Newspaper Page Text
Cntcst 3ntcllicence.
Wn>hiii£toti Affairs.
Washington, -June ‘23.
R. Augustus Living, of Connecticut, for souie years
m past private secretary of Governor Seymour, ol that
ban been appointed Secretary of legation to Rus
Robert J. Walker was yesterday commissioned as
Commissioner io Cbina.
From Washington Cits*
Washington, dune 21, 1853.
Gen. A. o. R. Nicholson arrived here to-day.
The report specially telegraphed last niglu, that the
President had ordered that no postmaster be appointed
if the applicant he in Washington, is unfounded.
The National Intelligencer says that Dr. Parker
will probably be continued as Secretary and interpreter
to the China Mission, and that John Ross Browne will
also he attached to it.
‘flic Liquor Law in Michigan*
Detroit, June 20.
This city gives a majority of 800 in favor of the j
Maine liquor law, lately passed by our legislature, and
made subject to a ratification by a vote of the people.
Judgin ‘from the returns thus far received from the
interior, the State will give a majority not far short of
10,000, or 4 to 1 in favor of the law.
Steamboat Explosion—Five Persons Killed.
Detroit, June 24, 1853.
On Wednesday morning, the steam propeller dial- i
lenge, bound down from Chicago, exploded her boiler j
when twenty miles below Mackinac, killing five of the
crew, and severely wounding three others. The stern
of the boat was entirely destroyed, and she sank in five
minutes. There were some fifteen passengers on board,
who were picked up by the North Htar, transferred to j
the propeller Bucephalus, and brought to this port. 1
The Challenge was entirely new, and was on her first
trip round. She was owned by 11. M. Strong and
Capt. Hart, of Detroit, and fully insured.
The cargo of the Challenge consisted ol 22,000 bush -
eio of oats, 550 barrels of whiskey, and other freight, i
The insurances on the vessel were as follows: $12,-
000 in jthe Sun Company of New York \ $6,000 in J
the Mercantile of New York ; and $6,000 in the .Kina
ot Hartford.
More War News.
New Yokk. June 28.
It if- rumored again to-day, that it is absolutely |
certain that a treaty has been concluded between
Mexico and Spam, giving to the iatter the position
of protector to the former.
Large Fire in Baltimore.
Baltimore. June 2H.
A iaroe file is raging at. Fell’s Roiut. The mar
ket House and fifty buildings have already been
Later from California’
New York, June ‘29.
Th 6 steamship Georgia has arrived with over
two millions in gold. The ship was quarantined at
Havana, where none of the passengers were allow
ed to land,
It was rumored that Gwin had been killed in the j
duel with McCork'e.
From Washington.
\Ve have a report front Washington that Mr. Bu
chanan objects to receiving instructions from Secre
tary Matey, and that lie will possibly decline the 1
mission to England.
It is believed that the Fishery Question will be
satisfactorily adjusted in Washington.
War between Bolivia and Peru.'— The N. Y,
Journal ol Commerce lias been favored with extracts
of letters from Peru, the latest of w hich is dated
2t>th ulr.
They show that a war between Peru and Bolvia
was inevitable ; or, perhaps we should say, was al
rcidt begun. A Peruvian squadron was at Islay
by the last accounts, and was to|proeeed in three or
four days to attack the Bolivian port Cobija. The
President of Bolivia had refused satisfaction !o Peru,
and is said to he anxious for war.
7 'he Mexican .Minister of Foreign Af
fairs. —We announced a few days ago, on the
authority of the Universal of Mexico—Gener
al Santa Anna’s organ—that the office of the
minister of foreign a flairs of that republei vacated
by the death of its late distinguished incumbent,
Senor Alamau, was to he tilled by the appoint
ment ofSenor Don Manuel Diaz de Bonilla.
\s the settlement of some delicate and impor
tant negotiations bet ween Mexico and the
public of the Tinted States, including the Te
huantepec affair and that of the Mesilla valley,
w ill be eoylided on the one side to this func
tionary, it is interesting to ns to know some
what ot his character, abilities and antece
•Senor Bonilla has spent much of his life in
the public service, and has fulfilled some diplo
matic functions. He is a lawyer of the highest
standing in his country, and has been a mem
ber ot Congress, and a minister from Mexico at
the Court of Borne and to the republic of Chili.
