Newspaper Page Text
The Cl3Yfi!?.M
J^g-Obituaries will be jmbliHbeti
tlieCer ib* at, 5 cents jnsr line.
Cleveland, Gn., ‘ > h.
Local news is scarce.
Now you bush.
Don’t wear the cap unless ii
Von ate liable to fall one
these ., slippery ,.
Jeff Loemi says that their old
nmleyemv has Ihe hollow horn.
I ho prolMUHlitlo* , .... . that
nro snmf*
big milling trades will lie made
soon in the rounty.
Mr. W. n. Hell left Tuesday
on a business trip to N. C. am)
other points.
Tipsier Tell came eame up tip from
Gainesville Wednesday to spend
a month or so with t ho bovs.
Mr. James Hood, of Lynch,
was in town for a few hours
Tuesday. Mr. Hood is one of
Ii; jn of Slovi'M I'f Hood.
Go to John E. Little's for Posh
rbiver irid grass seed. Cable -
v’ 11 !-, Ga.'
Ab in favor of havotg Cleve
ieud im ii’ porab'd let it he
known by koiding up your h ,m.
h k fe k k k k k
It seem.- 'hat most of the people
want . he ion i i.n orpoi .ifod.
lievo you he ird the new sung,
“In the Sh .dow of the
Il is itniiiciise! Legg Ibus., of
Kansas City, Mo., have ; t and
they iire m„king a cut price of
2ne, ti 1 oppv. Take our advice
and sendfor one.
"WllCll YOU }).*tKS n 1 < > 11 lif tlio 1*011(1 !
and see the digs 111 the erib, the
(legs in the staple, and the sheep
the hog pen ; yon need .ii not, ask
wind they me tlier.; for—.i
• t ork 1 h\Y.
On W* dues lay morning the
10th A. II. Henderson sold a
half interest in his .-lore to N. N.
Littlefield, 1 he firm will
llmb'ismi •*<. Littiefiel I. IL
iigreeiuellt thev will sell st,‘telly
for wimIi mid bni ter, nt itiupting
pnees. We predict sueeess for
such a business.
Our pro ju* Ikm*, Hoy. Numu,
p**(»m h<‘(l nii ('\oeliont »onnon «*\t
Zion Sunday,
Mv«, Kolms wjih buried ut Zion
.John (.\>oU % y*ri hoy happiMU'd to
i\ t>(*t*inu^ acrid MU last wcuk. Ho
wns huryinj* a unui hugftnl cut
hi > Iolt wit It an :tx.
)L*nton IVottor h »s Uu* ti icsl
fi v Vd of wheat in this suction.
Will Merritt, of Parks, win in
t his vlmH ion Sunday.
(*uss lLtlnuH* was through *h “
s'cl aa lad w i .' v poilliaT » n » of
foo a ad tub.rOoo.
We hud p’ei'iv > f i'i'Mi fm
till' f"'V ,
C'H U* iv.mreil s:i\s he w . 11 louse
:i eru|» ibis year; fur it keeps him
Iii-V b-Miiilg 11,1 Hi 1 1 I'ii us to left!
. .
Ii * Imir* on si.iec tlrvloe;*
c.i«wi. in fort e.
m.. i mi. io,s..yi,i
honi ■ from :i live week \isil to her
aunt. Mis J. \\ . llemlersor.
Mr. Atkin*, the eattle
wn- in Ibis g'H’tioii last week.
Jim MeKi.iney is improving
vt**y fast.
.Severe 1 mad (logs has p ,s-ed
through tilt sot*turn ■eev.itlv.
The stoek law itliti gli 'p •
to be euii,g ptetty haul wit!
some of our people.
1 will be in Clevel uul on t>
before A) r. 1st, \ it paitd It
first class denial work, lie
to call on me and have that b.
mouth put in order (I mean teeth
Respectful) v
J. M. MtGce.
. Dentist.
•asop v ipd euo v ,(bt -ssetisr. qig -u
ncucai;suo3 joj reayisg v ajv
*i 3 ll*d 5 s'.!id »*n s.uoiubj;
The personal properly of J. A.i
at Daxidsondml. his late residence will will March be «*l| 25,
i... ii.,, Inc Adntl a.i.
Godd on the Happy ?/ay. i
. Mi. Ileralicl Kenimerand Miss |
K;|Up jp.,. , „ „f (Wland,.
