterday. Af
ter the murder Roe escaped into the mountains.
He was pursued and firing into bis pursuers made
his escape. Report states that Ros is worth two
hundred thousand dollar*.
Montgomery, February 18 ???Judge B. 8. Bibb,
ihe old*??t citizen of Montgomery, died yesterday,
aged 87 years. He was a prominent legislator fifty
years ago, and his brother ws* the first governor of
Tho Alabama river Is out of its banks and rising
The rains here are very heavy. There has been no
interruption ta railroad communication
Bibminoham, February 18 ???mother attempt
waa made last night by burglars to break into
Knowles's store. At 12 o'clock, Isaac Slaughter,
wbo sleeps in the store was awakened by a noise
discovered me nurgiara. me uurgiais u*u. u
left their tools. Two other stump's were made
break lu the stores on Hatnrday night.
The strike cf the Iron workers at the Birmingham
rolling mills has beeu declared at an end, and the
mills have thus been opened u> any one who can
getemplojaientin them.
From theuxanna, Ala, Tribune.
A striking illustration of modern honesty was
witnessed the past week by Mr. G. W. Herndon,
who was worsjng a squad of hands, grading In Ox-
aiina. One of the employes wss boasting of bis
honesty and other good qualities Mr. Herndon
purposely dropped a tlver dollar near him
dl-??- the coin, One of the other hands wm
miles wost of here, this morulngabout 2 o???clock,
emtio block was burned in the business portion of
thp^Ucc, except one store, lotal loss, $18,000 to
From ibe Raima, Ala.. Evening MaiL
Charley Vaughn ocnfcisos to have a negro wife.
He says he courted threo white ladies, neither
would hive him. hence he took a ue*ro He was
married to hi* wife twice???once by a negro preacn-
er and once by awhMe man Vaughn has been
fndieted in the tielma city conrt for marrying the
uexro woman.
Gad den February 22. -To dsy about 2 o'clock a
shoodug affray took place between Amut Goodhue,
a lawyer, aud Charles Hawkius. a merchant, both
well known clilz.-us of this place. The facta are
hastily gathered, and are as follows: Amos Good*
hue and his father. A. B. Goodhue, were staudieg
in front of ibeKlttreU house when aporoschcd b,
Hawkins demanding an explauaiiou of derogatory
remarks made by Goodhue. After a few
words they came to blows, Hawkins
striking young Goodhue with an
iron pin. G odhue then ran into Woodcllff s
store near which they were standing* Hawklus fl
owing Your correspondent cannot ascertain who
fired the first shot. Goodhue on euterlug the
store ran to the showcase in which there waa a
d murred ta ctuw* he did not have t
him $5 and a
The mechanic
returned to North Carolina, where he secured
another wife, aud the Getmsn and wife by pur
chase reside In Greenville,
Abbeville, February 21 ???Robert Carroll, a trap
E Brand huuter. while trapping for otters on
hocuwpatchle river. In totsstito, had a terrible
figh t with au alligator last week. . ,
Seeing the water agitated la a hole near the fiver,
and supposing that otters wem fl*hing therein, he
mounted a pole on a tussock just above the water s
edge, nissted imp- were In a sack suspended from
his neck. His only weapon was his hatchet. He
sat on the pule,with a mass of. vines at his back. He
held his weipoa ready to strike an otter,should one
Bo m he raw a young alligator near him. He caught
it up and it uttered a cry In an Instant there was
a terrible splash of water, and a huge alligator,
with dtstended mouth aod glittering teeth rushed
for him* With little hone of escape he fell back
upon the vln-s, a-das he did so kicked the pole
from under his feet.
pistol. Grabbing the pistol, Goodhue fell be j The terrible J*wa clo 7 cd on the pole and
nfud the counter firing through the window at
Hawkins,who on was the outside of the store,each
psrty firing three shots. Goodhue received
a severe wound in the hesd
from the iron which nawklns first
???truck. nawklns was shot through
the hand ball lodging In tho left wrt*t and received
a ball through his left leg. The *flair was (be re
sult of au old affray. This eveniug a negro who
formerly worked with Ha* kins was arrested asac
cessory to the crime* The negro was standing by
and when old mau Uojdhue started to Uawklui
with a stick and was in tho act of striking. The
negro caught Goodoue aud prevented him
from going to Uawkiur Tills was before
shooting commenced. Ihe negro is in jail
Hawkiua confined to his room and
Goodhue ig under a thousand dolls* bond. The
negro will have a h aring to-morrow, whe~ * *"
thought he wtli be turned looso.
At last arc unt Hawkins was resting well.
Birmingham, February 23 ???There are forty two
prisoners iu <>ur j??lL To day at four o???clock, eleven
inmates confined in the front cell, made a desper
ate effort to break out. t hey succeeded iu tearlug
out several pieces of timber leadlug to the stairs
before Ibe discovery. Since tho attempt they have
becu confined iu close iron cells
The city is full of visitors, livery hotel Is crowded
with people coming to prospect through tho coal
and irou region. , ,
The report that the foundation of tho large, now
bank building bad given away is fake. Omy a de
ft ctivo arch over one window gave currency to the
report. _____
Tallahassee, February 19 ???Floridians are very
much encouraged by the visit of the earl of Hunt
ingdon, and other members of the Florida Land
and Mortgage company. The company has a
capital of $3. *25.000, aud own! 2.000 0v0 acres of tho
finest land In Florida Three foreign speculator*
mean business, and are going to work iu the right
way to settle and d velop their
territory. The census of 188U shows a
gain of 81.745 In Florida???s population in the decade
(ollowtug 1870. From I860 to 1880 the number of
farms jumped from 6 580 to 23.488. Rahway ex-
pan*lou keeps pice with other interests, and tho
proposed ship canal ,1s expected to shorten the
route of western grain to European markets.
