Newspaper Page Text
Yeol.Z. No 3%,
| September Bargains
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: [t matters not whether you wanat Spring
| or Summer, Fall or Wisitér goeds, we sui 8
i hOVG\ hem, and AT'@\ :
j o ! : i
i % pasitivety handle® nothing * but reliable
e | !date merchandise, for men, women and
|BR 1 -en,
)? T ¥ 3 \ "
&/e Knew How Aad Where To
b f’:! R :
» Buy, Soweßuyltßight;
;! And ecanafford te sell it to you RIGHT. Mrs,
| Welfson and Mr, Baray *Wolfson who are
»l residing it presnt in NEW YORK, are out
| daily looking for Bargains: they are getting it
" too--and te Hazlehurst it goes, t,
! ‘We are ready for a big fall business, we must
; _break therecogd, help us do it.
f X Popular Pricé Store,
> oy : Hazlehurst, Ga,
- Ne all Goods are rlere€
And no Store can meet our prices, We irvite you to come and let us show you
threugh our many departments, that are overflowing with Brand. New Pretty
Fall Goods. In our Dress Goods ljepeirtmefit yeu will fflnd ,_llit the neyest pat
terns and colots. Our Shoe Department was never more complete ;we have all
the Snappy Shapes, and the easy shoz, for ladies, men and children.
This Department embraces many tables; A. B. Kirshbaum’s Fme; all wool; hiafid
t%,i;l;"“d line for your idspéction, and. the prices will suit you; they are SB.OO to
$22.50. We &lso carty a éheapér line of clohing for men and boys. |
s 'W ’ “““ fill évery page of ‘this® )aper; ehumeérating the many bafgains you will find at otif store/iAad tficn fio®
Be able o' tell you of ome Half of themis Com ie ode stote atd 16t us prove te Hou that eur statements aré trud]
Page & % We Riav‘(g raré Bm‘ghins for ‘Cdl_lrt ‘Week Days. "
We ‘difih;t}% }7B“- tfi!! !; é’m fiw‘lea‘(;px: of,lpw pi “g’ in this sectfofi and we defy cdt%pefitiéfii i e
~ Yours FORBARGAINS;, . ;
; B g iotSFY3 RsW 0 R R YN L B YR A INE
;»F3“tA" “ -’ y - 1 .
' " NHFW K.
. " ‘-J.
1 A ‘ »
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Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, 4(i‘eqrgla, Thursday, Sept. 9, 1909,
Gapitol Drug St
apitol Drug Store,
Hazlehurst, Ga.
¢ 'Phone No. 51. "
‘Having recently beztin the
Drug Business in your com
munity, I take pleasure in in
viting you to call at my store
when inneed of anything usu
ally found in a complete up-to=-
date. ~ |
I have a fresh and clean stock of | o
Drugs, Medicines, Druggists’
Sundries, Cigars and Toilet
. T Articles. A
fmy srvice Suits you, teil ofaars, if nos, toll ma.
Our MOttOZ\ Relisbie O L
Bear in miad, our steck is Compl“ete‘"ang we
Ch:crfully Sqlicit Your Patronadf;
'DR. L. P. PIRKLE, Prop’r. -
SI.OO Per Year, ..
. .Testimonlials. {
+ Savannah, Ga. Feb. 20, 1968
Dr.' ], E. Masrow, City. - Al
Dear Bir-1 suffered c‘,ont'.i:m'og~
headaches foria:long time, and
have tiied various kinds of head~
ache powders; etci, but they did
not relieve me. I was told that it
was my eyes, and after having
you to fit me with a pair of your
glagses I have been ‘completely
relieved of the headacle. Yours
truly, E.A. Aspinwal’. With
Savannah Electric Co. ' '
Savannah, G&., March 23, 1909.
Dr. J. F. Masrdw, Manager
Khight's Opticat Dept., City; °
Dear Sir—lt is with great pleas
ure that I writeé this testimoniali
My son suffered with severe head
aches for about five years. Last
Nevembér you examihed hiseyes
and fitted them with glasses. The
first nfgfith after wearing these
glasses he gained five pounds and
his hexdaches get bettef. YOQ{
then chasged the lenscs and he
kept on improving, and now
seems to be perfectly well, and
has not had headache for several
months. Yours verg truly;
Chas. Jaudon, Ne. 2310 arnard
street, with the 8. A. L. .3
Savannah, Ga., March 25 1909.
707 Barnard street.
To Whom It May Concern:
* The undersigned ig 78 years of
age and my ayesight for the past
two years was rapidly failing.
Three months age 1 went to Dr.
Masrow ‘and he examired my
.eyes and fitted @ pair of bifocals
o them with the result that 1
can read prist now clearly” that
formerly was & blur.” T:find" as
he told me the distance gets bet’
| ter all the time. 1 commend his
’ close attention te his patients.
He never turns them away until
he is satisfied, and when he is
| they are.; I recommend every
| ene, old or young, who have eye
{troubles to see Dr « Masrow -at
| once-and they will find a'certain
relief, . Richard'S. Siday.
b What. Dr. Masrow has done for
others ha can do for you. If yoa
\ have trouble with your eyes go
Vo gee him at once. He will be in,
Taglehurst ab the City Pharmacy;,
W, 'T. Patrick, Monday and Tues:.
day, September 18th & 14th. Z
days 0.2\ e
e . T