<t ted at t he residence . of ;
n e lilai i
W. A. (iilmer. this fit vi, Tuesday
afternoon, Key. J.M.White oflici
ating. The contract inn parties
are of t wo of I he most prominent
fin,,iU T of /lh : ,v
caniti here to he married at the
home of llu> brides sister that
they might surjnise 1 heir home
1 lie .
happy Couple left on the j
8 p. ill. trail! for Atlanta, where!
■' ' ..... ,i
| mer gradii lies in medicitt t about!
, a month , lienee. , A ter tv .-ml., they !
j ,v '|l makn their home in Smith
Jv.glc. i
This ina-.There united two „f
j 1 il< ' m " >t Vo.nig people oi
^ ! | * ,y eotmt.v 1 he bride is a
j eompiishuient Vom'tr lady *■: m-«.y id tli winning re
j •. .i is
I one of the nm-t popular ymnir
j mi 'tt of \m--t h K-i t Georgia. Lie
j < j >iu» in the eongir.t; lu-|
bit ions and lb-.-t wishes of a h
;>,i on of friends, which are beinsj
, ,. x lc,uli’d llm happy young mu
.......... ........ ... -■ - —
CK 111GIA--VM i e county. To »lii
u ii< id if nifty c< ilcern: J. A. lUelmrdsori
Imvii jr apjvli dl {up tlj(» g-isinliansliip of
t 1 m* jiop.Min in <1 projx j fy of M h.s Lou
U’u-luu(tnon, a lunatic, and in now an in
mate nfHic Slide Lan 'lie Asylum, and
Noficc Sh licj'cfiy given that ani l aj»pli
entiou will ho Imaul at my oflic * at iO
o'clock, a, m. on U 10 fienf M >n lay in
Ajuil nod. TliinMapcl 2nd 1827
•Ml, Frcmmtn, Oi-d'nary and ex oflien
Gict k. G. 0.
' ) N'lic] for di orefi . j
VVHtc Siijm 1 jo Gotii'f
Mm y . • \ A j»ril fci m l 27. j
; ' ! b y 1
' ' ...........
)■ i. .a :iy or t>y Httorncv, at tlm
(!<•>.: S , > i I. J-Court do behtlil In White
eoi.nty li ’i„ mi the second Monday in
,S!)7 ’ w.tionf<..
uivoirc op in default (Imi-oof ti e <<mrt
wi „ lls t „ Jvtlti(T ..
\VitnenH f|„. Hon, J.ibn .1. Kinwy
Jn<1 go of Haiti court. Tbits Fob, t'.V h
1S <’ 7 - W. H. 1‘OWKIt, S. C:
'- 11 "™
1 t
Wiley Whitworth A)>: .' term lHi(7.
To Wiky YVIiii worth:
Y<m arc* luuvDy commit mlwl to bo
and iipjfiTMU* |>oi*soii.i)!y <>»• by ottoni 'y nt
tlio iioxt Superior o<mrt to b * hold iu
\VhiU% count> (da.., on tho Hocoti l Moi
day in A|>ri} JS27 to* um*\vw lh( ah<>\e
action for tHvovou ov in dofoot Ibiuv »f tin*
00111‘t will pl’tN'LL'd HM to justii't* Hlml? MR
WituosH tho Hon. John J K . m
n*y Judge of HI* hi court. Ttiis l-Vb L’th.
1S;)7. W. U. l*()\YK({, (\ S. (*.
John M irfiii ) Aftachfuord Ap| !
vh. ^ catiou for tl.c j> !
Th<* * y t. <HMvvgo Hold point‘uent • i He i
Mining Gonvpany \ cotvlu cnmrdbdifui |
l imited \ of A (O'tgagc. c. c.
