The Friend and monitor. (Washington, Ga.) 1815-18??, March 31, 1815, Image 4

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    Fifty Dollars Reward
Will be paid to any person cr
,p£rfons apprehending & delivering
to the commanding officer of the
Bth infantry, or any officer of the
United States* Army commanding
Q poll or garrison, or lodging in
gaol, either of the following Dufer
Philip Nowland, 5 feet 11 inches
high, twenty one years of age, ha
zle eyes, black hair, dark complex
ion, and by profefficn a biackfmith.
John F. HaufF, 5 feet 9 inches
high, twenty seven years cf age,
light eyes, black hair, fair com
plexion, and by profeffion a far
Gcecrge Alexander, G feet high,
26 years pf age, blue eyes, dark
hair, fair complexion, and by pre
fefiion a farmer.
Charles Ward, 5 feet 11 and an
half inches high, 22 years of age,
blue eyes, dark hair, dark com
plexion, and by profeffion a far
Henry G. Elliot, 5 feet 8 inches
high, 21 years of age, dark eyes,
dark hair, fair complexion, and by
profeffion a farmer.
Jacob Goodfon, 6 feet high, 39
years of age, blue eyes, dark hair,
dark complexion, and by profef
fion a farmer.
El ilka Ileafe, r feet 10 inches
high, 19 years.of age, light hair,
blue eyes, fair complexion, and by
prolefiion a farmer, was born in
the state of North Carolina, Mcch
lenburg county.
Otho M’Hufick, by profeffion a
biackfmith, was bem in the Rate
of Maryland, and enlisted by lieut.
Davies, in Jelferfon county, Geor
James Sfaten, 5 feet 5 and an
half inches high, 23 years of age,
light hair, blue eyes, light com
plexion, and by profeffion a farmer,
was born in Wilkes county, Geo.
and enlisted by lieut. Mallory at
Watkinsville in Clarke county,
John Triplett, 5 feet 11 and a
half inches high, 21 years cf age,
fair hair, blue eyes, fair complex
ion, and by profeffion a farmer,
was born in the Rate of North Car
olina, and enlisted by capt. Chis
olm, at Jelferfon court house in
Tackfon county, Georgia.
John WiUiatnfon, 5 feejt 4 and
one eight inches high, 16 years of
age, dark hair, dark eyes, light
complexion, anti by profeffion a
farmer, was born in Franklin coun
ty, state of Georgia, and enlisted
by lieut. Mallory at Camesville, in
Franklin county, Georgia.
Benjamin Hadfock, bom in
Beaufort, South Carolina, 6 feet
high. 2.2 years of age, black hair,
blue eyes, light complexion, and
by profeffion a tanner.
Isaac Higgs, born in North Car
olina, 5 feet 9 inches high, 21
years of age, light hair, blue eyes,
light complexion, and by profef
fiion a farmer.
Samuel Benton, horn in South
Carolina, 5 feet, 8 inches high, 21
years cr age, dark hair, blue eyes,
light complexion, and by profef
iion a farmer.
James Lucre, born .in Edgefield
District, South. Carolina, 5 feet 8
inches high, 19 years of age, dark
hair, dark eyes, dark complexion,
and by profeffion a farmer.
Powell Ordonio, born in the ci
ty of Havannah, iftand of Cuba,
5 feet 6 inches high, 30 years of
nge, black hair, black eyes, and
(Varthy complexion.^
Jose Martinets, a native of Spain,
2o years of age, 5 feet 5 and a
quarter inches high, dark eyes,
black hair, and dark complexion.
Manuel Gonzalus, born in Ca
diz, 19 years of age, 5 feet 2 and
a quarter inches high, dark hair,
dark eyes, and dark complexion.
Anthony Batt, a native of Mex
ico, 38 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches
high, dark eyes, dark hair, & dark
complexion. %
Sterling Burch, born in King
or Queen county, Virginia, ci
years of age, 5 feet four find a half
inches high, fair complexion, grey
eyes, black hair, and by profeliion
a farmer.
