Newspaper Page Text
I'he drawing of which v/ill
commence on the Ist Monday
in .November next.
Authorifed by an Act of the Le
gislature of the State of Georgia,
pafled on the 22d November. X Bl4,
entitled “ An Act to raise money
for the pi'rpofe of opening and im
proving the Navigation of the Oco
nee River, from the mouth of
Piffling creek, to Barnett’s fhoalsi”
bchgme oi tne Lottery.
Dolls. dSBs.
2 prizes of 10,000 is 20,000
3.- do. 5,000 • 15,000
4 • do. 2,©00 - 8,000
5 * do. 1 ,000 r 5,000
10 - do. 500 - 5„ooo.
50 . do. n too *5,600
100 - do. ‘* * 50 - sfooo
206 - do. s 20 1 4,000
300 - do.* ; 10 • 3^ooo
6000 - do. 5 ■ 30.000
667 4 Prizes 100,000
6ubjtct to a deduftion-of 15 per
cent.-- 20,000 Tickets at 5 dollars
each, is 100,000 dollars ; less than
two blanks to a prize,
The drawinf of the lottery will
commence in Greensborough, on
the firft Monday in November.
Payment of Prizes y/ill be made
in the fa,me places and commence
at the expicatUn of sixty days, af-*
ter the drawing of the Lottery is
finifhed ; of which due notice will
be given. Prizes not demanded
within fix months after the draw
ing is fmifhed', will be vie wed as li
beral donations to the Oconee Na
vigation company, and payment
barred accordingly.
The* Comtiiiflioners have ap
pointed Sterling Grimes their a
gent. under whose signature the
Tickets will be iflfued
The Oconee Navigation Lottery
Office, is eftablifhedjn this place;
where all letters or orders dire&ed
to the agent (post paid) will meet
■with immediate and prompt atten
tion. t
JVlarch 1815. , (i,)|
. Nine months after date applfca
tion will be made to the honorable
the Inferior Court of Greene coun
ty, for leave to fell certain tra&s
of land containing between fix and
seven hundred acres, laying in the
fork of little river, adjoining Jands
of Elija Star, Dr. Linton and oth
ers, being the real estate of John
T. Sankey deed, for the benefit of
the heirs and creditors of the said
& > Admr’s
March 3d 1815.
Nine months after date applica
tion will be made to the honorable
the Judges of- the Inferior Court
of Warren county for leave to fell
the Real Eftateof James B. Thomp
son, dec. for the benefit of the heirs
and .creditors of said dec.
Henry B Thompson,
Administrator , with the
Will annexed \
April 7, 1815. m9m j
‘Ur ‘ | Ayj-. y ‘ ‘ *ot ■'%* • ‘ vf v
Woollen-Factory Lottery.
S C E E M E.
Dols. Dols.
1 Prize of 10,000 is 10,000
2 do 5,000 - 10,000
4 do 1,000 - 4,000
8 do 500 - 4,000
20 do 100 - 2,000
40 do 50 - 2,000
100 do 20 - 2,000
200 do 10 - 2,000
4300 do f . 21,000
4,675 Prizes * 75,500
6,825 Blanks *. ‘ ‘
11,500 Picket at 5 and. each 75,500
w More than two Prizes to three
blanks, being more favorable to the
advenrurers, than any fchetne
heretofore published in this couh
(&• m .
btatiohifty Prizes,
* 4st cjrawn No. on the Ist day’s
drawing Deis. i,aoo
do sth do 500
do 10th do 500
do 12th do 100
Last drawn number . 5,000
Prizes payable twenty days after
the # drawing is completed, fubjedl
tb a deduction pf fifteen per .cent.
All prizes that at* not called for
within twelve month after the draw
ing ns compteed, will be considered
as given for the benefit of the Fac
ihe proprietors feel happy in
the belief that, from the rapid sale
of ticklts of laid| the drawing will
commence about the time of the
convention ot the next Legisla
ture. ;
Prizes made payable at What
ley’s Mills, Greensboro* or Mii
ledgeviile, as may best suit the
g? Tickets for sale at the Post
Office, and Mr. Levi Echols’s,
July 21,-1815, —29 ie3wtf
Good wages wifi be given at
this office to a JOURNEYMAN,
who is a good compositor, and can
>•- >■ v- A* m i ■ ■ ‘7
come recommended as a sober man.
On thefirst Tuesday in November next,
at the Court house in Wilkes
county , between the hours of ten &
three o’clock , the following proper
ty — viz.
Two negroes, to witV Sam, 23
years of age, and Moses, 14 or 15;
taken as the property of John H.
M‘lntoffi,to fatisfy an execution in
favor of Williford & Cook, vs. said
’ Also ,
Two negroes, to wit: Jinney 52
°r 53 years age, and John about 15
do taken as the property of Joseph
Anthony, dec. to fatisfy sundry ex
ecutions vs. the executors of said
dec. and against said deed.
Two negroes—Amey and her
child Wylie; taken as the proper
ty of William Goolesby, to fatisfy
sundry executions vs said Gooles
by, in favor of David and Adam
Carson, and‘othrs.
Conditions Cassi. j
September 2 gth 3 1815. I). Sheriff.