Fkbnandina, February 22???The tragedy which
Eppes and a great grandson of Thomas Jefferson
He it a young man receutly married, and at the
time ot the abooilug waa a conductoi
ou the Transit railroad, and until this unfortu
uste occcurrence was held in high esteem* MmJoi
Suhrer was an officer in the federal army durlug
the tivll war, had resided in Femaudtua for a
number of years and wss always regarded aa a
polite, peaceable aud agreoable man. He was at
one time postmaster at Fernaiidlna, and at the
tlmo of his death waa president of the city council.
Eppes boarded at the Mansion nonse, aud until a
day or two before the difficulty he and Bnhrar were
5 ood friends. Mrs. Kppes told Mrs. Dewaouhersister,
[rat Mr BuUrer had Insulted her;Mrs. Dowson told
Mr. Dowson and Ur. Dowson told Mr. Kppes
uewson advised Eppes to go at onco and horse
whip Hubrer, ai d offered to go aud ate that It was
well dour. So a whip was purchased aud tho two
men proceeded to the Mausiou house to. carry tho
plan into execution. Suhrer was on tho piazxa
of the hotel aud Kppes proceeded to apply the whip
across his face ana shoulders. Sharer sprang from
his seat, caught tho whip aud grappled with
Eppo-. and as be did so Dewnou caught suhrer???*
arm and Eppes drew a pistol and fired tho fatal
shot. Suhrer disclaimed uutil he expired that ho
had insulted bis rlend???s wlfo. Both Eppes and
Deweon were committed, but afterwards released
upon giving bond to tho amonnt of $0,000 each.
Mrs. i??ppc* made a statement to her uusband???a
attorney of the nature of the Intuit off red her
by Major Bnhrar. Mrs. Eppes saye she is twenty
leant old: bad been boarding at the Mansion
mute, which was uuder the coutrol of Major Huh
er; her husband is conductor on the railroad: hi*
busluesscailed him from home every other night
except ttuudays: their room was ou too third floor;
>he had noticed that M*Jor bubrer's b.-arlug to
wards her was unplearant, but did not dream what
caused it: about toe l*st of January sh j had beeu
quite unwell: had. dressed . and ???
. dining on too sofa; she heard a knock on tho
door: ssld come In; thought it was a servant; Maj ir
Suhrer opeue-1 the door and lookid lu and s*id,
M Two gentlemen, Methodist preacoera, are In the
parlor; they wish to see you," at toe same moment
he eutered the room aud locked the door; she was
then reclining ou the sota, too sick to rise; be drew
a chair to the sofa as uoar as he could get it: he took
hold of her baud and said, "Your baud is cold;"
she drew her baud from him: he put hts hand on
her forehead and said, "You have some fever.???
She said. "Major Suhrer, leave toe room! I am
v.ry sick.??? He replied, "Oh, nothing Is toe
matter with you." He rose and pushed his chair
back and attempted losltou the sofa upon which
she was reclining; be put his arm arouud her, she
to free herac-lf from him, imploring him
iilo to leave too room; he clu??g to her
and placed his band upon her bosom; sbe became
wl d with alarm aud by a superhuman effort suc
ceeded lu getting away from him; during toe
struggle he stooped and caught heeby the foot;
she left the hotel and went to tne house of he sister,
Mm. Dowson; sho communicat.d toe ou'rage to
her sl??u*r. she to her husband and be toEpp*s,
Lake De Fnnlak ha* bem * elected for the winter
radons of the Cbanlanqu* Literary and Scientific
circle. At these assemblies such men as Dr. McCoeb,
Joseph Co ik. Dr. Bacon, Dr. Haygood, Bishop
Simpson and John B. Gough, discuss the grea
P Msjo?AtoertL B Russell,of Jacksonville, has as
sumed the duties of superintendent of public in
struction, vice Hon. K. K. Foster resigned. Last
Friday he officiated??? at the,laying of, the corner
stone of the Agricultural college at Lake City.
South Carolina.
Chester, February 20.???Rumors that several rep
utable business firms lu tots place were engaged In
a contraband Uqnor traffic teached the ears of tho
authorities, who at onco employed a keen eyed
detective lo ferret out the matter. He set to work
and carried on his investigations secretly. To-day
he Informed your correspondent that the charges
against ??be merchants are wholly groundless and
that they emanated from a spiteful, 1 responsible
negro, named S' f (to. 11 this black Informant does
not make binut-u scarce lu this neighborhood he
may be roughly bundled; I heard some pretty loud
threats against him.
Teknton, February 20 ???Tho dlsllniulshed tem
perance heturor, Mrs. Chapin, has recently done
tome effective work along the Hue of the Charlotte.
