Newspaper Page Text
The News, ‘
3. A.FACKLER, Editor; and Pub't
JULIAN H, PARKER, Asso, Editor
. e : .
'l‘owu; OF HAZLEHURST..+
e : ‘. :\: : v
Entered as second class mattor
March 1, 1904, at the post office ut
Hazlehurst, Ga. . ,
. e
An Awful Tragedy.
While busily engaged in our
office last Saturday afternoon
about 8:30 we heard the report
of three pistol shots up ° the
rtreet, and on going to our front
door saw crowds running o
wards the Peoples Drug Store.
5o we hastened om, up in that
direction to invesfigate whut
Jdamage had been done by these
three shots, and who had dene
“beshooting. We saw Marshal
‘Webb with a young white man
as we were going up, carrying
him to jail, and we soon learned
that he was the party who had
jone the shooting, and his name
was V. T. Stowers. e had shot
Messrs: J. .. and Eugene Wil
~iams, the junior members of the
~ iirm of Jarman & Williams,
" The origin of thedifficulty was
abont a debt. Mr. Stowers owed
ihe firm_ scme money, and had
previously given them a check on
2 Conyers bank for the amount,
which was . turned down. Mg,
ijugene . Williams went to him
and demanded the money he was
due their firm, Hot words fol-‘
sowed, then a fight - Mr.]J. L.
/“Williams came up in his buggy
during the fight, gotout, and
started’ towards them, when
\Stowers wheeled and shot him
in the breast, then he turnedand
shot Mr. Bugene Williams in the
ieft hip. .
. Mr. J. L. Williams was’carried
%o his home imr.2diately after he
was §hot, and everything was
dene for him that-medical skill
and good, tender nursing could
do, but to no avail. The ball had
struck a and he breath
ed his last about 8:30 o’clock on
Sunday moruing, surrounded by
loving and sad hearts.
Drs. Montgomery & Girtman
had Mr. Eugene Williaths car
ried over to. the City Pharmacy
after hewas 'shot, and after
dressing his wourd, he was then
carried to his home, where he
has received . every attention
possible singe.
. Sunday was oune'of the sadest
days this town has ever expe
rienced. The Messrs. Williams
‘were universally popular through
out Jeff Davis county, and look
where you may, during the day,:
you would see little groups of
men standing talking in:a low
tone about the sad tragedy of the
day before, . o x
The remains of Mr. J. L. Wil
liams were: laid to restin the
Union Cemetery 'Sunday even
ning between 4 and b o’clock,and
the large concourse of sorrowing
friends and. relatives who follow
ed it to its last . resting place,
demonstrated, conclusively, his
creat popularity in this place
and surrounding country. Rev.
J. S. Jordan, assisted by Rev.
My.. Lambezt, conducted the
burial services in a very impres
sive manner, s
The editor.extends<condolence
to.the bereaved ones; and will
repeat the words of.the minister
Sunday, o’er the bier: “‘Go to
Jesus with your sorrows. He'is
the only truecomforter.’ i
To a party ofsmall boysand
a carelessly thrown cigarette is
generally. +credited ig}he firg of
Saturday - whié¢h destrdyed prop
erty in .South Fort Worth val
ued at two miillions of dollars,
caused the death of one person,
J.J. Newton, a bank employe,
the serious injury of six others,
renderedoo families hongeless'
and willieause tlp temporary:
idlgness 7.qf seve¥al =hundred
workmen ‘ggiployed in the man-
Hon, Lott W, Johason,
We have had tharge of this
yaper since the first of Novem
»er 1908, and Friday was the
first time we ever met Hon, Lott
W. Jolmson, our brainy tepre
sentafive in the Legislutute, and
the President ¢! The Hazlehurst
Publishing Co. And we don’t
suppose that we would have met
him then, ifwe had not bad
business with him.” We don’t
wondet at him being so popula:
throughout this entiré seztion .of
country. While he is ‘considered
a very wealthy man, he is a big
hearted, ger-rous and obliging
gentleman, aud it is said, that »
oor man never went to Lott W.
?ohns’on for a favor and come
away without it being granted,
Such men are olessings in a
community. .He is polite, unas
suming and secms (o be posses:
sed with a great deal of magnet
ism, and somehow, he has the
faculty of making a fellow like
him right on the jump. Would
that this cous ¢y had manv more
like him, for he is a developer,
His iioney does many people
yood, for he gives employment
to scores of men and boys. :
We know that he wiii be sup
prisedl after reading tie above,
wriiten by 2 strapger; you migzhit
say, but we do noi- have to live
i 1 a county many months before
we find out who arethe “live
wires'' in i%
We believe in scattering a few
“owers while we live, and not
walt until you are dead, and then
[place them all on the casket.
