The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, February 23, 1853, Image 1
THE TRI-WEEKLY TIMES AND SENTINEL VOLUME I] THE TIMES & SENTINEL. TENNENT LOMAX & ROiWELL ELLIS, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. THE TRI-WEEKLY TIMES fc SENTINEL U published E VERY WEDJXFSDA Y and FRIDA Y MORK IXG and SATURDAY EFEJYIJXG. THE WEEItuY TIMES & SENTINEL, set published every TUESDAY MORNING. Office on Randolph Street, opposite the Post Office. terms: TRI-WEEKLY, Fire Dollars per annum, in advance. WEEKLY, Two Dollars per annum,in advance. rr Advertisements conspicuously inserted at Onk Dollar I per square, for the first insertion, and fifty cr.nts for every sub sequent insertion. Liberal deduction will be made for yearly advertisements. Muscogee Sheriff Sales. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in March next, at the in irket house, in the city of Columbus, between the usual hours of sale, the following property to-wit: All the interest of R chard \V. Fox in ami to the following ne groes, to-wit: Cuffee, a man about fifty three years old ; Clarissa a woman about fiity years old; Caroline a woman about thirty years old, and Loftiaka a girl about fourteen years old ; levied on •as the property of Richard W. Fox to satisfy sundry fi fas frem Jlfuscotfee Superior Court in favor of John Banks, and other fi fas I in my hands against said Fox. Also, a house and lot on the west side of Broad street, beii.q on j and part of lot number seventy three, and now occupied as a ; residence by Timothy B. Collins; levied on as the property of said Collins to satisfy a 11 fa from a ni assist rates’ court in favor of ‘ John Whitesides against said Collins; levy made and returned ! tome by a constable. Also, lot of land number one hundred and nineteen in the 7lh j district of Muscogee counly, levied oil as Ihe property of J, J. | How :ll to satisfy a fi fa from a macistr ites’ court in favor of liar- j rison Thomas, atrainst said Howell; levy ma.le and returned to ! me by a cons'.ahle. , Also, a number of school desks and seals, levied on ns the I properly o( Daniel B. Thompson to satisfy a fi fa from a magis trates’ court m favor of James Vernoy against said Thompson. Also, lot of land number one h nil red vnd seventy four, in the tenth district o/ Muse gee, containing two hundred and two and a half acres, more >rless; levied on as the property >f Wil'iam 1,. Culbreath to satisfy a ti fa from Harris Superior coutt in favor of Augustus F. Harvey and Emelius P. Harvey against said Cul- i breath. A. S. RUTHERFORD, Sheriff. Also, at the same time and place, a small bay mare, about eight vears old, levied 01 as the property of John T. McMurry, to sat isfy an attachment at the instance of John L. Cheatham ; which attachment was returnable to the Inferior Court of Muscogee j comity, held on the second Monday in February, 1852. Pro- ; perty sold bv order of said court. A. S. RUTHERFORD, Sheriff. Columbus, January 2S—Uis i Randolph Sheriff Sale3, WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in March next, before the court house door in the town of Cuthbert, Randolph , county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, j to-wit: One lot of land number one hundred and twenty-four in the | seventh district of said county, and one negro man by the name j of Jeter about thirty three years of age ; levied on as the proper- I ty ot James Morris, to satisfy one fl fa issued from the Superior j Court of said county in favor of Howell Cobb, Governor of the j State of (Jeorttia, vs. James Morris. Also, the east half of tot of land number six in tliesixth district I of said county, and one sorrel mare and colt; levied on as the the property of James A. Foster to satisfy two fi fas is ued from j the'Sup rior court of said county: one in favor of Brooks and Smith,one in favor of Thomas IV. Robinson, vs. James A. Fos- j ter. Pointed out by defendant. Also, lot of laud number two hundred and forty eight in the | sixth district of said county : levied on as the property of Robert | Nickols to satisfy two tt fas issued from the Superior court of said county; one in favor of John Alley, vs. Robert Nickols, the j .other in favor of W. Jordan, administrator of John Alley, de,c’<J ! vs. said Nickols. Pointed nut by W. Jordan. Also, two lots of land number one hundred and twelve and eighty one in the ninth district of said county; levied on as the property of Herbert Stubbs to satisfy one fi ia issued from the Su periorc mrt of sthJße6*ty in favor of Macon Langley, vs. Her bert s tubs and John F. Ball, endorser. Pointed out by Herbert Stubls. Also, me undivided south halfof lot in the town of Outhbe-t No two in square eight, it being one-fourth part of said lot: levied on as the property of John Hamell to satisfy sundry fi fas issued from the Interior court ot said county, one ui favor ol'J/enry L • Taylor, vs. Jo m Hamell and William C. Perkins. Also,four lots of land number forty-nine and the north bait of number forty eight in the eleventh district, and number thirty live, and the north half of lot number thirty three in the tenth -district, il l ot said county : le\ ied on as the property of William Mattock to satisfy three fi fas, one in favor of Uexaiidcr Pace j and others, vs. William Matlock and JohnT. McLmdoq. Also, two negro boys named Adam ten years of age, and Jim years of age, and one two horse wagon and two horses; lev ied on as the property of