Columbia and Augusia railroad. She has lectured
before large audiences In th towns of Johnstons,
Batreburs, Lexington, Kdg> field and Trenton. Tbi*
county needs temperance worker* Iu the towns
f Edgefield and Trenton a brisk whisky trade is
succeed. Mrs Chapin was cordldlly
her labor will not be iu vain
Beaufort, ???
that tma ts a
The traffic iu
arms agSus?the liquor dealers^ l>u t thus fsr nave
not succeeded lu supprewdng the vile bnslnesr. The
grand Jar* of the county, lu their pra-enun-nt say:
"It i* a hnmtlia log fact we present to the court
that a license to sell intoxicating liquors by ths
United States-Internal revenue department has
been granted to seventy???three persons In this
county coutrary to law. That a majorltv of thaw
ptrsoM an actually selling lntozleaiiug liquors so
openly and constantly aa nrcesa&il y to be known
* th m??jarlty of the county (.fficers. executive
riioUi, and not one bill presented to this
jury. We append the names of pertuos thus
license**, and suggest that a copy of the same be
fund-died tho county commissioners and each and
every trial justice of toe county, requiring them
to inquire into the fact* and take me necessary
steps ti> suppress the bbslncsa." This will have
the effect of getting eotne of these illicit dealers
Into trouble, if it does notpnt an end to the bus!-
n% i?tGbland Grove, February 21 ???In the year 1681
a mtcbanlc ir -m horth Carolina made his way to
Highland Grove, in Greenville county. Afttr
working several months be sent for bis wife, wbo
eladly tame. la a rkort tlmo alter her arrival sh*
deserted her hnsband sad went to the city of
Greenville. After tbs lapse of several months the
met hat Ic discovered whither bt* recreant wife
bad gone. He went to Greenville city,
and after a short search found her in the poe-
crushed it. Carroll tried to iut rp>. - ...
traps, but a vino had caught them and partly held
him down. St izltig his hatchet he sttuck into the
open mouth of his sMslJant It closed on the wo*p
on and with great difficulty be saved the hatchet.
Getting free from bis trap*, he dealt the alligator a
fatal blow on the skull as it made the next charge.
He secured the skin and such tcch has had not
beeu destroyed in the fight. The length of tho al
ligator was about ntue aud a half feet The hole
was Its den. Alligators rarelv attack human being*.
During* performtnceof the V*ud*vil e theater,
Galveston, ths other night, Warren Dallas alias
James W Walker, of Nawborry, S U.. ??hot and
killed htmralf. Ue was from Georgia, seed 22. and
1( ft hi* na'lve state sometime ago on acc unit of a
difficulty with somo negro s, in which tho Utter
got the worst of it.
Jackson, February 22.???There is in the connly
jail of Neshoba county, a man with a terrible bis
tory. About six months ago ho appeared in that
county, aud attracted much attention from bis sol
itary habits. Ho only seemed to court tho society
ot little boys, several of whom told strings stories
about him. Oue night the hou*o of a farmer, who
was sbsent at tho time from home, was en
tered and a fiendish ou???rag* com
milted upon a lady who was there., In too dark
ness be reaped undetected. Search wm made by
Uie infuriated inhabitants for the wretch.wbcu the
recluse exhibited greater sign of fear than were
ever noticed before. He was arrested, brought be
fore the injured lady, and from hia voice, ane de
clared him to be Uxe man, Ou the way ??o Jail the
sheriff???s nossd met a party of Alabama immigrants,
one of whom, looking at the prisoner, exclaimed:
??? Hello. Ogl* tree, how came you h< re? ???
The prisoner hung bis head iu shsmo, and de
nied that his name was Ogletree. bnt the whole
Alabama party united lu declaring bis Identity
with the famous boy stealer, who for six weeks,
kept toe borders of Georgia aud Alabima in a fer
meat over his dec da. He wsa first heard of iu At
lanta. whero he induced a newsboy named Tilden
to go with him, once out of toe city bo ent off the
Ho wa* next heard from In
Haralson county, Georgia, whero ho approached
the farm houso oi a Mr. Buchanan, coaxed away
two children, and kept them tied out in toe woods
tor s-veral day*, visiting them when It suited hi*
pleasure).. He Joined In several of tho searching
parties for toe purpose ot misleading tb??m
as to their location, and finally,
when ho saw they wore in tim neighbor
heod of where the children were, top* an abrupt
departure. ??? k, -?????? ??? ???
stirred up.
than a day out when too detective* and relatives
located toe course, and striking out in pnr??iil??
fallowed up ono of the must difficult
trails over before undertaken. From the
Tennesiiee line down too Georgia
lino to Nownan, nearly 800 miles through forest,
over mountain and across rivers, toe chase was
k*pt up, toe criminal being somelim** almost
caught up with, aud then slipping the offic< u was
lost sight of for ??? day or two. About three weeks
from toe date of the first alarm a wild looklrg mao
was seen approaching a faim house lu Coweta
county. Tying a Utile boy by whom
bo was accompanied to a tree. ??? ???
went up to tho bouse and mkrd
food. While standing on tho doorstep tho puru'tng
party wa* observed coming in hot chase. Wih n
dart C
puranreragiaa to rccuomonoy, wuo was own/
dead with fright, lingered with him. Ogletree
tmanwhile escaping, sln-???e which time he has not
been heard from until the present Ills trial for
his present offsuw) will eomu off on the 12th of
March, and In the p-swibllity of hit acquittal, will
be held under reqnlsious from Governor O???Neal, of
Alabama, and Governor McDaniel, of Georgia, so
that ho bids fstr to bo an inter state subject of In-
t?? 1 ** 1 * ... .
