Newspaper Page Text
UJcdilii atfvonick %$ Sent met
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_ —MU —lM—m IIll„n —* ———■l—— m——— iI —— ■—__ ... _ _
- " w■ iB bi L it■ jw j t-tt-tx II u Ul
WILLIAM E. JONES & Co. UirjTJSrv. O* Til’ll n\V MOINIW. SEPTEMBER 26. 1839. Vo,. 111. -No 104
t i.v a osk.ntixk
pr m.isur.D.
» lI.Y, thi-wkkkly, and wbkklv.
At So. Broad~*treet.
Ditl I poser. Ten per annum, in -.uivame.
Tri Tei-Wv /i-i/i-/-. at Fix Dollars in advance or
I Ssven at the end of the year.
fTeik/vonper, Three Hollars in advance, or Four at
he end of year. ___
~§ -|M T IK I’l fll H'.
Jkn v. Wll..v:N ‘endecs his thin 1 sto (lie pil
I I .‘ Vi for the IL er 1 patronage he etofore ex
tended m his Si’AGIC US US and wo nd respect
fullv in form thorn that he is rn nms a 1.l ;■ b ”-
St loss frm IMu de-wells, on the -eoign; ‘>ai
Koal. to Vashio ton. via U tv- : own. th ee times
* wee 'eavin : on' .'mod V s ” e
nesd v- and i-'ridns. after the arrival ol the ears, Augusti. an 1 na-iving at Washington, same
davs, at soh lo dr. e m.
Returning —Leaves Washington on uesd.ijs,
rhursdavs ml <aturd ys. at 2 o’elo< l. v m . and
arrives at Don k-wel s in live to lake the cars loi
Augu-ta. ts 13
V'JK'irV <UV\n!l' v 'd , !MV I A
T’IF. 1 F. under* .-tied agent of tire a'-OA'e company,
wll'ta’re *ire risks on men-hand zea d pro
d-ice. in store* a- d ware-houses ai d wi I -Bo in
s the same a -ainst river and in-line risks, e
tw ’his place. Savannah. Charleston an I North-
The terns will he the * one. as ado ted
by the In insurance (fires in the place.
* |>. I). W h R.IImITEP..
President, .1. th Henry,
iurect as,
a G. li. "iimming, I*- Farnar.
W. I'. Williams, Ralph King.
Francis sorrel, Fd. >'a lelford.
J. I. .ur.oughs I- dal twin
si. laipcr, Henry R'-er.
Dimas Pone R A l.ew .
Augusta March 22 d
raviK suhscrihe s have r-ccived pc- recent a.r.
J| als, w licit .hey o u-r -ow lor ash u-- city a.
. pt nee. a nirge lot of Dry -nods anion; who i
are, UKI pie-rs a ieo vat ons qua ili-.-s
’ .-On doz otto.i and e.ihiefs
30 pieces Whole I n n - rill
25 do Drown do
S 5 do Colored Muslin
ID do I! tie leans
35 do For- iture imity
1 0 do Pant -I on tripes
id -io Silk an 1 ten hiefs
fi-.l do Plaid -lu-lin
|.V..i diz Mad. is liki
n'l pieces -i s ■ u-din
6 i doz Mo-ieiy
200 doz 'hilt oil rs
J'oths. ilk and Cot in a- Is. Po oms. Cepes
Vu»l nt id ars IrovV . a d Dirac' ed hi li- gs and
Stit.-tiiigs, bastings, .as die s. eo’or d mini's.
Rti I US'. Town bi 1- ; U 1 ram \e. Me.
irr.r In' W X- 11 I K< N
A. /. ItANTA’F
N>y, <j;< ;>■ i< t i-'iiinitiiii Ware-llonse.
,V,( \ 3(". i, i. ■ i > l /11 f. .1 fih it'O r iinit i tin l*i>i 1.
• Ism I oruei
■Stir**. ITI I u-isenhei *n den-hi-su car-
Sr ji lturnss mil uekia-wl< ogMiieiils li i iht
HC-iy lliier. l ,mln lime hi-reinli i- hisiiveil,
\L;--s.<iiit l ar mnl Hallers linn, ell, n> eluei appliCH
ili i ~o|i an l unn nnl'inp everlauip mr llie
v f | I, acianninisiiii oi oi his ensmniers ihnl
* V • tie will h* e nnleolt a .iiiii- **l hi-li
future M'pport ID dims n- sernj i» oiissert 'Dm
lie (low has on lino In laie s' nil la si nssorl
nimn ol Fnri.iiiin .-.vei . »• iDimi id Mipiisifi; iiinl
(limin' lieeaii. wii e-iiih- I mi dullin eiinip»ri
son ai h’hi In si Will die .in i* - In iiiimer
a-«B Mn tidniWD a VIZ. 'pit 111. ni ' iilehi.auls.
linok- nsas • lee.ain honj ami plmi >' imlrnhes.
miperini gy mn marl le Dn Irm-sm | nreai s.
pi lin do . i’iic inh es rnrnnisi nneri s mil. on ii g.
wrli mill <-i iiin I hies, .-ulus s- ln I eds enos; inn
hugniiv nn keis fem limie hall I ein 1.. millife
rn- ihmir . iiiril’s-eyf elirl-li iq-li Dev. ni nHi sii
. ,i lii . -siools; - -luinimis. Hi 'ssnig--r,ldes
I, ok n gliiMii s n eieiy deserq tni M mdiiw
bund... aid iraiisp-iri neii b, Carlor-inMes. Wash
g--n lb, -.'■•iilillltg-in oat oesks A * Ai
Ihji- ih ive are warrai.iei D hi nl liieheslniate
rialb anil tv irkninnship. wlin-l: In- is d- leinijnei.H
gull ai i small nlvoin-e A.Z HA VI A.