W i‘ • Siinerhu* Court, OctolKu- Tofiu,
IS. Mb
I'o I*. I win Howbw nnd b'mvbb'.k ilunt
d’ tin' city ( .| bumlm, Kugbird. Y ou
Met •Ric.) of yti i arc htovby c- ininandcd
bo an l ijim'ar bcfoi'O bin fl; run* J. J.
iviuirfoy White , Judge of f ho Superior (’om t «d'
c Minty. Stttfa of (fooegiu , l\S,A
*n Cio\t*lund in saul VVhi'<■ county uu tin*
U'h day of April, 5 le;, and, there nhow
l" iusv if any you can, why yon an l oa» li
| °t' X 'M should not bo mado parlies of lie
! above [ itod c*so. an 1 in dt‘f.ault tiu'rcof
j vou \\ i’f ho mil *;cm:ion t‘> s ii 1 c ts - an 1
, , . ,
i iiu 1 iM.-i 1 [)rni"Gi a a ju Oive* shall or may
: "*• ■
V* ,i tt'ra (i 0 tf.ev. ,1 !\ ’, , J :i ,
j 'fee.! rn-t. TiiU the tOtli tl:iy of I’Vb
: navy Jihiy.
u - I’lWlvt. (’ieik f.
j t;! ,; »<iu!\-w . ■ ■ ..,•.<!>•: 1 vv. It.
’..... . ’’ ! ' K ' ^-'t 1 ’• '"I" el s.-.jti
••mil , I'll •>■.• i. eeiiilY tii.i' tile line !
j, , h ..-xim.-t f.-.Mii the u • >n. •
j ! of Hivtm f.' **. iii'lt v inv lun 1 ium o'niu i! »ig \
T '-'-g';'^ ..vL;;:;
' r 1 ----
I Seeing Is Believing.” rigt
; And a good, damp
must good. he simple: Simple, when Beautiful, it is not Gt simple W— it is ft ffj/ilnTa
nor these
I words mean much, but to see “ The Rochester ” ^
will impress the truth more forcibly. All metal,
it tough is absolutely and seamless, sa fe and and unbreaeadle. made in tnree Like picc Aladdin's s only,^-v.^ IS
j of :, it ;<• indeed a “ wondei ui lamp," fer its mar- yt jL
J j vt-’otti ! t- is purer ar.d br.jhter than gas light,
- • . ■ electric light ar.d more cheerful than either.
Tub Rocncs sx. If the teir.pdeslcr ba*u irr,*
j ' >c stvle you vmt, t. trred «rr; to ua for cur ne*v iv tlinstrated illnsirated
t'er'-l id jn you » a li '.amp iaf^y by exorcss—yttwr cboacc cl over
:T -vS (,<•« else largest f iMim? Sl^re t% Uu It-Vh.
COUISSTLS CO., -J2 Park PUc», z* K«w Levs Toais. Io& €?« CH».
“The Rochester.
K ‘ ,r *- Hiws it been autcaltjed to the
pirtufirat for c:;;mi!iMioa, and is
go-,d f .rmuht?
Answer.— Tin* is n formula
by tiia “ 0|i!wn P io ’> Ch ' M:i ' o;i1
Company of llau i, Fayetteville au
Til >masvi:!n - N JD Untter Pm*.
f forme.,a e:,t ', R,1 ' )i i .a a ' ,; i: " <t ,nil ouijr b«i dijap
proved by this iLpartmoat, bat. it
been deaonaoarl f.'ir.njaii the mails re¬
peatedly, and I now t.v.ce this opportn
nitv nf pa', Hlibn.' i:i every i-ouiUy
the stare, is ;.:i ntt >r ;r„ui
U ambus, pott iii np todooiin a:tti
tile farmers. Tne.a is no suati clijnii
oal fin "moral' nut pinto of uni >nin ”
Tiier# is no -nh eii >ni a; as "r.a a;e
snlpiiato oi p itimlt,” ni tbftr is there
KWh a tie-.a an “mnrite ? oitthate of
undo." "tfnlphuto of mi i *'’ was
hoard of except by this i r; ,d
J- BmV.t. If any /armor or <-lub
that has beou swindled by this in m r
’-'f 0 - uud s '' ,s ylieatniK wm .»;>oy lo r-b., mw m. I have ,-.vm
outift awn. no
do)lU . j,, w-y con j be do.*™.!
ppmshed Tti y am me uw
f,H«iiUth.v ,n a,. „..