VtcKSBcao, February 22.???A break occurred
lar night lu ton lower part of the Delta Bedford
levee, about five miles below the delta At last
accounts toe break was flfiy yards wide auq
widening rapidly The water ta about six feyt
deep, li ta thought that the levee wa* only
six feet high ag*ln??t it, aud levee wa* twelv ??? fees
hlgn. The break occurred In the woods, in front
of lb??p-op-wty owned by John B. Reed. The bay
ou Macon is reported rising. News from above
represents the Goodrich levee as being in a threat
cuing condition, caused from the sinking of tho
foundation. _____
Carsolltox, February 23 ???Tho indications are
that several of the yonng mou who left here a few
weeks ago for Ttxas, will re torn satisfied that there
ta no place like Georgia. They will come bsek???as
many others have done???contented to make their
homes among the old red hills, aud help to build
up lb** Industrie* ot tbelr native state.
Augusta, February 23.???A fire this morning de
stroyed toe planing mill of Graadta dt Korn's estab
lishment, doing vory large badness. The orlglnjof
the fire is unknown. The lost li about $i0.930, In
surance $4 001. There was another alarm caused
by the catching no fire of a root on a retiatneo on
Grceno street. Very little damage done.
Rohe, February 23???About two miles from town
Mr Byrd yesterday had an altercation with* negro,
when tho latter shot at him, fortunately without
Covinotoh, February 23.???Our city enjoyed a
pleasant event last night Messrs. Frick A Co., of
Waynesboro, Pa., with a capital of (900.0C0, have
contracted with Thomas Camp, proprietor of the
Pioneer michine works at toi* place, to farnub
necessary capital to run the work* on a grand scale,
and responded in a beautiful speech, daring wh cb
be expressed much pleasure with toe reception
S iven him. and said he hoped the management of
lie works heru would prove a source of pride to the
city of Covington and toe people ol Georgia. ???
Quitman 1s to have another paper next week.
??????The New South" under the editorial nanage
mast of Rev. N. B. Ousley, will vie with the "Free
Prcse" in toe material development of onr county
and section.
Villa Rica, February 22.???Lost night was a bad
night on dogs. Some one put out poison, and no
one knows how many got lb I saw four In one pile
this morning, and to-day Marshal Yates ta not idle
He is bawling them off.
Captain T. M. Kelly, of Carroll county hss rn*
???old any of bis cotton crop yet. He has tom*???
bales la a ware house here now.
He only inns two plows and last year on fifteen
acres be mad** twelve bales of roUon. -They wilt
average over 450 pounds Ue also made near 1C00
butoe's of corn. The captain only ralres cotton as
a anrp???uo. He raise* bit own wheat at home and
raises bis owu horses and In fact makes any and
ery thing that ta to bs used on a Urm He has a
_are that he bought in Ten eawe on bis way home
from the war lie told me bo bad rat ed $800
worth of hones from her. He has adopted toe
stock law sad ??ajs it* works well.
Mr. Alma Hill has sold, already, three hundred
pounds of tard of bis own raking, and baa plenty
of meat aud corn to do blm through the year. Mr
H1U is one of Terrell???s most energetic young meu
In HawklnsvIUe, Mr. Joe B. Klng'a fine cow Bese
died a few days ago from peUon, can red byeadng
the twigs and leaves of an evsrgreen known as the
???mock orange," which had been prnned, and the
cuttings thrown into the streets. When the leaves
and branches of tola species of the wild orange are
cured or wilted by the inn, cows will cat them,and
are almost certainly poisoned and die from the
Speaking of the new road law the Griffin News
???ays that surrounding counties are bestirring them
???elves In the matter which Spald log baa beta toe
first county in middle Georgia to adopt. The grand
Jury of Coweta connly will meet in March and will
probably take the matter nnder advisemenL The
Herald ??ays; "We are not prepared to say whether
or not it ta advisable to make the char gc. Of one
thing there is no doubt; something ihould be done
to improve our public roads," It then Justly re
marks that "among the highest evidences ef ad
vanced civilization in any country or sge, Is too
existence of good roeds, end nothiog contributes
more to the comfort au1 convenience of too people,
to the easy di-patch of butluess and to economy of
time and tabor." The Jackton News comes out
this week with an article in favor of llie adoption
of the new law iu Batts county.
Two years ago Mr. E n. Dorsey bought seventy-
s-veu acres of land near Sunuy Side, paying therefor
$770. Siuce that time be haa cut and sold off the
place over $1,300 worth of wood, and twenty-seven
acres of original forest remain untouched. This
week he sold toe land to Mr. A. O. Gsy for |9. 0
cash, having realized a profit of $1,430 ou his origi
nal investment.
