Newspaper Page Text
An Ounce of Gold
Given Away
for Every Ounce of Adulteration Found in
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
It bM b«wm tested Ihouninfl " tiroes by the world'* most eminent
r.hemUU The decision her always be<m the same—" Absolutely puro
and unadulterated " For lorf> <>Ujht year* the h«»t Known dorters have
preaertba it A* a tonic it t* batter than all the combinations «l drugs
that could be compound d It I* not only a stimulant—lt la a medlcl
aal food, and 1* rerojfnlrad »* such bv phvxirlan* A leading New Vorlt
doctor satd. "Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey I* a form of liquid food «:•
ready digested " A bottle tn the hotiae will SBve suffering, perhaps life
“W* guarantee thxl the most sen
altlve *tnina>h *lll retain Hussy's
Pure Malt Whlsksy when It, will re
tain no other stimulant or 'nourish
ment "
If mu oaiinot purchss* Duffy’s Pure Malt Whlsksy near your hon-e
we will have shipped you In a plain case, express prepaid, as follows
1,..,. than six botllea. II per bottle, six bottles. Id Ml. One case, 12
hot Ilea, 110.00
Hemll to Unify Mult Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. V . by express ru
der, Post biltri- Money order, or certified diet k Ppon receipt of or
rt»r, pood* will lie shipped Recording to direction*
References Any It cln - icr flank or Trust I'd , Hun's ot Brad
street's Ageney.
If In in i d ot advlct write Consulting Physician, Unify Mall Whin
km conipnny. Huehcsici. New Vink, statin* your case fully Our doc.
tors win *, 0k you advlci free, together with a handsome lllus'rate.l
medical booklet, containing some of the many thousands of gratifying
lettci received from men imT women In nII walks of life, hnlh old
young. who have heon cured anil lielicflli-if hy the use of lie world's
Srealcsi nicitli tin 11< onn oi tipllallon and suhsiltuiea offered hv mi
reliable dealers wHio t• 41 you (hey arc lust is good as" Pussy's Pure
Mall Whisker Insisi on the a uiulnc II will cure yoyi
SAWV RIBS. flrfct V lwine, Ik.. tmr my make
%| wf lii ' * non ikh «mi i>ri ssr«i
•ml Kr t ui* •» tos I.iinr. M-!lin f , I’ullcr*. I*.
brt*r*. I i*». V«h«gi «ms «. * l|lil * .I**. Minilr, mnJ lmil Mills, (imoliim Fimnwi
C J° MH "**> •“<->* WORKS AND teuVPTv
L OM r AIN AiiMuktm <•*». w
Ramsey-Trowbridge-Smith Co.
Stock of Medium and High Grade Buggies
and Wagons
To Ee Sold at COST
Sale Beglnnlmj Monday, vSeplember 28. *OB.
SOO. Top Buggy SSO 00
SOS Open Rim-a bout,
at •. ..$57.50
S7O. Ojh'u Uuua bout
at ..$60.00
sl*o Kuliluo t iiTil Uuu a
bout, at $75.00
$75 Top Hukk.' $65.00
$l2O Rubbor-timl 'Pop
SIOO I tortofs Bur^V.
at • ..SBO 00
$10(1 Hibbi'i-timl Top
Buggy, at SBO 00
.'*125.00 Rubber Tirud Doctor's Huugy. at SIOO 00
Wagon Prices According to Grade and Size.
Om* New Herring Hay liakr $lB 00
Oue Champion Ilav Hake $17.00
One Farfhar drain drill $60.00
Several second band Buggies and Nurries at a
Sacrifice, lit |>er cent discount on all harness and
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey.
Is the true sllxlr of llfv
p aids digestion, stimulates >hn
blood, Invlgorslss the brain, bullda
ocr - tissue, (ones up the h'art and
prolongs life.
