Newspaper Page Text
Vol. 7. No| 3
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Going at Actual ==
© We are compelled to make room
for a large stock of Grain and Heavy
Groceries that will arrive soon, con=
sequently we are selling
Dressers, Bedsteads,
Washstands, Etc.
| WO are aiso sellinz |
Ladies m Girl Cloaks
- At Cost Price.
Now is your chance to save big mon
ey on buying Furniture. Come and
see us: and get our prices before
buying elsewhere. | :
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Hazlehurst, Jeff Divis County, Georgia, ’l‘hurnday;{]an, 14, 1909
A Happy, Prosperous
To miy hundreds of Friends and
Customers throughout Jefi
‘ "~ Dayvis County. L
Before Christmas, and during the Holidays, we made
hundreds of customers happy by selling them lots of goods
for a little bit of morey, and I expect to keep up this liek
throughgyt 1909. e 3 S 0
" 'S B.FREEDMAN, Proprietor.
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About as good as new
Tt has ‘\':gnly run 2 few weel{s'
Engine and shafting will be sold
very reagonable. For further
articulars, call upon the Editor
of this paper.
Smith Construction
Buildets and Contractors
- We want your work. see us be
fore you close your trade.
~ We will gladly furnish you
estimate on any kind of buildings
| Z Brick and Cemen! Bildings a Specialty
W L Smith,
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We take the following account
ot Mr. Redelheimer’s 'death from
the Savahnah Morning News:
Brunswick, Ga., Jan. 9.—Des
pondentoyer his failure to ward
off dissipation and smarting un
der the pessure of creditors,
who have recently made his life
burdensome, Adolph Redelheim
er, aged 40 yyears, a railroad
biliing clerk employed by the
Brunswick Steamship Company,
took the contents of an ounce
vial of carbolic dcid Friday aft
ernoon or night and died during
he right along in a vacant room
t 1108 Union street, a house,
vl;vhich he had rented in Octo
The body was discovered this
morning by J. E. Young, amd
Chief of Police Burney, who
entered the house together in
search of Redelheimer, .. In the
front room on the lower floor
was a davenport upon which the
man had slept and upon which
he was seen Friday morningzby
Mr. Young. All attempts to
rouse the man at that time fafled
and Mr. Young left intending
to return later. Several empty
‘whisky bottles were on the floor
Dby the side of the couch,
- Stretched -at full length, his
head partly lying in a closet, the
body of Redelheimer was found
in an upper room. :Near by lay
an' empty baking powder can,
which had been used to hold the
poison. The lips -were burned
and there were several spots on
the face showing where drops of
acid had fallen on the flesh. Near
by lay his coat, rolled upas if it
had been:used for a pillow. In
his agony, the man had rolled
several feet away, but had not
made noise enough te Farouse
neighbors. Alone in the vacant
room he had passed to his death,
Every: step had been taken o
make his body presentable. He
had dressed in clean undercloth
ing, with clean top shirt, his
'sl.oo Per Yeg'|
[bat tronsers and vest aud new
’hmo W K’; ’ '
‘Coroner Jennihgs summoned
a jury which heard a dosen wit
nesses and . rendered o verdict
that degth had come from carbo~
liq acid.. To:night friends of the
dead man arrived from Nicholls,
where his wife andtotgyo children
are living. The will be
carried to Hazlehurss, the formex
home of his wife. %A
Redelheimer ‘came ‘from
Cleveland, 0., several .years age
to South Georgia, He ‘was locas
ted at a number of points as an
gf)erator and assistant toagent.
e was agent at Nicholls up to a
year ago, buthad lostout and
for some time had been out of
work. He had wealthy relatives
in Cleveland. -
That he had planned his death
is evidenced b{ua.n unsigned let=
ter found in his trunk, which
was locked. The pathetic letter
was to his wife and was' as fol»
lows: : & :
“My Dear Ida: It is useless
for me to any longer endeavor to
make this struggle through life,
as I know it is useless.. I have
endeavored for some time to re
form and to live better, but it
seems the more I try the more I
am tempted. I can blame no
one but myself. I regret, for
the sake of the children, taking
this step, but I can see no other
way. 1 hope that you will all
get along well and that the
children_may live to be an honor
to you, My overwhelmingdebts
cause me to do as I am about to
do. I cannot pay them and sev
eral of my creditors are about
to bring garnishment proceed
ings against me. This in itself
would be enough to produce
death., I have tried as hard as
any one could to settle all of my
obligations, but, cannot pay all
atone time. s
“Perhaps you will be better
off without me, and I trust that
the-blessings of Heaven will bg
showered upon you and the little
ones.”, ‘ B
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