He has travelled much, as well m Kurope as in
America, and in addition to his native language
he is master of the English, French and Italian
tongues. He is at present, we understand, pre
sident of the principal college in Mexico. Add
to these various acquirements, that Senor Bo
nilla is a man of progressive and liberal ideas,
and we will arrive at the conclusion that liow
*ver Mexico may have to lament at this crisis
the death of Senor Viaman, the public duties
which devolved on his position will ho ably per
formed by Senor Bonilla. —JS ft r I ork Herald.
The California Duel. —With regard to the
duel about to be fought between Senator Gwin
and the Hon. J. YV.McCorkle, a correspondent
writes that it was to be fought on the morning
the steamer left. The w eapons to he used were
rifles, and the distance thirty paces The friends
of the parties had been trying for the previous
twenty four hours to arrange the affair amicably
without avail. Mr. Marshall acts as the friend
ol Mr. McCorkle, and Mr. Dameron, naval
officer, as the friend of Senator Gwin.
Murder of Telemon Cuyler. —By a telegraph
ic dispatch received in this City on Sunday last,
and dated at Marietta, we learn that Telemon
Cuvier, Esq., brother of Dr. Win, H.Cuvier and
R. R. Cuyler, Esq., of this City, was shot in
the streets of Adairsville, on the State Road, on
Saturday night last. states that
there was no eye-witness of the deed, but strong
suspicions existed in regard to the perpetrator
of the murder. President Cuyler left this city
immediately on the receipt of the news, to visit
tlie scene of the tragedy. —Savannah Courier.
The Boston Transcript publishes a statement
apparently by authority, to the effect that the
American fishermen have generally agreed to
start on this season’s cruise provided with arms,
and that they express a determination ‘mot to
be crowded and insulted as they were last year.”
They will exercise due caution as regards bound
ary stipulations,and will give no just cause of
offence, but will, at the same time, resent any
encroachments upon their liberty.
Boston Air Line Railroad. —It is said that !
work has been commenced in earnest on the j
New York and Boston Railroad, better known
as “the air line,” in the vicinity of Middletown,
Conn., and its friends are now sanguine that
the road will be built within a reasonable time. J
British Parliament. —A motion has been made
in Parliament calling for specific information with
regard to the attitude of Russia towards Turkey. j
Trouble in Ireland. —lmmense excitement has
been produced in Ireland by the proposed bill in
Parliament,directing the inspection by the Gover- j
ment of all the nunneries,
Grant Thorhum, better kuifrwn as “Laurie
Todd,” has just, been married again, at the age
of 82 years.
American Minister. —The University of Oxford
h:ts conferred the degree ot Doctor of Laws on Jo
seph 11. Ingersoll, American Minister.
Charleston, June 28.
The cotton market to Jay was unchanged, with sales
of 1470 bales at 8 3-4 a 10 5-S cts.
New Orleans, June 28.
The cotton market to day, indicated no change in
prices. \Ye note sales of 2500 bales.
Good Middling II al2 14 ets. Receipts to day
250 bales. Exports 4500. Stock 78,000 bales.
Bacon, dull. Sides 7a 7 1 2 cents.
Superfine Flour $4 75 per band.
Whiskey 21 cents per gallon.
New York, June 28
The sale of cotton to day reached 3000 bales at pre
vious rates. There were, however, more sellers than
Savannah, June 30.
