Hazlehurst news. (Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Ga.) 190?-19??, September 02, 1909, Image 1

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    Voll.:;. hic 36;
September Bargains
It matters not whether yeu want Spring
or Symmer, Fall or Wintér goeds, we' surs
have them, ind AT <. - )8
W e positively handle nothing but reliable
up to date merchandise, for men, women and
childrc{:. ; ~ A
We Knew How Aad Where To
Buy, So we Buy Itßight,
And ean :v“zfiord to sell it toyoeu RIGHT. Mrs,
Woelfsor and Mr, Baray :Wolfson who are
rcsidix/flg at presnt in NEW YORK, are out
daily leoking for Bargains: thoy are getiing it
teo-~and te Hazle hurst it gees,
Wc are ready for a big fall business, we must
¢ break the record, help us do . ™
- Popular Price Store,
Hazlehurst, Ga.
There is no Other Store that Can Meet Our Prices.
Our Semi-Annual Sale is Now On.
Now is the time for the late buyers to save big money, by spending it
with us. To the people who doubt, we say, com~ and be convinced. Come iin
and let us prove our claim, for a pint of evidsnce is worth a ton of talk.
" In this Clearance Sale you will find anything in the following lines ;
Fine White Goods, Fine Colored Wash Goods, Fine Wool
Dress. Goods, Fine Laces, Eine wash Silks, Etc,
In fact everything the ladies need to cemplete their summer wardrobe at about
one half the price the same goeds can be bought elsewhere.
Clothing of every description going at a give-away price. 500 pairs of extra
| pants, to close out at any price.
Qomg Quiekl Bhis Islike Getting a Silver Dollar for 50ets.
Tae Stors with Disht Beleas oo oo bilomitt
1&T :» ¥ :..|‘. ." By '‘ - ‘,’ %v 'h
‘ l S -y ".\ ! % o -~ ! ® .“ { "
;; I ‘ A Je
. : : ¢ ; l'.,
Hazlehurst. Jeff Davis County, Georgia, Thursday, Sept. 2, 1909,
Capitol Drug Store,
‘ 'Phone No. 51.
Having reéently begun the
Drug "Business in your com
munity, | take pleasure in’in
viting you to call at my store
‘when in need of . anything usu
ally found in a complete up-to
date. :
I have 2 fresfi gnd clégm stock of
Drugs, Medicines, Druggists’
' Sundries, Cigars and Toilet
‘ "~ Articles. ;
If my service suifs you, fell othars, if not, tall my,
Our Motto Reliabie Goeds
Bear in mind, our steck is Complete and we
£ Cheerfullj Solieit Yogr Patrovl"lagc, :
DR. L. P. PIRKLE, Prop’r.
" SI.OO Pér-Yesingd
Sherift Sales. ;
GEQRGIA—Jeff ‘Davis County.
Will be seld on the Ist Tues~
day in September mext, at the
‘court heuse door in said county,
bétween the legal hours es sale
the following, preperty te-wit;
388 acres of lot of land ‘ Ne. 396
lying and being in: the lat dig~
trict -of said county, lgvied upon
’a.nd will be sold as the property
of Mrs, Arthur W. Butts, to sat
isty a tax fi. fa, isgued by W.J.
Goeoge tax cellector for state and
county taxes for the year 1008,
This 10th day of August 1909.
Also at the same time and
place will be sold 100 acres eof
‘ot No. 241 lying in the Ist dis~
trict of said conmty, levied upen
and will be sold as the preperty
of Barah R. Duncan, fe satisfy
a tax fi. fa, isswed by W. J.
Goege, tax collector fer state
and county taxes for tha year
1908. 3 This 10th day of August,
1909. W.H ELus,
_ : Bherift
GEQRGIA—Jeff Davis County.
Notice is hereby, given that
the undersigned has applied to
the Ordinary of said county for
leave to sell the land, and also
Twenty-five shares ¢f the Capi
tol stock of the incorporated
company known as‘Jarman &
Williams, belonging to the estate
of James L. Williains for the pay
ment of debts and for the pur
pose of distribution. Said appli
cation will be heard before the
court of Ordinary for said county
t 0 be held on the first Monday in
September 19C9. This the 31st
day of July 1809. LL. Cooxk,
Administrater of estate of J. L.
Williams. ° i :
‘MHe Likes the Kiser King Shee.
¢ Pitzgerald, Ga., May 20,1909,
T. K. Weatherly—Dear Sir:
%Please send me pair No. €
Kiser King No.: 872 shoes. The
pair that. I bought of you ten
months . ago is ‘good for four
'months more. I 'want another
pair before you are out,%,r they
the best and eagiest shde I
ever wore, Respt, 1%,
- John Rough,
T. H. Weatherly’sole agent, Joss
Davis County,Ga. p-3in