John H. Jones, to satisfy sundry ti las’ i issued trom tiie Superior court of said county ill favor oi David lliggerstaff and others, vs. John 11. Jones. Also, one sorrel mule, ‘evied on as ttie property of John .1. Bell to satisfy one fi is issued from the Super or court of said county in favor of 3. P. Allison, vs. John J. Bell and Duncan Jor dan. Also h undivided half of forty of lot of land number one huu . ed and thirteen in tliesixth district of said county, it being in the north east corner of said lot ; levied on as the pro perty of John H. Jones to satisfy sundry fi fas issued out of a Jus tice court of said county in favor of .Morris Sels and others vs. I John H. Jones. Levy made and r turned to me by a constable. Also, six acres of lot of land number one bum)red and twenty one in the eleventh district of said county, it being the north east •corner of said lot, levied on as the propertj ofMicbe'.i Deasonlo ■satisfy one fi fa issued from a Justice court of Stewart county in | avorof John Fussel, vs. Mitchell Deason and Ism. Deason.— i Lew made and resumed to me by a constable. Also, east half a ten acre lot, it being in the south west corner of j lot of land mi inner's me hundred and ninety throe in the ninth dis 't • ict of said county; levied on as the property of .John H. Jones and Anderson Lee to satisfy one ti fa issued from Ihe Superior ■c ourt of said county in favor of E. D. Smith vs. John I!. Jones and Anderson Lee. Jan. 29-lda WASHINGTON JOY CE, Sheriff. MORTGAGE SALE. Also, at the forme time and place icill be sold on the first Tuesday in. March, the following property, to-wit: Tjot o f land number two hundred and thirty-six, in the fifth district of said county, f.evied on as the properly o r Tilman Hu Ison, to satisfy one mortgage li fa issued from the Superior Court of said county, in favor of Philip Cook vs. Tilman Hudson. Also, lot of laud number fifty-two ia the eleventh district of said county; levied on as the property of Robert S. Scott, to satisfy one mortgage fi fa issued from the Superior Court of said county in faverof Isaac B. Brown vs. Robert S. .Scott. Pointed out by Plaintiff. RICHARD DA FIS, Dp'y. Sh'ff. December 30,18,>2. ltda Early Sheriff Sales. \T7TLL be sold before the court bouse door in Blakely, Early ’ county, on the first Tuesday in March next, between the usual hours oi sale, the following properly to-wit : Two lots of land numbers one hundred and forty eight and one him tred a-d forty nine in the fifth district of Early county, to satisfy afi fa in favor of Peter Lee and Mrs. Elizabeth, vs. Burrell T. Hinson, issued by the Superior court of Early county. Also, one sorrel mare, one yoke of oxen and cartas the proper ty of one Joseph It. Ellis to satisfy afi fa issued from Randolph Superior court in favor of Bennett If. Perkins, vs. said Ellis. Also, one negro woman levied on as the property of Etheldred Days to satisfy a fi fa issued troiuthe. Early Superior court in fa vor of 801.-n H. Robinson, and sundry ti fas issued troin a justice Wart, against said Hays. Also, lots of land numbers three hundred ansi sixty five and three hundred and sixty six in the thirteenth disirict of F.arly county to satisfy a fi fain favor of James 3. Lathrop, vs. James L. Cartlasrc. Also, 1 of land number two hundred and fiity nine in the rwTM ‘* istrict ofsaid county of Early ; levied ou as the property or \\ uliam TANARUS, Smith to satisfy fi fa front Early Superior court; m I avor of John Hollis, vs. said William T. Smith. _ ‘he soui’n part of Fort Gaines, number five, lad ul . .. H Davis wit the north side of Ylbany street, containing an acre, more or less ; also, three thousand feet of lumber, more or less: nls>f.iur thousand singles, more or less, levied on as the property of Willis J, t.uoaNnrd to satisfy a fi Ia in tavor ot R. S. ttVilliams. y*. Willis J, Langford. Ju.29-tas JOHN WEST. Shi riff. ‘■“V'™’ 1 DM for Dio ,Gkoror Field. Ttnt 3outuerx 147 K Insp- ! covery, Relief, raxck Trust Company, Tittt Pjicenix f &C.,in Muscogee Bank, Williaj* Doughxrty, Gkorgx Har- | Superior Court. uravrs.Johx Banks and Philie T. Schlky. j) It appearing to the Court that ihe defendant*, George 1 ieul jind the Southern Life Insurance and Trust Company, are not within toe jurisdiction of thia Court —Field being a citizen and resident of New York,and the Southern Life Insurance and Trust Company being g body corporate established by the Terri tory of Florida. It is, on motion of complainant, ordered that the said Field and Jthe said Southern Life In. and Trust Cos. plead, answer or demur t*> said Bill,u-J demurring alone, on or before the first day of the next Term: \nd it is further ordered tha the above order be published hv the Clerk of this Court, once a month for four months, before the next Term of this Court, in one or the public Gazettes of the city of i ‘olumbus, Georgia. A true extract from the minutes of Muscogee Superior Court at Novembei Term, 185-2, this JOth dav of January, 1853. JOHN R. STURGIS, Clerk, .Jgn, 11, 1853 J unlra “THE UNION OF THE STATES AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.’ | \ T “*‘ ce#o debtors mid creditors—All persons in ■V lr> l be estate of Charms Kendall, deceased, late of uscogee county, are requested to make im-rediate pavment: 0:W! j , ln( ? claims against said estate are requested to present them duly authenticated tome. Columbus, Jan. 25—4w6t JANE KENDALL, Adm’trx. GEORGIA, \ Court of Ordinary , October Term, 1852. Muscogee county. $ RUDE .XI SI. \V * * r‘/‘ A* Edward Broughton, Administrator of the estate . . ol Lewis Lockey.deceased, having applied for letters of dis mission. It is ordered by the court that all persons concerned, shew cause, it any they have, why the said Edward Broughton, administrator as aforesaid, should not be dismissed at the next May Term ofsaid court. A true extract from the minutes o f said court, Oct 9th, 1852. Oct 12—tnfim JOHN JOHNSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA, ) Court of Ordinary, October Term. 1852. Muscogee county, $ R UJ , E JYI SI. YYTHEREAF*, John Forsyth, Administrator of the estate of John U Forsyth, deceased, havirgapplied forletters of dismission, t is ordered by the court that all persons concerned, shew ca se, fany they h ive, why said administrator should not be dismissed at the next May term of said court. A ’rue transcript from the minutes ofsaid court, Oct9th, 1852. Oct 12—m'nii JOHN JOHNSON, Ordinary. Rkubkn Simmons 1 vs. > Mortoa.ce. &c —September Term, 1852. John C. Silvky, ) !_>RESENT the Hon. William Taylor, Judge of the Superior - Court. It appearing to the court by the petition of Reuben Simmons, that on the 30th of June, 1845, John C. Silvey made and delivered to said Reuben Silvey his certain note, bearing the date and year aforesaid whereby the said John C. Silvey prom ised to pay !>v the 2d o r December next, after the dale of said note,the said Reuben Simmons, seven hundred and fifty dollars for lot id land nurnbei four hundred in the twenty sixth district of Early county, And that afterwards, on the same day and year aforesaid, the said John C. Silvey the better to secure the pay ment ofsa<d note execnied and delivered to said Reuben Sim mons,his deed of mortgage, whereby the said .John C. Silvey con veyed to the said Re iben Simmons lot of laud number four hun dred in the twenty s'xlh district of said county of Early, cotiiain ingtwo lm,.dred aud fifty acres, more or less—conditioned thai if said John C. Silvey should pay off and discharge said note, or cause the same to lie done according to the tenor and effect there of, that then the said deed of mortgage and said note shoo'd be come and he null aud void to all intents and purposes. Audit f irther appearing, that said note remains unpaid. Itis, therefore, ordered—That the said John C. Silvey do pay into Court by Hie first day of next ierm thereof, the principal.interest aud cosi. due on said note, or shew cause, to ihe contrary, if any he has. That on the failure of said John C. Silvey so to do, the equity of re demption in and to siid mortgaged premises be forever therafler barred and foreclosed. Audit is further ordered—That this rule be published in the Cohuubus Times once a month for four months, ora copy thereof served on the said John C. Silvey or his agent or attorney at least three months previous to the next term of said Court. TS 1 r Early Superior Couri, Sept Term, 1852. John C. .Silvey. S Ru'e Nisi to foreclose Moitgage. IT appearing to the Court that the defendant resides without the limits of this county. It, therelore, on motion of Pi’ffs. Counsel—That service be perfected by p iblication of this order, once a month for four months in the Columbus Times, a public gazette. S. S. STAFFORD, Pl’ffs. Alt’ny. A true extract from the minulesof Eary Superior Court, at Sep tember term. 1852. Dec 7—49 Ini THOS B. ANDRF.WS. Ci’k GEORGIA, ) Court of Ordinary for said county, Ea'ly county. ( January Term, 1853. OWEN W. SHACKELFORD. Guardian oi the minor heirs of James Foster and Asa Travis, deceased, having applied to the Court for letters of dismission irom the guardianship of sad minors- It is hereby ordered, That all persons concerned, be and appear nl the March term ofsaid Court, and cause shew, (if any they have) why said applicant should not be dismissed ir in said guardianships. A true extract, rotn the minutes of said court, j January 15th, 1853. January s—4w(it 3.3. STAFFORD, Ordinary. j ( tcnrgta, Randnlph county.--Whereas, Daniel A. j X Newsom, applies to me for letters <>f Guardianship for the i persons and property of William Newsom and Glaucus Newsom, j minors am. orphans of John Newsom, late of said county, dec’ll, j These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred ofsaid orphans to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and shew cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, February Bth, 1853. Feb. 15—7w7t O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. (~A eorgia, R; uilolpli county.— Whereas, Henry L. X Taylor and Manah L. Taylor apply to me for letters of ad ministration on the estate of Wilburn Taylor, late of said county, deceased. j These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the j kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased, to bs and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and shew cause, if any : they have, why said letters should not he granted. j Given under my hand at office, this the 22d day of Jan., 1853. ‘ .Tan. 29—5w6t O. P. BEALL. Ordinary. ; Ct eorgia. Kanilolpti county—Whereas, John Peier- ‘ X son appliesto me or letters of administration oil ihe estate i of Archibald Peterson, late of said county, deceased. j These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all end singular the ! kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my oi lice, within the tiint 1 prescribed by law. and shew cause, ii any they have, why said letters should not be granted. _ j Given tinder my hand at office this llih lay of January, 1853. January IS—3vvst fTyJ^BEA LL, Ordinary. | ( teorg a, Muscogee county-iVhqreas, Benj iiniu X Maltey, applies for letters of ailiniuisiration qn the estate of Anon .Johnson, late of said county, deceased. . I'hcseare, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to shew cause, if auv tlg-v have, why the administration ofsaid estate, should m tbegraniru N to said applicant at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in February next. Given under mv hand, this 4th of January, 1853, Jam s—2wst JNQ. JOHNSON. Ordinary. ("A eorgia, s.arly county.