Cotton —Sales yesterday 160 bales, viz: 111 at
10 3-4 and 45 at 11 cts. *1
HANGING —Kentcky. yard)s <2l H
ROPE ‘f? lb !> © In
BAGON— Hams I 3 ' lt, Hl© 14
.Sides s** lb] 10 © 11
Shoulders ‘4?’ H’ St © S'*
PORK— Nett iflb ©
BUTTER r'i -•> © 30
CASTINGS ‘P’lb © ‘>
COFFEE—Rio Vlb H © VI %
Java lb! 1 - © Hi
CANDLES —Sperm ‘plb 50 ©
Wax s>“ lb, bi
Star rib 30 ©
Tallow rib IS © 20
FEATHERS rib 40 © 45
FlSH—.Mackerel No 1 r bbl 14 00 © lli On
Mackerel No. 2 r bbl 13 00 ©
dackerel No. 3 r bbl 1100 © 0 00
Shad r bbl 18 00 ©
Herrinsr r box 100 ©
FL<'UR—Western r bbl 700 @ 800
Canal r bbl 750 © 000
City r bbl 6no © 750
FODDER...! rtOOlbs 125 @ 140
GRAIN—Corn r bushel 70 ©
Wheat r bushi-i 100 © 125
Oats ... r bushel 50 © 00
GLASS r box 225 @ 700
GUNPoW ER 4? keg 500 © 650
HIDES rft 8 © 0
IRON—Swedes rft © 6
English rft Ptf © 5
I.ARD r ft 12#© 1 *
LEAD r ft © 10
LIME r bbl 350 @ 4 00
MOLASSES r gallon 33 © 40
NAILS r ft 0 @ 7
OIL— Lamp r gsllou 150 © 200
Linseed r gallon 100 © oon
Train r gallon 7. ©
PAINTS r kee 200 © 275
PEAS r bushel 75 © 80
RICK rft •> @ t'M
SYRUP —Eenion per gallon 125 @
Raspberry f tie? 6no ®
SALT ‘. r sack © 150
SHOT r bay 000 © 225
soap r ft! j © 7
STEEL—Gas! !U 20 © 22
German q? i!>j i5 ©
American rIK 10 ©
SUGAR—St. Cro:x — ©
Sow-Orleans V ft, 7 @ 10
Loaf, refined sp th. 12 ® 12**
Lump js* ft-. 8 ® 10
SPIRITS -Brandy,Cog gal* 100 © 100
American g:>! 40 ® 1 00
Peach r *ra)j 1 >0 © 162
Apple gal! 60 tn 75
RUM Jamaica r ?:il: 200 © 350
New England r aral 45 © oil
WHISKEY—Irish rsral 400 ©
Monongaheia real 100 © 200
Western r - r al 30 © 40
GIN —Holland r-at 150 © 2no
American ral © @ 50
TALLOW r IV 10 © no
VINEGAR— rt’-i 37 © 50
WINES —Madeira salj 125 © 100
Sherry r eJt i t ;,n © :t oo
• ‘bam’paene .*... Bask > 15 00 ©2O (Hi
Malaga r eat, —7ft © I 00
Perl 250 ® 400
Ciarei 1 3 00 ®
Guano B*3 per hundredths.
By Jno. Payne Collier, F. S. A.
“It is not tor a moment to be doubted, we think, that in
this volume a contribution has been made to the clearness
; and accuracy of Shakspeare’s text, by liir the most impor
tant ot any offered or attempted since Shakspeare lived and
! wrote.” —London Examiner.
“ This is without doubt, the most interesting, if not the
j most important contribution to Shakspeareau literature
j which has been made since the discovery of the unique
quarto Hamlet ot 1603.” —Courier and Einjnirer.
“Commends itself to the common sense ot every reader.”
[Journal of Commerce.
/ Lately received and for sale by
; June *S-tw D. f. WILLCOX.
“We are glad to see anew edition of this very readable
book, by the author of “Life on the Isthmus.” It is writ
i ten with spirit and in a semi-mirthful manner.” —Newark
“This is quite an entertaining volume, full of the humor
ous and ridiculous. It will afford pleasant reading for an
idle hour.” —Bouton Post.
.Tune 22—tw Forsaleby D. F. WILLCOX.
By Elizabeth Blackwell, M. D.
Anew supply of tliis popular book just received and Tor sale
by [Jets twit] J. W. PEASE.
HTMIE Copartnership heretofore existing between Hie under-
X signed under the name of
is this day dissolved by mutual consent. J/ay 2.1853.
The undersigned continues the business heretofore conducted
by A. C. Flewellen &, Cos., and persons indebted I<> the said tirm
will pleasw make payment to
Columbus, (•:!.. April 30—twtf
1001 Songs.
i /fx yf Scott’s Commentary.
i Clarke’s “
Comprehensive “
E ncycl opaed i a Amei ian a.
Troutine on Railroad curves.
Owen on Forgiveness.
\ eon’s Duty of Man.
Schlegel’s miscellaneous works.
Horse Shoe Robinson.
Allan’s Ritual of Masonry.
Lockhart’s Life of Scott.
The Recruit.
Motherwell’s Poems.
Blythedale Romance.
Twice told tales.
Characteristics of Women.
Maunders Treasury.
Macauly’s speeches.
Men of the times.
Cenius of Scotland.
Nick of the woods.
Swallow Barn.
Belanger’s Lyrics.
Everett’s Speeches.
Carlyle’s Miscellancy.
Taylor’s Holy Living and Dying.
Carlyles Latter Day Pamphlets.
Pastoral Theology.
Olin’s Sermons.
Louis 17th. The history oltlie Royal Dauphin,
Ticknor’s Spanish Literature.
Bulwer's Athens.
Prescott’s Miscellanies.
