Newspaper Page Text
Krd ■ ' R
•*" -
__ headquarers -
Lowrv Brothers, l PpjP' np< •< C. D. Wood &Co's,
4O3,Br<>ad Street. UUUO. s./.yj ilOs Old Stand 403 Broad St.
Best goods! Lowest iwts;
co™ >e
Os Colorado, ha of and Bri
clg Fa ; •
_ .. —1; I
Charged With Op j A. .oth-
er Party’s Mrii Can't
Fool With Uri ?rr/s
Business -out
Getting i . it-
Dehver, Augnff —Governor
I), 11, Waite was ff<-d this
evening on a war: - charging
him with opening . retaining a
letter addressed to Likens,
formerly matron a ( lice head
quarters. The warn was issued
by United States mmissioner
Hinsdale, who also i - id warrants
for the arrest of 1* •* mit Dennis
Mullins, of the ! ice, board;
Hamilton Armstroi >: ’def of po
lice, and Kate Dwy< i. i ron at
p»lice headquarter The com
plaint was made 1 Likens
and was investigat I’ostoffice
Inspector McMal on M.- McMahon
laid the matter be: e United
States District Attorney Johnson
and a formal coin’’;;,., t drawn
The letter upon •.v.ich these war
rants were based vol- w ritten to
Mrs. Likens by Parr, of
Pueblo - who answeod an adver
tisement for a housekeeper.
Mr. J’arr said he was in need of
a friend aim • d woman in this
letter and two-’i ;im «< r ds wer j
underscored by pm ml. * .mb Parr j
ways was ict done <>v him.
It was about six cays after this!
Utter was rec- ved ’l.nt, Mrs. Li
kens was di. »d It is charg
ed that this lett< r to Mrs. Likens
was not omy unlaw uiiy opened,
but that there was usoiraey,
thtt this letter W’-’oi ;m< .w bauds
of Chief ArnaMicog, ih? Kate
Dwyer. Dennis Mu 3 '■id Gov
ernor Wajfo, ■ I th r to i
l :• • J l tin u . UnH ''
:' ‘ - per as t >. nut 1 . j use 1
; 2 »iu-t ’4rs. 1 >s.
ijio'.'er )•)» V. s <1 a e, 1
1 m ih ‘. 1 'lice o L <. rpe »• .
j Hl< r -1' '■ L ' I i , ■< 11 Z
COUepl. lu I ' hCO t-U i-<.
with a sti ’ -•tif-i'i I • ) Chi \r..-I
Strong t' 1, in ,
question > > dim
nor gave mu. <>i ■ li;t);
and the * . . . • m.iscd ■:;
th. f per ■ ■ > • .?■
pis the name of tb* min u >• •» ' <' »y M.-ir H
th* b Hi th" r»i ’■>. »
t'l-'THt'■!«• ItHlt t: :-a ill' <• hand* !».'** 1
ever c• $; fr.>m ; f ' ’$ •«« itrix
should be.v’ii n? »* i D 1I ru .•* .
four yk-s oi r r k«o «’»v: ...thy I
the va *ni • j 1 v " T 11.
“DeVin. B. vi . ' j uh j
-DeVin.u .1 Jt.lne "
DeVmaie 0
Is the s> ■ used above 'J t« v tar the
most refined es all the h .«.is >Ti ■ .'i vume
faces. There Is someth-. it aho;* “»uae6t
beauty that seems aspwiji l tu ra i . its
ese the advertiser who i <n t < ioue’hat
the article he wishes to pr’ve » '• l ie public
rests on its own intrinsic ni*.-r. .i f U i»t ;
therefore need the bom > isi black a. rd |
type to emphasize Its cla’i i -
Yota May Hav ’ • -uclJ
That litetary works of th- .. t.aractar.
such as the Encyclop.edi innlc;.. w
Century Dictionary, etc., r fbly ■>"» a
modest type, such as this advert e i.-lr
merits. This Is especial tru of I erst
named which is almost nvari.wiy
brought to your notice by a ..ue of Hits
•• DeVinne Outline.”
V- AP,
A Decrease Over 185 - ver Half
a Millie..
Tax Receiver Mc( 1 coni- ,
pleted taking the uf° r
she present year an- - .-Low a
falling r, ff °f values t year 1
of $547,872. i
The tax returns o: --o'ed
upto - 128 495
This year they an 780,622
Decrease 57,873
The Fifty-third Congress Passes
in to Hfstory.
To General Catchings is all the
Talk now Aroundthe Cap
ital, Some Think he is
Right, Others
'Washington, Aug 28. (Special )-
Congress has at las. adjourned. The
life of the second session of the fifty
third congress went <>ut at 2 o'clock
today. It silently expired. Then,
was no scene. But few members were
pre. ent when Speaker Crisp announc
ed the house adjourned sine die.
There was nothing to indicate an
uuusual event The members did not
applaud, and even the newspaper
men in the gallery had not the re
maining energy to sing the usual
doxology. Everybody, thoroughly
tired out, left the capitol building at
unce, and tonight nearly ail the sen
ators and members left town.
The president’s letter to General
Catchings was but little discusse .