—iV'liereas Jesse Coiner X makes application to me for letters oi Guardianship of the persons ami property of Martha, John and William Travis, minor heirs of Asa Travis* deceased; and of Shepperd and Malissa Foster, minors of Jane Foster, deceased : ; These are io notify ail persons concerned, to shew cause, if any I they have, why said’ letters should not he granted said applicant, , at the .March ierm, next, of the Court of Ordinary for said county, i Given under mv hand at offie-R U'is January 15th. 1853. ! January-4w'it 3.3, STAFFORD. Ordinary. f't eorgia, e:arly r county-—Whereas, v\ ilnam i'l l VX makes application to me for letters of Guardianship of the person and property of Eliza Hill, a minor heir ot Dr John Hill, AH persons concerned, are hereby notified that said letters will be granted said applicant, if no objection is filed in my office within ihe time prescribed j>y law. Given under my handatiof ftee,thia November 2-Jd, 1852. D ec 7 49 w 7t S. S. STAFFORD. Ordinary. C Georgia, TalDot county—Whereas, Joseph Brown X applies to me tor letters of administration on the estate of Oliver 11. P. Daniel, late of Talbot county, deceased. These are therefore, to citeand admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed bv law, then and there to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. ! Given under mv hand aud official signature, this the 29tti day of November, 1852. MARION BETHUN E,Ordinary. Decern her 7—4tlw7t C A eorgia, Muscogee county—Wher as, t'r.i;ces , T Bailey applies for leuers of administration on the estate < Samuel A. Bailey, ‘ate M'said county,deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admon sh all and singular the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased, to wew cause, if any they have, .why thf administration of said estate should not beurant ed to said applicant, at the Court of Ordinary to be lield in and for sail! county on thesecond Monday in January next. Given under mv hand, this7th day of December, 18.;2. Dec 9, 1852—47w5t JNQ. JOHNSON. Ordinary. f'teovgin, Randolph county—Waereas, Thomas X Coratn, administrator of the estate of Joseph Williams, de ceased applies to me for letters of dismission. Those are, there fore, to cite and admonish all and singular the parties interested, to .-how cause, if any they have, within the time prescribed by law why said letters should not tie granted. Given under ray hand at office the 21st day of sept 52. Sept2B —39wt*nn O P BEALL Ordinary. peorgia, Rauclotpli county-Whereas, Thomas W 7 V Garner, administrator on the estate of William L Morgan, deceased, app iesto me for letters of and ismission therefrom. These are. therefore,to cite and admonish all and singular the parties nterested, to show cause, if any they have, within the time pre scribed by law, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office sept I6ili, ’52. Sept2B—39wfim O P BEALL, Ordinary. Ramlolpli county—Whereas. John J Sessions,administrator upon the estate of Robert Butler, de ceased, applies to me tor letters of nismission, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the parties interested, to shew canse,ii any they have, within tbetime prescribed bv law, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my ha'iul at office this22d day of may. 1852. d/ay 25-—whin OP BEALL, Ordinary. CN eorgia, Karly county--Whereas, Reuben McCor- X quadate appl es to me f< r letters of administration upon the estate o! John McCorquadale, late of said county deceased. These are. therefore, to cite, summon and admonish all and sin gular the kindred ani creditor of said deceased to file their ob f-ctions in my office within the time prescribed by law, if any they have, whv said letters should not be grunted said applicant. Given under my hand at office, tt is Dec 21st. 1352. Dec 28 —52w7t ’ 9, S, STAFFORD, Ord’ry. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, W EDNESDAY MORNING FEBRUARY 23, 1853. Administrator’s Sale.—Will he sold in Cuthbert, Ran dolph county. on the first Tuesday in March next, a negro man by the name of Ned, about fifty-five rears old. Sold as the property of Everett J. Pearce, deceased, for the payment of Ins debts. Terms on the day. DIXON F. PEARCE, Adm’i. January 18—Ids Administrator’s Sale.