Nine months after date applica
tipn will be made to the honoura
ble Judges of the Inferior Court of
Wilkes county feff leave to fell cer
tain tr2u&° ‘if land arsminting to two
thpufand acres, more or ; less, in the
counties of Wain, WilkinlOn and
Morgan, the fame being the realfe's
tz% of Andrew Craton, deceased,
for the benefit of his heirs and cred
itors. Joseph Orr. 4
& > Ex’rs.
Chriftophe'r Orr. J
■ Feb. 13th 1815
4 Notice.
Nine months after date* applica
tion will be made to the honorable
the justices of the Inferior court of
Wilkes county, for leave to fell 3
trails of land, lying in Clark coun
ty— One containing 1000 acres, ly
ing on the Appalachee river—one
containing 690 acres, on the mid
dle fork of the Oconee .river-—one
containing 600 acres, lying on Bar
ber’s creek in said county.-i-Also,
a trait, in WUkes county, contai
ning 200 acres, lying on Rockey
creek. The above, the real Eitate
of John Wingfield, dec. —Sold for
the benefit of the heirs of said de
ceased. *
\\ m. lihpson, Ad’mr.
June 2, 1815.
. _ 4 — i . 1.11
INE months after date, appli
cation will be made to the honora
ble Inferior court of Lincoln coun
ty for leave to fell a track of two
hundred and fifty acres of land on
the waters of Pistol Creek, adjoin
ing J Wade and others in said
county, it being part of the real es
tate of Jphn Russell %decd. to be
fold for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of said deed.
4 Clariann Ruftell, adm’x.
Benjamin Ruffed, 4
> admr’s.
Thomas C. Russell, J
February Bth 1815.
NINE months after date applica
tion will be made to the Justices of
the Inferior court of Wilkes coun
ty, for leave to fell certain tra&s of
land, lying in the counties of Wilks
and Wilkinson. One trail lying
on the waters of Little Rriver, con
taining 130 acres—the other tra&
contains-202 \ 2 acres.
A fling guardian for Jas. Bal
lard's Orphans.
7 une 3° ißi s’
NINE months after date appli
cation will be made to the honora
ble the Inferior court of Wilkes
county for leave to fell 46 and an
1-2 acres of land lying in Wilkes
county, on the waters of Kittle
creek, being the eftateof Jonathan
Absalom Montgomery,
May 1, 1815. 18-m9m
Nine months after date, applica
tion witll be made to the honorable
the Inferior court of Oglethorpe
county, for leave to feel a lot of
land, lying on Max creek, belong
ing to Elizabeth Thornton, deed,
containing 58 acres ; a part of
the trail of land belonging to
Dread Thornton, deceased.
Wiley Thornton, ;
March 13, 18 15.
• , Notice. 1
Loft, or mislaid, sometime in the
year 4814, one note of hand, com
monly called a promifary note,
given by Susannah Silvey, to my
felf, four hundred and fifty dollars.
Jt was given fome time in the year
‘Eighteen hundred and fix, and it
became due twelve ‘months from
the date.
his \
GEORGIA, 7 In person
Oglethorpe county. 3 came before
me-, Abraham Silvey, and after be
ing duly fwprn, depofeth andiaith,
that the atove ftatepient is just and
true. ‘
& m
Sworn to,- before me, ‘k
this 15th July, 1815.
Floyd Stewart,
J. P —3l im6tn
Valuable Property For Sale.
I ester for sale my LOTS in the
town of Washington, as follows :
One lot fronting the public
square .between the Court House
arid Post Office: 47 by. 262 reet* 1
well improved, with a well of ex
cellent water ; —a dwelling house
20 by 30 feet with a filed 13 feet,
in which is a convenient STORE
ROOM ready fixed for business.
Kitchen 16 by 24 —Smoke-house
12 by 12’ —dairy 10 by 12—fait
houfe 8 by 12 feet; and other
convenient and a good gar
den. All which is well enclosed
and shaded in front and with
China Trees. A stable lot, 40 by
150 feet fronting the cross iireet,
on which is a stable newly built—
-18 by 32 feet. Any perlon wish
ing to purchase can fee these lots,
and know the terms by applying tc
the fubferiber
Washington, August 18, 1815.
Administrator’s Sale.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in
November next , at the Court Housci
in Putnam county ,
A tra& of land, belonging to the
estate of James Tale, Sen. dec.
containing 202 1 2 acres, lying in
said county; to be fold for the be
nefit of the heirs and creditors of
said deed.
Terms made known on the day
of sale.
JAS. TOLE, Junr.
August 11, 1815.—32 tds.
i wenty Five Dollars Reward. }
WAY fome months past #
a mulatto man, named Adam ; a
carpenter by trade, about 50 years
of age : he speaks very flow and
diftindt when spoken to ; is very
artful. He formerly belonged to
Mr. Mills, of Wilkes county, and
from whom he was piirchafed. It
is probable he will visit the planta
tion of Abraham Simons, Efqr. of
the aforefaid county.
The above reward, and all rea
sonable charges, will be paid for
Adam’s being lodged in Jail in this
State—All persons are cautioned
not harbor him, under the penalty
of the law. ■ (
Savannah , }
6th July, 1815.3 J‘"** ot *