*»• h «*-'>* i..w d pirimeuMc-i n.-y
arocb«»tni|u .*u i Hwnitiii.i^ r jo . .u *rt
by a "i,uant.»o of p'foet
tion." in a ue'ril.K-tin imp irfu-it
psitKof v/'iioh oanii tic save
in ibe fort ao br im oi cnis rmeni ./ ].},
Cotter, i have nzuiti au 1 *. w true t
lae fanneas of (aaoran a;.; ist ; .u -ii
iwpoHi’ions us thi i, rind yet tb- ramaU
Coalioiw to work the state emi.sid
erablii swvess, (rr*ud juri s and ecfi< i
tors stioulit take. tUe matter iu ieeid
nnd j>r.‘se'-ntn nil who nre in ire.- vr iy
ooiniecled with tliis nn/nrione i.uaiiejsi.
Any farmer in Oeoijjia who wants to
mako i (.inpost cn.'i c I fu ; I iiotruotiu'iB
in the matter by snuoly writi.i.; r 0 tliis
department, which will lie irla 1 to fat
ninli the necessary information. There
l.-; no dense, therefore, for boitio swm
died by these irresponsible imposters,
wlia ainiUidly cuuvaas the state, fielliiiR
tiioir worthless formula.—State Agri
cultural Department
21x5mk$fisqfix wfifi’wfiifii-IR’W‘W wmymwmx:mz
la about as near perfection as 50 years
of Lamp-Making can attain to * it
burns kerosene, and gives a powerful
clear,white light, and will neither blow
nor jar out. When out driving with
it the darkness easily keeps about two
hundred feet ahead of your smartest
horse. When you want the very best
Driving Lamp to be had, ask your
dealer for the " Dieti."
We issue a special Catalogue of this
Lamp, and, if you ever prowl around
after night fall, it will interest you.
’Tis mailed free
6o Laight St., New York.
KatablUhed la , 840 .
fi|»rHvItly Cured by
Buffering **My wlfo from was q]
a oi
fearful which the cough, boat JJ 3 «
medical skill pro- 04
><\ curablo was imar
\v J u t»le to relievo. AVo q:
1 iJ V^Wwtshecould m not expect o:
li ne
fcityiy-i -V / sc H Vive; ,r Bay* but Mr. 0 .
J W- / / suing yoi, V. }v*
j w iied to be “t''!>* ot
•; oi
ping with us over right, and having a
bottlo of Ayer’s Cherry I’eetoral with
Mm, Induced my wife to try this remedy, o |
The result was so benefleial, that she CtJ
kept ou taking It, till she war- eutvd.
8U« Is now enjoying excellent health, c J
ami weighs ICO pounds."—w. -It. Humph- ....i
BiKfl, Saussy ; Ga. J g] - ;*
Ayer’s Cherry Pr-itorai
Received Highest A \rds ®l
AT THE WORLD’S 5-' A ! 5! *\
, J.jrfna,y y ;
ft^OST* roiRurkablo cures on
" ! ' < ' ool '> 1 have been accoinpllshed by
Sarsaiiarilla. It is unequalled
V« sr/! wr may Cifftr at to
msr-.iy ,»t ?. :1arefs ar.d cut cf
ottr very diFcrer.ces g:cd may
cor a;, t.• wc won't differ as
to il e :n.r.a cl c c i':&adird
emi . fed liver oil.
see i an sdCLGiON has
won mi r.«C st? way for
oosr'y 75 • ' : ; the v,-or ! .d of Ii
tavL .1 -c e • .1 i -day it is al
mo - , z-. r-vi th: zt vA:.-A In h
ill fdw; ei !•-•» g irculfc, dnd r i
eve 7 cent 1. vrzsVag »
wlicth-.: c'1’1 c: &dutt &s t
qtthd-.t Li ia sn?Lvl;di levvrs, •*<
Di’Dr c-fl the ’ taooe7 qv ; s - t
* hn ’ f Vo * h w '’ cn R !&
Cvm .erden cf hefi'fh, ,'l
pes - K «; - y.t -0.6 death , pti - •
s -. ...7 * b
f "
I Yi-„r <• r-g, t kUs .V/rtte rnivl^o®. H
t D n ., >ci«..J D.C3 r ’
I •' ' ' ' - " • v -'i
--- ---------------— .....—
/ ' ' ■'■ A -^A.VVvwvVMWVVWtevVVV
•’ho e.ciid baa $5
-.e , or krtown
••ah vcfyg Jcr
r ""> 1 : wl.V the llgi/e$t whole**!* « 3 «r
' mtile con. era on earth will e 0 for yoe:
' t ti.,. ‘■remitAt-'4 S-j^ar..
tott sh Cc: ”*’"JW^iewMtort f
M tti*. Celi»or,-,le Pfoee, ALL FQH
. f
I Ib.-coo Bfikiag Powdar
$ 5bc. Gr*d B;k Petppor )
0 Ib s. ioihfiln Min erf tom..
10 fbs. Carolina Ric©........