Sparks’ American Biography.
Homes and Haunts of British Poet -.
How to Observe.
Bulwer’s Schiller.
Crabbe's Synonvmes.
Agnes Strickland’s Queens ot Scotland.
Harper’s new miscellany.
Harper’s Family Library, 166 volumes.
Harper’s Magazine, bound in muslin.
Lossings Field Book of the Revolution.
Cecilia ; by Miss Burney.
Beckman’s History of Inventions.
Michelet’s French Revolution.
Count Hamilton’s Fairy Tales.
Miller’s Philosophy ot History.
Lamartine’s History of The Girondists,
Memoirs of Count Grammont and Charles 2d.
Rabelai’s Works.
Bacon’s Essays and Historical Works.
Schleger’s Philosophy of Life.
Sheridan’s Dramatic Works and Life.
Robert Hall’s Miscellaneous Works,
Gregory’s Evidences of the Christian Relignv
Schiller's Revolt of the Netherlands.
Meander’s History of the planting of Christianity.
Buckeye Abroad ; by Cox.
Memories of the Great Metropolis.
Moreil’s Philosophy of Religion.
Machiavelli’s History of Florence and other Works.
Roscoe’s Lite of Lorenzo De Medici.
Schlegel’s Dramatic Literature.
Roscoe’s Life of Leo the Xth.
Goethe’s Faust, Tasso, Iphigenia, Egmont, and Goetz.
The Fortunes of the Colville Family; by the author ot
Lewis Arundel.
The Rifle Rangers.
The Marrying Man .• by the author of Lewis Arundel.
Home Influence ; Days of Bruce : Mother's Reconqjense;
V ale of Cedars ; Women of Israel.
I lome Scenes and Heart Studies; by Grace Aguilar.
Hayne and Webster’s Speeches.
Walde Warren; a tale of Circumstantial Evidence, by
Emerson Bennett.
A Life of Vicissitudes; by G. P. R. James.
The Flying Artillerist; a tale of Mexican Treachery, by
Harry Hazel.
Rochester, or the merry days of England.
Gilderoy ; The Free Booter.
The History of Pendennis.
j Vanity Fair.
Stubbs’ Calendar, or the Fatal Boots ; by Thackeray.
Katie Stewart; atrue story from Blackwood's Magazine-
David Coppertield.
The Swamp Steed, or The Days of Marion and his
; Merry Men.
Fair Rosamond, or The Queen’s Victim: by Pierce Egan
Quintal Matsys, or The Blacksmith of Antwerp.
i Columbus, May 21 —twly
To the Masonic Fraternity !
r JMIE “A him an Rezon,” or Book of Constitutions of the
1 (fraud Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Caro
lina. Especially recommended to the Fraternity by the
Grand Lodges of South Carolina and Georgia.
Just received bv
May 21— A C. FLEWELLEN’.
The Cherokee Springs.
OPENS the 17th of June, under the management of
trrf’Tq Uoi. MURRAY and LADY. The waters are
I have numerous certificates nt their efficacy and cures, in many
disease*. The Rev. Prof. Me.vms, ot Emory College, is now jue
parmgau analjsis. T’n. waters are limpid and cool, the situation
romantic amt beautiful.
i They are only ihree-tourth* of a mile *>< m the platform • used
also f’r Uabjosai on the Mate Road, between the Tunnel an i
Ringgold. Hack* in constant attendance.
1 Ringg„id, Ga.,June I—twallaw
Muscogee Sheriff Sales.
IFI LI, he *old on the tir.*t Tuesday in July next, at the market
* ‘ house, in the city of Columbus, between (he usual hour* of
sale, the following proper to-wish :
Lot of land number one hundred and ninety four in the *i\th
district of Muse gee county, levied on as the property of Nathan
! iel Dultteto satisfy a ti fa from .1/iisc igoe .Superior court in favor
j of Parker Fisher against said Duffle.
Also, fractional lot number two hundred re t forty si> in (tie
thirty second district of originally Lee, now
i levied on as the property of Thomas W. Ballard to satisfy four fl
las from a magistrate’s court in favor of Greer <*. (.'arson against
i said Billiard: levy made and returned tome by a constable.
Also, theintercs! of J.G. Cobb in seventy acres of land, more
or less, whereon J. G.Cobb and Wiley Gobh now live, being in
i the south east corner of lot number twelve in the thirty third dis
trict of originally Lee now Muscogee ; levy made and returned
to me by a constable.
