Newspaper Page Text
"• irKWjx<v t z ‘
* • lUtffr
i ria> to i i i. * ' <
>*■ (BtaßMik *S4 pMU* U. r« au*
».t*nt «f IS* bMinn I*4 Fppfai okMa
If **G*tt* ply grereatry *bie»,
’*W«.**-i»fJr!r 4h ?f,KiL Tin
itwtn«W4w. rfit « ’’wi«
■ow »MKf hAUttk KWU*r«Wfl fw-naSatg'!
H* oft rtw b*« owrretl.Y fmrnbiM and «l«bed.
■u "■* *“
BH»W? ** _
Tbs roomy, otsaa olowt, Un .
Tb« M«. sin otosst. bor Joy ks IHfKf* " J’j
bas boobud*, wbo tala •■ ulFli* TMW, I *
JU K>«» ■
Bat boikl thorn tn turner*, lu nook* u.l In ™-
NmSXHd ycmJXuib A >Sr kite* f «ni<
' ‘ 'he •
1 ‘jEwftjßfffrJt A r > !t,,,, *‘-'-
■* ’* ■-
wl bWWfT
the first-claa* m*
,roo > Rti»j Jbe-uwiwtry^otho 1 ,
vale of Oraix, where 1 wag Co prealftf a
iary prospects 1 scarcely thought I
should care t44»3 •
of Croix, but I had no objeotiun tv fill
and Glasgow was warm and stuffy and
Cagnal of pfegMii par 1
sonarres built in Queen Anne's sfyM .of 1
a study whose the footfalls were epftened
by Persian rugs, and the doors drarleA’
with ixmieree of velvet; chain and a
desk carved richly as some old confer
atonal, flitted through my mint! TTid
I thought also of a table, spread with
silver and rare china, with a lady at its
head who reaembted a And I
breathed, a lusurtpus sigh as I awakened
from my day-dtearu to sknswledge that s
the words bf Crmt-’’ were ixntfl.
shouty' on 3fa platform, and that, file
train whs cotghig to a standstill. .
I setted tpy traveling bag frotn th*,
rack ovsrtaatKand burned out 'of
Thg jxistersXiad
four or five trunks on the platform. Two
2 lW saguus sins 4 ia thn mi I i turn dn t
feet; and a queer, knock-kneed horse,
in a light summer suit, and a city fam
ily, i«nt Tfe* fafa tp
companions on the platform.
The former put tisrfkJuh urttHtM
first wagon, kissed the old woman in
Xfawsfe frfa khmtwfaAftd^TlM■
uvCfartk 'f*< W'VM immG*
city family, mother, father, little boy,
«w s a<iu
wain moved away I was left alone on the
c. .re os. <
_ ft IW.
*•**>» |
looking at me. made the remark : “rT)ea
•»n Btevensmi has come _h*C-Xhg
minister. He’s over in the hotel, and
, l '”'*OWlh«fcUiwite«nte l
Vlt. MCI. ~t Sww
The atatuin AaMar tooY*h-’"ftM’**‘W '
r . a
. ter on thefwall of the stetson, locked the
sauntered awajLd. >«n ih 2 "U J
I tonkUi 4 I
•*'**<■ I» • fsHMMF MB
~. w f jj gcptleman appeared upon the top of
£•• ** *
I hadn't any expects
tk« of bemg mjh k, Umg. bat you see
;1« n k
tnlumfa Atltrtli'jcr.
*• w W^M k " trouble t.. fetch
*Ater -bkmv w drive down. I'll
< *Pfa Mhhg this can of paraffin.. il o on i M >-
Hnffi ttCBMr fotka dtshkn Mw* amGi
like Vale* ? "
that wtvv good,
J *“*'•Af*!'**'<*n wrk of
<>w "** psn ‘
1 itive through
the reins, and
9$ '“W V ‘ along.