It was just what I expected,” wa»
the answer of every one. Some
thought it would strengthen the par
ty in the.campaign. Others thought
t would simply' bis looked upon as a
personal explanation of Mr. Cleve
land’s position ana as the best way
he could get out of the unfortunate
situation he had placed nimself in by
i bis indiscreet letter to Mr. Wilson.
By his last letter everybody
i agrees that Mr. Cleveland has crawl
:ed out of the pit he dug for him
self, but the entire affair nfleets
no great credit upon him. It was
a fight between him and the sen
ate. He boldly entered the arena
m his letter to Mr. Wilson. Ths
letter is explanation why he retir
ed. That he should have signed or
vetoed it everybody holds.
His act i j tun matter does nut
j“-xi 1- t liis , -uai cv .U..V 'dll,Mr
.it 1 2 nhet he wanted, cx
p .es. .rcn in. 1 i. Ho c.aul
ed ig v tvi .JoG a. is‘J *
mai l *r ig it - s t.
pt op • j-t aga.- < c p ib
s< a’ 1 ■ men •c ; . M r < ’ .>•. e-
| land is not consistent in abusing
sjme democrats and accusing
I . .n of perfidy and abodeiiment
,01'ht pliMforiij uledgee, when he
j bimseit pointedly i- fused to say a
word io favor oi the repealot toe
state bank tax, when rhe plallcrin
(declared for it. Bui for his opposi
[lion to tnat bill ’hose men bsi. ,u
i >r would be a law now.
(Ti'aL; of the Coast Line Makes
Fifty-Five Miles an Hour.
Washington. Aug. 28 The At
lantic Cca-t Line a,id Plant sys
tem Knight of Pythias special
train, which left J. cKsonville Fla,
yesterday afternoon it 4:20 o’clock
arrived here this morning at 8:09
o'clock, ’ aving made the run in
fifteen hours and thirteen min
This lowers all previous records
two hours and forts one minutes.
After-deducting stops, the remark
able meed is shown of 780 miles
in 880 iimutes, an average speed
for the ontire distance of fifty five
and one-half miles per hour.
The fastest run was made on the
North eastern road from Ashley
Junction to Florence, ninety-six
miles, in ninety-nine and one-half
minutes, including two stops for
water and drawbridges.
Notwithstanding the high rate
of speed the track and roadbed
were in such excellent condition
that the passengers on the tram
did not realize that they were
making other than schedule time
liters unequaled advantages to young man desiring a
-ess education Shorthand. Course thorough ann n. .
' nDenses low. Free car fare to Rome Circulars free
J, HARMUON. President, qja.
But While Many of Them do so in
a Still Manner
For the Hustler of Rome Cou
pons and are Rolling Them
In at a Lively Rate “The
Contest Deepens.
Who 'll win.
“Who leads in the Hustler of
R me contest?
That question is asked oftener
by the stores and officesand at the
homes of the people than any
dozen other querries.
It will be answered fully on
next Saturday afternoon at G
o’clock and that answer will be
final, for the contest closes at
that hour.
Now if you have voces to vote whj
vote ’em—come early and often for
in this battle of the ballot there is a
‘■free vote and a fnir count’’ so come
The vote today has been vigorous
aud of a nature to justify us in saying
that it has been from the four sections
of the city and the surburbs there of-
In other word 1 , locally speaking it
has been universal.
And then there lias, among the
scatering votes, been some heavy
dashes of ballots —dashes that savor
ed of a determination to win victory
at all hazards.
Let everybody stand by his favor
ite in this good natured contest aud
du what he can to make that sale b "
man or lady win the St. Simon trip
which the Hustler of Rome will a
ward the most pop til ir
© JD
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WWW iMOWWm' t -«• > M’-WWIF- V 1. K
Fu: tb.i Stabbed to Death and
Stiy jra' SEriously Injured.
Saltillo, Mex. Aug, 28.—Ata
grai.dcocking main given in the
village of Coratiana, Southwest of
this city. attended by the mouu
taiueers i r many miles around,!
win e the fights between the birds!
wen? in progress trouble arose be
tween two rival bird owners, and a
g n >ral fight took place, which re
suited in five men being stabbed
t<> de.» h and several others serious
ly wounded.
I’be rural guards were catled on
,to quell the disturbance, which
threatened to involve the whole
A large number of attests have
been made.
Japanese Landing Preparatory to
Marching on Pekin.
London, Aug. 29. —The morning
Post prints this dispatch from
Shanghai: “The Japanese are re
ported to be landing in force
northwards of Taku, preparatory
to inarching to Pekin.
“Another report is that the Jap
anese have disembarked 20,(XX)
troops on Ya-Lu-Kiang, which runs
along the boundary between China
and Corea. They are said to have
twenty-eight war-ships there and
to plan an attack on th? Chinese
from the rear, ” _
— •
Was Brought to Town This Af
and was Raised by Mr. Bob
Foster Seven Miles Down
the Coosa River 8 Cents
a Pound was What it
The first bale, of 1894.
It was brought to town this after
noon by Mr. Bob Foster.