S ib*. Rolfdd Cats
____ ...../tdilitjf
S ffes, (at/ndry Siardi gUf mlttf
<i r t. bet tie V anuin IxttMV
y? u money- not only on
guarantee ‘Z..Ji n ^* ar lo *^ give e . you th« any or,Vetter catalogue anti
ToaL tame good/u
. wo order from this ad vertue
ment a copy of our new ’‘Book of Mone*
guide Saving* wm a no official wholesale price
be seat free (ready shortly).
DcpurtJ'oit 14 ° Ur Ord.r
te^r/o« ei w c » <lotmoD8 »
A.M. Rothschild&Co.
StaU and Van Suren-»!*., Cfeicaga.
pamoufara ttnt I ' A)cal ^wnar*. Writo fot
quiolOy Anyone uttidlna n tketoh whether «nd doAcrtption may
probably Ascertain, :t,tbJo free, UorumunlCAtlosui an intention atrIcily
confidential. ptiu» Ot<J-fW for
In America. Il'e nyenny NYA»i)liigt<tn Securing paten office. la
Palcnta fliken through havo u
Munn A Co. roeelra
spoolnl notice in the
Imauflfuilv Ulnstrated, larpinst clrcnlatlcn of
1 ony Kolonn’io I *nr.nd, weekly, terro?f-1 00 « year;
TLVJsLt ujuMtha. Mpeoimen copies and ILamu
j v>Ov, li on I*atknt* sent free. Address
rJiH’N CO.,
Util lltoinhvey. Now YevU.
jd t\i l e artii
i im -v eui tjlj
i 1 t r 1006
nrli • • 11 f i it’i Ga J
lt» v
dep.. .rp.uMT or ice umv-.
AT (Sf , C-A.
Trr v L\ty. Vi~tu<5y ’«s FcNwity.
) til T.wjq 'irglas n. d ia N^'I^'Sihcr.
CU. LI r ERA »TY coons ;:t'
TbiTv' iN Fi -EE,
W:Vb s j ot
liC-C’T-.H -Lll
*rxi:' Cf ilttf jc.- kJ
m y .« i p
Ci der c • . f 0 san^ftLiw*
YOU'YG La ><J' a, e.v
:hcaF h r T col ■ • x s erri
,.r CiilAtojtits rtart lniwn*‘ ! .n.;, StcKM
ot i rea* ;tt-f a! ir.irc Tr: -'res
Terribfo Hoadache«
** 59 vutf?m r§*smt
uveit, gowsu,
IVnUtrd It*
xTSTvv "I *** l Wm, q*
iWrrs rr« »m m c’
r*o.t » pal ou* P
i a, Avar'. Uubtw
IT MKtPmFu u* nn*. r»fyo ®
, will *c atl jroa fm»
^anowW " x»(i teas to* O •
trir> a» r a
**Ud L»i '*k» §
Ova lal to keoO. t .’ese w tae »( •
Uw** Hit* b »m tee ’ ;e-.«4nu to o
•a bm rigbi ret hSfctaAo, ttxj 9
tear ?slL I Uava S*n axMSC ti Hr S
*nte ! vu».-«a »c j v,ar* »ev*r fjoa <1 o
■Pit;.!* lo roiiere Ibeat to ftyskiy as P5
A]Wi Jills. S.' cm i k«^an liiie, tkss S'
w*Ulf :a*. teo s;»*.Jlj ten* Unw !«m and o
k" (requeat. aattl, at j*?a*Et, motes 0
*s»» ra«sra ataoe 1 frav* kad «n. ’_c,
/■ Dag Spur, Va. •
^AYER’S PU.L 3 ^
tSodai at Wsr’C’s ” ?air ?
—-°-^ a -00 ?■ 90 00 o c,
Consider " Plain
Apparent cheapness does
make a real savmg.of mone'
i ~
I ~
| h
i ^
i S’
I *Z(M&
j ?” < g -A V„
I ii
■ and only cheapness.
