Hazlehurst news. (Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Ga.) 190?-19??, September 23, 1909, Image 3
- The News, * B. A.FAOKLER, Rditor and Pab'r JWLIAN N, PARKER, Asso, Editer @NTICIAL ORGAN ey vo { JEFF Davis COUNTY " TewxN eorF ngzunuasr... PRiatered as second class matter Mareh 1, 1804, at the post, office a fazlehurst, Ga. 4 " INURSDAY, SEPT. 23, 1909.3 ' = TELEPHONE: 7 Office o e ® - - a " Superior Court, . » The foliowing are the cases tried at the fall termof Jeff Davis Superior Court: + The State, vs Ed = Pettifoot, pointing weapon at another, plea of guilty, sentence. of three months, or sing of $30.00 . State vs, C. T, Latimer, assault with intent te murder, verdict guilty of assault, sentence three menths, or fine of $40.00. - Btatevs Walter Quinn, . con ceiled weapon, plea of guilty, sen tence three months or $25.00. . Btate vs Ed Pettifoot, carrying pistol concealed, noll prossed. ‘4State vs. Carrie Miller,murder, discharged upon her.ewn recog nisance. . State vs. Frank Pace, carrying pistol concealed, nolle prossed. State vs. Frank Hall and, Jim Cook, burglary, nolle prossed. State'vs. Dennis King, Bud Pickren and - Tobe Atkinson, Riot, nolle prossed upon pay ment of cost. ;. . + State vs, Bud Pickren, using obscene language in presence . of females, nolle prossed upon pay ment of cost. s ' State vs. C.T. Latimore, misde meaner, nolle prossed. : State vs. Dave Searight, assault and battery, nolle prossed. State vs. Jesse McDonald, as sauit with intent to murder, ver dict; not guilty. i - State vs. V. T, Stowers, mur -@er, verdict, not guilty, ¢ On account of the number of ¢riminal cases ready for trial at this term, the Judge never took up the'civil dockets, and for this reason no civil matter was disposed of, except in a few di vorce, and uncontested cases. + About four days of the court’s time was consumed in the trial of the case of the State vs. V. T. Stowers, charged with murder. This case was hard fought by‘ both sides, and the Attorneys of each side deserve credit and commendation for the way and manner they conducted the case. It is said that seme of the At torneys delivered the best ad dress eyer hedrd before a, jury in this county. ' - The manager of The Ups and Downs of a Country Editor Com pany wishes to thank Col, Will Frier, Editor of the Enterprise, Mr.'W. R. Wilson, Rev, Hurbert ‘Mrs. Tanner, smd others, for the interest they took in our play. We feel eonfident that we would have had a full house, had it not rained. While we all regresnot be ing able to give the performance yet, every mesuber of the Com pany was treated nicely by the people eof- Douglas, and have nothing but the highest praise for them. ¢ - The Jewish Holiday begins next Saturday, and from 120’ clock on ' 'that d&y until night the Btores of 'Wélfson’s and [reed man’s will be closed. The He brews are very striet about ob serving these holidays. When ‘ever one fails to clo-e his placc of business heis black-balled, ard the news goes around the world, and ‘e “is -forever after wards cursed and abused by the faithful ones. = ’ | e oty eS 3 M gßy 1 4 i The Peoples Drug Stsre has‘ lust reccived the prettiest and inest line of cut glass articles, and sterling silverware ever saen in this town before.’ This is the place where you can get your ‘wedding or birthday presents: T A P 5”"%‘ o Bilal In Ansvver To Questions. Editor News: g 145 Wil As presicutor "of the case, I have beeén asked many times since the jury, on that sad and memorial case of the Btate vs. Stowers for the murder of J. La Williams, rendered their verdict, what I thought of the verdict ? Now Mr. Editor, lam a 'born and reared citizen of Jeff Davis County. My desire isand has ever been to be governad by the will of the people,and that is only gathered through .public. sentiment, and the verdict of the jury in the case, ih' the face of all the State’s evidence, and the law, as was ably shown’ by tho State’'s Attys. The peo ple and the jury have spoken,and [am disireous of being a la abiding citizen, ant=tMeTeore must say, that I am. satisfied; right or wrong, that is not for ‘me tosay. It is a matter be tween the jury and their God. i Most Resptfully, 3 EUuGENE WILLIAMS. Farming Impliments for Sale, I have in my possession, and am agent for same, one and twe two horse Cultivators. These are great labor-saving machines on the farm, and are the latest improved and are made from the best material. They alse de the very best work that can be done, with farming impliments. These machines can be bought within the next 60 days at actual cost, for cash. | I havealso, corn 2and- cotton planters, which “ill be seld a% cost, within the next 60 days. Come, and see: them, if Yyou need anything in this