Dublin, February 23.???When ibe hostler brought
out Dr. R. H. Hightower's hone this morning for
water he informed the dccto- that a rat had built a
nest in the matted hair of bis util, which had been
Ut-d in a knot. Kxaminatlnu revealed the fact that
a large r *t had became entangled iu too horse's Util
had uot beeu found,
Captain W. F. Halt, cf Dablonega, says that
million dollar sale of north Georgia mlniDg prop
erty about to bo consummated may be traced di
rectly to the Atlauta exposition. Captain Hall
thinks that the counties of Hall, Lumpkin, For
syth. Cherokee, Pickens, Gilmer, Fannin, Union,
Towns, White, Rabun and Habersham, should get
up a first-cl vss mineral exhibit at the New Orleaus
world's fair. These counties produce every kind
of ere and 'toues, from the common quarts to the
ipirkttng diamond.
Cay* Speino, February 22 ???Our relief commit
tee, W O. Connor, chairman. Is doing all in hi
power for the he)pies*. At least tbirteeu families
near us are in absoluto need. Tho wounded are
doing welt, and hopes are entertained for lli*??lr re
covery Miss Holt 1* sti 1 too ill to bo moved.
Mr* Copeland is improving Tho burial of Mr.
Galllard from toe Episcopal church was
largely attended, ludependent of tho efforts
of the committee. Rt-v. M. H. Lane and Mr Connor,
raised in cash and presented to Mrs.Gal)lard tester-
cotton sheeting fo-dsy and will mako a temporary
covering for nis house. The wouuded person*,
cows, sheep and fowls are dying all aiong the track
of dotrucilon. Large numbers of turkeys,chickens
and bird* are found without (fathers. The deaf
and dumb chlldten are allowed pay for extra
work in the shoo shop, and from the
money earned in this way too/ contributed eleven
dollars to toe relief ot Mrs Gallllard. Master Bow
d'ie Pbinlsy, grandson of Colonel Yancey, ran to
his mother during the storm, threw his arms
around her and said "We will die together,
mother." Ro t e sent us a telegram to day offering
toconnibuto to the unfortunates, Iotellljrant per
sona who were in toe cyclone say that while it was
upon them they were shrouded In darkness Thera
was no thunder or lightning, end very llttlo rain
immediately connected with the funnel shaped
wbil wind air monster, and still trees and other
combustible matter was set cn fire. Who can ao
connt for this?
Pickens Countt, February 20 ??? 1 little lers than
one month ago a party, comtattog of two men, two
women and a troop of shout fifteen children, too
eldest child not over eight years of age, and abun
dantly supplied with bapgsge, 1. e. trunk* and
boxes, bowtded too train at Jasper, Ga., hound for
Texas, ???io-dsy this same psrty returned to Pick
ens county looking forsaken enough, and with
them rot a Mingle vestage of bsggnge other than
what they carry in hand, looklug as if for provls
Ions ou the way. Colonel Towers remarks "they
must make tbelr start from the ground."
Sylvania, February 20.???Dr. L, B. Brown, a den
tlst of this place, died from the effects of a cars
buncleon jcsicrday moaning.
Homeevillk,February2i???Rev. E, J. Benton,ha
removed to Waresboro, Georgia,
William E, aud E. M. T, Smith, two brothers,
have for years post been Involved In lliigatlou
coucernii gccitain landed property In thlscnuuty
At toe last term of our suporfor court a recovery
was bad in favor of the formeryand the latter was
recently ousted from too possession of too proper
ty. Since then the fencing, houses, ete . have been
burnt and a warrant??? issued at the instance of
William avslnst E M. T. for arson. Ou Saturday
parties c*me to town for a hearing before a
court of inquiry, and on meeting B. M. T. attempt
ed to sho??>i William K., whereupon Wi liam K
fired, inflicting a psinful wound fnthesrmof K
M. T. Bystanders in??erfetlog, disarmed the rare
ties and stopped toe difficulty. Tbo besting before
the court was postponed until next Saturday. This
unfortunate trouble la much deplored by our
Lexington, February 20.???We have bad an ex-
ce??s of rain for last few days. It has retarded the
farmers greatly.
The feu ee meeting last Saturday waa a failure
Ittagenorally conceded that the proclamation of
Judge Uilhsm will become law too first of AprD
in xi, aud friend and foo have about concluded to
scorpt the situation. So most of our farming friend*
svh gone to work aud built pasturca. Now should
Judgs Pottle grant tho injunction tor which Mr.
Howard will pray in a fow days, and tho supremo
court not overrule him, our fanners will be left in
rather an uuphsMut dilemma, as tin y will have
u??cd all thclrspareniUaudtlmein making pasture
fence, and will havenelther rails nor time to mend
the fences around their crops. Surely too fence
problem is assuming a erious aspect lu onr county.
GaaxNVtLLK, February 20 ??? Meriwether conrt 1s
In sesslou Judgo Harris presiding. There is qulte>u
array of legal talent id attendance from a dlstauce
Among toe lawyers present I notice Messrs. Burch
and Atkiuron, of Newnan, Post aud Carter, of
GrautviUe, Mttbvln, of Senols, Stand ford, of Ham-
Utou, and Rus??ell, Palmer and Keith, of Chlpley.
kcevra. Park,iPeavy and Atkinson, Terrell, Hill aud
McLaughlin represent the local bar. Monday and
lutsdav were taaeu tip trying thJ merits of the
famous Kirkpatrick wilt caw, toe Jury late this
aficruoou bringing in a verdict ??euiug aside the
will and givlug too property to a grandson.