Also, the west half o's lot of land number one hundred and
eighty one in the thirty second district of originally Lee now
.Vuscogeo county, levied on as the property of Jesse Story to
satisfy several tifas against said Story, a-d Seaborn \V. Ellis as
security : one in favor of Gibson Tullis ; one in favor of Thomas
Redman; one in favor of George Richardson ; one in favor of
John Kelly, and others against Jesse Story, principal, and Sea
born \V. Ellis, security; levy made and returned to me by a con
Also, fifteen acres of land, more or less, ir. the south west corner
of lot of land number seventy five in the thirty third district of
originally Lee, now Muscogee county, the creek being the line ; I
levied on as the property of B. D. Howell to satisfy a ti fa from ;
the magistrate’s court in favor of J. and J. Ligon against said j
1 lowell.
Also, on one hundred and two and a half acres, more or less, :
of lot ofland number twenty three in the sixth district of Masco- I
gee, levied on a* the property of Win. Janes to satisfy several
fi fas from a magistrate’s court in favor of Win. 11. Langford,
and other ti fas against said Janes; levy made and returned to j
me by a constable.
June 1, 1853. A.S. RUTHERFORD. Sheriff.
Randolph Sheriff Sales.
TIT ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in July, next, before the
YV court house door in the town ofUuthbert Randolph coun
ty, within the usual hours of sale, the tot'owing property, to-wit:
Lot of Jan 1 number one hundred and fitly eight in the sixth dis
trict of Randolph county : levied o:i as the property of Wi liam
It. Bruner to satisfy two (i fas issued out of a justice’s court of
said county, in favor of Wm. Caraway vs William 11. Bruner, 1, and Ezekiel Hyde. Levy made and returned to me j
by a constable.
Also, one negro man by the name of Harry 23 years of age; j
levied on as the property of William D. Beckwith to satisfy one ]
fi fa issued out of a justice’s court of /Randolph county, in favor j
ofPatrick it. McCook for the use of Daniel A. McCook vs Wit- !
Main D. Beckwith. Levy made and returned to me hyaconsta- !
Also, lot ofland number one hundred and fifty seven in the
seventh district of said county; levied on as the property of
David Ward and John B. Ward to satisfy sundry li fas issued
out of a justice’s court of said countv in favor of Delaware Mor
ris and others, vs David Ward and John B. Ward. Levy made
and returned to me by a constable.
Also, Ihe following property, to wit: one improved Wire ma
chine, one large turning machine, one burning machine, one
small burning machine, one large burning machine, one svvedg
ing machine, one grooving machine, one stove pipe, nil levied on
its the property of .Matthew Sharp to satisfy one fi fa issued from
the superior court of ritevv art county in favor of Cain &. Wrighl,
v s Matthew Sjharp.
Also, three lots ofland, numbers three hundred and two, two
hundred and seventy, two hundred and sixty-nine, in the fourth
district ot said county, levied on as the property of Nathan G.
Christee to satisfy sundry li fas issued from (lie Superior com t of
said county in favor of Ilirun Roberts and others, vs Nathan G.
Also, one negro girl by the name of Amelia about 27 years of
age, levied on the property of Henry £. Dane to satisfy sundry
fi fas issued out of a justice’s court of said county in favor of
Brooks &. Smith and others, vs Henry S. (lane. Levy made and
returned to me Ivy a constable.
Also, forty acres of lot of land number one hundred and thir
teen in the sixth district of said county, it being in the north
east corner of said lot, levied on as the property of John 11.
Jones to satisfy sundry ti fas issued out of a just ice’s court of said
county in favor ol James F. Newsom, vs John H. - T ones and L.
It. Blackshire and D. Jordan, security. Levy made and returned
to me by a constable.
June 3—tils WASHINGTON JOYCE, Sheriff.
Early Sheriff’s Sale.
\ITILL be sold mi the first Tuesday in August next, in Blakc-
Y V ley, Early county , before the court house door within the
lawful hours, the follo'w iug property, to wit :
Lot of Land number (257) two hundred and fifty-seven, in the
13th district of said county, levied on as the property of William
A. Beck, surviving co-partner of A. 11. Curing ton &. Cos., to sat
isfy aft la in favor of Baker Johnson Sc. Cos., property pointed out
by Plaintiff.
June 25—wtds JOHN WENT, Sheriff.
Early Sheriff Sales.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in July next, between the
lawful hours of sale, before the court house door in Blake
h. Early county, Ga., the following property, to-wit :
Fifty acres off ot lot. of land number 10U in the twenty-eighth
district of said county ; levied on as the property of Elijah Bush
to satisfy afifa in favor of L. 8. Waller: levy made and returned
to me bv a constable.
