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HE 4
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Congressman Watmu’s Letter.
WASHixGxcm.D.C. Jr a 4, ’92—
*‘A.nd now comes that in .teres ting
citizen. David B. id ill, and says
we shall not have if re- Silver.
This declaration must have hit the
Atlanta Constitution and Col • I/iv
ingston right stomach^ in me pit of their
. For months and months they
luiye .'boonlighting Cleveland be¬
cause he was opposed to Free Sil
wct. Correct. But they have
, been trying tq eonvinco the' peo
pie that'Hii'l Think was in favor of Free
Silver. what their men¬
tal agony must be when Hill says
uxm.T “Noil aiu! W r> - ,
(who Mr b;. Hill’s the friends could'all in *<m$k
way, iitni
hum) » 4 ?ts in have Bob had Lowry’s Tally-hb-ho
a certain degree
'of innocent and infantile pleasure
in quoting Hill's profound saying,
“I am a Democrat. • ' '
Well now here’s whei fhe
zlr> cirhmsHu : Jeffeicon,.>h(?c,d:h'd
dy of Hill, Democracy,fa the Tami%inyite, YOtyd Free.|il
ver it. dpposhS
NoV^rho ijt tl, u, i « r 4
* ft Lj
U Vv'ii'at it Demucriicy^ PfiijeqwJcs *.nrjrithwt
a sVitof bii.;i{«ord
ft.iA individual rinl. rights,
fown Taxes, Gold arci bi rrer on
t y.'.c.lity, money gu. ' -'ligli't Iho to
| th< poop:- instead of slnonch
utbmv'poly of National Bhrik , y
cyriajily l>ef\*r# - 4 aitywl llw
the .
f ; n»;,.my? tv sr
' • !lhai *•'• ht*ve cry -aU;^ U
^ •> ..mwluchthcAug^r
U Chronicle calls the “Ocala
Vrau ■
& 5 » ■
M tua o»»o8se#.iac -u r*e
, hlii a
Ion the other hand,
van!.- 1 1 the present law and
return to^fe law known as the
BlaudAct. Under that act only
f. 1,000,000 per year upon Silver
Will Col. Livingston please ex¬
plain how he cau support a man
who wants to maintain and assist
the infamous policy of Contrac¬
Have we not been talkingour
clves hoarse telling the people we
• wanted “More Money?”
Shall we flop right, over and Sup¬
port a man who is for “less money?
If so, why?
Great interest is felt hero in the
February Meeting at St.
Col. Polk and the other Alliance
Chiefs are looking forward to it as
a very important People gathering. heard,
If the, could be no
body doubts the result, but a tre¬
mendous effort is being made to
head the people off.
Instead of the Delegates being
elected, they are being appointed, heard.
knd the people are not being
Of course, it is an open secret
that in Georgia no Delegates stood
any chance of going unless he
agreed with “the Boss” and was
opposed to a third party \ Yet
everybody knows that the Alliance
of Georgia favors Indenpendent
Political action and that the Coun¬
ties are expressing themselves as
fast as they can meet.
Let us take an. instance: Hon.
M. V. Calvin has I.pen appointed
Delegate from Richmond County,
lie goes to the February Meeting
eoremitted against The People’s
Yet the Richmond County Alli¬
ance has already endorsed the
People’s Party by Resolutions
which were published in the Chron¬
icle a few day’s ago.
Is this giving th* wee of the
People? off the people
; No- R is. chokitlg
high handed style.
JED OX Editorial Page.)
Og OH FRIDAY i'f 1 A Ho, 1892.
■ft BesolS^ips*
^ • following
[ I^> resolutions v. ere
tap Rieinno id county A!
Iiaiiee Sntuvilnyl|
Uheieas, Rue action of IHos. E
Watson, cur represent dive m Con
ip^vn regard to the Speakership
contest, has not met Wh the appro
baiion-aijthe '"liwl otutocs of cei tain news
-Tl,a,‘ ’rfiio,, **»
mi action on W„„,t no. const,,,,enti Mn,
to «. wWioi of b,
and . ■ . ■
Whereas, jWe cUnmthc
ho- -and express our own options
• »t have thc-m-iovnnijatod and
■V -csswi for us Gy a fni-sfi which H
n*i\»;•.>« .....
to wnf hVlsrests; thereforo be.