And on we drove past certain rows of
houses, very much like each
™hat, and with the same flowers in
their front gsrdwns, unhl, having ]muw*hl
jlhe JUfrfeh, fagcam. l to one happily set
al*»AJby old oak trees, before the gate
of which he drew up.
ls» A girl ttOQd**kthegw«e—» far girl in
Mblue mus]fa fawn.
“ Take ths sugar, Mary, before it gebi
C?*b d * oca ‘ “ Th « »« Mr.
jActiggbrt, "thfa's-ttb preach for us.
WBt *ihis is my daughter
uiM wed *«4fah®d with the
Ifttla creature r mid
.bitt And I found myself,
of, her jty I washed thy hands
'itfl myhpip ibe blue.waile<l Imhl
■»om on thp floor, ■gilL whito-
CimKbd and curtains, and
fau black aiiUobettes ever mantel-
I RMKXS mi Slither ude of the china vases
fah rosea 9
Übbnre were only four of ns at the ta
ble—the deacon, his wife, a stout lady
:who never said more than she conld,
help*and Mary. Hhe had sjient the last
Knfa in Glasgow, and we talked about
I ahc had Seun. , She was self-poasesM.-d
without being forward, and oh, so prett y |
No»7 Xnpvttna wm splendid swid
•Iy, sff tTUji trtatmld she would
Mh: havwdbiaatisl to, dhlyj raid jt werv
often. I preached on the next Bhudiiv.
W-*»tjHivuio apeua tn*
summer there. T Wfbte thia to Ange-
jfb ince you cgpoot lie with me it dot*
not matter-where T am—this stupid
place as well as any other. Address tr>
theoareiof -Depcou Sk-vunsou. L hJio.ll
i fatwan With hifc while I preach hfra.”
It was a plessant summer, despite the
dnMaess of the place. How good the
■ quaint old deacon was when one really
knew him ! How motherly was Mrs.
Htevensou I As for Mary, alio grow
•sweeter every day I 1 often wondered
vimt Auguhna would have said c-nd I
she have soou mo helping hwr to pick
to And tho runaway .■•>«,
ki carry home thn milk pail, driving her
' ’over to the couatry grocery anil velum
, ibg with a freight of groOeruw—Angoli-
UjV, who ktg'w nothing of domestic de
i.-faiU, ami whose monogrammed avid
' jierfutued aotce were often brought tn
' my faoia ib company with gtio
* jAfitanovatL I Wrot* my t&rmons at
one end of the round table while Mary
' “|al at yie othrV, N*»w •nci then
A big bug re tdd By ioAo the window and
I about our hernia, or a moth
. jrould try>q singe its wings over the
i fclnuuiy, agd J fapuld drive It ojt.. The
old people would go to f>od after a tiliile,
VlitHj M.*vy mul -1 would Hud onr
selves hungry, and she would go into
Qin kifaien to And “something good.”
II nWaysTield the light for her. Ulum
something good was found wo ate it M»
J, Jhc back fort*, *fW*? by aide on.
j t ths atop/ iiu> two ' ,
* rl (ihPtfaJolfteaiolliM.thMhtiisMnry.
that It RW'med.u ng harm to aak her to
kiss me good-night, or to hold her Hand
da y evciiing*.
Tkfa UVH-* 1 ' ♦ Octol>or camo.
| AngXfirt3fardW4K>o city ana wrap,
to me. It was while we were eating
Ikpwi* <Wea nl ,n U<-
| tITaT evening’ fnat F saiA to M»A, "I
Tdl tell you a secret, if you will keep it
for a while. Mary.'
j, /tXNkPf oteMPv, I r ’ M" sl4 *.'-
geek" .... >«rr ■
“fart yr*ig to •• marrtad th*. au
tumn, Marr," ‘‘ Th ** iT " Uy
62k4i*/3Lti>]KW* ht ' ,r * rtu .