Mav 31—tds JOHN SIRMONB. Dep. Sheriff.
GEORGIA. > Court of Ordinary,
Muscogee county, \ April Term, 1853,
HULK ,V 7 St.
\XT 11 ERE AS, Win. N. Nelson, administrator de bonis non on
YY’ the estate of John Biggin, deceased, having applied for
letters of dismission from said administration : It is ordered that
all persons concerned shew cnu*e. if any they have, why said
administratorshouhl not be dismissed at the Court of Ordinary’ to
be held i;i and lor said county on the first Monday in N jvernber
A true transcript from the minutes of said court, April!, 1853.
Cos/ ambus, April 12—vvfirn JNO. JOHNSON, Ordinary.
GEORGIA, I Court of Ordinary,
Talbot county, j February Teiin, 1853.
\\TH ERE As, William F. Robertson applies by petition tor
Y Y letters ofdismission as Hie adininistratorof Barney Wilson,
late of Talbot county, deceased.
Be it ordered, That all persons concerned, be and appear at
the September term of this court next ensuing, then and there
to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be
A true extract from the minutes ofsaid court, 24th Feb., 1853.
March I—9w6m MARION BETID NE, Ordinary.
GEORGIA, ) Court of Ordinary,
Muscogee county, ( April Term, 1853.
TTTHEREAB, Wm. N. Nelson, administrator on the estate of
Y Y Augustus Peabody, deceased, having applied for letters of
dismission from said administration : It is ordered that ail per
sons concerned, shew cause, if any they have, why said admin
istrator should not be dismissed at the Court of Ordinary to be
held in and for said county on the first Monday in November
next. *
A true transcript from the minutes ofsaid court, April 4, 1853.
April 12—whin JNO. JOHNSON, Ordiuarv.
GEORGIA, ) Court of ordinary, of said coun-
Kaiiflolph county, \ ty, April Term, 1853.
J OHN T. Met.ENDON, Guardian of Simeon P. Turner, peti
tions this cCurt for letters of dismission from his said guar
dianship:* Irderert that all perso/ys having objection* file them on
or before the July Term of this court next ensuing, otnerwise said
letters will be then and there granted.
April 12— w3m o. P. BEALL, Ordinary.
CT eorgia, Ramlolpli caunty.— Whereas, Simon
T Wooten applies to me for letters of Guardianship for the
person and property of Samuel Thompson, orphan and minor of
Samuel Thompson, late ofsaid county, deceased:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the
parties interested, to be and appear at the next July term of the
Court of Ordinary ofsaid county, ami make known their objec
tions, if any they have, otherwise letters will then and there be
granted. Given under my hand at office, 25th day of May, 1853.
May 31 —w7t ’ O. P. IIEA LL. Ordinary.
( s eorgta, Randolph county,--Whereas, Cullen \V
T Alexander applies to me for letters of administration on the
estate of Ilansell .V/orris, late ofsaid county, deceased:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the
kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my
office w’lliiu the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any
they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under
mv hand at office the 25th day of May, 1853.
Vl/;*y 31—w7t O. P. BEALL, Ordinary.
Ste wart county. \ April Term, 1853.
T the petition of William 11. Hou*e, Executor of the last
‘ U Will and Testament of Thom a* House, deceased, for ietters
I of dismission from his said executorship:
It is on motion, ordered by the court that all persons concern
! ed, shew cause, on or before the next term of said court, w hy
sauLletters should not then be granted.
Grue extract from the minutes of said court, April 12,1853.
April 19 —w6m J. L. WIMBERLY, Onlinary.
Stewart county. \ November Term. 1853.
LrpoN the petition of William 11. House, Executor ot Hie last
j WBI and Testament olThomas House, deceased, for letters
ofdismission from hi* said executorship.
li is on motion, ordered by the court that all persons concern
ed. *hew cause, on or before the next November term of -aid
court, w h\ said letters should not then be granted.
A true extract from the tr.inntes ofsaid court, April 12.1853.
April 19-wCm J. L. WIMBERLY, Ordinan.
Randolph couuty, t ty, April Term, 1853.
TAMEB \V. COLLINS, administrator of N. Collins, late ol said
county, deceased, petition* this court to grant him lettt'r->
j dismission from his *aid administration, and it appearing tha*
j said estate has been fully administered : Ordered that all persons
(file their objections, if any the\ have, on or before the November
Term oft his court next ensuing, otherwise said administrator
will be then and there dismissed.