S11K» Canopy Top Sur
rey . SBO.OO
$125 Canopy Top Sur
rey, at. . .' .. SIOO.OO
S2OO Canopy Top Sur
rey, at $150.00
S2OO Open Cut-under
Huhher tired Surrev.
at $150.00
$250 Canopy Top Sur
rey, Rubber-tired, now
at" $175.00
$225 Doctor’s Briggy.
at . ... ... $175.00
Postmaster Will Have To Stand
Examinations in Civil Service
Mr George 8. Donnell, secretary
of the Fifth district of the Civil Set
vice department of the government,
la in Augusta today, conducting an
examination at the Fed'-ral building
for the position of stenographer and
typewriter. ,
The civil service department Is. di
vided Into eleven districts. Mr.
Donnell* division embraces the
states of South Carolina, Georgia,
Florida, Alabama, Tennessee and
Mississippi. He has been In the
service of the govarnment kg- yearr,
and Is today one of the most striking
figures in Ihe civil service depart
ment. rie was In congress from
Mississippi, his native state, soon
after the w*r, together with the la
mous Georgia statesman, J. Q. C Da
rn a r.
The civil service offers a bright
future ts a young man of ability,
energy and ambition," said Mr. 11011-
nell. "Under the recent enactru-nt
of congress which provides fOr pro
motion when- It Is deserved, a jftnn
Id the service who Is ambitious and
works hard I* bound to rise.
Tha civil service Is conn! anG •
growing more and more In ihe ap
preciation of the nation’s young' r
generation Not long ago I examin
ed a young man just graduated from
oolisgo, the Institution of which 1.
fathsr Is ohancellor. He was bright
and smbltlous and made a good mar!:.
Today be holds an Important posi
tion and draw* a splendid salary ''
Mr Donnell Is 01 the opinion that
It is only a matter ot time before
every man In the postal service will
he required to stand a competitive
examination, postmasters Included
And why, shouldn't a postmaster
be required to work his way up,"
• sks this veteran of the civil ser
vice. "A* It Is now, a candidate for
appointment to a post office of th ■
first-class advances as his most dl
tlngulshed qualification the fact thai
h* Influenced the votes of a few dele
gate* 'o national convention. His
comparative Ignorance of the work
ings of the service may not be re
garded as disqualifying considera
tion worthy of note Yes, I think
tha' in a short time It will corn*' 10
the point where every postmaster
must work his way up, Ins'eed of
*nb- mlng his way in And the nd
van'agtH of this f-yst 'tn nre readily
In the last lew months Secretary
Donnell has been actively engage I :n
meting out to employees of he civil
service department found guilty of
,inlawful political activity the pun
ishment provided for them in the
Some Augusta People Have Learned
How to Get Rid ot Both.
Backache Httd kidney arho are twin
You can’t separate them.
And you can't get rid of the back
ache until you cure Ihe kidney ach"
If the kidneys are well and strong,
the rest of the system Is pretty sure
to he In vigorous health.
Doans Kidney Fills make strong
healthy kidneys,
Mrs Mary Beechman, living at !*24
Barnes street, August,*. C.a . say* “I
am more than pleased to say that
Doans Kidney Fills helped me. In
I am betters now than I line
been In year* I suffered from hack
ache* and patty* across my loins,
headaches and dizzy spells were of
frequent occurrence, and ntv kidney?
• a\e me a great deal of annoyance at
night I doctored and used different
remedies for tn.v hack hut received
no relief until I heard ahnut Doan's
Kidney Fills and procured them at
the Green and Horsey Drug Co. In a
short time I felt much stronger, the
dtxxy spells and hendaehes vanished,
my hack became strong and the kid
iiivi were restored lo their normal
action I gladly recommend Doans
Kidney Fills lo other stfft- rers."
For sale by all dealers. Frlee 5d
cents Foster Mllhnrn Co, Buffalo.
New York, sole agent* for the United
Hetneinber Ihe name—Doan's and
I lake no other.
Get Your Next Standard Pattern Free!
I hit week, or next week, or the week after, you will probably need another STANDARD PAT
TERN, either for yourself or for one of the littie folk. Vi e want to tell you how to get it for nothing.
Ark the FVtcrn Derrrtment to show you tM winter edition of "THE STANDARD FASHION
This great hook is a superbly illustrated collection of winter fashions—the most complete and useful
ever issued. Every kind of feminine garment is shown —for old and young, and for every occasion. It is
a tical, complete reference book of wearing apparel for the winter season, indispensable to every woman
who sews, or who wants to be "up to the minute" m style.
