Newspaper Page Text
third year.
Vild Commotion Caused by
a mad dog
ffas in kitebe:. when
,tt».ted by the rabies. One good
cornea mounts the tabic another
darned. jlf «« lh « Jt ” ve C °*“
an( l aalres together and an old
goff devoured a ham
Tosay that there were exciting
times a* tlw residence of
Mrs Hackett of Bridge Valiev, last
Saturday night, wou’d not began
to express the real condition of
And it was all cansed by a dog
too—peace to his memory.
Mrs J. W. Lancaster and her
three interesting children, family
of Mr Lancaster, the Photograph r
went out to Ridgi Valley ou Satur- !
day to visit Mrs Hackett, mother I
of Mrs. Lancaster and Mr. John
Hackett of the F Mirth Ward.
Mrs Hackett is a quite an old
lady, being nearly 89 years of age.
and rather feeble, She owned a
large and inteligeut dog, named
Old Ring,” and she and her fami
ly were very fond of him.
Some days ago a mad dog pass
ed through the Ridge Valley settle
ment and bit a number of hogs,
i cattle and doge, and many people
were keeping animals, tied up;
and interesting developments was
at the keenest tension.
Saturday night arrived and af
ter supper, quite a number of wo
men and children w u ie sitting
about Mrs Hackett, dinning-room
enjeying social entercourse, and
many a merry jest as burst it
childish laughter marked the iho
toentsas they slipped away.
Through an open door, on the
loor of the kitchen. Old Ring lav
dreaming of rabbits and pot licker
E\ery thing and every body w»»
happy or merry or both.
Suddenly a womens screams:
m J God 1 Ring has gone mad!”
■nd every eye in the room foilow
fr ] the gaze of the terifi-d owner
■f the voice ami then—pan Jem j
■iium broke loos**.
■ Good, old Mrs Racket’, skipped
■ ‘ghtup, onro the middle of the
■ O P of the big dining r . )Om tftble
■nd gathered her skirts a la re
■ff’t from a uimis».
■ krß ’ Em ma Pro het, a widowed
■aughter-aml prdtv stout, hop
■e onto tin- stov.., which was just
■ ot nyough to k.‘.'p h,. r < Jnik
■m«” e
Belittle 13 year old son, took
■ * Ur ® au,o ’>’ f r a scuttle in the
W'band stayed ihere.
■ Ouela < l .vi 1 m I|llt p 1 | ;i( . hlld , - lii<r)]
and trial • . ,
Kn. / Ito on the
■Tills of It.
I * VVP 1 I
■ y ' t CcA bBSBa grci E%* :; * tiiii sir W-31
v |£b|s& BS/g ** K§ r '‘ ■■ •" t> '■ •'''*> *
I W 1E 2AI AwXl A HI
furniture and Undertaking, Carpetsand Matting
Two little ones got onto the top
of the safe. i
Several were ou the bed, w th
one boy of ten yours a straddle the
head board.
While the balance of th.' compa
ny were running over each other
getting out at the door, and every
body was crying or screaming,
“away up in G.”
Mr. Joe Harris and Mrs. Lan
caster were the only ones who did
not loose their heads. Mr. Harris
made a sneak for the kitchen door
to close it. 1 *
He finally reached it. The dog
was staggering around the kitchen,
foaming at the mouth, eyes rolling
and waa suffering as only a dog
can, with the rabies.
Mr. Harris pushed the door. A
bucket of coal was in the way and
prevented its closing. The mad
dog raging worse and the scream
ing of the frightened women and
children grew louder.
Finally the door was cl »sed. Old
Mrs. Racket sprang from the ta
; ble and with the sprighTy step o
; a sixteen year o’d, she ran 40 r
yards to a neighbors.
Her daughter descended from
the stove, and the otha 1 s withone
common consent, sought the same
level, the floor—then “went yon
der.' all but Charley, he stayed in
the loft.
Mrs. Lancaster went to her
satchel and took out a Smith &
Wesson 38 revolver, and gave it
to Mr. Harris who, through the
kitchen window, put tour balls
through and through the strug
gling swaying body of the mad dog l
The fifth shot entered the dogs ■
chest and came eur through his
back near the root of bis tail
And he died
Then the family was “rounded
up” for the night. They wept over
Ring’s body, and then went to bed.
But their troubles had not ended,
for when morning dawned, it waa
discovered that some one in the j
stampede of the uight b'-fere had
left the cowpeu gate open, and the
cows and calves were to-gether,
and there was no cream fur th' j
Another calamity: one little
fellow going into the ashhopper
for safety, had knocked the boards
off and the rain had slacked the
whole business.
Another disaster: One of the la
dies who took refuge in the smoke
house forgot, in her excitement, to
button the door when sh» came
out, after the “bark“ had been
“shipwrecked," and the <>ld brood
sow had sto'e a country ham and
devoured nearly all the meat.
‘Oh you ought to hear my wife
tell the st' ry and have the three
children run their side show at
tachment, helping her,“ said Mr.
Poor Ring, he was a good dog
He is dead. But none of those who
witnessed the scenes, that traus
pited around the closing mcments
of his life will ever forget him—
or them.
Os the New Court House
Notified Today.
Ths Buildluw, s« that the Contractor
May Turn it Oi«r to ths Couimlr
Another “cut off.”
The County Commissioners held
, a call meeting today to hear argu
ment on the petition of Messrs
i John Marion,Dick Fa vn; and Bird
, Daniels who wanted to be “cut off”
from Barker’s into the Cave Spring
i The petition was granted »ml
I those gentlemen will move their
. plantations into the no fence dis
i irict. and, it is hoped, that Mr.
Daniels and Mr Mari' u will re
l form and become democrats.