S Vi -CViiinm enpli are i-nquesled io eal .nn
l-IBlinn for IDemseHes
;i —I ph-dvlerii g in all its bialn hes dom
wvligr ai lispntcli and -n tin- r nsnnaf-l
--n-rnis. amt also eonsl nil} on Innil. a I art" ns«.
o’nm ol .11 hair mil muss -‘-mi-issis f • 2
* SriA O.X ,V HROTHKIiS.‘,
li ? Chai. and Sofa Ware-room, Hroad
street opposite i ould . Ink Jet <fc(-0
The sulisiril-ers have removed from
tiieii former oioation to the large
BULfSt and ummodiousstoe of Mr. W. Nel
son ow oiler for sa «• a well as«oi ted
, MP&badtfiSstiick of -irtie'es in tin- al ove line,
'pnncipa ly of t n>ir own manufacture, made from
i,he latest and most approved hew oik patterns,
which- ousist in pint of the following—marld. top
mdeho-i.-d . mahogany -10.. pie,, card.centre, li mg,
lea. work, and ot er takes, dressing bureaus with
mar le and -nahogany tops, secretaries ami hook
eases. sofas, ottomans, (native top wa-hstamls,
writing desks, footstools, mahogany, cur' an I' irds
«ye map e -c Is toads ; also nvc doz. exeel enl ma
tlugiiiv i-'rench. half French and Gre'i-n chairs,
aula variety of fan-v, cane, n sh. and wood seat
do I'han fill foi pa l patronage, thei soli, it a
<|o itiuuanreof the same -t t eir new sto.e. where
they wi I continue to sell at unusually low prices,
bd wairai t the goods equal to any apii 2fi i
I CtilltlAGlS.
.1.-. fjL HI LDFRC i. II 1,1,, at the old
Xi i-ysn stand formerly occupied by Maj Jesse |
[»j -jjm Thompson.-orner of ,llis and Mein- ;
vH .ie* tosh streets, are now receiving an en
t‘i' <ew stoi k of Carriages from the best manufac
ures at tue North.oft el test j d most app.oved
style, eonsl ding of oaehes. oaehees, standing
ind Kxtension Fop liaron lies. f ha iotees. Huggies ]
.sulkies, t a -ons. &e.. tog*-t er with a large and :
well selected assortment of Harness, all of which |
they wiII of in the most li ernl terms. •r
--d(*r* for mv description of arriages of their own ;
of so t inrn n ninf icture thankfully eeeived and
prompt I executed heir frien is-uni the public j
are respect ully invited to call and examine tbeir
CRepa-ring in all its brane' es faitlifnllv exe- ■
cutel and with despatch ts nov 1
I’ i v o oit i; s.
HP \HS'>N’S, 295 Hroad street, keeps at all
( times for sale a large sto k of I IAMO .
FOiirKS from the best Dili ders i the iOUUt y. —
Tho stoc generally cor -ists of al out hirty Io so ty
instruments, co-op jsjcg all tl <■ qualities. These
instruments, are selected witl r I ea.e. and are
recommended with con dence. Persons wi-hing
to put-base can do a« weil at this e*td lishn.ent at
art any of the nort ern manufactories
A gin- ante as to quality -nd ■ ural.ility. i* fur
nished in everv inst -rce
Also a well -.e'e-t d«oek o's'eel Ml s'H'. Pro- j
I ceplo s sr top tlie with niters, >. mlins F'ntes,
If-; pAeco (iio’is and mo-t o'" fie small rlh |e« usually
. ti- • "usic Isto.e. |
a ts *
finoiUflA It A 11. IIOAII.
N'erehar ts and other* forwni-ling goo Is by t’>e
I- o -in aiDHond.a e pnitieularlv requested tn
hie the n’t me ft' e nrnv ml ‘he f>/ ice f iletli na
tion marked in f-ill on -m -h rn-ka -e ; also the name
of the I'e -ot; mil to fi’l t‘ e receipts in all rases to
correspond oith the mo ks
Tlie o‘»so vanee of he .n-nve r-ile« is iesfed, to
prevent di -ieu'ties that have occurred in forward
ing goods intended for deferent persons, beirin
the same m irk. a— '>
t'rr.rE ''r\nsp rtation. J
Aiken,July 2!). 1x39 5
Tfe t'ic ion *f rroigh' on !t»i
i ne son ith ‘ess than on-tom ary, on all up 'n-ig t
from har'e-ton to Aiken ami l am nrg wh -n
eipia to a car load fsm 5 "’ll lbs. wi ig it or 3 D
feet measu e.nent.) fiom t ils d te to nrst Septem
ber next. VV.M. R liF.HTS N.Jh
Age it "ranqio.l foil.
Cje Th» Constitutional st will inse t t e i vc
GJEoI! 6I A I- A I L-H UA n.
Krei ;ht is now eonveyed on the Georgia Rail-
Road between Auguda ami Grcensl oro, at tiie
following ates:
Merchandize, of all kin Is. d cents per 100 lbs.
I ott-.n $1 50 per Dale.
C. I Da .dwin, Agent for t e Company, I
Groenslio o. wi I receive and forward f,eig t wilh-
Vierch nnizc for the wiy stations will be foi
waried from Augusta on Monday s. Wednesdays,
and “vi-la \s.
Sup 'transportation Geo -i. I!.
June "0. I S 3!) julv 12
KAil. is to It.
■'* ,r \ f”'*
The i’-issengerlain ca.ning the gr--at mail
between New f ork and New - cleans, leaves Au
gusta every Jay at 6 p. m.. ind arrives at Greens
bo o--1 I a in. L aves Gretnsho.o at 9 p m., an
arrives at Augus a at li a. m., in time for the
i harlesti r i ars.
Stages run in connection with this train f.onri
Greens oro for New i i ea. s. .two daily lilies) via
Indian prings,Columbus ontgomeiy and oldie;
for eiv resns t. i-wei ky. via C linton Macon,
and Pen-aio a : for West oint and Welumpka. \ia
H -rm svil e tri- week y : for Rome tri-week > . via
< ovinglon Decatur and Mariett- ; forNa hvilU
and ICnoxvi le, Tennessee t.i-weekly. via At ien-.
Gai .esvillean 1 Cassviile; for Washington. \\ i ke
com ty . tri-weekly, fiorn Double Wells -. for New
• rieans..daily, fro i AVarrenlon. via 'parts, il
ledgevi e, aeon and 1 olumbus; for Atiile Ig-vilh .
t.i week y via Greensboro and Kat-nton
Connecting with the e lines are branch stag
line- to al ahassee. Coliiml iis. A i*s ,Tu ealoo a.
Newnan. i oweta eoui.ty,Ga . and Clarksville, Ha
bersham county . &c.
An a-eommud lion Pay Passenger r rsiin leave-
Augusta on outlays '-V edn-sd ys ai d riiia ■», a:
6 o’rlo k. a, n, an ) Gre-nshoro on Cuesd iys.
Thursdays an' Saturdays at 7 a. m
Fare on th-- Rail-i oao to Greensboro Jl 25.