And it is the biggest bargain of the season, for it costs only 5 cents more than the pattern you a:e about
to buy, 20 cen.'j over the counter, 25 cents by mail, including a certificate, redeemable at any Standard
Agency, good for
Very Special:
THE (nowrn everywhere as the magazine of real use to women, is the biggest value at 50 cents a year (75 cents
in Canada), of ail msg.vine* published for women and the home. If you will leave your subscription to "THE DESIGNER" with your
U-al Standard merchant he give you the “STANDARD FASHION BOOlading the FREE PATTERN CERTIFICATE
Ist only 10 cents extra to cover the cost of handling. (If we mail the book, handling charges are 15 cents.) Thus you get the book and
pattern for
Less Than the Cost of the Pattern Alone-
The Thomas & Barton Co., 712 Broadway, Augusta, Qa.
regulations. At Macon, refer dy, 3
clerks were reduced in pay. They
attended a political "pow wow" In
uniform, and took an active part tr
'be proceedings. The temptation
to do missionary work .'or their favor
ites In ti e race for election as dele
gates to electoral conventions has
been to great tor many clerks, and !<•
practically every instance their In*'s
eretlou bus been discovered and pun
Las! April an examination for po
sitions in the railway mail service
was conducted In this city hy Secre
tary Donnell, and up to date those
papers have not been returned. He
'iff' rs, iy way of explanation s o those
candidates who may have become
anxious or Impatient, that the depart
meut recently found Itself behind on
•he grading of examinations, by
about 60,000 papers, and as congress
refused to allow an extra detail from
other departments to assist them In
'he work of catching up, or granting
an api reprialiun. the delay has been
unavoidable. However, the greater
part ot this work Is now nr.ishfd.
Iri the case ot the Augusta Gro
cery Co. vs. Mrs. Emma Newman,
.administratrix, of the estate of Mrs.
Jennie Little, Judge Eve returned a
judgment Wednesday in favor of the
plaintiff. The amount was about
The Novice (<tentatively)—"That lest
shot wa' better, John 1 don’t think I
mlseeil that hare by very much, eh?"
The keeper fdiplomatically)—"Not by
more than a hair's breadth, sir."—The
Augusta Ladies Order Sheath Gov/ns
For Evening Wear in Modified Form
The sheath gow n v.'ll he no unu
sual sight In Augusta during the lien
few months according to authentic
Information. It Is authoritatively
staled that orders for several of
these most modern drosses have be->n
placed with dressmakers ;n this city
and It Is only a question of 11 few j
weeks beton they tire to lie worg
Df course, the wearers in Augusta
will somewhat modify the style as
itoi forth in the enchanting stories
that are sent out concerning the new
fashion. From the hoop skirt to ts e 1
sheath gown represents a long stride
in the march of .-ivlllzation. so it ts
said, bill which >\ ay It goes no one
seems prepared lo say.
Those who discuss the question
are rather inclined to take Ihe dress
as a matter of fact with nothing un
usual about It. The dress seems to
be regarded as very ordinary and con
sequently it appears that no con
sternution whatever will he caused
■ lien the first half don n of them
are worn for 'he first time in this
The stele which will be In most
common use la a skirt to open up th- 1
entire length In front and just on
each sjde will he oiher cuts opening
up about one-third of the way. These
MaJ I C. C. Blark was speaker rs
the evening at the regular meeting of
the Augusta council of the American
Hank Clerk's association hed in 'heir
chib rooms in Miller Walker hall. ,
Tuesday night The eloquent Angus-1
tan selected "Democracy as a topic I
and his address pleased the entire
parly present.
He characterized hanking as the
heart's blood of oommenre without
which the pulse of Industry and Iho
arm of labor would be stlllpd. The |
members of the organization are show
ing great interest in their meeting
and a full attendance was noted Tues
day night.