Mr. Johnson deserves all we
have written about him, and
move besides. 5k
No Néed of Any Alarm.
Fditor Hazlehurst News: = -
My Dear Sir—lt has come to
ime from reliable source thas
there is considerable fear of the
county jail at Baxley being raic:
ed, and the man, Stowers, who
shot J. L. and Eugene Williams
‘taken therefrom and lyr.ched by
the Williams family and ¥riends.
Now, I desire to most em
‘phatically denounce and con
demmn such an idea, and desire
‘to say to the friends and foes
alike of the Williams family,
that no such. talk was ever
started, nor did such intentions:
ever, for a mowent, exist in the
minds of the leaders of their
forces. We desire to be a law
abiding psople, and as long as he
is in the custody of the law, wé {
are satisfied; yet, we are like all
2cnest people, we demand our
iegal rights. Now, Mr. Editor, I
am spcaking the sentiment c¢f
the entire family, end being
dictated to by a large force of
their friends and relatives, and
heace, know whereof I .speak.
We mean to be fair. :
5 . Very Truly,
l . Mr. V. T. Stowers,’the young
'man who shot Messrs: Williams
Baturday afternoon last, came
down here’ about January the
firstt from: Conyers, Ga.,; and
bought the Maddox place, which
is situated about six miles ' from
here, out on the river. When
Marshal Webb arrested him he
didr’t put him in- the jail here,
but carried him down to Baxley
and . placed him in jail there.
Stowers drove his own horse to
Hazlehurst the day of the .trage
dy, and he and Mr, Webb went
to Baxley in it together he (Stow
ers) doing the driving. . Mr.
Webb said that he had no trou
b'e: with him whatever, while
enroute to Baxley. .:In . 'talking
about it, Mr. Webb said thas he
would cry some times, and said
that'he regretted it very much.
John Suple will not be hung
here 'on Saturday, .10th inst.
His lawyers will be in Waycross
on the day the regro was 10 hang,
arguing ‘before Judge Parker
for a' new trial. hould the
Judge refuse this new trial, the
case will be carried to the Su
preme Court,‘and it ‘may be a
year before that tribitinal- acts
upon it. And thus itjs. .'I;g;will
no doitbt be many months before
the prisoner will know his fate.
Salesman—We - want a 'gdod
Sammisaion R ence. "«’
Shoe and Harness
. L BHOP, "
Satisfaction Guaranteed,
I have opened upa shee and
hrrness. shop in the up-sunirs,
over Williams' blacksmith shop,
near Pace’s old still. ¥
Bring on your shoes and har
ness, if they need repairing, 1
will do your work satisfactorily,
and at reasonable figures.
April 1, 1009, J W: KING.
y ’ "
| The City Pharmacy, |
| ity Pharmacy, |
) .
¢ . ; 5 ; \.
%" W. T. PATRICK, Prop'r, %1
if f bs o ¢
% i 1 cafry a fresh and coqiblete lice of g
[ \ g Bisd
| Drugs and [lledicines. |
i Pk Le R B SIILTS ;
!l Toilet Articies, Perfumery, Etc. |}
) 7 <
ii , - ——Beautiful line of— - §$
§ ; §.
3 . . ‘
ii Elegant Tee Cream and Soda Parlor. ;g
} I live within o few steps of iy drug store, and can é
il\, easily be called ai any hour of the night by those why
}g Ima.y need medicine after Lhave closed. -
hr G S
: by YAT ’ P o :
. Doua’t Pun -
The tisk of losing your rights bv not having
your Deels and Mortgagés on Record.
¢ s 80l -
© “Evcry Deed Conveying Land -
Should be Recorded in the office of the
Clerk of the Superior Courtof the County
where the land lics. Record may be.
made at zay time, but such deed loses its
priority over a subsequent recorded deed
fromthe same vendog,"==Section 36; 18.
“Nortgages on realty must be recorded
in the county where the land lies; on per
scralty, in the cousnty where the mortgagor
residesaf time of execution.”-Section 27, 26
1 will re-record at half price any deed
recorded in the old countics.
Yours for proiection, g ;
cuy L vp-‘:'.: » e B
-t v ! .
Y 3 1 3 ‘. .;:;
- Peoples Drug Store,
—ul> TELEPHONE No. 7. /=t
We handle nothing but the vety bestand purest
All Prescriptions Receive Prompt. and Careful Attention..
bl sl ¢ y
A complete stock of all Drug
. Store Sundries,
Just received the prettlest lin2 of Solid Gold Jewelry
ever seen in Ha:lehurst b efore; and, you will
find our prices Ivight, too. ,
We carry a fine line of STATTONERY of every des’
cription. When ifi need of writing material’
come to the .- ; _
Pooples Drug Sfoxe,
b i ]
GEORG}A-JeR Davis County.