•' Hire Georgia bail o-»d v lii V o 5
' 1 I ’ A-igusta .line 30, 1x39. 3
MIMS’ t uaii Ooi< 1 t.X CD ACT <>l
TsGVIvTO I'lM. ,
The celebrated substitute for I'atoiiiel the origin !
ni.d only gen ine I'omnio I‘itl
TC'M’IN I PAN'I IGNM' A Co. Druggists, A
rusta. having ' een appoint-d by the pro i.ietor .-
the Dove valnn le m-slici e wholesale Agent
have just eeeived a supple a d are pr-pared t...
furnish it al the ow« st iuste n prices
hy re(e. nee tu the neiv-pa icrs of t"e past few
years, it will e seen tint this is t e a,lb e tn-.ii
has been so much lauded by men of scion, e.
I he nostrums so d in this - ouiitrv. under th
nimeof omalo I'ilis.were got op long sin e He
origins! and genuine a.tide w - discovered,
sep 2 w-5
FA.till.l Us.
I’ 1 * A'(’(> —a substitute for Calomel, anil
does not ‘dong to the fami i of quack m-dic.nes;
for the reason that t-ie component parts are made
known to the faculty .oi any one els t at nay
wish to Know, by any oi t ie agents i e- ping I hern
for sale. in e this discoveiy so long and anx
iously looked o . some one in almost t ic extreme
Nmth has a Ivprtised a bomito Pill, purpo ting to
!,e-na ,e from th" stalk i thing nut more absuid
tha. - -for one to otfer meal from the cun stab-, to
say noth ng-'f the dilficu ty of raisin'the luma to
so far Nort i.
Dr. Mile-, of fincill ati. is the pro rietor of the
Tomato ills (proper) so the g.eit ue e ts o.
whi-'li. he holds ui-ns- If oimd and in honor pled :-
ed topr-ive -y ihei u-e t i t t-iey ire a I that they
profess to ’-e and will do for otheis what they
have dma for such as mu have u-gd them; as
this is i vegetable of gre t us - and value if will
do b t rs e valua le infuroii tion to families to
| k -ow ih the Yellow a.e just on dy is valua le
as the i d Vom ito and produces twi--e as m.icli
j of the li ip -tine or -n-tive p im-iple.aml when ui d
i as ad il veget ble wil he found to Keep the
, s .slem in m i--h better eo .ditiun th n the other
kind; -na-y will recu pit wit;, what t.emMi-ig
j anxietv lomet in s been given to -*-i dren an ;
boa thy t -en wished for i su stitute. It has
j long e-n known that the o -into contained ca
tha.tic piinciples, ini nd until of lab- was it
, asceitame-t t iat they co .t.ined a to.alive ai d liu
reti- pr i, ci ties he l-’a« uity embrace and use
the -rep ->t on most chee, fully . for th- reason that
they know what it is Were it apt nt myste v,
they would ' e oun) to reject t e medirine as they
justly !o t :e one thousand a uj one cure-alls of the
\ day. If 'ou wish to cleanse the system with a
mild sa e anti-bilious rue li-ine use the omalo
Pill, of which a suppD . we learn, will soon be in
this city AVc all snow aunt thing about this
June H ts
Ft{|>Ti Tl'»i\i«- sin 1 IS, die.
4 "o Glo' e do
I o No.folk Jo
Yellow i'n pie Fop . uta I'aga do
1 ige Dium ead Cabbage
i’o Hergen or Great American Cabbage
Do Cap-Favoy
Do Red dutch.'for pickling
long range Carrot
Large lac Fall Dadish
While ai d ed uinin liad ; h
I ed and White Clover ei-d
l.ui erne or i-'rench Clover • ee I
Blue r •< da
Herds Gra-s ,|„
' lie suhsi-.i eis have Ide y rereieed th" a' ;ve 1
i varietv of J irden Feeds, all of which they WAt. I
dan '• <> B•; bRKSiI ;VO G , s I K a .,i
otf- r them for sale at rettso- aid -ai es
AX " ' V ;i M v -c
I June ia i-o. -33 otoad -street. I
dV rritii/eil to ewe in F t-. D ys,
I'H inromparah e an l invaluable remedy
long k ow , and used with such mipai-a
sc-ct ss in th an-tdis for tie last 3D yea s a
p ».sto need uopauegi ri -. Its operation upon '
hnm nsy-lein t- s < h licit it mvaria ly acts ul
a , haini. for tin- relief ndi- al euie of a- ertai
i oinmon and d s ;g eeab e • ills the flesh is heir to
'I hi- p.i/e -iid ,ins tt - own name f ont the eerta
sue es* w-i h lias attended it th oagh al- o it
Hying oil urn t n es. uame y, -Hive lavs,” —H ■
same sin-ess which foiluwed it in a .N’ort-.e n lati
tu te till o-taii.s in a more outhern Tl e onmil
or recipe -vas o tained al great expense intrig -
and 1 aznoi hy 11 I'heveres. from tiece ebrnti
lit 1 ian hies \\ abex.itiie. o Gre-t non. whil,
be, villi ot :ers w ,s pursuing the In. rative Fur bu
siness m the with t-e Indians -
-A alieno-be i-rizei. highly and use it with invaria) le
muce'S throughout His t«o tribes. Its known and
valued virtues have abcady - nri- hed to an a most
inere.lihleextent t!u- chi dim of thi* w ir ike pri-iee
not o-ily hy a, tual sale of the article itself to in
dividu ils hut i y pmti -g with eo.-ies of his receipt
at enuiiuou- pri is to the i hiel of every t. i'eo
In bans in unei i- a. with a solemn . rorni eto Hr
rent pirit. i ever to livulge the -a.tof its com
uosit-nn until tm sleeps with .ii* fathers.” although
r e 1 1 use it in their respective t.i >es which
plan's it in the hands of e ery In Man who rely
■'■if' I may say, religious eon.idenee on its cura
. le pi.vers.
' cow is a copy-of the translation as near as it can
I e auglisized oi the deed given by Wa enoshe in
■i. t'heveret w e i te purchased the origian I recipe
m.d h d twice assiste I Ihe h-es himself thro --h
t e tedious m-i-ipiit tory p o e-s of manufacture
Vw white men would c.e.lit the length of time
which i. consumed in preparing t ie article for im
mediate use.
“I. Wahenoshe.! hiefof the nations Otto-va and
hippewa.foi the love and good feeling which 1
have for mi white friend M. Clicveiet, (for he has
0 ic many goo I things for me '. nil my people.) I
;iv. to him my greatest cure foi (he hid sickness
« iiich mv i hild en hav had sent among t'-eni as
•a punishment by lor Great pi it, and hope that in
hi- hands it may do much good, and make him very
Signed WABINGSHK.hisX mark.