—WUJI be sold in Cnihberi. Ran dolph county, on the first Tuesdayin March next , a likely negro man by the name of Sam. Sold by au order of the Court of Ordinary ofsaid county, as the property ot Tharp Hale, de ceased. foi the pavment oi’ his debts. Terms cash. January 18-tds DAVID RUM PH. Adm’r. Administratrix’s Sale—Ou theft's,. Tuesdayin March next, will besold in Cuthbert . Randolph couutv. tots of land numbers two hundred and thirty two and two hundred and forty nine, in the eighth district ofsaid coimiv : these lands are in a fine stateof cultivation, and have upon them all necessary build ings for a farm. SoUl for ihe benefit ofthe heirs of isbam WheeUs deceased. Jan 18-tds MARTHA WHEELIS, Adm’x. A dminist rat<,n. a.silc--\Vili be sold on ihe first Tues /jl day iu March next, he ore the court iiouse door in Cuili bert, R mdolph county, lot ofland numberone hundred and six teen, in the4th dist-'ict ol'said comity. Sold as the property of John Dobson, lute bt Randolph couniy, Alabama, deceased. Terms cash. Jan 13—ids J'OSIaH GRIER, Adtn’r. Administrators Sale —Agreeable to an order of the court of Ordinary of Early comity, will be sold on the first j Tuesday in April next, befote the court house door in PJakcdy, a likely negro boy named Wesley, about fourteen veers old, ol light complexion, belonging to the estate of Dr. John Bill,deceased. S >ld to make a division ol saitlestate. Jan 29—Ids WII.fJAM HILL, Adm’r. lAxeetitor’s Bale.—Agreeably to an order Pom the hon- Ls orabte Court of Ordinary of Muscogee county, ! will sell, at the market house, in the city of Columbus, on he first Tuesday in arch next, the following negroes, belonging to the estate of ] N. Me. Robinson, deceased, late of said county: Henry, a man about twenty-five years old ; Barn, a man about forty years old. 3aid negroes so'd for the benefit ofthe c* editors and heirs of said estate. Terms cash. ISA AC T. ROBINSON, Ex’r. Columbus, January 18 —tils. N otice to ilehtars a.atl creditors—All persons in debted to the estate of Merlin G. Rodgers, dec’d. late of Randolph county, are requested to make immediate payment; those bolding claims against said deceased, are notified to pie sent them for payment, duly authenticated. CC WILLIN', > , {lm , r December 28—52wfit (<A WILLIF, 1 Notice to Delhi ors and Creditors—All persons in debted to tle esftiie ol’ JoITW-A. ■ Walker, deceased, are re quested to come forward aud nmw payment, and those holding claims against said estate are requested to present them duly au thenticated to me. JAB. S. WALKER, Adm r. January s —2w7t ‘VTotice to Debtors anil Creditors—Ail persons ii indebted to the estate-oi John Newsom, deceased, late of Randolph county, are r quested to make imm diate payment ; and those having demand'against said estate, are requested to present, them duty authenticated to me. Feb. 15—7w6t 1) ANI EL A. NEWSOM. AdmV._ TWO montlia after date, T- shall apply to the Court of irdiunry of andoipn county, for leave to se'llhe lands belonging to Stephen VVeatherhv. late o’ said countv, dec’d Feb. 15—7w‘2m MARTIN POLL* M ‘K, A. rWO months aft er date, application will be made to the Court ol 1 irdiuary of Randolph county, for leave to sell the negroes belonging to the estate of George W. Moye. deceased, late ol'said county. January s—4w2m WM. A. AIOYE, Adtn’r. r rWOmonthi after 5a1e,l shall apply to tlie I Court of Ordinary of Randolph county for leave to sell a negro be'onging to the mirors of 80l Graves, deeeased. January 18—3w2m B. GRAVEN,Guardian. TWO moot sifter ilate application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of county, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Fpsey Dyson, deceased January 29—2rn ABNER DY ON, Adm’r. nnwo months after date, we shall apply to JL the Court of Ordinary of Randolph county for leave to selt a town lot in Coving.on, Newton county, as ihe property of 801. Graves, deceased. L. A. GONF.KE,) B. GRAVES, r' omis - January 18—2 m w ith the Will annexed. TWO months after date application will be made to the court o ordinary of Randolph county for leave to sed the land belonging to Hiram Han Ison,dec’d, late of said county Dec 28-2 m L. C. 8A LE, Ex’r. TWO months after date appltcat ion will be made to the court ofOrdinary of Ranootph county for leave to sell Ihe land belonging lo Timothy Pitman, deceased, lalu of said co inty. Dec 28—~m A A PiT.MAN. Adm'r. TWOmoni lis afterdate application will be made to the court of ordinary of Early county, for leave to sell the real estate of F. Griffith, late of said eountv, dec’d. Dec7-w2in I RANGES A GRIFFITH, Adm’trx. rp\VO months after date 1 shall apply to the 1 Court of Ordinary of Randolph county, for leave to sell the and belonging to Henry Bandlin, dece ised. Feb. 8’ ow2m .JESSE SANDLIN, Adm’r. m ■H_—Mjll ■!■!! ~1 > ~IWT’ “Tr |-f -—T —- Max can Mustang Liniment. THIS invaluable preparation lias been but, a few months before the people of 1 tie South, yet many thousands of hollies have been sold and used in a great variety of diseases, and tt has given universal satisfaction. We have heard of none that were dissatisfied with it. We offer it as a remedy in the various diseases and com plaints for which it is recommended, with full confidence in curing;, them, as over four millions of Bottles have been sold aud for a great variety of complaints, both ol men and amma’.Jv and it has always given satisfaction, be cause it has pci for .tied just what we said it would. It has healed Cancels and scrofulous sores and ideera that had resisted the treatment ofthe Medical Faculty. A child in Feeder eklon, N. 15., a few days ago i ; burned its legs severely against a stove. The mother ini- j i mediately applied Linseed Oil and Coil on Wool, with a : I tight bandage over all; in a short time the srveams of the | child induced the mother to remove the bandage, when it was discovered that the cotton wool had taken