April 12—wlim O. I*. BEALL. Ordinary.
Randolph county, i June Tern, 1853.
I) HI LIP U AUSE V, Administrator on the estate of David Haw
ell. late ofsaid county, deceased, having petitioned tin
court for letters of dismission. It i* ordered that all persons con
cerned, li'e their objection*, (if any they have,) on or before the
January term of this court next ensuing, otherwise said Adnu
trator will l>e then and there dismissed. Given under my hand
fit office the Kith day of June 1853.
i June 21—wlim. O. p. BEALI*, Otliuttry.
(T rorgin, Randolph co tint yWheteas, Samuel
T Grier, administrator de bonis non on the estate of John ft.
Weaver, late ol said county, deceased, lias petitioned for letters
of dismission from said administration.
These are, therefore, to site,admonish and require all persons
concerned to tile their objections, if any tbev have, on or before
the September term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, to
be holden on the first Monday of September next, otherwise said
administrator will be then and there dismissed.
Given under mv hand at office this 22d dav of February, 1853
March I—9w6m O. P. BEALL, Ordinary.
CJ EOIIGIA, R andolph county.—Court of Hr-
T din ary. — Whereas, by the petition of William Hayes, ad
ministrator on the estate of Enoch Rigsby, deceased, and the
estate of Kinchen Faircloth, deceased, it appearing to this court
that he has fully administered both of said estates, and nones the
court to grant him letters of dismission: All persons concerned in
either ot said estates, are hereby notified to make know n their
objections, ifany they have, on or belorc the October term of
this court next ensuing, otherwise said administrator will then
and there be dismissed. Given under my hand at office the 29th
inarch 1853. O. P. BEALL, Ordinary.
April s—wfint
(A eorgia, Unndolpli county*—Whereas, Jas. Ruth
„T erford, Guardian of Benjamin and Absalom Sulley, applies
to me for dismission from his said Guardianship. Ail persons
interested are, therefore, hereby required to tile their objections,
; if any they have, on or before tbe May term of this court next
i ensuing, otherwise said applicant will be then and tnere dismis
i sed. Given under my hand at office the 17th March, 1853.
March 22—wfnn O. P. BEALL, Ordinary.
(* 1 eorgia, KnnclolpU comity.— Whereas, John Gil
T bert. Guardian of I lend ley E. Hill, minor and orphan ot
William K. Hill, deceased, applies to me for dismission from
said Guardianship. All persons interested are therefore hereby
required to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the
May Term of this Court next ensuing, otherwise said applicant
will be then and there dismissed.
Given under my hand at oftit e, the 17th March, 1853.
March 22—wlim O. I*. BEALL, Ordinary.
(T eorgia. Early count y.—Whereas, Joseph Grimslev,
J administrator with the Will annexed, upon the estate of
Sarah Grimslcy, bite ofsaid county deceased, makes application
to me for letters of dismission from tDo further administration of
said estate. All persons concerned are hereby notified to be and
appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law r , and
shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be
granted said applicant.
Given under my band at office, this February tbe 24th, 1853.
March I—9w6m S. 8. STAFFORD. Ordinary.
/ 4 eorgia, Talbot county.—Office of Ordinary, 29th
\ I ft.arch, 1853.—Whereas, J. J. Jamison, Guardian of Nathan
iel Wommock’s orphans, petitions for letters of Dismission from
said guardianship:
Be it ordered, That all persons concerned, be and appear at
tbe June Term of the Court of Ordinary ofsaid county, next en
suing, then and there io shew cause, it any they have, why said
letters should not he granted.
A true extract from ilie minutes ofsaid court, April 15th, 1853
April 26 —w6m MARION PETHUNE, Ordinary.
Jolin A. J. Weathersby ) Stkwart Supkrior Court
vs. April Term, 1853,
ElizaDelli Wcatliersby. ) Libel for Divorce.
IT appearing by the return of the Sheriff that the defendant is
not to be found in the County of Stewart, it is therefore or
dered by the Court H a! ervice of this libel tie perfected on the
said Elizabeth Wealbersby, by publication of this order in tbe
Columbus Times amt Sentinel once a month lor four months
next preceding tlie ensuing term ol this Court.
A true extract from llu- .t/imitesof this Court.
June I) lam-tm I. M. ( OX, Cleric.
Butian Grntibs i Stkwakt Si ckrior Court,
v*. April Term, 1853.