Witness AITAIIO. hisX mark.
J. B. ROY.
it. (. m;pf is,
This Nledicine I warrrnt hy th s pu lication,un
l--i a penalty of J5,;-On, not to contain One parti
ce of cmrusit e pioparation. It is purely vegata
.e in it< essences lt« liist and prominent virtue
a to su due i very ve-tige of inllarnalion. and then
-i I, mi dly and i-o liuusly -s a diuretic ; thereby
'midiiig within it-elf. eve.y requisil- virtue, for
.li subd .ctiop ot this Io I some malady—and ev
- ry regu a, graduate i., medii ine. wi 1 sustain the
issertion t at opioiis diinesis and reduction of in
flation. are the on y two thi. gs necessary to elect
• sou d and radii al cure.
Ihe most pcculi-r virtue us the of inq Jours,”
’' in thi*. th it w .erever it alone has ’ een used to
iHVct a i me. no- r of th -se tenacious and disagree •
Ile con eq’it- .res whi ha m i-t -nva ia-dy results
rum the Midden cure of Gonorr tea, have been Ino t io such as stri-ture. hernia, humor
■lis., and a swarm of other of Ihe
-oo- loathsome. (er.d xing. and disagreea* e dis
- IR es eo sequent upon erroneous diagnosis and
t.eatmeni of -onorr! tea
I'hose allert'd are reqne.-ted to eal and try for
them«elves. !f th- prescriptions are we I foi ow
'd -'did fail to cuie, the rno ey will in every case be
ri turned
. ou can do whaty-u please and eat what you
obe had at Ai tony Jt Haines. v o 232, Broad
street, who a c tin- only authorised gents in An
f’sta. All ord rs to them, will be
uomptly attended to aug 29
at .'.rtiKK-| B. M 4 IjLDKY having
conn, ced -iuisul one ul Hie n»-go I
ii ul icim n g lou-i-s ul i be n, ,rt 11 will in Intuit
.- unci Hie liiisim-sa mnl.r die firm ol A. ii.
iillltx )A’ *.’o. Fin n resent irrmigem-'iitv win
■ able A B •! A-;< o. n> sup I; lli. iri-ii-loiin-r oi
-• m-isi aoi-.nii-..lining linns I h-yure n- v
eci'jng th ir Full ml -A unei gu.pli id Gem I.'s H us. fiq a d'-e . aim, i large ass .rinienl o
■biles' i-.iitittiH, ol Tu- Dili si style and superior
pi’elly I Dos-- wis mg t-. pii.eiiii e arin-ies n.
line, -idler ai . h dosaleor r.-uul, irs siiln-iiwi.
•-nil -al -'xamiiieHieirass'ii'tiiM'iii
o- i z ,| . H L-TRY «'n,
)* SICAIi YiiTH li,
r-'HN i'CHKLI.AF I'rofessiii of vlusie, induced
by the great -neon rage men t which he has re
vived as a Teachei of he Cia o Forte, both at thi
.cademy of Air and .vlrs. '.gc.giui.a well as the
..a lies nd ■ entlemen and pn lii in -e era I. who
have oh md-oinely pat.ouised him since his arrival
in .ugusta he tenders his greatful ark now edg
tents to t icm. hoping a <-o ilinuanee of t ei, favor,
p-r;iosing to -- intinue the same vocation during
the summer pk-lging himself f.o -i his expe
- iced method to convey inslru tioi. to his pu
pils to . m-form in a s.ipe io. -uanner in a short
time- and hopes by is i luity and mention to merit
their ipp « ition. He wi I T.cwise attend to
ii in - and -epiiring Piano Fortes, an I satisfactory
refe.e res riven ou app ication at Mr A.Z H-mti’s
■cw Furniture .- ureh mse No 23fi liroa 1 street
.v e e .ill orders wi I : -e punctual y ittended to.
may ts
•'strutAM('K ro'jpvNV or iomti.
Hit, i. V.
I* IK a* ove ' sSTiruTiov his hern successfully
eo .ii .etc I for sere il years in the to n of (
alum ia f (■ \ c.uisj 'eraldc p i tion of its
CAP tv. is invested 1 1 iank stuck, the red in good
se urities. All establish, d e -inns so. p o
nsr. insured hy tus on pa iy or an vof its a rents
will e prompt y pai las lie P i, f,,.c. and the same
p-i-'ipmess wi I be ad’.er d to i - future which
'houl.l eu tit e it to a share of imhlie p t on a -e.
AN.) F.W WALL VCK. I're-ident
Columbia, June F. 1539,
The su sc i’.cr having heen appointed Agent for
the above omuany is row prepared to take Fire
iks on Bui lings. Merchandise and 'ouseiiold
Furnitme He will also make Inut ance on Life
\n lossp- wile prompt y a-ljtisted uni paid. I he
rates of omnium will e t-e same as charged bv
ol er olfi es. He soli itsasharcof pu lie patron
»fle J. G. iiUM. A-.
line 2) ts
SKKM HE- t'F I/>M)- N, hy the author of
“ Random Recollections of tie Lords and
| l omin-ms.”- Fhc Great Metiopoiig,” -‘ Bench md
Bar”etc. etc.
'ha le- im-ent, or the 'wo Terks; a talc of
commer ial ife.
’ Aoi i- to oath, ad Lessed to voung men an I
you- g ladies, by bev J M. A, stin’
Fo te-a the I surer, ly N. p i|)i S-
Jo n smith’- i.etters. with ■ Pieter*’*to mat h
containing icasons why John Smith should not
iln gc
s Lit: together will the inly authentic historv
extant o t.e late A*, at* in our* I I’erritory.
