Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, January 13, 1905, Image 1

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VOL. VI. No. 13]
In Memory of Capt' R.' R. Asbury
To Tin* Worshipful master,
Wardens and brethern of Yonah
Lodge No 382 F. and A. .M. your
committee appointed to prepare a
suitable tribute to the niemorv <>f
our Ueseased lii other Ruins R,
Asbury Respectfully submit
Brother R. R. As.nirv was born
in Iredell County N. C. Jan 3d
1829 moved to Georgia in Ma.y
1849 was married to Miss Carolina
A. Logan May 2d 1850. Six ( hi I
dren, five sons, one daughter, re
siilted from this Union, all of
whom, and then \\ idow d Moth¬
er, survive him, and mourn the
loss of a loy’ng ae: devoted Hus¬
band, and Father.
He was initiated, passed, ai
raised to the sublime degree of a
master mason in Blue Mountain
Lodge No 38 E .">1 * '• *
Dahlonega Ga. in March A. I>
1850 A. L. 5850. Later he became
a memher of Yonan Lodge 382 at
Cleveland Ga. and was a worthy
and faithful member of this lodge
at his death, which occured at
his home in White County Ga
Dec. 8th. 1904. his remains were
laid to rest in ClarkesvilleCemet
erv with Masonic honors by
Ciarkesville Lodge.
During the war between the
States,he raised aCompaii v of\ ol
unteers, was elected captain and
attached to thc52d Georgia \
imteers in the army of rennes»(»e
Gen, Johnsons’ Command,
Capt.A-bury was a competent
fi.a-r a brave and true soldier he
joined the M. E. Church South
in 1863 at Loudsv.ille Camp
giound in White County Ga an^l
was for many years a steward per
-forming duties of that office well
and faithfully, he was also Church
seeretery and held these two
offices in the church, when
ed from the toiles and cares of
of earth to the rest of the faithful
In his home the preachers found ,
ii hearty welcome. |
He contributed I bora P' to the
suppoit of the gospel, and other,
Enterprises of the ehnrch, he was
a liberal contributor to the buil¬
ding of Smiths Chapel, near his
home. Where he was last a Mem¬
ber, he did more perhaps than
anv other o.ue man for the cstab
u in.iiiiuiiuance of the Sun
School at t hat place. They
xv jf| miss him there.?
11<‘was a member of the board
Education of White County
| from if s fust organisation for 22
coiiseciitives rears. and always |
looked well to the interest of the
Children of the poor In 1876 he |
was elected to the Senate of Ga
from the 32 Senatorial L)ist. com-1
gosed of the Counties of White,
Lumpkin, and Dawson, and
served until the convening of the
Constitutional Convention in 1877
In his official relations millitury
and civil, he met the responsibil¬
ities fea dessly, and discharged
uMljaiToTTs devolving upon
him faithfully.
He was a man of inteligeiiee, in¬
dustrious, honest, and
his dealings with his fellow man.
Whatever hi- hands found to
do he did it with his might, whet
-her for the cause ■ of education,
the church the widow, and the
orphan, these and every move
looking to tin*
of the world. found in him
friend and helper. t
I He was loyal to his Stale, and
| the church, devoted to huKintnily
obliging neighbor, a mason true
j and tried, an upright man, a
tleinan, thus we might enlarge
upon his .Virtues, but the usual
allotment of space forbids.
lie served his day and gener
j ation well and after nearly 75
years of active life, the greater
part of which was devoted to
service of his country, and the
lifting of his race, health and
strength failing he fell, on sleep,
passed into the spirit land to
join the hosts gone before Wecom
mend his Virtues as worthy of
our emulation praying the hiess
ings of heaven upon the grief’
widow, his children a fid
friends we bid farewell to
[1’kioe 50 Cents
er Asbury till we meet in the
grand Temple above.
Therefore resolved:
1st. That yonah lodge will ever
hold sacred the memory of our
brother W V-. .». s-WjT aucTtUaTaT
page of our record book be in¬
scribed (o his memory.
2d. That our Sympathies be ex
ten led to the bereaved Family.
and a copy of these resolutions
tendered them, under the seal of
this Lodge.
3d That the'furniture and jew
els of the Lodge, be clothed in
mourning, for 30 days these reso
lutions spread on our minute
hook and the Cleveland Courier
requested to publish the s;t#ne.
Respectfully submitted Jan. i905
A, F. Norton Chm.
C, II. Edwards,
G. N. Cooley
Sautee Clippings.
Mr Liuderman of Commerce Ga
has moved to Dr, Hardimans
farm to run a dairy there.
Mr But Helton taken charge
of the Williams Mijl last week.
Rev Standridge pteaened an
exeelent sermon to a large emigre
_<*■.,ti,, u at providence last Sunday
Mr Auteor Sisk is very ill at
this writing.
Messers James Hood W. I.
A :, R several others arrived
^ nr the wedding at Mr.
i ^ !IV ** ^ ils ^ ^ ull d u. V.
i , .,^ m
j Dr Hardiman sent luce lo Jer
sey Cows to his farm one day last
James Youngblood moved* to
the House vaconted by Mr. (\
Franklin has refused admittance
so e.ime hack the same day.
We unlerstaiid that Dr. L. (i.
Hardiman has bought the John
Martin place alfo, the mill.
Mat i led at the Residence of the
Brides Parents Miss Birdie Davis
to E>\ Fred Dover offieiaring, we
we wish the young couple a long
and happy life