.TosiaD Gvuhtis. S Libel lor D.rorce.
If appearing by the reftirn o tDo .Sheriff that the defendant, i:
. not to be found in ibis county, it is therefore ordered by tbe
Court that service of this libel be perfected on the said Josiah
Grubbs, by publication of this order in the Columbus Times and
Sentinel once a month, lor four months next preceding the ensil
ing term of this Court.
A true extract from the Minutes of .Stewart Superior Court for
April Term, 1853. June 15—lam4m I. M. COX, Clerk.
Caroline S. Catenlicad ) Stkw art .Superior Court,
vs. April Term, 1853.
Tliomas .T. Coteniiead. S Libel for Divorce.
IT appearing by the return of tbe Sheriff that the defendant i*.
not to be louiidin the county of .Stewart, it is therefore order
ed by the Court that service of thi* libel be perfected on the said
Thomas J. Cate ahead by publication of this order in the Colum
bus Times and Sentinel, once a month for four months next pre
ceding the ensuing Term of this Court.
A true extract from the Minutes of said Court.
June 15—lam4m I. M. COX, Clcr.k.
Vdiniiiisfrator’s Sale.--Will be sold in Cutbberg
Randolph county, on the first Tuesday in July next, lot of
land number one hundred and severity nine in the fifth district
of said county, on which are ail excellent dwelling house and
other buildings, all good and new, about forty acres of fresh
opened land, -old by order of the Court of Ordinary of said
county. 9
Terms of Bauk —One half payable first of January, 1854, and
the balance first January, 1855. Notes with approved security.
May 17—wtds JESSE SANDLIN. Adifi’r.
ItWO months after date, application will be
made to tbe Court of Ordinary ofllarris county,for leave to
sell the real and persoual estate of William C. Dozier, deceased.
May 3—w2m ‘ J. T. DOZIER. Adm’r.
/Itwo months afterdate, 1 shall apply to the
L Court of Ordinary of Randolph county for leave to sell the
lands belonging to Mary Knighton, deceased.
May 31—w2m _ JAS. LITTLE, Adm’r.
rpWO months after date application will be
X made to the Court of Ordinary of Early county, for leave ‘o
sella part ol the land and negroes’belonging to the estate of Rob
ert 1 hotnps m, deceased, for the benefit of the creditors and heirs
of the estate of said deceased. JOHN THOMPSON,
.Way 3—w2xn Adm’r. with will annexed.
the Growth and Embellishment of the Hair to Prevent
4 its Falling off and turning Gray. A warded the highest prem
iums bv the States of New York, Maryland and Michigan, at theft-
Annual Fairs ot 1851.
The Kathairon neutralizes the effect of disease, climate, and
old age. in preserving and restoring the Human flair, even af
ter a baldness of twenty years; cleanses the scalp from Scurf
and Dandruff; will cure the Nervous Heartache, Scald Head,
ir. *inela* Diseases of the Skill, & is the ost desirable
For Ladies’ or Gentlemen’s use in the world. Its perfume equals
Lubin's Ch<ice*t Extracts, and being free from all offensDe oil,
or coloring properties, it gives the Hair that golden, bright, soft,
lively appearance, secured by no other preparation.
The u-e ot tiie Kallunron is adopted by the best physicians in
Europe and America, and has a patronage and sale unprecedent
ed in the history of the medien. But words are superflu
ous, a Inal onhj can it.i real virtue, as millions certify. —
To “he had throughout North and South America, Europe and
the Islands of the Ocean, in large bottles, for2s cents,
tfold in Columbus by
E. Thomas Lyon, 161 Broadway, N. Y.
./ .4 MAI C A GI N HER.
NOTHING need be said to command the afteution of the pub
lic to this article, when convinced that it is PURE and una
dulterated. M edical men, or those seeking:a harmless beverage
to destroy the unwholesome effects of brackish and turbid water
can rely upon its genuine character, and iMs also extensively
naTrf irreiftinarv mirposes, in flavoring cakes, preserves, Ac.
Trfthp C affl'cted with Dyspepsia. Summer Complaints, Cholera,
Nervous DebiliD. Fever and Ague, Dizziness, general Prostration,
Manufactured by E. /honias Lyon, t.hemist, rri
Broadway, New York.
Inquire for Lyon’s Pure &ld by reputable Druggtei.
-ortd. VbSN|R& PEABODY.
DR. R- A. WARE!,
i March 16 —tw6m Columbus, Ga,