Tbtaaf eruoon an uuiurtun*te cutting affray oo
currtd in toe court house yard, almoat uuder toe
eye of be court and within twenty step* of the
roomlu wbiob ibe grand Jury wss holding it* res-
tlous. A Mr Weldcu.a oue armed man, had ac
cused one Clark of ftbomlng Weldsn???e cow last
August. Weldeu drew his kulfe and threatened to
cut Clark. Parties Interfered and prevented a col
lision. Twenty minn tea after wards Wslden accosted
two Thomas boys, frieuds ???of Clark, and after
some words, propra-cd to goto toe gate of the court
house enclosure, about thirty step* distant ami have
a fighL They then proceeded to toe gate, Weldeu
i-tkiiiifwff his coat. At the gab; Weldeu and toe
eldt-r Thoms* exchanged several blows ana then
threw a rock or two. Thomas then ran off, Weldon
lu pursuit. Young Thomas threw a rock, hitting
Weiden on the bead. Weldon then ran alter tho
younger Thomas, giving tho older brother
ppottuuily of getting * *
With this the cldc
of Weldeu Thomas let fly at Wslden, ???
by a sudden squatting to the around, dodged tie
reck. Thomas ran again, with Weldeu In hot pur
suit In jumping down au embankmeut, form d
by the old courthouse fence, The mas fell. Before
he could get up Weiden Inflicted
l wo v*-nr dangerous stabs with a
Isrgebladea porket knife. one stab
beftw toe shouldvr, the other lu the small of toe
back. Leavlug bis vlstim, Weldeu wss struck on
the side of the faca bv a targe rock said to havt i
beeu thrown by Mr. Bennett Malone. By this Umu
hbctlff Maffeu had run from the coartro m and ar
rested weiden. Young Thom*s waa carried to the
drugstore and bis wouuda dressed by br. Terrell.
He is dangerously, perhaps fstslly cut.
Her, A. It. ThlijpQn, D???3.itn. O*.: "I tho'mht I
w.i Double to take Tnc Cu.-tniTUTioD, bat on*
clo-cd find thu mouex- bead luk.tu."
Ur. Jno, F. Util. Cabin Creek. Ark.: "Stmpl. HarptMH my moat loagalue expect.-
tlocs???$1.25 enclosed."
Mr. M. Lovell. Temple, Ga.: "It Is the beat pa
per I ever saw."
Mr. J R Ntaholi, Athens, Ga.: "I wou'd not bo
without The Weekly Constitution for $10 a je??r.
Why every family in the country don't take ft is a
mystery to me."
Cyrus Sharp, Jr., Forsyth, Ga.: "We have be-
cone so at ached to your paper wo India-
pe sible,"
n T. Peeples, Nashville, Ga : "Pample received.
Eoclored $1???will send several more."
B. T. 81 mpsonRoopvllle. Ga : "It ta the paper
for ihe nUllon. I cu'l do without It."
I. J. Smith, Blakely, O.': "I! rand yon fourteen
???ubwrlbcn .lib the m mey???the w.irk of ou, bail
boar. Will .end another club orxt week "
J. W. MeVullIn, Tin,.. T.xu: ??????Y'inr iperlmrn
Jntt rreelred I am ought at th. nfflea wltb out
??? rteenta I anelow tiat nthat I will ret all of Dr
Lelaad???taddrrra. Will wad If when I ,et h??? m??."
am a Oeortfan.and though ont ot th" old ??u?? f r
<eu yean, I Hill lore her and her people. Nothing
gira me non pleature than lo m that her pwple
are prmwring I endow ,1 a send mo mme ex
tra copies and i???ll dlatribute them among my
The senate puaed the joint reaoln'ion op-
propriating $10,000 for the contingent lundof
the senate end alio the bill lncrrealng (lie en
dowment fund of the univmity of Alebema.
The bill providing for heating end d-.ter,u'a
ng tho claims of Georgia, was placed on the
Senator Brown introduced bills providing
for the erection of public buildings at Am
gusto snd Athens, the cost being limited to
$200,000 at the tormer place, and $75,000 at
the latter. In the bouse, Mr. Belford, of Col
orado, offered a resolution requesting the sec
retary of stato to furnish such information as
be bad in reference lo Bismarck's action con
cerning the Herr Lasker resolution. The bill
was psesed fixing at one cent for each four
ounces the rato of postage on second-class
mail matter. The resolution of Mr. Money,
of Mtesinlppl, calling on the postmaster gen
eral for information concerning the star
route service was adopted. .The military
academy bill passed.
Washington, February 22.???Mr. Reese, of
Georgia, introduced in the house last Monday
n bill wbicb will attract considerable atten
tion whatever may be ita fate. He proposes
lu the bill referred to make if a misdemeanor
lot any person to send through the maile by
plain or registered letter, by money order,
postal note, nr circular, any communication
relating to future contracts. I asked Mr.
Reese what was the reason for tho introduc
tion ol ibis bill. Bald he: "1 think it would
materially cheek a great and growing evil.
