Newspaper Page Text
8. A.nop.%:laxtor and Pub'r
lmugt' PARKER, Asso, Editor
| Entered ds segond class’” matter
March 1, 1904, at” the post offce a
Hazlehursd, Ga. : <
THURSDAY, MAY,27, 1900,
Officce « =~ - 2I
Boys, the Following is for
You. Read It.
nro Mhr . ;
B Please allow 3pace for a few
remarks a’.tbout.h;e bo;{ls. and to
personally mentjon those who
are at work and are on the right
road to make usefll men.
« The boys will be the
inen of tomorrow. ?idle head
is the Devil's work-shop. s
The thoughts and acts of tf:e
boy each d%y go toward build
ing the man, ds each piece of
Inmber goes towards building
the house. :
Therefore it doeg not take a
Solonan to know that the boys
who of their own accord or by
consent or choice of their par
ents spend their time on the
streets absorbing every ugly
expressiop uttered by that class
of men who are giving object
lessons in professional loafing,
are not bpilding the kind of men
that the community must have
to command the xespect of
! Boys should ke taught that
any honest work,however ordina
ry, is honorable, and if the work
and compensation offerad is not
satisfactory and there is nothing
better in sight, to tale hold and
work faithfully and the deserved
promotion will most assuredly
Boys can be heard to, say that
they will not o this that or the
other thing, because some other
hoys have better positions. If
Abraham Lincoln had said this
he would never have became
President, and perhaps never
known ten miles from his home.
When 16 years old he ran a ferry
boat. When he was not paddling
the boat across; the stream
he was doing farm and house
work. He remaimed with one
employer 9 months and during
that time he was hostler, plough
boy, ferryman and farm hand.
‘When at work in the house he
did everything from, runping the
hand mill that ground the meal
for the family, to performing the
duties that belong to a “‘maid of
all work,** for all of which he
received byt six dollars a month.
His accominodations were un
comfortable and he was obliged
to sleep in the loft, and waioften i
imsulted and ridiculed by his
employee’s son. \
He hired to another crass old
man who had an assortment of
books, in order to have the op:
portunity of reading them, wiich
he delighted in doing every
chance hé had. Young Abe
built fires, carried water, chop
ped wood, split rails; ploughed,
sowed, reaped, or did any thing
without a grunt. .
The boys of our city that 5
would like to place on our henor
roll for their industry are:
¢ - Carl Girtman, Cecil Clark,
Sam Cox, John and Dalton Enzor,
Roy Miles, Pat, Jack aud Biliie
Brannan, Leo, Bob and Willie
/Fackler, Loyd Harrison, Otto
Middleton, Raleigh Wood, Lester
O'Quinn, Jobnnie B. HKiuson,
Robert B. Williams, David Wil
liams, Wilbur Chapman, Charlie
and Will Armstrong.
There are doubtless others
that should be included, but these
are all that I can think of just
now. There are a number of
others who can becomeé mem
bers in good standing; by secur
ing a job, and quit loafiny.
Reinember, that you -must
start at the bottom and go up,
you cannot start at the top. If
you do, the chances are, you will
fall. The young man who seeks|
she bigh position in life without
reeting it by doing the prepara
ory humble work first, is "Like
wignts ov vines WIIBLLESHEL F*V]L
‘ ‘
do" their best'to elimb and-get
o him only tofail. I invite
every boy in town to write e,
telling me what they think of
this letyér, I! we& want me to
writs any -more. hat they are
dolng apd what'kind of men they
expect to:nfake, ! ' -
- - Boys FRIEND,
A P. O: Box &8
Application r-'o_c_'* Charter.
GEORGIA—Jeff Davis County:
To the Superior Cofiit of said
County: ' " :
| The petition of W. P\ {onderau
of the county of Clarke, ‘State of
Georgia, and A. T, Vonderau and
L. J. Vonderau, of the Connty of
Jeff Davis, Stute of Georgia, res
‘pectfully showsd )
' That they desire for them
selves, their associates, sucees
sors and assigns, to become u%
corporated inder the name an
style of Vonderau Mapufactur
ing Company.