Alexander Fanned, born in Ilal
iiax county, North Carolina, 30
years of age, 5 feet ten inches
high, fair complexion, grey eyes,
light hair, and by profeffion a (hoe
maker. •
William House, born in Wilkes
county, Georgia, 19 years of age,
5 feet 5 and a half inches high,
dark complexion, black eyes, black
hair, and by profeffion a farmer.
Randolph McDonald, born in
Hanover county, Virginia, 45 years
of age, j* feet {finches high, fair
1 complexion, blue eyes, light hair,
1 and by profeffion a farmer.
John Baldwin, born in Wilkes
county, Georgia, 22 years of age, ‘
6 feet high, fair complexion, grey j
eyes, dark hair, and by profeffion a j
John JT. Tlailory,
Adj't Blb If. if. 3. Army. \
Sir The Editors of the Auguiki
Chronicle, Wafhingten. Monitor,
Milledgevilic Journal, and Charles
ton limes, are requeued to give
publicity three times to the above
advertifemenc, and forward their
accounts to the commanding offi
cer or the Bth Infantry for payment.
March 2. (At)
From the ful(briber a (hoi t time
fmee, an Iron-Grey horse, five cr
fix years old—has a Hitch tail, is
Render made, and has a fear on his
ftiouhler, occasioned by the extrac
tion of a fiftula. A reward often
dollars will be given to any person
that will deliver him to the fubferi
ber near Wafiiington.
Thus. ‘PELFAIR..
March 21, ISi r.
THAT the House and
other improvements on the
Lott liow occupied by Mr.
TUB. TERRELL, will be
sold to the highest bidder, on
the first TUESDAY in
Arml next. TERMS will
be made known on that day.
By order cf the Justices cf the
Inferior court.
March ly, 1815.
THAT the 4 moving and
rebuilding of the J ail, will be
let to t’me lo west bidder, on
TUESDAY, the mh of
April, The plan and terms
will be made known c:i the
By order cf ike justices of
the Inferior court.
i u> i qi r
ui i. • * V i
‘r.KX.-y-t T —rr-nr —*i>ir -m im inm in
Mr. C'fi err Bo n ,
Slß—Having learned that a
certain John H. MTntofh, (lately
Director General of certain little
matters in East-Florida) had in a
publication in your paper, declared
that Benjamin Sherod of your
county was not his Agent, whereby
the said MTntofh has endeavored
to evade the final payment of a note
which I hold on Mr. Sherrod.—
For elucidation of that matter, I
beg you, with this, to give publi
cation in your paper, to the fol
lowing letter received by me from
Capt. Sherrod, as I am fully per
l’uaded a diftnierefted public will
place at once, in proper point of
view, t lie designs of MTntofh, el
pecially when it is considered from
Capt. Sherrod’s familiarity with
accounts, ‘ settlements, vouchers,
ho. Ac. how difficult a talk it
might be for any person, fraudu
lently and surreptitiously, to obtain
a ferdement with him, wherein he
himfelf became bound. Upon
an examination of Mr. Sherrod’s
letter, here annexed, it will be for
him, not me, to fay, whether he was
or was not the agent cf hNlnrofti.
Renj. Sherrod to Cits. A. Hi!!.
Washington, April Ist. 1314.
Dr. Sir,
After prefer:ting my compli
ments to you, niflit inform you,
that Mr. J. h T . Mdntolh has ap
pointed my f* his agent. Conse
quently the crop that is rafted un
dor your fuperintendance is to be
placed in my pofleffion for dispo
sition; conffiquentiy all expenses
you incur during the year, on ac
count cf the plantation under your
| management, I will become refpoi\-
fihie for.
I am, with eftcem.
| Bcnj. Sherrod.
1 will only add,’ that this tetter
, was backed to be handed me by
: the favor of Mr. Mdntofh, and was
I delivered to me in presence of the
! parties, and alio Mr. Nathaniel
! Wi’kinfon.