It was put up at auction at 4
o’clock this evening in front of
the Ronie Grocery Store, and sold
to Mr. N( j vy King, of the Howell
CottonzCompany for eight cents
per pound.
Col.C. W. Underwood Made the
Nominating Speech.
Dalton. Ga. Aug. 29. (Special)—
Convention met Ip. m, Hon A. E.
Hackett of Catoosa, Chairman and <
Me.-srs Bvrd, BanLsion, Hartsell and ,
Shaver, Secretaries. Underwood of
Floyd nominated John W. Maddox 1
amid great enthusiasm, Maddox made
a ringing speeah. '
The As bans Meet the French in
two Skirmishes.
Paris. Aug. 28. —A dispatch
from St. Louis, capital of the
French possessions in Sene yam bin,
to the Journal Des Dear 's says
that ths Touafregs ’■ ’? 'Uy >ir
prised tin* French, an 1 after three
days’ fighting pursued them to
Timbuctoo, where au tiler t’mht
took place, resulting as b fore in
favor of the Touaregs The French
staffed from Timhuc/o- but w *rc
overwhelmed’’ number-; amt|
I were io.e' I to i -tire
, - * «- «. .■ ■ '—- — w
tionai Break tor l ju?
St, Paul, Minn . A” •. 2’.'. - M ”■ (
Ermisch ■ ■ ■ a '
condemns t. h ng inad a
liotiai . i., ; b y : v.
He had 'ii s i, u i:. j r berm ■
'supplied vita e, >lv r by u • 1
i known confed' to * when >i
I lowed the liber: ' ,le- >rd- ■
opened fioi on ,he d • • i a <-li <
turnkeys,wounding I. y Bin 'Ti [
Horst, but i.ot etally.
Deputy Sheriff Pic.irir t re iru
ed the fire, shoohLg al the despe
rado through t 1 - ; port holes in the
I door, dr viug him into his cell
I whore he was secured and shackl
Bees in The Mammoth Cave
•‘Man moth Cave in Kentucky is
getting to be a gigantic bee Live’’
said A, 11. Lewis. “The last time I
went theough this big bole in the
ground I took both the long and
short routes, as they are called by
the guides. At several places they
were rather too many bees for me to
feel entirely comfortable, although I I
was not attacked by any of them, if
the cave should for bon- I
ey some rich finds would undoubt
edly be made. The bees are increas
ing constantly. In fact while I have i
visited the cave frequently for sev- i
eral years, it has only been about i
two years since I knew th it they j
were there, aud this year it would
be impossible for a visitor not to j
know it.” f
- i
on’t buy a blood-purifier because
p “cheap The best—the Supe
it is Medicine —Ayer s Sarsaparilla,
is. the jend, the cheapest blood
purifier in the market The ingredi
ninof whiqs ito ia composed are
the most expensive and medicaly
efficacious that can be obtained .
Ten '
For the next ten days we
will oiler ihe trade the most
e nor mo tn. > trgaipF ’ nown to
the civilized world in Car
pets, Rugs and Ar Squares.
We will give you “closing
out prices.’’ For years we
have carr’n <1 one of The mos
popular lines of these goods
to be found in A »rth Geor
gia, and we now place before
you a s'l'fk not to he surpass
ed in point ofbeaaty, quality,
quantity, variety or price.
\Ve int< (■'! .- ” ke this and.
awt v k big barging;
boom i -s it Fal y'e
B'azing*bcac’o <s l» •ckon t<?
! von tro. . the fl in-.,
flu ■’ • r > t I’o •. iis ia _he
'■ ' • t’! The 1-
■a a•> qr < no • ii’ci i! Nt v
;> Pui’i.': •» .j ’ * gi e i espet-i
--<ii'y l.- 11 t; ive ;i./ to tags,
low | I !<'-•. piivlc, iC&i
lh:inco<(. o'ici tints are on
oe i). X • i.n and tumult oi
i•• i -■!'; ing and re-adjasiing
i ; dt-p-n tinent to a<"*' m m-
:m• ut . :! • ci ii
1 ' 'tiff -us ;Vi . en | ;;o
j'ff.- -lug ‘c day . We arc
I o\v’ reivi ” . to. l '■ the
’ »rld by *!.- !>■ policy
idiipted to /<’;«: cash, h'b.e
genius a d gu-t' >i‘ omgiua*
bag, planning and carrying
to a successful and resultant
issue this stupendous tasfe.
was given fervor and forct
by urgent, and present needs.
Cotten Ingrains from 19e
Al! wool Ingrains 2 ply.
Super Two Ply Ingra in 4 ’
3 Ply all wool Ingrains.
Tapestry Brusscils.
Velvet Brussells.
Body Brussells.
Smyrna Hugs,
Lined Rugs
Goat .ug ,
Rocky Mountain Sheep
9X9 fc. All wool Ari •
All that one can demand.
The American eagle on your
dollar laughs tn see the power it
wields. Rugs, Window Shades
and O 1 CioHi sacrificed corres
pondingly These cousumate bar
gains wont last long enough to ’&<
heraled again. Come while the
fire is hot. Our blood is up; we
re prepa'red to Sel <