lire by spon i taoeous combustion and had considerably increased the . size of the burn. The mother happened to think that she bad part of a botile of Mustang Liniment in her house. I width she got immediately and applied to the burned : limbs of the little sufferer, and as soon as it was applied, ! the child ceased its cries and soon after fell asleep in its ! mother’s arms, by the soothing influence of this valuable j preparation. This is to certify that the Mexican Mustang Liniment has been used quite extensively in the stables of Adams A Co.’s Great Southern, Eastern and Western Express, for curing Gails, Chafes, Scratches, Sprains and Bruises','and lit has proved very effectual. Many of their men have | also used it on themselves and their families, and they all 1 speak of its healing and remedial qualities in the highest | terms. One of our hostlers got kicked, and badly cut and I bruised 01 lbs knee—as usual, the Mustang Liniment was ; resorted to, aud the soreness and lameness was soon re moved. and it was perfectly well in three or four days.— We have no hesitation in recommending it as a valuable preparation, to be used externally on mail or beast. Rheumatism. —This is to certify that my wife was af fected with severe chronic Rheumatism ; she had suffered for months with the most excruciating pains; she had tried Rheumatic Compounds, Reliefs and almost every thing recommended for this dreadful disease. None of them relieved her pains in the least. She used a fifty cent boale of Mustang Liniment, and it cured her entirely; she is now perfectly well, and recommends ai[ of her friends to use the Mustang Liniment. (Sigoed) James L. Oliver. Savaunah, Georgia, January Ist, 1853. Principal Offices, 304 Broadway, New York, and St. Louis, Missouri. A. G. BRAGG & CO., Proprietors. Sold in Golumbus, Ga., by GESNER 6c PEABODY. February 5, 1853—tw&Avly OFFICE GIRARD li. R. CO., Girard, Jan. G, 1853. SUBSCRIBERS t’ tlie Stock of this are hereby notified that ail in stallment oi one-third of their suoscriptions in ash, Grading and Superstructure has be- n called in by the Board of Directors, and tha: cash installments in ihe county' of Muscogee, Georgia, and Russell, Macon and Barbour, Alabama, w ill be due and pavahte at the Treasurer’s office, in Columbus, Ga., sixty days from the date of this notice. WALTON B. HARRIS, Secretary. Jau. 11, 1853 1 8t vs SMITH AND BROTHER, DEALERS IN DOMESTIC PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS, OF ALL KINDS, i No. 200 Duane street. New York. Solicit Southern orders for the same; who will pack and ship iu the best manner, and sell at the lowest cash price. S. B. SMITH, N. York, Jan. 29, 1853.-fnv3m J. F. SMITH. CHERRY PECTORAL For tlie rapid Cv. e of (OI OIR COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTIDIA, AND CONSUMPTION. Many years of tiial,instead ol impairing the public con fidence in this medicine, has won for tt an appieci. tio i and notoriety by far exceeding the most sanguine exp< c atiou ol its friends. Nothing but its intrin-ic virtues and ;b un mistakable benefit conferred on thousands ofsufien rs could originate and maintain the reputation it enjoys. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends bv every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never for get, and produced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. While it is a fraud on the public to pretend that any one medicine willinlullibly cure—still there is abundant p oo< that the Cherry Pectoral does not only as a general thug, j but almost invariably cure the maladies lor which it is eiii, j ployed. As time makes these facts w‘ri r and bet er known, this ; medicine has gradually become the best reliance of the af- I dieted, fro ii the log-cabin ofthe Ameucan Peasant, to the j palaces ot European Kings, Throughout this entire conn- j try, in every State, city, and indeed aim--- every hamlet it contains, Cherry Pectoral is known the iv i remedy ex tant for diseases of the Throat ;u cl En ‘ - e and. in many foreign countries, it is coming to be c rely used by their most intelligent Physicians, lo Gicat ihu France and Germany, where the medical sciences have icachcd their Irighe-t perfection, Cherry Pectoral is introduced, and in con-taut usein the Armies, Hospitals, Alms I louses Public Institutions, and in domestic piactice, its the surest remedy their attending Physicians can employ for the more dan gerous affections ofthe lungs. Also in milder cases, and for children it is safe, pleasant and effectual to cute. In fact,some of ihe most flattering testimonials we receive have been from parents who have found it efficacious in cases particularly incidental to childhood. The Cherry Pectoral is manufactured by a practical Chemist, and every ounce of it under his own eye, with in variable accuracy and caie. It is sealed and protected by law from counterfeits, consequently can be relied on as gen ii ine without adulteration. We have endeavored here to furnish the community with a medicine of saeh intrinsic superiority and worth as should commend itself to their confidence—a remedy at once safe, speedy and effectual, which this has by iepee. tod and count less trials proved itselfto be: and trust by meat care in pre paring it with chemical accuracy, of u ? ! strength to afford Physicians anew agent on widen t uy can rely for the best results, and the afflicted writh a remedy that will no for them all that