Hazlehurst news. (Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Ga.) 190?-19??, May 20, 1909, Image 1

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    Vol, 7..N0 21.
tazlehurst Leading
~ Popular Price Stor?
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- All of us can't fi? to Coney Island when the ‘mercury
" is trying to crawl through the top of the thermometer.
' There is another way to fool the sun’_ -
! q For that cool, sea breezy effect the next best thing to_
| summer resort i ‘one of our stylish_and finely tailored =
qNo different in. appearance_than any of our regular
light weight, madé-to-measure suits. _ F{aving all :f the
fine features of hizh gradé tailoring—shape permanency,’
perfect concave shojtriers, close fitting coll)l:r. _ete.,~it 15’
apparent at a glance that the suit was made for the man
| who is wearing it. : =
g Nothing else like thefn for the low prices we ak.
’ VEARING AN OUTING swr.;\;f £ :
W e ) ek, AN a
..w5.... . Call and see tropical worsted pattems aty =
$ |
~ Wolfson’s
Popular Price Store, -~
~ Hazlehurst, - - Georgia. -
Sele Local Déaler for :M.L, Oberfl&orf & Co, Chicago,
The State of Georgia |
Are deserving of great praise for having within its borders the town of Hazle
hurst, Ga. Suppose the people here are not wealthy, it is not riches:that gives. us
happiness, it is the opportunity tobuy the best goods at the lowest possible price.
Our sim is to supply 4arti""¢\iles that Q:fll sathfy our friends and cfigtomers. am} enri?:h their homes. Let “f meet fr‘gflkly.
Let us utitize Frébdmip’s Store as a si)rt of a school rooni;.\for \’é?ildying quality and prices. Lct’;Frecdman’s Store be 2
meeting place for a heatty hand-shaking,. Cemé often to Friedman’s Store, and don’t feel that you must buy.
Ladies, our Dress Goods Department is comiplete foryou, _and prices to suit you.
Our Shoe Department can’t be matched at the prices Bealler. ¢ |
Ladies Hats and Millinery, can’t be matched at any other store at the prices we offer.
GENTLEMEN : We have just received the celebrated E'@iwin C-lapé;bp Shoe k_flA"-'shg'g that has provea satisfactory to
o T L'-:: tlf?qgands and thousands ;of pe@plc.;; s ol
'Lflpw, Ladits and q&tlcméfig gitls arld boys, if it is for Bry Goodsaghoes. fi Clofihipd and Hags you looking _f?f'o FREEDMAN
: ! * bXB gl '!'r.“'h-‘:i‘:\" "“:H’ ‘I . & ' i
2 iee 1S Bi FREEDMAN
‘ W t. & i el 9
. Stope g Righg Prices L o ooy go o o
;ST TNA T ] i SRR {J-»f’m g;xl';mj-.i:fifm&iifi;%imh( ‘“wéfi: F
Hazlehui'st. Jeff Davis County, Gcorgla; Thursday, May 20, 1909,
Last Round.
I will be at the following places
at dates named as, follows:
- Band Town Tuesday May 18th
9a. m. ¥ ,
Bridgeford Tuesday May 18th
3 I[-)I m. : o
errington’s still Wednesday
May 19th 9 a, m.
Graham Wednesday May 19th
3 p. m. :
Altawmaha Thursday May 20th
9a. m.: : .
Hatton’s still Thursday May 20
3 p. m.
. Hazlehurst Friday and Satur:
day May 21 and 22nd.
Snipes school house Tuesday
May 25th 9a. m. 5
Paceville Tuesday May 25th
3 p. m. !
Ocmulgee Wednezday May
26th 9 a. m.
MgDew May 27th 0 c’clock
a. m, \
Hazlehurst May 28th and 29th.
This will be my last round.