This speculation in futures haa ruined more
young men than almoat any other evil
agency. It has beeu especially diaaatroua
lo yuuog men and old ones too, (or that map
ter, in the south. The fouudatlona of many
a fortune have been swept away and the
business habits of many n man ruiued by
this reckless spirit of speculation. It is adu-
iiioraiiiipg force in society, and I am
in favor of doing everything we cau
lo check it.???
???Ho you think ibe government
boa the right to go os far as your bill pro
???X do. All letters to lottery companies aro
excluded from tho mails, and the two or
three lotteries In the country are insignificant
in their bud efiects compared to the bucket
shops and the bigger traps for the unwary.
Speculation in futures la not a legiti
mate business translation, Our own slate
ul Georgia iuis declared that it is against pub-,
lie policy to countenance this badness and
haa declared void all cunlracls for future pur
chase or sale. The supreme court has aus
tained that law, It is supported by the com
mon sense of the people.???
???Whet is the prospect ot passing
your bill?"
???That 1 cannot tell, I have not talked with
many members abone it. I bays thought of
the subject a good deal myself, for It has bren
forced on my attention by the ipeetliatlve
spirit which drains midlona of dollars out of
tue south every year. I am satisfied that the
government ougut to refuse its postal facili
ties to this species of business so-called.???
I'aris, February 22???The arrival of ail
American paper containing tho controversy
in reference to Mr. Benjamin???s alleged letter
about tba British recognition of the confed
eracy caused on this side of the ocean no lit
tle amusement. A reporter called upon Mr.
Benjamin, who, in the course of the conver
sation, stated substantially os follows: "In
the first plsce, nobody at all familiar with the
true state of the facts could ever havo enter
tained the idea that I asked the British con
sul to introduce me to Lord Lyons. Lord
Lyons end myself had lived near each other
for several years, anil during that time had
been in the habit of often dining
each other???! tables. Consequently tho
assertion that I applied to tho
consol for such introduction is simply'nbsnrd.
In August. 1800, dnrlng the presidential cam
palgn of Mr. Lincoln, I remember being in
San Francisco engaged with Mr. Reverdy
Johnson upon the case of the New Almsden
quicksilver mines. It may have happened
that some such letter was fabricated aa one of
the numerous elrctlonearlng dodges of the
campaign, and It may have been sent by some
political buccaneer to Mr. Tbqrlow Weed,
who would have not onty perceived such a
device too foolish ever to be made use of, but
also wou'd Imre rea g"'x>d it as spurious and
thrown it aside among bis papers, where Ihe
forged document was perhaps found at his
London, February 22.???'The Dally Tele
graph Ibis morning reports the surrender of
the garrison at Tuksr. The Times confirms
this report. Five soldiers have arrived in
Huakliu, froiuTokar, and brought news of
the surrender of that town. They report 'hut
rebels beset the town end kept up a constant
fire of artillery and rilles. On Tuesday the
garrison, seeing the necessity of conferring
with the rebels, Yakoof and Moccainl Kfl-
endi, chief of the police,with asergeantot ar
tillery, went ont and bad a conference with
the rebels. On their return they Informed
the garrison that they must surrender their
arms onThursdsy. Many of the soldiers
murmured at this, and a large proportion of
them escaped during tbe night, but os the
conference bail arranged, Tnkarwas surrend
ered on Thursday. On receiving the news of
the surrender of Tokar, Earl Granville, for
eign secretary of state, instantly summoned a
cabinet council.
lixnUN, February 22. -The seml-offlclil news
papers openly demand the recall of Minister
Sargent The Munich Algemelne Zeitung
charges Sargent with having a scheme to In
fluence tbe next elections in America by his
diplomatic conduct at Berlin. It Is thought
certain Ihst tbe Interpellation will be made
in the reichstag regarding the Luker affair.
Tk" Week???s Failure.
NSW Yosx, February 23.???'Tbe bullosas fallares
of the last seven days os reported to It. U. Dud A
Co , number fo- the United Hiatts tM, for Canada
--.ora total of 210 si compered with a totsl i.ftas
i week, * decrease ol 62. Tbe reducilon In t- e
umber end Importance of filiurcs all through Ibe
Muiniry la apparent, especially in Ihe western
maiea. .
Fell PeaS t'f???S Ska Ipt
Pasts, February 23.-A si oration Is reported from
Bt. Deals, capital of Ihe Freach Island Reunion,
In the Indian ocean. A dual with swords was
tongbt between an Knilllhmsn named Winter aod
an ??ffleer of tbe martnea by the name cf Uraijcan.
Winter was pleroed to tbe bean and fall dead upon
tbe spot.
When we eat bread raised with Dr. I???ricn???a
Cream Baking X???owder, we are eating the
wheat flour, in all of its nutritious elflclenry.
i???bysicians recommend it became, while
making the while loef deliciously palatable,
it keepe tbe nourishing dementi intact and
whole. It has proved Itself for years, to be
the best and safest,
Mira Tip Bounders has painted a heroic portrait
Lend, your paper to your
neighbor and ask him to sub
scribe. Every new subscriber
enables us to make a better
Ugly blotches and stubborn old sores are
cured by Samaritan Nervine. $1.50.
i cremation o,.raping offers to ???ro-
Ite ginrefnl,???
