Newspaper Page Text
entitled by law at toe time af his
discharge, three months pay.
§ 7. And be it further enabled,
That the several corps authorized
by this act, (hall be fubjeft to the
rules and articles of war, be recruit
ed in the fame manner, and with
the fame limitations, and that offi
cers, non -co in missioned officers,
rnuficians, and privates, shall be
entitled to- the fame proviuon for
widows and children, and the fame
(benefits and allowances in every
refpeft, not inconfiilent with the
provlfions of this act, as are au
thorized by the act of sixteenth of
Marc h, one thousand eight hun
dred and two, entitled “An act
fixing the military peace eftabiilh*
men: of the United States,” and
the aft of the twelfth April, one
thousand eight hundred and eight,
entitled An aft to raise fora li
mited time, an additional military
force : and that the bounty to the
recruit, and compenfatioa to the
recruiting officer, shall be the fame
as ate allowed by the aforefaid afl
of twelfth of April one thousand
eight hundred and eight.
Speaker of the House of
Rep resen iatives.
President pro tem.
j of ehe Senate.
Clarch 3<J, 1-815. Approved,
1 tti im 1
FRIDAY .M ‘• acir 3i.
* rw luroowijmMl ->
ey In confluence’ of receiving
Sheriffs Sales, by the Friday’s
nail, arid a considerable uncertain
ty being attached to irs arrival at
an hour suitable for publication, we
have therefore thought it advifea
ble to issue our paper the lad Sat
urday in each month ; except in
rhis.inftance, the Paper will be
iiTued on the usual day.
The Thespian Society of
Washington, will on Tuesday
evening, the 11th of April, present
rathe citizens of Wilises Coun
ty—the judly Celebtated Tradcgy
m Five Acts, of
Alexander the Great ,
tV-iih elegant new Scenery , Dress and
Decorations ;
to which will be added
The Comic Farce
in Two Acts of the
Doors open at 6 O’clock, and
Curtain to rise precisely at half pad
seven P. M.
f ’dr Tickets to be had at J, W.
Robinson’s Store, at fifty cents
each, and on the night of perform
ance at the door.
Particulars will be expressed in
the BILLS of the night.
£r The object of this SOCIETTis
to raise a fund to repair in a suitable
manner some place of Divine worship ;
and it is hoped, being so good an
object a liberal minded public will
tak/.’ it into consideration.
My JACK w’ill dand the Spring
Geafon at my Planiaton at the redu
ced price of fix dollars the Season,
and eight dollars the insurance.
Produce will be taken in payment
at the Market price .
March 3d 1815. A. LIPHAM.
:&T LOOK ‘
Being desirous to continue a
good underdanuing with the per
sons who employ us. in our profef
fion, and knowing that frequent
settlements tend to promote such
an effeft; we lock on it a correct
rule between persons who depend
on each other for mutual advanta
ges, to make annual payments or
liquidation of their refpeßive ac
counts. Therefore for the promo
tion of good will, for reciprocal
judice, and to prevent midakes, we
refpectfully desire all persons who
are indebted to us for profeffional
services, to fettle or liquidate their
accounts once every year. And
those persons who actually refufe-or
designedly neglett to comply with
this reasonable diefirc, mud not
confider us afterwards bound to
attend their calls.
March 31, 1813.
On the first Tuesday in May next ,
at the Court-house in Wilkes
county , between the hours of ten ijf
three o'clock , the following proper
ty — vies.
57 3 Acres of Land, (more
or less,) in Wilkes county, on the
waters of Upton’s creek, adjoin
ing Joseph Prather & others ; ta
ken as the property of John D.
Mitchell, to (atlsfycn execution in
favor of Isaac.
Two lots in the {own of Wash
ington, No. 3 Sc 4, with the im
: provemeftts thereon, now in the
t occupancy of John Haliday ; taken
as the property of James Ford, to
fatisfy an execution in favor of Fe
lix 11. Gilbert, on the ioreclofuvu
of a mortgage.
The dower or one third part or
an undivided traft of land contain
ing two hundred acres, (mors or
less,) in Wilkes county on the wa
ters of Newford creek, whereon
Bernard Heard now lives, adjoining
Howell Hay and others ; taken as
the property of Elisabeth Young,
to fatisfy an execution in favor of
Earned C. Wittich, and Charter
Campbell!; executed and returned
to me by John Burks, condable.
Conditions Cash.
March 31, 1815.
GEORGIA, f By David l Vr-
Wilkes county. 3 veil, Clerk of the
Court of Ordinary for said county .
WHEREAS Stephen Evans and
Afenith Cochran applies for letters
of Adminidration cn the edate of
Parmenas Cochran, dccd-
These are therefore to cite and
admonifii all and lingular the kin
dred and creditors of said dcceafed
to be and appeal at the next court
of Ordinary to be held in and for
the county aforefaid, to (hew
cause (if any they have - ) why said
letters ffiould not be granted.
Given wider my hand this 29th
day of March , 1 o 15.
DAVD. TERREL, c. r. 0.
For which 1 Dollar per hun
dred will be given.
Enquire at this Office.
Wanted at this Office.
Will be Bold,
On the first Tuesday in May next,
at the Court House in Wilkes
county , between^the hours of ten
and three o'clock , the following
property —viz :
Three hundred and eigh tv acres
of land, more or less, in Wilkes
county on Little river, adjoining
Win. V£. Williamson and others,
whereon Lamech Hudson now
lives ; levied on as his property to
fatisfy af execution in the name of
Abraham Simmons, lor Owen Mil
liday, again ft said Hudson. Point
ed out by Hudson.