This May the 10th 1309
Rurus H. ELLIS,
Receiver of Tax Returns for Jeff
Davis County. A
P ePO | S
Salesman--We are desirous
of securing , the services of an
experf, salesman on a salary to
begin with es SIOO and ‘expenses
per menth, No one except a hust
ler who can give good reference
need apply. .. We offer the right
mana good contract.” National
Loan & Trust Company, Tifton
Ga.,, o : :
or "phone to the Bottling Works,
‘when in need of Ice. -
Onione and Pneumonia.
Hot onions, according to a Frenek
physician, are said to be a sure cure
for pneumonia. The remedy is as
follows: Take six:or ten onions, ac
cording to size, and chop fine, put
in a large pan over a fire, then add
the same quantity of rye meal and
vinegar enough to make a thick
paste. In the meantime siir it thor
oughly, letting it simmer for five
or ten minutes; then put in a cot
ton bag large enough to cover the
lungs, and apply to chest as hot as
the patient can bear. In about temn
minutes apply another, and thus
continue by reheating the poultic)?T
and in‘a few hours the patient wi
be out of danger. This simple rem
‘edy hag never failed to cure this
too. often fatal malady. Usually
three or four. applications will be
_Safe on the Rallway.*.
A well known humorist entered
an English railway carriage in whic};
was one of thowe ladies who'trave
in constant fear of collisiong. At
every jolt or sudden stop she, cried
out: “Have we. left the rails? Is
it an accident?, Are we going to be
killed?” Her. fellow passenger paid
no attention, but remained wrapped
in gilence. , :
Presently the lady sald to him,
“Are you not afraid of railway ac
cidents ?’ “Not I, madam;” answer
ed he, reassuringly. “It has been
predicted that I shall dic on the
gcaffold.” . : .
She changed carriages at the next
station. -~ . - e
The Rich Uncle. =
~ He [(desperately)—Tell me the
truth. Is it not my, property that
stands between us? .
She (sadly)—Y-e-s. :. :
He (with a:ray of hope)—l admit
that I am poor, and so, unfortu
nately, is my father, but I have an
aged uncle who is very rich and a
bachelor. He is an invalid and can
not long survive.
She (delightedly)—How, kind and
thoughtful you are! Will you intro
duce me & him?—New York Wask-
SI.OO Per Yea®'
COL J . Ro’ Gt‘ntt .
Col. ‘Jas. R. Grant, the subject
of this ’sketech, was borm at
Clarksville, Halmshow county,
Ga. March 380, 1876, He secured
his education in the common
schools of Clarksville, and wa§
admitted to practice law Mar¢i
3rd 1898, i Dol
In Januvary of the presen¥
year he came to this place, and
after looking over the field, de
cided to locate with us, " Soon
after this decision he moved his
family to our town, which con
sist: of his wife _and three
small children. ¥ :
He isa man possessed of a
grea} deal. of magnetism, and
easy to getacquainted with, He
is soc¢ial and very obliging, and
has made many staunch friends
since locating here. '
On March Lgth Govornor
Smith appointed him Solictor of
the County Courf, to fill the
unexpired term of Judge J. H.
Parker, who had beeJ;x promoted
t 6 .the coynty court udgeship.
Col. Grant epjoys @ large lu
¢¥ative law practice outside of
his regular county cqurt duties.
He is a man who has been
rai§ed to work, consequently ho
is chock full of energy.
He is well posted on all legal
matters and makesan ideal coun
ty solicitor., .
TR T—— !
.y - Net Partloular. o
“Bir,” said the young niEy rs
spectfully, lam a poor men, and
you are a millionaire, It scems pre
sunghons in me nodoubt to aspire
to the hand of yopr Haughter. Bufi
my lge}).fon,;hereajs 30 great that W'
cannot be stopped by such consider
ations. Lowd scorns conven
and conveniences. ‘Ab, sir, will yo §
give her %o me?¥ :
The old magnateseemed interest
ed. “But which of my four daugh
ters do you want?” he asked, not
Ejaglerly the suitor made answer,
Ob, I'll leave that to you, sirlSe