line A -H. J. Fussell, Hazleburst, Ga, R. F. D. Ne. 2 Don’t kick at the scarcity of home news in this issue.: We'll give.you plenty soon. - - - T. $; HEYWARD, Vice-P res,. J. F. WILLIAMS, Secty. ; : e . s ® o'l » ‘ The Heward- &illiams Co., lncorporated. : Capital Stock $50,000.00 COTTCN FACTORS AND COMMISSION MER ; 3 CHANTS. e ko S Bay St. East,Savannah Ga. Bagging And Ties At Attractive Prices; Now Ready For Shipment. The officers of this Company are veterans in the cotton business. It’s facilities for selling and handling cotton can not be matched. ' ~ ‘MPST PROGRESSIVE COMMISSION. MERCH ANTS IN THE SOUTH, in handling of Upland Sea Island, Florcdora, and Egyptian Cottons. " CORRESPONDE!'TS INVITED. L FERTILI_ZERSQ OF ALL KIND&, ™ Liberal Advances. : ' Quick. Returns [l s ,i - Den’t Run | The risk of losing your rights Bv net having l yeur Déeds and Morigagés on Record. 31 : / |4 . "Every Deed Conveying Land | Stiould be Recordéd in' the officc of the ' Clerk of the. Superior Courtef the Coufity | where thte sand lies.; Récerd” may be ~made at dny time, but subh deed loses igs prierity” ever 3 subsequeént recorded deed from'the #2md vender, =+Sectiorf 361 18. |, W, “"Moerttgage en realty mustle recorded in'the ‘county wheréd the land lies; én per sonzlty, i’ the county _'vf‘hcre ithe mertgager residesat time of execution.”~Section 27, 26 Tl re-“r‘é‘éat"cj‘, at ‘half pries any deed irecerded in the old’ couditics. ; o Souns for protectiof, o GECRGIA—Jeff Davis County.l - Notice is hereby given that the ‘und ersigned has applied to the Ord.inary of said county fer leave to siell land belonging to the es tats of Elegy Dyal,” for the pur posie of distribution, said appli cation will be heard at the reg ule,r term of the court of Ordina ry fer said county te be held-on the first Monday in October 1909, This the 6th day of Sept. 1809, F. L. DyaL, Administrator on the estate of Elegy Dyal. : GFORGIA—Jeff Davis County. By virtue of an order of the court of Orvdinary of said county will bé sold at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in October 1909, at the Cowrt Hojfise in said eounty, bets¥een the wsual hours of sale. the following real estate and capitol steck in Jeff Davis county to-wit: one lot and resi dence on Tallahassee and Mcßae Street, 185 by 242 feet, also Twenty-iive shares of the Capitol Steck of the incerporation Com pany known as Jarman & Wil liams, as evidenced by stock cer tificate. Terms, ene third cash, one third'in sixlj.months' and one third in twelve months, defered payments tc be well * secured. ‘Said sale to cortinue from day to day until all of said property is sold. This the 6th day of Sep témber,l9o9. I. L. Cook, | ; Administrator. Give Us Your Ginning. lam in the ginning business. I gin bpth Upland and Sea Island Cotton. Will gin Sea Island cot ton at , SI.OO per hundred, and cover for same.: Upland cotton 40cts, per hundred, and cover for SI.OO. Will deliver it at the depot at Pine Grove free of charge. Bring on your cottown, M. B. Johnson. Money te Loan at 74 per cent per annum on farms. R. T. WILLIAMS. Correspondent Frank & ®on, Augusta, Ga. , : ; ,‘ - s i Look Listen. v cesesesw "We invite the public to stop at our Store logk at our Geods, and listen at our prices. We guaratfitec to sell ydu goods as e¢hdap as l y"pfu can buy tHem any where, considering the quality, ( § gl Our Furniture is stacked from the floor to the ceilin_:. 'gg;tho best assorted stock ever shown in Hazlehurst, Nsting of - i e L OaK and Iron Béds, N tr esse§i Sprfng’s.;.f- Chal*s’ ii} Réom Suits, Odd ; Dressers & Wash- Stands. | \-"& ' . L Center Table, Dining Safes, Etc. and we are selling them just as cheép as they possibly dan be sold. Let us know your wants in furniture be forerbuying. The Famous Red Seal Shoes. A complete stock now on our shelf, justarrived a sow days age. You slhould patrohize home industry. Red } Seals are made in Georgia, and gre tade good, too. The Red Seal ' Shoe Factery will give away 100 pairs of shees this year for a record of longest service., Buy your next pair from us, try your luck fora new pair frze. J . / 5 ” g » { i t Shild Brand Clthin¢ We have just rececived and marked up one es the nicest lines of Men’s and Boy’s Customd Made Cloth ing ever shown in Hazlehurst. The price is printed en each Shield Brand Suit, and you know at a glance wlmt a suit is worth. Prices range from SIO.OO to $15.00, no more or less. .j% : . We also carry 4 goed line of Hats, Staple Notions, D¢y Goods; Crockery, Tin and Enafnel Ware. Trunks, Bags, Etc., ¢ Fo o £y 5 . Call 11 us when in tow s maké our stere hegdquarters; and remembßer, it you are looking for both quality and quantity, it will pdy Vou td sze us. i;" . " - H. COOK & SON.