Lpsoiw'd, Th at we, t is.;ConsfitiW.r,ts
df Hh tcuomin Bon.Tkos the R. SpeakershipcouU'St Wi^im^ ’i;»uqve
film for fi'^uianhood m
dari^ fd to do tim right and. not des
ertiaglbe peoplp a.s soon ns he had
im o&H?
- RM, That 1 we, recognize •'in
hini ^leader win, may lie ImsU# by
th. pifipje and Ryu we pledge Mr
selverto his support an long
sh4 remain true to the prmciphs
up.-ii W &? r~ti'» WV tpctod. '
M<' : oo.vnnvssSfAX
\ homh'vnri the
;#y '
ib-nubere in
^ elected bcem*W
C* N s^,' '.-osh. «,lc ■.
,- •
.... 0f ..
'vhc,r,o Boon fo ? ot
caucus tuth
a part^nd supported a man for
•■•loaker who w^avhostile to th»jlr
political party whose missior
give equal rights to all and qiecial
privileges to iiouej' and
, WhersASj Alliance, The demaucts of ■ the
Farmers’ as embedded in
the Ocala platform, were adopted
into Hie platform of this party, and
Whereas,' We claim that the prin¬
ciples set -forth in this platform are
di, foundation of Democracy, but
that the Democratic party as it is
now constituted is such only in
name, having left these principles
and degenerated into a machine
which is manipulat'd! by the favored
classes to still further oppress the
people, therefore he it
Resolved, That the time has arrived
when the interests of the people and
the perpei nation of true Democratic
principles demand a sepejate organ¬
Resolved, That in this division,
which is-forced upon us, these called
Democratic party may retain the
name which they claim by right of'
possession, but we will adhere to its
principles, -
Resolved. That we ai;c ready to
act with the People ? party and re¬
quest all working people to act with
Repudiating Livingston.
Whereas, The deplorable condi¬
tion of coutry,. which enables a priv¬
ileged class to enrich itself at the ex
v ense of the Wealthproducing, calls
tor every honest man who acknowl¬
edges the existence of these wrongs
to help the people to remedy these
Whftvezg. It is impossible for any
man to tiuslbr-L-tion aijLthe people in their ef¬
forts in and at the same
time assist tin ored class to hold
on tojtheir pre!
Whereas the
has presented ai
is known as. tliel
Whereas, Ij|
was elected by]
via as their prcaidfll d ss such
pledged himself to advod to am' pro
to< t the demand of this (Ocala
lortn niicl, v
Whereas in the rf<p.jt
for Speaker of the Hou|if j| Repre
Natives there were! candidates
of wJ . om onlyoiie c . d the plat
£ “■•M-JhWw.LjMW n on( j T
» W"* <fa «•**«#• exer
,ed lim ” "
nents, therefore be 4
K ^ oIve ' 1 ' J but havu lo ‘ st
yiotejonsot MiA W ' furt,u U, .
1 * 1 ’ r
.; K** 1 * 8 ?’ Ths<i T f 10 i' u '' ,:;U '
I'Uiii'^'atlc'tWsr i.rmdene.jrioltlic . and. vp.aest him to
ti. Georgia
’nmflef, •' V H
• eqgyhi^JL... That jhiffielcgatcs to
fchSWpF instruct
to vote iV lent party
aotton;- , , i(E ™
-ResoleeiV, '3Gj»»V. Augusta
Chronic's bo «-.• publhli
these ufa'lnt-ions,
4» aBenarpti-was mdFe ta to wreck
tho morning irhln (mn Sauders
placfiig ’^Ho August?, l»i*t&Viday, by
cro^mk - 6yi tiff track r.w-r
Wiirttien. iingmoer f|;Ili ;i! .is saw
^ oBstmctioim in. Vtm|, and thus
avouleiT^ train, returning a^sW4^MH[f)w from,.! . same HV.
-htyjaght, w.s. shikm hr-n'e^ PiiehUeM " • he
|..vh,g fko
th t he II
witlulr¥vn „Ave, . Two Jlff^ngors adT-In* conches
llir ,...:
p ’ -i fr&flh m 3-« ro) *
- .-• .