High Qt ararv nt fair prices
!ind ° lll .V economy .
1 Tan Doarsnc has always been
j 'i’ll© * Seat ATaohln©
r . every s.-a e of that term —
, flaSf for the agent to sell, *s il give,
atm the m-at p oSt for the least trouble
BK8T for pun-.haseif because it gives
‘ i«.a i i m * Katisfautioii in
. i use.
, ‘OOrflE8TfC”«n<i dipekiai. pi.
p KP r. '1 H' h '»nd for
| «
i . ^ ACHi.iE CO.
ItrcUMOND, v*.
Mines and Mining Land g .
Farm and Faming Lands
_ ,
limber ana Wild Lanas, j
Solid Investments a t tempt
Correspondence Invited.
—- - - M ' W 1 * If —“
Hsurf Trouble Quinkly Cured.
A Cenvloclaj; TcMItmonlal.
MC j
oW ,
/• ;.liFs r K:: a KimTS» j
*Fo? t(> y -v rs 3 r iMorad from heart treu- 1 !
e. During th 'i tiirto l was treated bs
ve 'A pi yslcians. AU of them !
it rs 1 th .t I cm . i r.nt l*‘. cured. I was
;..!.v i rnuV-V;d wiib K)i.)ftcitiss of breath, I
i niton and pain hi ?br> s'de. If Ibe- i
•n■'? '.xciu d • f oxi 1‘b‘G r. y—'if fu theIfcst, i
'•: Kiin oi my hide ■ : i.n»c very severe. A - |
• f b* vx-ern* ii hi ■ > h needles wet'e*h><>*
'do. inrou^hn-^tide. i Sot omniencod cirsiolu tsiking the mouth {
.‘i i >-r k, t
. iui’.cy llaht cure
J sii co t l [ have improved steadily j
an now sleep a ray left ride, something 1 J
i rv«_r b-ien able to do before. I can j
' .About bc*»ng fatigued, and am in
*. >2 IrUr hctU'ji €t*r before* 1 would '
:•>’» rt: 'nd ah suCTt*t fron heart trouble !
try Dr. M«k.' uiYaU’Ahio remedy without |
t■* YVrt^h« S?v., M V. waukoe, \Yis.
w. It's Ec.t '{ f u-r In sold < sltive
* that tht* tirst l>ottlo netit
istsf.i 'i u a i St, u bott les for 15, or
»th.' Dr. .-e r'OTl, Miles ir pri'uaid. L MeOv-Ul on receipt Elkhart, of price
Co., lad
’’Lies’ Heart Cure Re6 *H7 a *, tJ
■-OKGI V—V\ ute county; j
14'Piiciiiimr to me ss the or-!
din' ii v of said oomriy that a pp-j
ttf'om of Fivi'liolcioi's ofthr* 861,1
District Ci. M. of said county
bin in" been dub tiled in this
"fi'itv ask 1 no for ah Election in J
.'.id District, on the question of
"F' liee ovStoek Law" Tint notice
was duly published and’posted as
required by law, and that elec
tion was duly held in said district
... . 1 1 o, nd 1 d:, a A e T-k Dee. 18D6, 1
" ’. >
an 1 H appeavnur that a majority
Of thofc legal Vusers Ot said dts
t 'iet have voted ior “Stoek L;tw""‘
i hereby declare that the result
said elation in .aid district
was in favor of “Stock uaw" and I
that the same will jyo into efl'eot
on the 5th day of March 1897,
Respoetfuilv“Dee. 23rd lt<96.
J. IL ITecman, Ordinary. f
T fTr>n ’ cn -* T n rarpwttr cm* jo ten Vvw
8cp| Uy-~p8JU2^
Is a remedy of sterling value. It positive
cures all Bronchial Affections, Cough, Cold, Crour
Bronchitis and Grippe. You can always rely on if
DR. BULL’S COUGH SYRUP is indispensable t
every family. Price 35 cts. Shun a ll s ubstitutes
C!x« LAKE’S FLOGS,TSe tktal Tjbaceo AdHett.lOc Oetlert *n?u!i.A.C,Ks»er A C«,,Bttto..KV
E zre pleased to make an entirely new offer to our subscribers.