medicine can do. Prepared atitl sold by Janies C. Ayer, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Columbus, Ga., by ROBERT CARTER, and DANFORTII & NAGEL ?nd by Druggists generally. Jan. 22 —w&tw4rn. DR. ROGERS’ LIVERWORT AND TAR For the complete cure of Coughs, Colds , Influenza, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, and. all olhtr Lung Complaints tending to CONSUMPTION; TIIE GREAT COUGH REMEDY ! Reader 1 have you a Cough, which y*u are neglecting, under the idea that it is only a common cold, and that it will soon “wear itself out ?” Let a rand tell you, in ali rindness, what will soon be the probable res lift. In a short time, if you continue to neglect yourself, you will begin to feel a sense of tightness and oppression across the chest, accompanied with frequent sh rp dart* mg pains. Then a dry, hacking Cough will set in, and when you raise anything it will be a thick aud yellowish, or whiie frothy matter, streaked, perhaps, with blood. If you still take no medicine, these unpleasant s;. inptoms w ill increase, and you will soon have Ileeiie Fever, Cold Chills, Night Sweats, Copious Expect or,-am, 6c- then Great Pros!rat’on. If you still neglect yourself, a few weeks or months will see you consigned to the grave, leaving your friends to mourn how rapidly Consumption did ns work aud hurried you away. Friend 1 have you no cause to be alarmed ? in the above sketch you may s< c as in tt glas3 how everv case of Consumption progresses, with more or less t apidilv. to a fatal termination. Os ali the Thousands and Millions whom this great Destroyer has gathered to the tomb, ovt ry single case began with a Cold. If this had been ai leaded to, a’l might have been well; but being neg lect'd, under the fatal delusion that it would “wear itself off,” it transferred its deadly action to ihe substance of the Lungs, exciting there the formation of tubercles. An other, aud another cold added fuel to the flame, until these tubercles began lo soften and suppurate,leaving, by their ulceration, great cavities in ihe Lungs. At this crisis, the disease is very difficult of cure, aud oftentimes sets at defiance all human means. In the latter or worst stage, this medicine will often times arrest the disease, or cheek its progress, and will always make the patient more comfortable, and prolong hs life,and is therefore worthy ot a trial ; —but iu its incip ent or forming periods Consumption is as curable as any other disease, and “Dr. Rogers’ Syrup of l iverwort, Tar and Cancbalagua,” if taken at this time, will cure it at suiely as it is taken ! This is strong language, but we I can refer you to numberless living vvituesses to prove that itis True! And therefore, we ea-iv.-My exhort every j man, woman and child, who has a Cough, o •is subject to i Colds, to keep this medicine by you io 1 e o*'nse ; and whenever you take Cold, do not “Jet it aloue” lo work mischief in your system, but eradieale it thoroughly, and at once, by this powerfully healing compound, add leave your Lungs uninjured, to carry you in iu 1 vigor to a good old age ! mothers! ITave you e, weakly children, who are always taking cold,and subject to Croup ? Remember ! There never was a ease of Croup, wlveh cbd not originate in a Cold ! And when your childs goe to bed wheezing and coughing, you know not that, before morning, Croup may not set in, and ere you <an get a Physican, your dear child may be beyond the reach of help. We beseech you, therefore, as you value the lives of your children, keeps this medicine by you in tbebouse.and whenyour little one take cold and commence coughing, give it to them at once,and rest not uniil the cough is vn.Tely subdued. We conscientiously aver, after the most i Men :ed experience, mat if this advice were followed, no child need ever Die o f Croup. For the cold would be cured, before it eou’d arrive at this aggravated and fatal stage. Let every Mother, especially, heed well these remarks, that she may not hereafter, when mourning over the variv blighted some cherished blossom, have occasion bitterly to reproach herself for her criminal neglect. It is an old adage, that “to be fore /arned,Jsto be forearmed.” Parents ! so let it be in your case. Be sure to ask for Dr. A. Rogers’ Syrup of Liverwort, Tar and Canchalagua , and let no other be palmed on you. BCOVIL & MEAD, 111 Chartres Street,New Orleans, Wholesale General Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders and applications for agencies must be addressed. Also sold by DAN FORTH & NAGEL, Columbus, G.v ROBERT CARTER, “ “ GESNER &PE A BODY, “ DAVID YOUNG. “ 41 And by one Agent in every town in Georgia and Alabama. Sold at wholesale by the principal Druggists in Augusta, Savannah and Charleston, S. C. * February 8-6wly FANCY GROCERY STORE. cTogletree, Oglethorpe Street, opposite Kentucky House, WOULD say to his friend- 5 , that he has just received a fine assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES FOR THE CI TY TRADE, which he would be much pleased to have his friends to call and see for themselves. , The following comprise a part of his stock, viz.: Cod Fish, dried and pickled Salmon, dried Holleburt, pickled Shad, No. 1,2,&3 Mackerel, ao. 1& 2 Kits, MessP**rk, Beans, Irish Potatoes, Rice, Buckwheat Flour, fino St. Louis Flour, Butter, Cheese, Java and Rio Coflee, fine Teas, Raisins, dried Figs, Preserves, Pickels, Catsup, Yeast Powders,Cranberries, dried Applesand Peaches, flue chew ing Tobacco, Powder and Shot, Mu.