W~- **..
S C • tho .. road can 9 down lo
CD 2 £
night. ^ rams wore thrown out
of the schedule litno but ran
ihrough as usual Suluruiiy. An
oiiwiesi olfort will be made to fer
I'ctWt the human devil who tint's
japartlizod the lives of the people
on the train, and if convicted
will he made to pay the severest
penalty provided by law. Similar
attempts have boon made to wreck
trains on this road at that point.
A fatal and distressing accident
occurred at our neighboring town
Louisville, last Friday, Mr. J. J
Keith, a prominent and highly es¬
teemed merchant ol that place, went
hunting, being accompained by sev¬
eral of his hoys. In loading,Jiis gun
it was accidentally discharged-, Re¬
load penetrating the left breast of
his second eldest boy, Norman, aged
about sixteen years, from the effects
of which he died within three-quar¬
ters of an hour. The boy was stand*
ing within ten or fifteen feet of his
o o o- o d o o ’*
T take this rnqtljod of
my friends and former patrons that I
have opened a hoarding house on the.
corner of Washington and
street, .Augusta, Ga., where I will
receive both transient and private
boarders. My house is in a few
steps of tho Narrow Guage,and South
Carolina railroad depots*
Rates $1,25 per day*.
Single meal ’25 cents.
Lodging 25 cents.
The patronage of the -public so
iicite I. ,uby,
. w- \\
•v. »
i ! \ ■
-AM hr\ •»
Winter Opening.
After one year of successful business among you, we'start out this
son with lilts large ;t and 1
Most (J 0 fnplete Sleek in AUglistai
manufacture our ov n clothing, buy and sell for middlemen, cash only, consequently cordial the
chaser is saved the commission end profits of wo extend a
invitation to the public to call and inspect our Uomendous stock. Every¬
thing worn finest, by tasli'onablo men to fro suit your tithe purse. finest, Men’s eu’s suite Pants from $4
to the Men’s Overcoats n SI A
.from $1 to the finest, Youth's Suitsirom $850 to the finest,
Children’s t&Lined Suits from 25c.; $1 to tlio finest,.;world-Ifi^ters Ualf- .Satin
Scarfs. Seam’c..s
-M osc, two p at r SMJ’b .——
Our Furnishing Goods Department
Embraces all the finest and latcsiltyles in Ilats, shirts, etc.
0- T O N 0 B B Y YOUNG M E N
Call hrt-.l gee our Double-Breasted Vest, Satin-Lintd, Tai’o'f-made Suits’
n =%3 I
$ <
'Ito^esgiving feasts are over, . ...
They,re tnten and away.
But the feast we offer patrons XSiifi Wt
Are served from day to day.
feastjf r - n Km,
p % mjmyrniT I
CP arm Good iiiings
are now.serving fhe people with from day to day, A whole
hardly contain the bill of fare. We’ll mention only a few from
b u.'frjr eds:
• ■nrv.
Ladles Merino Suits at {50 cents,
Children’s Merino Vests at 25 & 85 cts
1 ..Ion’s Merino Undershirts at 25 & 50 cts
Children’ & Infants’ Cloaks from $1,16 up
Ladies walking Jackets from $1,50 up
Ladies Fur Clips from -{-3 up
Children’s School Cloaks from $2 up
Children’s School Hats from 25c up
Ladies’. Felt Hats from 25c up
Comforts and Blankets from 50c.up,
"* ' i&ugusiaj ©a
Pendleton Feandry \
Mill Machinery Engines and
( t
Good Work and Low/prices is my Motto.
Nos. 615 to 627 Ivollock (11th) Street, W \
A U 6 IT S T A , ■ -.....
:iIPG ‘ ' 'GFS
’ ’
, u
f j. . , (0)“
‘ , fl ' ., AUGT5TA7 GA.
‘ 26*}? )Iquék
, ‘
[IN '3 "1 , ' -A‘ f - R5245 F-q { f
House V. Furnishmg . , eoua 3
MARI}: 0F Strovzzs i
Say Mr, If you are 1105-5: eubscri ]
Betis‘yov. baflgcttersuhscribe. .‘ l