Newspaper Page Text
No 23.
Now Going Cn At
ok o BT
; iy 7
e ————————————" A~ YT T A ——" So———
We are compelled to raise money to neet our Spring
ooligations. : ¥ i )
‘ Mow is Yeur Tire.
Clothing, Dry Gocds, Shoes,
’ o ¥ :
Hats. Inspectevery article
in the Store, will' go at any
Remember, we ha ve no old stock to get rid of. What
we have in stock are all new goots, up to dgfe
in style and material, and- at your t
Just c‘c;mpare“ our""é?ods'. and the low prices
we' have cutdewn, and you will find our
. Srore the one Pou are lookitlg for, © i
i v \ T 4 , :
' ' Hazlehur'st'; Ga.
Monday, June 14th,
» |
will be the last day of Freedman’s Great Sacrifice Sale. Freedman’s Great Sac
rifice and Cut Price Sale is drawing to aclose; there are only a few days more
left to participate in this wonderful cut price sale. ‘We have offered many
Special Sales, but we haye neyer had any. to eclipse this one. : |
- This is undeubtedly the most sucgessful we have ever carried on. Oyr stock is all néw and well selected
and we fully réalize the faet that we would have to cut prices cxtr{;n;cly low, in order to arouse enthusiasm, all of which
we have ggrtainly more than accomplished. The prices on this Sale are so los that it is practically given away., All
we want ig a prospective customer. We want you £0 se¢ Qur geods, get our prices, and there is no doybt of ome making a
sale. | y . y o e e
Competition is Clear Qur of this Question. ~
However, we will leave that tp you: all we agk is a vijgit to our Great Department Store, and the quality, style ang
prices will do the gest, T | . i
The Store with Right Prices.- Ty
Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Georgia, Thursday, June 3, 1909,
- Last Reund.
I will be in Hazlehurgt on
Thursday, Fyiday and .;Sutm{day,
the Brd, 4th ang sth iast. SAnd
on the 23rd, 24th, 25th; and will
close my books on Saturday, the
26th of June 1809. % |
b RupPUS H Erus,
Receiver of Tax Returns for Jeff
Davis County. 2t
We have delivered guitea num
ber of rockers on the coupons
already. There is one left for
you however. Bring your cou
pons, trade it out and get your
chair free. I you have not got
a coupon call on us for one.
H. Cook & Son.
Your aining room floor can be
touched up and refinished: with
Campbell’s Floor IMinish and the
result will be very satisfactory.
Peoples I%rug Store carrias a fyll
line of all size cans and the man
ufacturgrs i guarantee perfect
satisfagtion if the simple dirge
tions ave followed. |
~ Money to Loan at 8, per cent
per annum, on farms.
* Corresponden t Frank &So
. Jan, 2L Augusta, Ga.
; If it is a Red Seal Shoe, it is
all right.
L' H. Cook & Son,
L i~ -l S
- E¥erybodgs:
- OWgagazine
- is printed for folks who want to
~ keep up tp date on big things,
~ and who don’t want to be bored
~ to death while they're at it. «{
~ Soits chinks are filled with
~ good storigs, good sentiment,
~ and gopd humor. g
~ Read the ‘publishers’ talk this
~ month, and r\i’fl-‘scc just
where we stand. © @4
Husbands to Burn.
The elderly spiuster in the rear of
the drawing“room cir'hdd no more
than séttled In her seat wheh her at
entlon was tttracted to a woman a
fittle fhrther ‘front who wds gatbed
in the deepest mourning. As Miss
Spinster adjusted her nose grabber
glasses for a better inspection of the
one In widow's weeds she saw the
condnctor lean' pver and,converse with
per earnestly for several minutes, |
When the conduetor got back to her
seat taking the passenger’s tickets
Miss Spinster was consumed with cu
rlosity about the woman in mourning.
“Conductony” she asked in her sweet
bst tones, “what's the trouble with the
lady up there In wWidow's weeds?’