ANo a fr-sh soppy ot t-el Pens Jus, reieiv
ed in Ifo sale y J AV. sF.S. s f’t.y,
' ' - 7 _ 247 Load st
I -A'' N°IT hesuh crile has remo'-ei)
S i his (fice to the “eeond -ton of Mr en/ie &
Bpiiimeh’s CO n-r 1 e wil alt n.) pun-tua ly to
tl-f usines-of d« profession in the’units of ich
mor i -ou t- eo. ia .m l Ige.ieM and Pamv.ed
ill 1 i (s s, (J,
I ett 10 (0 *a J-Uliao I. -
'i’lie >.r,. a. ,
A limit for'y yearn ago. a post chaise was a ight
'More novel 111 Ih,' little h ilmel at Tim ruleari.
loan at Ik gowns in country e lurches. during the
m li.lenhood ol our gieul grandmothers; ami. as
one tire r up at the only public house in the vil-
It' ft* the liihalitliiiits old aiidyung, studied by
the unusual and meny sound of its wheels Inn
ried 1 1 the s*reel. Til'- h ull ly. on the fust ni.
lice oi its apjiroaeh, had ha , ly bestowed upon
"t r goodly per* in the additin , il reroinmeiidiil ion
of a cup and apron; and. si I tying the
ap-vn strings ran bust,ini; to the door, smtlniig
eo! uriint and eou te-yiog. nod courtesying a «.i
'■'"l'’riiii; attain to they.i un-ip.-nedchaise. I’oor
s ul! site knew n,| well how to tiehave—il wit's
an ep >eh in her annals of innkeeping, At
length the eoitehm m openitn; the door, handed
,011 ala yin widow's weeds; a neaulilnl g dden
1 1 4tet <1 hld apparently not exceeding live years
ol age sprung to the ground vithout assistance,
an I;i ped her extendi d hunil. -What an im
age o hen try ! exclaimed some half do/,, n bv
s nlers as ttie fait ehi'd lifed her lovely face of
s 'ides eyes of her mother. The lady ste| - .
ped feehly low ini- the inn, a id, thouuh Itii' land- 1
lady s heiot conti.,ue.l to nra -lise a sort ol flutter
ing motion w|i eh eomminii 'Hied a portion , fits
agi a ion to li t hands she waited upon In r tin
expected and liniisiial guests with a kmdloie-s
and humility that fully reeomnensnl (dr the ex
pe-tnes->>( npra liseil wai er. About hall' an
hour after the a r val ot her visiters, she was seen
hustling Ir en t ie door —her fa. e. as the villagers
said nursling with importance. Thev were still
in groups about their doors and in the middle of
the little street 'is ussing the mysterious arrival;
and. as she has ened on her mission, s' e wa- as
sailed with a io/ ii such iptesti ms as tin c
•Wat ye wit. site is 1 ' Is she onv great liody ?’—-
‘Hue ye ony guess what brought her here?’ 1- |
yon lioniiv ere Imp her luiirn ?’ But to these ai d I
sun ley other interrogatories, t ,e imp >rt mt Ims- :
tess give fin aosw r— Ho t I hae n etinn In j
haver tip- n si.' She stopped at a small hut per
tainly the most genteel house in the village oc
cupied liy a Mrs. Douglas- who. in the r >nn'.y
phrase was a very donee, decent soil of old hod l ,
and the widow ot a (oimeronian minister. In
the summer season. Mrs. D nights I, t not he lit
tle pa. lour to lodgers, who visited the t.llap to
seek health, or for a weeks' retirement. She was
compelled to do this from the narrowness o hei
ei 'll nstanees; (or. though she was a clever
handed woman.' as her neighbors said, 'she hail
a sair feeht to keep up an appearance o.iy-'TU
i,e the thim.i av.i.' hi as w minutes Vr .‘I -
glas in o ■ |»an cap. a muslin kerehiet in ■ ' be
neck, a [ nl'ed Ida k homba/een gown, and sn nv
wlnit opt on, fill .wed (lie lan. lady up to In n .
In a sh irt time she rein n I the stranger la l>
leaning upon her arm. and the lovely child leaping
hke a young Itrnh before them. Days and w -.-k«
pissed away, ind the good people of'J’li ine'ean,
n rt with minding all their surmise and in pones
were in wis»r regirding their new visitor; all
tbev coni I i'n was that she was the widow o:
a y ning iflVcr who was one of the first that fell
w ie i frit i n in'erfend with t'.e French Rev u
lion ; an I the mother al l her child lie rue
k town in t>e village v the designation ol Mrs.
Douglas'twa oiemres!'—an appellation bestowed
on them in reference to their beauty.
The bcanl'fnl destroyer, hoivevet, lay in the
in t icr-'s heart, now tialling her cheek< lie me
ear'y ! ly. and agon s -altering over them the owe
an 11 1 - ri n'o v. S(j|l d earning of -ecovery, ]
ahoi t 'i tbl mo th* after her arri al in i’liorn
ilein, leoh a ile over Ip’r like a sweet sle. '| . It
was inly h few moments before the angel hured
the fatal shaft that the truth fi ll upon her s ml
Sh" was strep-bin ' f nth her l>a id to her wor
tiisket, he- 1 n- lv child -v is prattling liy her knee
-aril Ms. D nights s ilnig liken parent upon
Ji-i’h striving to i-im-ed a tear while she smile.,
when h • breithbig of her fair guest li • ame de
(fi tilt -o l the rose which a morn nt liefore
id i i n d in m her '•■njiiteinnee van s' e I in •- llt
fnl st eak. She (long her feeble arm-around lie
ne-'k "f herebil.l who n ,w wept upon h rhisom
ami exelaimed —*Oh ! mv Elizabeth, who wdl
protect yon now—my poo-, poor orphan ?’ M
Douglas snramr t i her assistartee. She sai l s.a
had m’j-h to toll an I eo leav ired to spe.,k ; I u
a gurgling s mod only was heard in her;
she punted fir breath ; the rosy streaks, deepeo
in ; into blue came anil went upon her cheek -
like the midnight dan-ea oftbr nnrlherii lights;
her eyes flashed with a mo nenlary hrigliln ss
in ire than mortal, and the spirit (led. The fa r
orphan soil -bin.' to the nepk and kissed the yet
warm lips of her dead mother.
As y, l site was too youn ' t isee all thedreari- j
aess of the dcs ilution aron d n-r; Im s e wa- i
indeed an irpoan in the most cruel mean ng ..| j
the w rd. il -r mother did preserved i nistorv i
over It- hi .'iks ami the lurruaul inees of It '
tile, wiped if i D had never end avo ed ]
In penetru’e. Ami now she was I ft to lie is a
mother to the helpless child, lor she knew not p
she had .Hinttier friend; and all that she had i
Ilea d of the pother's histoix, was recorded on
the bn able st me whieo she pi iced over her grave
—' ll hi; tiiisr th thk Hour -if Is hkli.,
Mout n v now of flier. Minims s i
n ten *ai a it us i sra.MiKH. bit bki.ov
f.i'/’* Che w t le p nperty to which the (dir or
phan became heir by the death of her mot he-,
did n d -tin mot to fifty pounds; and am ng-l the
property no do- uineni was found which could
tltr-iw any iglit upon who were her relatives m
i’ she had any. Hut the hea.l of Mrs. D m las
bad already ad ipted her as t daughter; and eir
eu tisi-rjbed is Inr i-irium times were she trust
ed that He who p milled food for the very In ds
0 Ip-ir i n would provide t e orphan's morsel.
Years rolled on and FI /abelli Morion grew
insla'ueanl n beauty the pride of her prole. -
1 ir, mil liie jtyot h r age. Hut the n ',rm to -s
of ye. ir.s grew upon her faster mother, and di, «-
aiding her fno fdlowing h r liatiits of in tu- 1 r
stern want entered her n: (iy eolla e. Still Kl i
alieth appeared only as a tiling of joy eo I-n v
mem and -ratiHide; and ofen did h r eve .i g
s .ng begm e h r aged Inend's sigh iot-i u -mil e.