Mrs, Alice Sellars, having
made application for twelve
months gupport out of the es
tate of T, M. Sellers, and apprai
ses duly appointed to set apart
}the same having filed their re
furn, all persgns concerned are.
!hoi‘eby required to show cause
before the court ot Ordinary of
'sn.i‘a county gn the first Monday
in May, 1809, why said applica -
tion should not be granted. This
pth day of April 1909,
HENRY CoOK, Ordinary.
Sherilt Sales.
GEORGIA—Jeff Davis County,
_ Will be sold on the first Tues
day in May next, at public out
cry, at the court house "in said
‘county, within the legal Hours of
sale so the highest bid%%r for
cash, the following destribed
property, to wit: ‘e
" Kixty Kight (68) acresof lot of
Jand No. 868 in the second lund
district of originally Appling
now Je'f Davis county, bounded
as fdllows: On nogth by lands
of Sely Walker, cast by lands of
Mariah Crosby, on south by land
of James Cowart, on west by
lands of A. Armstrong, levied
upon and will be sold as the
property of Lilla Morgan, and
Bidney Morgan, to satisfya fi. fa.
issued from the county court of
said countv in" favor of F. M.
Lord for use o Bixley Banking'
Co., and against the said Lilla
~organ and Sidney Morgan,
written notice given defendants
in terms of law. ;
' Also at the same time and,
place the followimg described.
property o wit: Thirty Five (35)
acres of land of lot No. 556 in
the second land district of said
county, and bounded as follows;
bounded on the north and south
by lands of C. W. Hall, bounded
on the east by lands of Wilcox
estate and on the west by lands
of J. . MeEachin. Said prop
erty levied on as the property of
Sarah E. Hall under and by vir
tue of atax fi fa. issued by W, J.
iGooge,, tax colloctor of said
county, for her state and county
taxes for the year 1908. Writ:
ten notice givenin terms of law.
Also there will be sold at the;
same time and place the follow
ing described property, to wit:
One. and three quarters (1%)
acres of land in the town of Ha
zlehurst, known as the Ned Bra,
dy place, part of iet of land No.
502, in the Second Land District
of Jeff Davis County Georgia,
bounded on North by a street,
East by lands formerly J.H. Lat
imer’s, South by 'ree Will Bab
tist Churchy, West by public
road and A. M, E. Church, levied
upon and will be sold as the
property of J. A Walker, to sat
isfy a fi. fa. issued from the
county court of said county in
favor of A. Leffler Company,
against J. A. Walker.
Also abt the same time and
place, will be sold the following
property, to wit. ;
One certain stock of goods,
consisting of Shoes, Hats, Cloth
ing, Dry-goods, Notions, Harc
ware and groceries.
Also one certain latge sized
Bay Horse, about Ten (10) years
old, levied ujpon and will be sold
as the property of K. M. Taylor,
to satisfy two (2) fi, fas, issued
from the City Court. of Baxley,
Goorgia, in favor of the South
ern Hat Company, against E. M.
Taylor, priceipal, John Johnson
aind G. W. E. Herndoa, Security
on Stay Bond;also.two (2) fi. fas.
issied from the City Court 'of
Baxly Georgia, in favor of Shad
burn Brothers against E. .M.
Taylor; also two (2) fi. fas. issued
from the City Court of Baxley
Georgia, in favor of Gramblin
Spalding Company, against E,M,
Taylor principal, John Johnson
and G. W. E. Herndon, Security
n Stay Bond; also one (1) fi. fa.
issued from the City Court of
Baxley Georgia, in favor of Beck
& Gregg Hardware Company
against K. M. Taylor, also ene (1)
fi. fa. issued from the City Court
of Baxley 'Georgia, in favor of
the Warren Manufacturing Com
pany against E. M. Taylor; also
one (1) fii fa.isstied from the
City Couft of Baxley Georgia, in
gavor of Powell Little & Com
‘pany, against E. M. Taylor,
% This April 6th, 1909.
; i W. H. Erns,
Sheriff: Jes De'vis County Ga.
Rotice to Debtors and Credi
' tors.
GEORGIA—Jeff Davis County
Notice is hereby given _to al
creditors of the estate - of Wile
Byrd, sr., late 'of said county
deceased, torender in an accou
of their demands to me withi
the time prescribed by law, pro
erty made out.. All persons i
debtéd to said;&pceasea. are her(
by requested to make immedia
%ms:; to ‘the .undersigne
This the Ist day @March 10C