The teym for which petitioners
ask to be incorporaied is twenty
years, wi,cg; the privilege of re
newal at the en(c;)of that time.
v The capital stock of %&: corpo
ration is to be KFour Thousand
($4000.00) Dollars, dividéd into
shares of One, Hundred; ($100,00)
Dollars each. However, petition
ers ask the priyilege of ‘increas
ing the said ca%;tal stock from
time to time not exceeding in the
aggregate of Ten Thousand |
($10,000.00) Dol(lasrs. '
‘ 4 |
The whole of said capital stock
of Four Thousand ($4,000.00)
Dollars hds, actu(%l)l'y been paid in,
The objéct of the proposed
corporation is pecuniary profit|
and gain- to the stock holders.
Petitioners propose to, carry on
a saw mill business, planing-mill |
business and variety works, and |
to deal iz rough lumber, dressed
lumber and buijding material,
with the privilege of operating
in connection therewith a com
missary, and dealing in builder’s
material of all kinds, hardware
and paints, buying and selling
for cash or on ctredit, all such
articles and things as are usually
embraced in the saw-mill and
planing mill business, and all
such articles and things as may
be profitable handled, and sold
in connection therewitl, acting
as General and Special agents
for other persons and companies
in selling and handling any ar-|
ticle or class of articles appro
priate to a general lumber busi
ness or usually or conveniently
connected therewith, and to
make contracts and act as such|
agent, and to exercise _ the usual
powers, and to do all other nec
essary and proper acts, which
pertain to or may be connected
with the business of retail deal
ers and wholesale dzalers in the
articlés named, including the
business of buying and selling
leases on timber, and buyingsand
selling real esta(tej
: .y
Tle principal office and place
of business of the pfoposed cor
puration will be in the city of Ha
zlehurst, of said county and sta.te!
with a branch office of said busi
ness in the City of Athens, Clarke
County Georgia, with the privi
lege of other branch offices.
Wherefore petitioners pray to
be made a body caorporate under
the name and style aforesaid, en
titled to the rights, privileges
and immunities, and subject to
the liabilities fixed by law. This
April'22nd; -1909.
: H. A. KING,
Attorney for petitioners.
GEORGIA—Jeff . Davis County,
Clerk’s Oitice Superior Court.
I, A. J. Herrington, clerk of
said court, do certity that the
foregoing is a true copy of the
application for charter of Vonde
rauManufacturing Co.,as appears
of file in this oftice. Witness my
hand and seal of office, this 27th
day of April 1909.
Clerk Supepior Court, Jeff Davis
County, Georgia.
Money to Loan at 8, per cent
per annumn, on farms. .
: Corresponlea t Frank &So
Jan: 2L Augusra, Ga,:
Bray’s and Hazlehurst, a watch.
Nickel case with Elgin move
ments.” Finder will return same
te Guy Hall, or thel: News offiee
and be rewarded. This May 11th
1900, e “t
| d il eu
oa?zeogf %hl.‘?:at:d %‘Oeeor.?: Prfizerf}ic..n’
The City Phar
- The City Phatmacy,
| W. T. PATRIC,K. Prop'r,
| I carry & '{gesh and complete line of
- Drugs and lledicines,
‘Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Etc.
—-——Beautjfu{ {ine Of s
Elegant Ice Cream and Soda Parlgr,
I live within a fewsteps of my drug store, and can
i-' easily be called at any hour of the night by tiigse why
may need medicine after I have closed.
Don’s Run
The risk of losing your rights bv net having
your Deeds and Mortgagés on Record. g
“Every Deed Conveying Land
Should be Rccorded in the office of the
Clerk of the Superior Courtof the County
where the sand lies. Record may be
made at any time, but such deed loses its
priority over a subsequent recorded deed
from the same vendor.==Section 36; 18.
“Mortgages on realty must be recorded
in the county where the land lies; on per
sonalty, in the ceunty where the mortgagor
residesat time of execution.”-Section 27, 26
I witl re-record at half price any deed
recgrded in the old counties. "
Yours for protection,
Peoples Drug Store, -
___‘fi TELEPHONE No, 7. /s
We handle nothing but the very best and purest
All Prescriptions Receive Prompt and Careful Attention,
A complete stock of alt' Drug
Store Sundries, ,
Just received the prettiest line of Solid Gold Jewelry
- ever seen in Hazlehurst before; and, you wiil
find our prices right, too. .
We carry a fine line of STATIONERY of every des
cription. When in need of writing material
come to the . !