"“Oh, that's Mrs. Cettem!” replied
the obliging conductor. *“‘She's just
taking her third husband out to a
crematory.” ' .
“Oh, how dreadful!” exclaimed Miss
Spinster. And then in a faraway voice
rhe ad ted: . \ 3
“, .4 just think of {t! Fere I am
past fifty and never had a husband in
my life, while that woman up there
bas them to burn!"—Nesw York Times.
s Strong Monosy‘l.lablu.
Instructors in the &aft of literary
composition usually condemn a string
of monosyllables, but in the well
known hymn “Lead, Kindly Light”
written by a master of the English
language, you may count thirty con
secutive words of one syllable only.
They offepd neither the eye nor the
“e'r' ' " ; -l
" Mflton often uses a serles of mono
syllables. In the seconq book of “Par
adise Lost” we bave: | T
n‘m i . Cepean b
O'er bag or mw strait, yough,
dense or :
With head, hands, wings or feet pursues
And ’:u “,or sinks or'-.vadu or creeps
o Sios.
Buch lines are not uncommon In the
Rocks, cawes, m&ns. boga, dens and
E “-a: - aflu(mdz-.m
3’% Sdliflen Notes and Quertes.
il o 1 §5
T QGourtsklp In Jreland.
An Irlxh.boy marries when he has a
rig house ani an Irish girl just when
she 'pleases. . Sometimes. she so pleases
while yet her years are few;.at other
times she i content t 6; wait upon wis-
Som. In the latter case; of coyrse, she
SI.OO Per. Year,
Wlkes a wike cholos, Jub n !
ma!mut always & Joel . .
is the c:lrdh ! : b.
““Youye too yoyng W'masry yet,
Mary,” the mathet aaid' wheln Mary
leaded thet' she- slegid gremt Lo,
mos O'Mabouy purticular boon, -
“It you only 3mm \,
I'll cure: meself of gthat hll&“j
Mary's reply. £ 7
“And she's. never W
Daurence” the mother Wid 14 the
‘ “If you only fito "Wo"
was Laurence's npl:l:odtfln. eure
her of that fault.” ‘he hg'r»-
Seumas MacManus it Lippincotts - '
m/ » ]
. Oogtly lmw Webes, i
An HEnglish Qutfit in the way,
of rohes im L hea'¥y. tax upen
newly appotnted judge, although' the
cost is pot nearly z it a
in thé emrly days | Yk
Then it was the mtr’:t the T
lominaries io attend. court functions
in figured ‘damast’ siik )&'
costly lace ‘bands amd :
ger, a celébrated & of
that day, is said &g ohe to
have spent £IOO on bands aeme. The
lord chancellgr®s robes. 4ost gomething
like £l5O, and even vlzd stoekdoie
are an expensive ftens. The wasdrobe
5i o ee =7
to £6OO, #nd if the ne iged “my
lord” is attached to { fng’s bench
division he will xxln gowns, &
girdle, a seart’s hood, & black
cap, & three commered .cep,.& Deaver
bat, a cocked a: gk bat lsce
bands and two ‘ !
etc, to leep : .of a
law.—London Gioße, - ~d» :
e eet cationgn, T
.~ Stonewall’ Jackaon's Apology. -
- Jacksozi had oocasion ?cm’:
cadet-wha had given, as.he belleved,
the wrong. solution of s problem;
On thinking the. metter over at
home he found that the pupil was
Ti h,&:.:d the #eacher ‘hbng. 1y
wz ite at mfi and in the deptl
'o!,.m but he immediately start
ed off #0 the institute, same dis
tance from-his quarters, and sent
for th_e:b%.. The delinquent, an
swering with mueh trepidation the
untimely sumfiun& himsclf,
to his astonishment, te reciplent of
o frank apology.—From “Stqn‘ewafi
' Jackson and thé Civil War,” ~2#