And to b'-ttei -heir hard 1.1 she hi ed h -rsel t o
watch a few sleep upon t ie iieighlioring hills t o
the steward of a gentleman n.< ted Suite r til.;
who, nh o t the time of her mother's detih nail
pori-li s- d ide csiateo Thorn lean. He was t P
little Is I wed. t- 1 he was a hard master and a
bad bi.shand; an I more than once he h il In-, n
seen at »he hour of midnight, in th siiei.t
ehnrhyard stand ngo er the grave id Mrs. Mor
ton. f’ms gave rise to not a few whisperings r.p
sp.-nina the birth of poor Elizabeth, lie had in
1 child .nan I a n-phew wh i resided in Ins h use,
j wa- ui Ie I 'it Ito be bis heir, William S-e n
nvi d e was a'l.nil a y -,.r older than onr fa r - r
p III: aI I ever as be e mid e s ape the eye of (us
in le h wou (1 he village to seek ul
F zabetii as a play mate. And tn-w. while she
te dell the <ew sheep he would steal round the
hills and id i n r himself hy her-ide tea h Iter
the i*ioish * h id that -lav b -en taught, w ile
hi- rail tin etice r-st,-! m her n I; t,,. )r
gl •win ' be -k ■ I mebe I •• t li o her. and ip • ml
-4 (iklt, iOJj UkJ UHuUUi Ulu.u U»L.-W Wttkc likoii
peaeeltil lessons i roki n l\ the harsh i< nr aim
: the Mow* of his iin. le. lint still W illmni stole
. 11 t.n* presence o. Ins | laymule ami pupil until
•icha , completed Ins lou-te-tli; wtien iifc
i was to leave Thortideini prepa aloiy to entering
■leanny. Me was perodlii'd to lake a hasty
-newel nt the villagers for they all loved the
; hut he went only to the.ottuge ol Mrs.
Hou this. A» he entered. El zabelh wept, and
be also burst into teats. Their aged Iriend he
i held the yearnings nt a young passion ilia- might I
enii nate in sor ov ; and t.ikin. hi b n.i, she I
prayed U<si to pumper him, and hade him fare- i
tvell. She was leading him to the door when
Elizabeth raised her tiaifui eyes; he beheld them,
and read their im ming; and. lisping forward,!
threw his arms around her m-i k and printed the
test kiss on he, tonheinl! -Do not forget me
Elizabeth, he cried and hurried from the house.
.Seven years from this (it-riod passed away.—
ftie lovely gjil was now tr.tnsf- rnied into the el
rjjani in tin* summer maj h!\ of lutltjiu
ty. For four ye,ns Kbz.Ulh had k- pi a sehonl
in the village. In which ,er genlltniss in d win
< moil maimer drew | r.-s ... ty; and hei gray hair
ed •-.uielaelress enjoyed the rewa-d ol her'l-enev
neoC'. i’repa .itmiis were rnak-ng a Tlioii*
dem ilall forthe n 1 epnon of \\ dliam wbowas
now returning as Eieuli nuin A
post , ha se in the vjlluge had then heeonie a sight
less rare; hut several . onagers were ass. milled he
im tn-mnto w. Iconic t y, mig laird. He ar
il’ d a id wilh him a yi ntliin.ili lie we t. forty
nm tidy years ol ago.—Thev had me,ely la
enme ai'i|ii.iinted »s (ravelling eom|mnn ns; and
t- tniiger (icing on Ins way nonliw-ard had a<-
c< pud Ins in iiati n ‘ at Ilia mi U-V for a
en days. The m tpah to the H ill lay through
i ie htireliyurd. a 1 out a ipiarler or a m le from
r /i «as a ie. liuled path, and Eliza
belli was wmt to retire t., it between set I hours
j -im 1 <’<JUO t.y (osjicik) h trw niom<nfm in Milmt
; over Inr m liter’s grit She wa
! IZ 11 upon n when a nice irre led !ei all-n
tion saying, ‘EI zaheih —Miss Morion! 'I he
-p ak r was Emu en ml Sonnijerville nei oinpa
"icd liy In- lin-inl. To the mci t’ngot the yoiin.i
v .s we slndi ad •no hing. |) H tdeeldet strait
r gazed on In r biee and treinhled and Inoken
a b.-r mother’s grave and wept. -Emly !' In
x y mid ‘pardon a miserable omn— what wa
y ,l ' f *li ix-r ! Answer me, I implore you f
Ahis!’ I know neither said the and
now unhappy Ehzal eth. -Mv is Mo ton '
end the stranger; I hail a wile—[ had a daiigh
t i one.-, and my (sala-lla’s face was thy lire!
While lie y et spoke, the . liter Somincrvt'lle drew
near 'o meet Ins nephew. His eves and tin
mange s met. Woiiimervill, t ex laimed tin
» ange. star,ing. -The same,’ repliei. tie ,
his bnw Ida k nm; |ik,. thunder while a iren,-
li'inc passed over Ivsliody. He rudely grasped
t n arm of Ins nepln w and drag,, d dim away.
i in- lineiesl ng s.iange, iici onip-iiiinil Elc/ahelh
to the house of Mr-. D -uglas. Ibnnlul w. re In
empiiiies; for, while tiny kind- d Imp. and as
-iriiiee, they left all in eiu-I u eronmy. Oh!