Next Tuesday Mr. R. H. Berrien,
cashier of the Citizens Bank of Way
nesboro will he the speaker of the
evening and It Is quite certain 'hat
tils address will be one of much Im
ts 1* “ ' \
\ * v
apertures will, of course, he provid
ed with buttons, but in a'tending
dances the wearers will unbutton the
skirts up to the top of the side open
ings. However, there will he no
open-work hosiery revealed as dark
silk underskirts will be a protect! in
against the evils usually ascribed b
the general public who are inclined
to harshly criticize the adaption of
the new dress
No matter what the opinion of the
great common people may be In th
matter it is settled that the sheath
gown is coming, though modifications
in the way of underwear will rob it
of all its sensationalism as iortrayed
in the newspaper stories of the day.
Pimples, Rash, Eruptions, Etc., Quick
ly Eradicated by New Skin
Since its discovery one year ago,
Poslam. the new skin remedy, has (in
Its extraordinary accomplishments)
exceeded the most sanguine expecta
tions of the eminent specialist, who
gave It to the world. It has cured
thousands of cases ot eczema and era
dieated facial and other disfigure
ments of years standing. The terrl
ble Itching attending eczema is stoo
ped with the first application, giving
proof of its curative properties at
the very outset.
In less serious skin affections, such
as pimples, rash, herpes, blackheads,
acne, barber's itch, etc. Results show
after an overnight application, only
a small quantity being required to et
feet a cure. Those who use
poslam for these minor skin troubles
] can now avail themselves of the spe-
I clal 50-cent package, recently adopted
,to meet such needs. Both the M'-ccnt
package and the regular $2 jar ma
now hp obtained In Augusta at the
Cahanlss Drug Co.'s and other lead
log dmg stores.
Samples tor experiment a', purposes
may be had free of charge by writing
direct to the Emergency Laborato
ries, 32 West Twenty-fifth street, New
1 York City.
CHlCAGO—Railroads are asking
again for legislation which will in
crease the payment to the roads for
carrying mail.
A committee composed of Guy Ad
ams. J. F. Lindsay, H. E. Mack and
G. B. Lindsay, supervisors of mail?
for the Rock Island. Santa Fe. Wa
bash and Missouri Pacific railroad-:,
have submitted to Postmaster Gener
al Meyer a written list of the core
mittee who have just returned from
Washington said they had a satisfac
tory interview with Mr. Meyer and
The principal contention is that con
tracts for handling the mail should
be made each year instead of every
four years, because in many, cases
especially on the western road?, the
amount of mail carried has increased
from ]OO to 200 per cent In a fou l '
year period.
According to the weekly weather
report of the climatological depart
ment concerning the state of Geor
gia pleasant and favorable weather
continued during ;he greater part of
the past week over the slate.
The lemperatiires remained some
what above normal most of the time,
with no sudden or marked changes;
the mean for the week was about 2
degrees above the normal.
More than the average degree of
cloudiness prevailed, especially In
central and southern districts, but th;
rainfall was confined to light local
showers in the extreme southern
countries until the latter part of the
week. On Sat.nil \ and Sunday rain
fell at nearh all stations, the
amounts being large in the S' utheast
ern portion 01 the slate. The total
rainfall exceeded one inch over near
ly one-half of the state and more
than four inches fell on the coast.
Throughtotit the northern and west
ern portions less than one-half inch
was received.
Around Augusta the weather has
been very favorable and the present
conditions indicate *a continuance
which will enable the farmers and
general public to carry on all their
work without any hindrance from
this score.
Nursing Mothers and Malaria.
The Old Standard GROVE’S TASTE*
IuESS CHILL TONIC, drives out malaria
and builds up the system. For grown
people and children, 60c.
Hate most often finds lodgment In
small souls.
A trust Is an organized conspiracy to
rob labor.
=—i Positively cured by
A DTE D O theße LilUe Pil,s -
VAItI LUU They also relieve Dla
nM tress from Dyspepsia, In-
SPITTLE digestion and Too Hearty j
gj ji/rn Eating. A perfect ltm 1
fgl IV bn edy for Dizziness. N&u 1 J
1 PILLS. irowslness. Bad VssjS^
SMS In the Mouth. Coated
Tongue. Fain In the Ride,
55552 1 TORPID LIVER. They
regulate tho Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Shovels, Spades, Hoes,
Rakes and Wheelbarrows
to clean up your yard.
908 Broad Street.