Aik for Wells??? ???Rough on Coma.??? Me. Qotck
complete peimancni cure. Coma, warts, bunions
ANG09TUTA BITTERS Is known as the great
regulator ot the dlgcsuvo organs all over the world.
Hare It In your houses. Ask your grocer or drug
gist for the genuine article, Dx,
5, G. B. Slegert A Sons.
The most valuable building lu New York is the
Mills block, worib IM75 oco
Yourg Men, Middle Aged Men and An Men who
suffer from rarly Indiscretions will and AUen???s
Brain Food tbe most powerful luTtgoiant ever In-
In Vie loir Years.
Impurity of bloo.l, however generated, is
always present in the body when pain is felt;
it spreads and ferments wherever a weak spot
or low vitality exists.
Brandrotb???a Fills are the one great and un
failing remedy, because they take hold and
expel only what is hurtful; so when sick,
have pain, dizziness, rheumatism, colds or
costivencss, take from three to fire, and if
they do not operate in four hoars or so, take
three ot four more. They cleanse the bow
els snd circulation from all impurities of the
blood, and often save lifo. Brandrelh's rills
preserve the vigor of youth, and for a long
period keep off the debility of age.
Sold In every drug and medlclDe store,
wltb plain printed directions for use.
Ladles and sickly girls requiring a non-alco
holic. gentle stimulant, will find Brown???s
Iron Bitters beneficial.
It will be several days before tbe amoant of the
defalcation at tbe Emsison custom houro can be
It???s too bid. Sir or Madam, but don???t get
frightened. Your hair is failing off???that's
certain. A gitnee in the mirror, or an Investi
gating committee of fingers tell the dismal
story, We won???t discuss tbe possible cause.
It is enough that Parker???s Hair Balsam used
now will prevent further destraction. Is your
hair somewhat gray, too, and crisp? Also,
yes. Tbe Balsam will give back the original
color, ooftnrss and gloss. Not a dye, noroily
eli gantly perfumed, a perfect dressing.
f-'iikluo aud foundry works.
Nklnny Hen.
"Wells???s Health Itonowor" restore* health and vigor,
cures Dyipcpsls, lmpotcnoe, Bcxual Debility, 91.
An old physician, retired from practice,
having had placed in his hands by nn East
India missionary ths formula of a simple
remedy for tho speedy and permanent enreof
consumption, bronchitis, catarrh, osthninnnd
all throat and long affections, also a positive
and radical cure for nervous debility and nil
nervous complaints, after having tested its
wonderful curative powers in thousands of
coses, has felt it his duty to mako it known to
hia suffering follows. Actuated by this mo
tive and a desire to relievo human sufferlm:,
I will send freeof charge, to all who desireit.
tills receipt In Germsn, French dr English,
with full directions for prrpurlng and using,
8ont by mail by addressing with Btamp, nam
ing this paper, ff. A. Norn, HO Power???s
block, Rochester, N. Y.
Lend your paper to your
neighbor and ask him to sub
scribe. Every new subscriber
enables us to make a better
A fflcaataetw VlMfli
??? Wo c*ll attention to Dr* J. Statobtck WiUon'a
card In tbl* week's paper. Dr, Wilson I ?? au old
Atlanta physician of high character and long prac
lice. We commend hta card to toe public.
Don't Din In (lie l(on*r.
Rough on Rata.??? (Rears out rata, mice, roachcx,
bed bug*, flics, an ta, molt*,chi pmuoka.gopherr, 15a
Over 1,000,000 bu*h*la of core on the river bank*
between Evansville, I* d , aud Paducah, Kjr., wll,
bo swept away in toellrwf.
Dr. San fonl???e Lifer Inylprorator. Juat what
name implies; Cathartic, Toni*. Kcllable.
market. Bee advertiremanl in toi* imie.
Ladies wbo rcnr.1 rasuroN and economy
writ*) to tho Kubsiieedt M'r o Co., New York Cfly,
for dffccrlptlvn sans pies and IlliiHlrationa of Kin-
C * . Braid*. Ruohings. Robe*, fixlrta,
hich it malls free of charge to any
Major Jones ray* (hut Brewer** Lung R??*>tnrer is
the most rails bio throat and lung remedy in the
WrlgbUville.Pa ??? Rev. Elijah Wilson says:
???Brown???, Iron Bitti-n have permanently
cured me o( chills snd fryer.???
Money to l.own
On Improved farms in Fallon. DeKalb. 11-nry,
fUKkdste, Newton, Morgan, Ureene, Taliaferro,
riorkc, Oconee. Msdison aad Ch-rokee conntlei.
We are oprradng through Ihe Corbin B,nk. and
can negotiate promptly every loan wo uoderioko.
Addraransat Atlanta,andourasHstant, Dr. John
8. Holliday, will come to ran you.
Van Em, Cauocn a Kino.
Absolutely Pure a
This powder never varies. A marvel of purity,
???length and wholesome<<onomtaal
than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be aold
competition with the multitude of lew-tret, *hc
weight, alum or pbfrptLit.) powder*. Bold only
can*, wholesale by Boynton Bros, Attanta. Ga.