■n 1 and Mr-. D.aulas il ye i. ( > )| t e laither o’
my blessed bairn I dinna wonder a auld IS i-.
o. .vide growing (.In k m Hie face when he saw
v ; tor w,it'll Wan'i. e.nne Itanl upon our heels
and my dear m -die.l.-s- and t iitheiless invirn was
d l veil to li-rd ills stii 1 .. 1 1 l/v (■ e brae .ide-—tliete
V id lilt- poor, dear diheale Ij lirn ( nr -he wisas
delivate then as she is boom n-iwj been King—
I t1- sheep a’ ceding rout d ihout her. innl he
r-i,!in at her Bible just like a little angel he
hi lan when the Imre wa I eonie sleek n,’ down
dint aer an’ giem hei a drive wi’ hi- fool enr
•e i ncr fir a li-tle lazy s metliing t’m n . gaun to
‘•■•me an rugged her honny yellow hair lid he the hal o’ it lorn out o’ her head;—or the
Monster wad riv- n the blessed bo, k mil o' her
i .ml an’ thrown it wi’ an oath as (a, as lie eou d
In ve But the nephew was aye a hit (lin eidlsn
toy. yek n wi my liairn a prospects, n warns
nv jmrii ti» t'M 'Oi.nt,*- ni.y
isi 0 ti the HliaiiiCt i, who g.» o iiis narnr
IS Colonel Morton hang over the fair being who
had e.onjur, d up tin- sunsntne oi ins youth, Om
•y one, lie was wal ti n., and tracing every ie
oiouil.ered lealure ol Ins wit, upon her lace; when
i -übt again entered Ins mind, and he exclaimed
i.e ni te.ness 'Mereiitn Heireii! c..|ivuisc me!
i tii cimviiiee me that 1 have f. und my child !’
.’it.- d to Morton
oui lie. n pa.led with m the depth ofhet poverty,
it that inonieiil. /nontenant -Sorn.neivilJe Jias.ily
enu red me cotlag.. 11-staled that Ills uncle hud
l. the Hall, and .1. hv, red a letter from non to
iolom.l on on. U was of few wo.ds, and as
M isrov—We were rival- for Isabella’s love
j —you w. re iiiaoe happy and 1 niiscra'ile. But
i I have not lieenunn-venged. It was I who be
I ; ay eo you into the of the enemy. It wa
| i wim reported yin .lead—who caused tin tidings
: '•* -«• h isl. tied to ymji wi.e and loilnw
e.l them In England, li was 1 who poisoned the
I ear id her friends, tiniillhey cast her-dl -1 dogged
ot. t.i her olis. u.’ity, id n i nnuhl enjoy my in
nniph; but deat.b to*, aned me as y u had don*-,
tet 1 w ill do on.’ aI ol in-icy ■ she si. eps I. m ath
-be where w<- not yesterday an-' th. lady
beli.rc you wept—is your own daughter.’
lie a-I d-.wn the le.ler. and exelaimed—‘My
c • tny long child! Amt. in speechless lallier and the daughter rushed to ca ll
-l-.ei's unis. Miall we add more 1 Ihe elder
•'t.nnmerville leti Ins n.U.v.- land, which believer
I Tamil di-gra- ed w ith Ins pres, n- «. U Ilham and
Elza . tli wsn.i. red l y Hi. bill-side in Idiss.eatell
ina love and recd’e t.ons trnin n.e s. ene. In a
tew m -mbs hei fattier h. stow d on him her hand
and Mrs, Douglas in joy and in pride, bestowed
upon huth her blessing.
I nnti Ihfi llnl. m re At her tan
lit n Sr,.tx llo^r.—We have heretofore no
n ed the tan Ih-t an iron ol la ge di
m. tisioii • was in the course o const.m Hun at
; I Fills, urg and we n ,w Dam t om ,b« Advocate
ol .ha. city hit tli boat was l.iuitcln-d on tin H h
t instant, ihe .uriosi.y wo.eti ha.t Isen aws en j
! I i d to ec whs advantage- an iron v ss . po s. ss- j
e.l over a w .s en one, as to (lie draught o water, |
I] —a malt, roi mu h cottse juen. e t.. rue. nav- |
igalt.-ii.—drew a . rood to witness he (ir t !
, plunge ol the boat, ~n gre t tilde, dwis th as- |
! i ton shment at timing hit the iron vesse. drew I
, bill Hi lie u nti uII tj /.,* te while on. ot ime -
I cap icily of wood, w ul i not have drawn I ssthsii
twi n y one .nehes. Il wn also ascertained that
t . sue .mi n «t b ak ... e d.op,
Jhe boat il e completed in about five weeks.
The novel arrangement oi her steam engines, and
the advantages sin- po.i sues over hosts ol or.liu
, » r J oustru. tion. are thu- ih-tailed in the paper 1
aliove mentioned ;
filu- wil .l ive two engims. entirely distinct, I
supplied i y one s. 10l on lers. I o on tale the I
nly objection u-ua ly found w lb double ;
, w il. (i is that .av ng no couplings tin E g,n. t j
eo.iti'd ton »eu the t.oni e st.ll errati. g a Ita- j
Ity to -li t sup; ly ova .to t > h-.ileis wo j
small iTJgo.-s, woiKiii a al light angles, pin- j
mn! ' 10.-i* to flit* u* I# r fiul of iftr hoiltra, for tl*a
1u 1 pox* 1 o( i orbing tin- (inre | imp mid (lip poW
w«t. i pump. Tfu /„, ur, uvt hu> stippl id in
</'/ ti.Ui tnlfi „f the /mi/.tiling Ent'in n—dimin
isluiit vastly dip bayard of t-X|-l. sion. To place
»p uriiv against explosion Myord question alto
ppllHT dip safely valve ami salely guard itivrnl
• d l>y <>ur ing.inous townsman, Cailwallader
K \“i'» e been alia, hed to thp boilers.
T " Euiml “R'innl sinking. the In,II ~( the l ost'
lias been divided into three compartmentslength 4
wisp In two ssi.m |i, water t pin. Milk heads of
iron.— Either ol these divisions tilling with wslir
wi'tild not suffice to so k the boat.
lo siilli n her. there is in addition to these (Wo
hulk hi nds, one running (ore and at (roni stem
to Mern.
Against fire, every provision has hepti niadr iff
the hull, which isoompteie in evi rv respect, with*-
out an inch ol timber or other eondiuslilde mate—
Here then, r* a Iniat the produel nPPitls! urgh
elite prise aiiihmechanical skill, the first of any
eoiiaide. able S’re In,ill m the country, which,
w hen finished, will ull'ord the ></,.'/ vihic/e for
the eouvi \ anee of persons and property which'
cun fp prihiused in the shape ol a steam boat.
She cannot he sunk she ennnot he hiirnl. she !»■
(iroot against explo-ion. in.d she runs in almost
to wall r at all : and v hat. we would ask, does
the Irarell'er or shipper want m, re than these.