f which every one may have a chance to name the missing word
this sentence;
“stmYfitfD omud m as 4 ----
as mn as otltt ”
It is quoted from a prominent writer upon economic subjects
La iBftkins year gtM.>* it is not necc.nary to wr ite out I he 4 •
eerstence—simply writs: “ My guess for missing word Dr f.i.iRC
fsr T!.2 CONSTiTUTiOr
HI GOnRiCTica WfRi &
© IT Vi* EXTREMELY Gf K!) __
LCD FtB£ £f . , . , --
And send your gu«s with it, and ive will forward all far you and thu-,
«3 Giva You a Chance to Make Good Money. i>^
THE CONSTITUTION yuaronteos that the amount of the award
will not be less than fgs-j in Cash, and it may be as much as gj {tn ,
It will be 10 per cent of ail subscriptions that we, and aif the
otiier clubbing papers with Tite Constitution, secure for the months of
January and February. If the Subscriptions keep up with the record of
last year, die sum to be given will Exceed $2,000 cash. If the sub
senptions are doubled, as they were in January, just past. The Consti¬
tution will pay out about $3,000 in cash premiums in this contest I?
more than one person name the proper word, the amount will be equal!-
divided between them.
• Tfc» ®*sfe!y S*ftsHi#?!oa is Iho Create! fJoe'Ly fays paper In th# t’er’i.
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service, and covers the »evr3 of die United States in minute detail, with
12 pages, 7 columns to the page, 04 £c'ij;T2S Crftry fMoL
AS A NEWSPAf'LR—TLc Weekly ConstiittUon uo etjual in America) Its news
rrport'v cower tbc worVj, mh\ b« «u4 a^enls are to be tound m almost every
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AS A MAGAZINE It prints more uch matter as is ordinarily found in the grt^
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AS AN EDUCA'TOR—It is a schooliKHise within itsdf, and a year'* reading of TITR
CO N ST IT ITT ION is A liberal cdhuacios to anyone.
AS A FRIEND AND COM FAN ION -It brings clieer ami cum fort to the fireside every
week. to. taijef^y Sy the cHcdxen, cuntaina valuable nitomxt: >n for the mother, and »
an eTscrcIopodia J rs SPECIAL of instincYmn tor every member of the household.
F2ATIH .ES Are such a* are not lo ie found in any other paper in
Ajamnca. * '
Are all unKer nWe directon, un i are specially attar.Abe u> ihoae to whom theie depsmmei>Cs
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uet as nxn vm 3g?ssY.?T ft;i at o:?*e
And with it your gues»—for tiie guess must in ever*/ case Jc
compan}' the yearly subscription sent in You cannot do with¬
out your local newspaper, and you cannot do without a great,
general newspaper, in touch with your section. We cover the
local demand—THf? CONSTITUTION covers the worid. If you
are already a subscriber to our paper and want The Constitution,
send us li oo. and along with it your guess in the missing word
contest We will forward same and duly record your ;vuess
tag &3 stest ciesa Hftap a i, in?.
Send ut your money and get both papers ont year, 2nd per
* - haps get enough money to clear ypu of debt, or buy you a good
home Now i* tiia Uism to subscrib*.
Address *11 orders tc—
Cleveland Courier,
Cleveland. Ga.
rhisS ) *k*o Reserved For
Gainesville Marble Works.
K. ARR, Proprietor.
“I believe Chamberlain’* Cough Rrme
'h v ip ; he best ter children 1 ever used,
For ^J croup it is* unequalled . It is A splea
dM w nh u S .-T. m . Ecktes.Ph. o..
Manager Wampum Pharmacy. Wammim.
Pa." When usevl as frirm as the firs*
a ymptome ari’car. that is as sunn as th»
child W,mes Wse " r e ' er ‘‘ f ': r ' U “
*''' ! ' re -
vent the attack. The mothers or r?*opnr
children should Lear this in mind aridal
ways keep the r^’n- rf ty ‘
soithe Lest medicine in ihe world for
•vuds and whooping coo^h. For sale at
and 50 cent# per I nktle by A. H. Hun
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Do you know the quickest wai
cute a sprain or bruise, a burn
scald? Such injuries are very
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found anything to compare
Chamberlain’s Pain Balro
Sprains, bruises and burns.
• nave used it in our family for
years and feel that we
not do without it. For na’ff
a-iid 50 cents per bclrie b