As it is pofuively avowed, in
the publication above alluded to,
that the account for which Capt.
Sherrod gave me his note, (for GGO
dollars 53 1-2 cents) is most fraud
ulent, for the fatisfa&ion of my
friends, it may be necessary to ob
serve, that the purchase of four
horses, of ftxty dollars value of
hogs, of bacon or beef and fait for
about twenty grown negroes, ex
cluuve of several children, and my
own stipulated wages, compose the
mod prominent articles of that
account, besides casual expenses of
a plantation, Rich as bfackfmiths
work, iron, midwifes fees, and
cash advanced for the portage of a
number of negroes down the ‘Oco
nee to MTntofli’s plantation, pur
suant to his requisition.
Laurens county , 7
March 13, 1515.3
Administrator’s Sale.
Will be sold on the first Wednesday
in May next , at the house of John
Holmes, dec. in Lincoln county, the
personal estate of said deceased.
CONSISTING of horses, cattle,
hogs, geese, one waggon, house
hold and kitchen furniture—and
other articles too tedious to enu
Terms made known on the
day cl fa'.e.
11 annuli Holmes,
| March V-: 1315,
sheriff’s sale.
Will be Sold,
Or. the first Tuesday in April ncx* i
at the Court-House in Oglethorpe
comity, between the hours often
and three o'clock, the following
One Negro boy by the nacre cf
Ecabin, levied oti as the property
of William Manley, at the mftanca
1 of Littleberry Jackson Indorfec of
Bootth M. Warren.
Also )
One Feather Bed and (lead and
cord, four Chairs, one Trunk, one
pme Table, one Loom, one Saw,
and three Shoots; one Cowand
Yearling, and three year old Heft
ier, one large iron Pot ; levied on
as the property of William Smith,
at the instance of. John'E. Lau
Two Hundred and Eighty acre*
cf Land, whereon the defendant
lives, joins Robert Maxwell and o
thers; levied on as the property of
William Collier at the in Ranees of
Randcl Jones.
One Negro Woman, by the nama
of Jinney, levied on as the proper
ty of Roger Bell, at the iaftance of
Mary & John Fleming.
Also |
Twenty acres of land more or
less, joining Thos. Stephens in O
glethorpe county ; ieivied on as
the property cf Janies Marr, at tha
.in fiance of Robert Thbrapfon,
pointed out by the defendant, and
returned to me by Thos. Stephens,,
Conditions Cask.
P. COMPTON, Sheriff,
March 3d, 1815. tds
(New Adm ertise.n en is.)
Administrator’s Sale.
Will be sold, on the firft
Tuesday in June next, at the court
house in the town of Wafiiington ,
one Tract of I.and, lying part iu
Wilkes and part in Oglethorpe
county, being the Real Estate of
Solomon Patton, deck! —fold for
the benefit of the heirs and credit
ors of said dec.
Christopher Grr, AdTn: .■
March 31st, 1815. (tds)
Nine months alter date, applica
tion will be made to the honorable*
the justices of the Inferior court of
Wilkes county, for leave to fell ft
tra&s of land, lying in Clark coun
ty —One containing 1000 acres, ly
ing on the Appalachee river—one
containing G9O acres, on the mid
dle fork of the Oconee river—one
containing GOO acres, lying on Bar
ber’s creek in said county. —Also,
two-thirds of a trad, in Wilkes
county, containing 200 acres, lying T
on Rockey creek. The above, the
Real Estate of John Wingfield,
dec.—Sold for the benefit: of the
heirs of said deceased.
Wm. Simpson, Ad’mr.
March 31, 1815. (m9m }
n . ■ am . .
Nine months after date, applica
tion will be made to the honorable
the justices of the Inferior court ot
Wilkes county, for leave to “t,
two trads of land; one lying m
this county, the other in Wilkin
son, containing 200 2 1-2 acres,
(more or less,) the said being the
Real Estate of James Pollard,
Daniel Owen,
Qualified .
March 24, (raPin)