-tard, Onions, Table Salt, and many other ai tides too tedious to mention. Just received, a Fresh supply of Family Groceries, and a fine lot of Brandy, Wines, Champaign, Cider and Whis key, and a fine Jot of Cigars. Doe 16, 1852, 51 3m VALUAELE PROPERTY FOR SALE. STEAM MILLS, LAM), WAGONS. MULES, CARTS, WORK STEERS, STOCK HOGS of superior breeds, COWS, working utensils of various kinds, &e., && ALSO, A PORTION OF THE MILL HANDS, 11 wanted by the purchaser of the property. \ Dissolution of the copartnership heretofore existing in the above valuable property h iving taken place, the undersign ed subscribers will proceed to sell, On the first Saturday in March next,! . On the premises, to the highest bidder, their STEAM AND GRIST MILLS, With all their appendages, consisting of Three Corn .Mill*, ca pable of grinding five hundred bushels per day, and a Jl'avvfac’ luring Mill with French Burrs, sufficient to grind all thr Wheat made in iiie county and convert it into first rate flour. ALSO, TWO FIRST RATE SAW MILLS, inferior to none in the Stale ; one a Circular Saw that can cut with skillful management from six to eight thousand feet of lum ber per day, the o', tier an Upright (or Sash) equal t any saw of that kind ; the whole p opelled by an Engine of great power, cn able of running all the machinery that can be attached to it. Aho, Nine Hundred Acres of first rate Pine Land. Well timbered and finely adapted to growing Cotton, and an in exhaustible quai iity oi haul limber near by, suitable for all me chanical business. Tnese mids, nownas Toiccll fc Blackman's Steam Mills, are me.” i'.vor; oly ; J —bordering on that rich Prairie region ; ■ ‘ley in ye cere, ever been able to supply the wants of the coun d tiling sunwin he mills have to be run day and night keep up wish Ihe cm on—waterpower at that season entirely ia 1 ng in aB ;bc lure reg o i. i t in Aev ; particulars made known on the day oi t:i'c. N. B. POWELL, WILLIS GODWIN, H. BLACKMAN, B. SMITH, Jap. 23-4 t J. D. WALCOTT. United States Mail Line. From Columbus, to Chunnemiggee, and Union Springs, Ala., Via Lamington,Sani! Fort, Uchee, Creek Stand, Hernando, JEnon, and Stewart’s Mills. j THE undersigned is now prepared to carry on this line; he therefore hopes to be favored with a good share of ihe public patronage. This line intersects, at Gin menuggee, the line to Montgomery, via Tna kegee, Ala.; also, the one to Eufaula, via Clayton, Ala. SCHEDULE: Leave Columbus Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 7 A. M. t arrive at Chunnenuggee next days, at noon. Leave Chunnenuggee Tuesday and Thursday at noon, and Mondays at 3 o’clock a. tn., and arrive at Cdumbus Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 p. in. A. HAYfiOOD, Contractor. Stage Office at “Oglethorpe House.” Connecting with the mail train of cars on Muscogee Railroad for Macon, Savannah and Charleston, and all intermediate points. Relative distances from this route: Warrior Stand is four miles from Hernando ; Five Points is seven miles from Enon ; • Ridgely is two miles from Chunnenuggee; Aberfoil is eight miles from Chunnemiggee; and Missouri, Pike county, is eigh- ’ Icen miles from Chunnenuggee. Carriages reserved and ready at any trip for the use of families. T. C. PKIDGFN, Agent. Jan. D, 1853. 1 12m MUSCOGEE RAIL ROAD CO. iswrasSig pSSfa tiin WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON and after the 12th No* ember, the Trains will be governed’ by the following schedules: MAIL TRAIN, SEVEN TIMES A WEEK. Leave Columbus at 10 p. m.—Arrive at Butler at 1% a.m. ! - Leave Butler at p. in.—Arrive at Columbus at 9 p. m. E. F. RICKER, Superintendent. • Columbus, Jan. 1, 1353. (J lit on Iron Foundry AND MACHINE SHOP: OGLETHORPE STREET, COLUMBUS , GA; rp] J E su bscri hers bavi rig just completed to ei r New S hop, are I now prepared to bu:ld STEAM EAGIISE.S ol all size- 1 at'he shortest notice, and at less than Northern prices with the expenses added. Castings, and irons for Mills, and all othei Machinery made ofthe best material and warranted to work well 1 if properlv put up. We are so e Agents for Pagk & Co.’s Circular Saw Mills in this section of Georgia, the whole ol (Honda, and Alabama, and the performance of which they will warrant against any oilier mill if put np by themselves. Plans and specifications for millsfurnie • ed without charge, when they build e machinery. July 14—w&lwif AMUEL HEYS & CO THI3 isto certify that I have just received from 3. Hkys &l Cos. one of their 12 horse power Engines, and one ol Page’s Circular Saws, all of which has been put up under the direction ol Mr* Heys, and with the performance of which I am perfectly satisfied’ in every particular. 1 have no doubt in saying that I thiiifd it equal to any mill m the State of Georgia, not only in the quantity hut also in the quality of lumber it pioduces, and am at anytime willing to give any information respecting it, to any persoirmaU ingenquiries. VVM.C. 11LLL. Randolph county, July 14—w&twtf MARBLE WORKS, Fast side Broad St. near the Market House j COLUMBUS, GA. HAVE constantly on hand all kinds ot Grave Stones Monuments, Tombs and Tablets, oi American, j Italian and Irish Makble. Engraving and carving done I on stone in the best possible manner; and all kinds olGran* ite tV ork at the shortest no*.. p. s. Plaster ofParis and Cement.always ohand for sale. Columbus, March 7, 1360. 10 ts [NUMBER 22