One negro girl about nine years
; old, named Sidney, one road-wag
gon, hind gear and waggon (beet,
two bay Horses, one about nine
years old, and the other about 12
years old ; levied on as the proper
ty of JevTe M'Lai.n, to fatisfy an
execution in favor of George John
son—pointed out by tb; defendant.
Con fit ions — Cash.
March 3!, !Sls.
GE )RvrFA, } By David Ter
Wilkes Courfy. < rel Clerk of the
court of Ordinary for said conn's.
Vv HEEE AS Martha •11 opfcins
apples for- Utters of Adminifi.ra
tion on rhe efhte of VYm. Hopkins
1 U'je arc therefore to c. : te and
admo.nifh all end lingular the kin
dred and creditors oi’ said dcceafed,
to bn and appear at the next court
of Ordinary to be held in and for
the county of Oglethorpe, then and
there to (hew canto, (if any they
have) why said letters ffiould not
be granted.
Given under my hand this 307.6.
day of March 18 i5.
D. TERRELL, Clerk.
Administratorh* S a ie.
The following perfomi property
in Wilkes county, belonging to the
Eh ate off. Butler, will be fold on
the !Oth Mriv next to the hip - he ft
bidder, at the residence of the fub
feriber, viz. Worses, Hogs, Sheep,
Cowes fz (0.1 res—a light
with good plated Ila reefs—alfo,
Household and Birchen Furniture,
among the former fome elegant
Mahogany furniture—-fay IFt di
ning tables—tea tables, fide-board
—fecrefavy and book case with ma
ny other ufeful and ornamental ar
ticles neceffiiry in house keeping.—
Great bargains may be expended at
this sale, as a final! portion only of
this property will be bouglit in for,
or by any of the heirs.
Terms, all (ums under 20 dollars
cash—above, credit on approved
personal security until lft January
next will be given, the amount
drawing intereff from dote.
Sale will commence precisely at 10
‘James Armstrong, Ad'mr.
in right cf the Adm'x.
March 23. ‘ (7t.)
(fj° For the last rim>A ! !
The debtors of Wm. H. Corbet
dec. are requeued, for the la ft time
to come aqd make payment to the
fubferibers by rhe 30th of next
month—otherwise their notes and
accounts will be placed in the hands
of an officer for collection.
Thomas Terrel],
James Wingfield,
Ej vreutors.
March gi. 18ry. (-u)
On Friday the 24th of March,
at Tho’s Greene’s mills, formerly
Billing’s mills—Six notes of haild,
one on the Rev. Thos Rodes, for
51 dollars fix and a quarter cents,
Charles Greffiam security ; one oii
Tho’s Brown, for 9 dollars 12 12
cents, Aaron Formby security; one
on Marcus B. Ragan, for 3 dollars
82 1-2 cents, Davis Owen security ;
one on Davis Owen, for 6 dollars
68 3 4 cents, Marcus B. Ragan fe
curfty ; one on Wm. Hammet, for
I dollar 0 1-4 cents, James Ham
met security ; one on James Ham
met, for 2 dollars 56 1-4 cents,
John Peteete security.—Whole &■
mount, 74 dollars 12 1-2 cents.
I for warn all persons from trq*
ding for said Notes, as they were
fraudulently obtained.—The abovq
notes made payable to Waiter Bif
lingslea, due the 25th of Dec. next.
Walter IVdlingslea. •
John Favor, Jun. fk
Tlio’s Greene, acting as
Clicks, at said Billings Ira's
S’ E. March 3 1 st, 1 815,
bktecutors Sale.
Agreeable to 3n order of the ho
norable the Inferior court of Wilke3
county, WILL BE SOLD, to tho
highest bidder, on die firfl Tuesday
in June next, at the court house in
the town of Washington, the
of Richard Hillvard, dec. confifiinr
or one tract of iand, containing one
hundred & twenty-five acres, (more,
or less,) on Little river, adjoining
Charles R. Carter, and others ;
fold tor the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of said dec. Term*
faie made known on rhe day.
William Ilillynrd, .'.Ter*
March 31, 1815. (tds)
Adrn.mstrator’a ey.%\
If ill be sold at the widow Bennett's*
on the 1 2th May next, ad the tier,
zonal estate of Harmenas Cochran,
t CONSISTING of houfehoi 3 &
kitchen furniture, a fct of hatters*
tools, a quantity of iur, one horse,
k hogs-—and othet article too
merous to mention.
‘Terms of sale will bo
known on the day.
March 31, 1815.
All those indebted to the efiatt:
of Parmcna? Cochran, are requeu
ed to make immediate payment, as
no further indulgence can be given
—and those to whom the estate
may be indebted, are requeued to
render their accounts in
A dear's.
March 31. 1815.
An English Teacher is wanted
ro take charge of a fchool, fix miles
below Washington, on my planta
tion—Any person desirous of be
ing employed as above, who can
come well recommended will plefe’
make application to
II .m+m, ■■■ , - , _ T .
Clean Linen and Cotton
1 Are wavt a d at this office —
Forzvlnch a roof frier will be?
’ {given in cash or mcrfhr.mllssp f