Her lei gth in i lei k is Kid feel, length of feet
140 leel breadth of beam 25 feet four inehea,
depth of hold tMset.
A Ciu.. rK M n,n Mkhs'ii i ats.—The fact is an,
utidiviihti d one. that men ol the quit West and the
ht-flu si sen.-e ol honor, an the most apt. in times'
0 in: i("-UI 1 1 le or eoni'iten ml depression, to in
vole theiiise.vea in temporary di thru I lies easily
nnnedi ihle. hut limgn tied I..rough the eo 1 , . hey
01 nth. rs which thwarts and circumvents them,
■’"m.'h men are l an kl> tender to rhe touch of
«li nne;' they heroine hewihh red in the 'oils spread
lorih.em hy others who hope to .dvnninge them
s. Ives hy their Well-paid adroitsnss in lernoving
l.ietn. Jhe iiislatiees are in a eommu—
"it.v hke Imt ol I’hi a.lelphia or IS, w Yoik,.
W .ere u h things are praett-ed, The remedy is
tn i rigid sys em ot economy ami retrenchment
t. gates to iiidependem e, Vln re pan (re no sue—
ei s in any enlarged pursuit, whore the income
is mu kimwii and tested to exreed hy many thou
sand dollars the expenditure, That point onee
e-laldished, hy facta and fi ti es and a calm and
eheer.ul (ul orving of one's pro'ia-ion is the re
sult Mystery or irreapimsil'.l iy in any railing
h(, tw< principals and agents has hern tho-
Irmt'iil source no dout t, ot mm h hewild'Tioent.
mil disaster, in the mercantile
w i ld, rinil whole system is wrong, Mo mor
ph •»' sli li.d ever sleep »i his oar, or reluse to
I >k hi- whole Imainess in the fare. An h tnr
a 'e man ran always ~|iln n eredeti e f„i h stum
or, even if the events ol Ira e and the vii issi times'
o. i >les and Mixes may sometimes he against
him. I lie hue point is. to he open and trank,
even in the most intrieal and unfavors le install
ees. It is no re. ommei d.ition li any merehsnt,
or to any huainess man to say that his chief mer
it is that he is entity, cautious ,/neuri and par
tic uhu. Every knave is Hie same. If tit to say
itnil he is a faithful man—that his word is his
hood—and that fie never fa. I- to e me t * the just
issue with his neighbor when his own position
and eir. timstimep allow—tha! nothing In t over
r..l n- measures Iron, policy's Hike otrlhe pari of
o!ln T- eati keep him from, the line ol I is duly
to say so h things ol sin h a nn n ham is to pro
nouiipehis undying cneom uni .Sue. a man in
a.iv nise of | an uniaiy deleeli .n should it occur,
w ill.) b • deemed not a systematic hut a compul
sory del nqilent; he would he honored, even in
his creditor's heart; and the very uneasiness or
regret wh eh might le Mil on h.« account for the
moment would lake the turn of indigriai.on
against the plotters ly whom it was engendeied..
‘•Wisdom wells wnh prudence,” and cautn n.
's commend,iblh; lui we M lieve that the attri
butes of the form, r are often a-si meet hy the
eraftv ami malignant lor selfish purposes and
those o. the lasi, that p oiit may emue to the
running w...k«*r f ont the eompellrd diaeredil of
another. The high-minded and r.< alous mer
cliuiilh ot Elnladelpi i.i than whom, in lha
mass, n superior ho. y ol men are not to he found
in t.m U.m.n, —should guard then selva. . They
haven t„et. which is integrity; a piudem e. which
is not era ft hut honor; a fraternal spirit, whhh
hesitates to ail upon a del nqu. i t. in sudd, n ju tion; a weighing and lialaneing disposition,
winch silts the wheat of practice from the chaff
ol prolession— the spiuj. us caution from the
true; which makes its estimate of; men not from
eir. iimslanee hut from facts and character. Such
men can never ha invited into disrepute, or pre
judieed against the worthy or l.rowheat into fraud
or dishonor, hy the adepts in either.— Ph I. C, z.
SrtMtn.Avr* or Gri:at Mk*.— It is inter
esting to null, o the difle em articles which have
lieen liken l.y ■ si mm I men. as stiinulants to the
in.‘llllll tin nines. It is interesting, as showing
how diametrical y opposite means may prorlu. e
lit.* same . Meet in various systems; and it is in
ter. s mg as show ng h w niu.-h the mind sympa
thizes with the body. Haller drank pi ntilully
ot cold water when lie wished for great activity
ol the brain ; Fox, lor the same puipose used'
brandy, fin •tnnul.mts of New ton and Hobbes,
we e the fumes ot t.ihac. o ; those of Popp and
Fonienelle str- Hg eufi: e. Hr. Johnson at one
per.od ot his life, was a great wine drinker; hut,
to the 'slier part ot it, l. imd strong tea a good:
» ' t tule. Li* nJu -it is said to have ls*en writ
ten under the inti, erne ol gin am! water amt it
is reported that a eermin legal lord, of great learn
ing and lal nl piles lnms. il haul with port when
he wish, d to shine. Pitt was a great drinker of
wine; She idati. also, was loud ot his hottle.
Ur. Ia is tell- us that lien I) , Dunning wish
ed to rnake an extruo, diriarv display of eh -qu* nee,
he a.wiys ( u a fdistei on his chest a 'ew hours
he oie lie win to speak in order that it might ir
ritate .he lit i.hy sy mp.ithy du r mg hia epee. b.
Mm* mi v.— An exchange paper contains-*
1 * "(J some ‘xperiments made in order te as
i 'lor b si method o gathering corn from
j win. li it appea.M Dial hy tiipfimfr, the crop l.isas.
1 in weialn atiout one-ti lh Tliei-is no doubt hut.
i th " ll "' "»l' coiitinu. st„ circulate and nourish the
gram much longer than is gene allv supposed.
A mrtsixuvT nm a Wifx._We believe
that the \ atikces heat all other people i r , humor
j ons bu*infM advertis m tits.—A, Yankeedown
j e-t advertises tor a ’ mu.r-ha lin the following
( r us m n .e—
-' ?"* J6OO ami hasn’t, got the
1 irrh esn find a u-romer tor life, hv wrighting*.
I b Up 'l"*, addressed to ZQ. „„<! ,i.k it mih*
j c.a k" f Ln le corn crib.”
“ yo’i th+nk n' m\ ta-fe ’ a« Um flje
w-4 vim liu gol ii4io ih*: ai%u\ ukJoth*