Pecoples Drug Store,
J. W, JARVIS, Pre.
1 ‘.»\! ‘;afi’ifj&p ,wnwfi'?\eéif\w‘*‘i an TR )‘ ST
concern to offer Varnish Stains
to housekeepers. Cambejls Var:
nish Srain is original firgt made
in 1888, and today Yrecognized as
the most satisfactory article of
he kind upon the market. Pee
ples Drugs. Store carries & com
plete stock. ’
PI.LEs gt Immediate pelief from
. Shoop's Magic Ointment,
GlA—Jeff \Davis Ceunty,
L “'.»‘ , v»_“ A‘*m V ~Tueq:
day in| June next, at public euy
cry, at the court:’ heuse in said
county, within the legal heurs ot
sale to \the highesi bidder fer
cash, the follewing described
roperty, to wit:
" One hundred and Twenty %20]
acres of lot of land number- Five
Hundred and ‘fltty six [656] in the
second District of Jeff Dayis
County Georgia, levied upon and
will'be sold as the property of
Ben Foster, to satisfy a tax fi, fa.
issueéd by W. J. Googe tax col
lector of said county for taxes,
for the year 1908. " Written no
tice given defendant in terms of
the law. e
Also at the same tijne: d
place will be sold one [l} acre of
lot of land number Five Hundred
and Eight [6CB] in thie. second
district of' Jeff Davis ' county
bounded on nort h and east, by
lands of J. 11. Boone, ors south
and west by landsof Molfie Mor+
ris, known as the Dave 'Fryer
place, levied upon and ( will be
sold as the ptoperty o©f Dave
Fryer, to' satisfya tax fi. fa. is
sued by Wi J. Googe tax collec:
tor of said county, for state and
county taxes for the year 1908.
Written notice given defendaht
in terms of the law. :
Also at the same time and
place will be'sold the following
property to wit;
One (1] town lot in the town
of Hazlehurst, containing four
[4] acres bei‘gg part of got of lzm:}
No. 502 in secind district of said
cour.ty, known as the D. L. Girt
man- place, le‘gied upon and will
be sold as the property of John
F. Gruber, admr. to satisfy a
fi. fa. issned by W. J. Googe,
tax collector of said county.
Written notice given defend
ant as required by law.
Also at ‘the same time place
will be sold the following proper--
ty to-wit;
Forty five [4s] acres of lot of
larid number Five Hundred and
Forty One [§4l] lying in the
north east corner of said lot, in
the second districtof said county
and bounded on east by lands of
Mr. Bryant Yawn, south and
west by lands of L. D. Stone, on
north bylands of J- Morgan Sel
lers, levied upon and will sold as
the property of Geo.” W, Griftin
to satisfy a fi. fa. issuediby W. J.
Googe, tax collector of said coun
ry. Written notice given defen:
dant as required by law.
This the 4th day of May 1909.
W. H. Erus,
Sheriff; Jeff Dsvis County Ga.
Te W hom it Riay Conceri.
GEORGIA—Jeff Davis County,
L L, Cools, having made appliestion
to meindue form to be anpointed per
manent Administrator upon the estate,
of James L. Williams, late of suaid
county, Notice is* hereby given thit
said application will be heard at the,
regular termy of the Court of Urdinary.
tfor said county, to be held on the firsi
Monday in June 1909, Witness my
hand and official signature this Ird
day es May 1909. :
Farming Impliments for Saie.,
I have in my possession, and
am agent for same, one and two
two horse Cultivators. These
are great labor-saving machines
on the farm, and are the latest
improved and are made from
the best material. They also do
the very best work that can be
dope, witli farming impliments.
These machines can be bought
within the next 60 days at actual
cost, for cash.
I have also, corn and cotton
planters, which will be sold at
cost, within the next 60 days.
Come¢ and sec. them, if you
need anything in this line
. H. J, Fussell,
Hazlehurst, . Ga. R. ¥. D, No. 2
GEORGIA—Jeff Davis County.
Thomas ‘H. Turner, a resident of
said state having duly applied to be
appoinied guardian of the person and
property of Gladis Grier, and Ada A.
Grier, minors under the age of four
teen years, resident in said county,
Notice is hereby given that said ap
plication will be passea on at the
next term of Court of Ordinary for
said County. to be held on the first
Monday inJune 19CH. Witnass my
hand znd ofticial sipnature this 4th
day of May 1900,
i Ordinary,
| _—_—_—_—.——_—-—-——-——_'
k sor 6 doses 666 will curs anycasd
of Chille and ¥aover, Prica 20¢