The new Iron shutters for tin
Jletk’s and Ordinary’s office being
u place, it was decided that
Messrs Bruce A Morgan the archi
i tec's should be notified to come
> and inspect the New Court hones.
> now finished so that contractor J.
■ B, Patton could turn the building
over tu the Commissioners,
A call meeting of the b >ard will
receive the building, at the proper
Mr. Jones, ths marble yard man
was awarded the contract of put
ting in tbs marble steps on the
front, or Fifth Avenue side of the
' >t»ne wall w hich surrounds the
‘Court house grounds.
I- - .
A |32 67 OAK LOG.
IT WAS 14 FT. Lnwe AND UWD 2178 i
Col. John C. Foster, chairman of
the Board of County Commission-
I era and a stalwart Atkinson man,
1 was in the city today.
i The Hustler reporter fuuna Col.
' Foster in County School Commis
sioner Bridges office and from him
obtained this item which is well
worth remembering
The first of the week Mr. Foster
had a white oak saw stock, meas
uring 14 ft, iu length, cut at Fos
ters mills. The log scaled sft 8 in.
at the but, and sawed 2 178 ft of
most excellent lumber. The lumber
was sold to the Uundell Furniture
Co., for 32 67 .
Hearts of eak! but tb o of
such wealth.
, Rev. H. Sanford aid ude will
move to Powder Springs, where Mr
Sanford will ent<r the m rca til
business. They leave a host of f iends
in the city who regret their depart
Dr. Paul Reese, the enterprising
young druggist, was confined to his
I room today with a case of sick 1! nets
! brought on by indisposition.
A B. Me AR VER & Co.
Tlie Entire Stock of Dry Gooch
Notions. Hats and Shoes, at
I i
V Dress Goods. White
Silk Warp Henriettas
r All Wool Cashmeres,
-J Half Wool Cashmeres
•’ AU wool Flannels,
"i Black Battens. Col-
J ored Sattecs. Check
ji NainsooKS. Check
Lawns- Plain White
Lawns. India Lawns.
» White and Cream
Mulls Hamburg Edg
ing. Indialined Em
broderies. Torchon
Laces. Ribbons- Ta
ble Linens, Table
Damask and Nap-j
i Men’s Fine Shoes, ,
Good Shoes’
i Boys’ Good Shoes,
Beys’ cheap Shoes
Boy’s Rubber Shoes.
Mr, Chai Joy Pursley, aftsr a visit
of two weeks to Farrell’s Station, Ala.
has returned to the city.
* MoB9B 11. Wright is deeidedly one
■ of the most p >pular young men in
the county and is certain of election
to the ofli *e of Representative. “ The
I above i* fr >in one of the best farmers '
of Floyd.
Judge Bra: o 'hen pak todav
about the the state
county defaulter's st would have
»n the city regi-fr ion replied: j]
“Why uone on ca iI -t every man
who can register, go and do so if
he wnnfs to, lie can vote hi the (
city elections if he registers in the t
city f r those elections.” Thats
good authority.
kins. Towels. Red
and White Flannels.
Dress L'ning. White
Bed Spread . Jeans.
10-4 Sheeting 5-4
Pi 110 a/ Casing bleach
ed Domestics. Drill
ings, Sheetings Shirt
ings Calicos Buttons.
Thread Blanketsand
Scarfs. Half Hose,
Suspenders Collars
and Cuffs Fine Shirts
Flannel shirts cotton ■
shirts. Undershirts
Overshirts. Overalls;
Mens’Cheap Shoes
Lacies’ Rubier Shoes.;
Ladies’ Shoes-
Ladies’ Fine Shoes
Ladies’ Good Shoes i
D-. I addan remark'd. t> th* n- 1
porter th' Jneroin ‘ t lease say for,
ms that I aiu very anxious about that i
Wednesday night prayer meeting 1
ana trying to buildup." He is too,
ml the Hustle t of Roms advices
everyba ly to go out t< morrow nigi t
and see how many w ’ e present.
ladiet lair Dressing
Mrs. Sitton, is now ready to wa L
hair and, dress the hair so ■ny ccca
tion, cut * r rl the bangs, also treat
the face, or in other words mak
ladies beautiful in two weeks. Cal
x., i j u l Ave East Rome Ga
The I es' remedy ii the wor 1 for
diarrhoea and other summer com
plaints is Reese’s diarrhoea cordial
(.tisfaotio-'' gi/ m ■ ■ :.i may refunded
Reese t White baa*
and Jackets. Rub
ber Coats Good line
of Hs-Good line <?.f
Ladies’ and Misses 5 '
Hose. Children’s
Hose. Ladies’ Hand
kerchief- Ladies’
Undervests. Ladies
Gloves Shawls scarfs
Cloaks Jackete. Gos
samers. Misses’ Gas
samers. Misses’ Cor
sets. Ladies Corsets.
Boys’ Shirt Waists,
Spool Silk, b.'/oot
Ladies Cheap Shoes
Misses’ S
, Childrens Shoes
i Childrens’ Rubbers
The pt-rsibtent cough which usuaß
follows an attack of the grippe can h
i perniam mly cured by takincr Cham,
berl.iin’s C ugh Remedy, AV. A. M?
Guire of Me Kay, Ohio, says: “La
Grippe left me with a severe cough.
Alter using several different medi
cines without relief, I tried Chamuea - -
a s Cough Remedy, which effected
■ permanent cure, I have also found
t to be without an equal for children
when tioubled with colds or eroux..
25 and >0 cent bottles for sale by
Lowry Bros Druggist,
Frank Taylor the old knighl’of
the razor has opend up a-uew bar
ber shop at 224 Broad street if*
i..vites all his friends and patrot*
to call early and often . 1—