my Bister are from the lady whd uto
rttHrr mt Is Jerv t.SM»ltfnt, rnv
Mary, when we
I »r. 1 • h * ll udl An **’ hn * “'*■
good yon hare been tome—what ajaweet
liftleWA3*>«>«M< l«M *» )V4e-f4
CmMte .4iihp. JUr>- I *dk 7
, , 51 ><w;4f«J0kt. 1 Wttbe tHtte hMSI
1 ££Sw>3* ■■»* »«up«f <j
L» Wt’W Th * * te < ** l *
’ eroam slipped •’’th
. crash on th. groan 1 abattered*
W If ■■ - _----- 1 ■■• ;■■—
Devoted the Interests of County and the Btats of Georgia.
—bin i , ~ , 7-.-J 18. . I -v- -■ ■■-. ., .
1; in my arms.
'ln a moment she catae'lohrtwell,' arid’
eaMi she ha<l overtirod herself, alio
thought. They had been baking all
I day, and it was warm, And n<qr she
bad.- me good-night. But I did iilfa see
her nextTdaS.nor Oie negt She kept
her Bud wan uoj well euuugi to
bill me _ V : - * FI L. -
Poor little May ! I felt very msme-
However, Angel inn met me in
Glasgow. She was’mere beantifnfthtal
ever—more elegant tn couUaat 'to'my
simple country friend—ami very wx>u J
laughed at myaelf for the ttougrtt tttat
had been in my heart. Os ours.-, J
said it waa the baking that hail over
come Mary —it was not my news. I lad
only been to her as a friend—as" a
brother. I had not made Jove to her ;
above all, I had not flirted with Tier,
But I thought ofMary a great doaLand
I missed her every hour exactly—bh.
yes, exact.y—as I might a sister. ••
I wrote to Mrs. Btevenson, and her
answer wae very brief.
“ I haven't much tune to write,” she
said in her postscript. “Mary w sick,
and Ix-side being driven I’m anxious."
This latter Waw in my pocket vp ,ti>ak
day when Angeliua and 1 went tectHier
to the bazar for the benefit of the
Church of St Matthew.
After wo hail roamed abont the bazar
and Ixiught all sorts of irniek-iufccka, I
escorted Angelina to a seat, and there
sat down to wait White otto of tholMdio*,
who, "on tins occasion only, ’ was doiifg
gooft uisrigia, hard work, brought UP a.
tray of refreshment.
•V we sat there sipping our coffee, two
woman sat down at tho next tabic, with
their backs toward tu.
" I am very tired; are not you, Mrs.
Russell And the otlx-r answered :
“ Tee, lam tired, I don't think that
it is worth tire while to c.-tno all lire
wav from Vale of Oru X to Gbisfffrtv
sight seeing," , ■ , . n
Thia was tire voice of RtovensAn's
rwirekt nofahbor. ami I iih»4»hw> ami
r.*[x»ct<xl hur, yet did not feel luiitesure
now Angelina viouM m, ... i “
tioh, ><fcd a*, tulrmired irom IjXfng
round and making myaelf known.
" I'd think we’d letter have fa-.*,’’ said
the Brft voice. " It’a’mofe feficalling’
tnan roffc*. 4)h, how is Mary to-day?
Think of my never asking before 1“
"Mary is poorly," said Mrs. Russell.
"Oh, Mrs. Cullen, what a pity it is tied
flirting young minister camo down to
Vale of Cruix. I don’t know what Mr*.
Stevenson WM alxiut to let hinxd" a* ho
did. We nil thought’hn wax courting
Mary. Hire did, pair child. Hhe loved
him dearly, and tho day liefore ho went
away he told her he wire engagixl til
Home girl in Glasgow. I'm afraid it's
broken her heart. Hhe told mo all
idK>ut it. ‘Oh, Aunty Russell,* she
said, ' I know 1 ought to Ire Mliatue.l, but
1 can't help it. Ho scem.-d to like mo
so,' I hope I shall die of thia fever, for
life kl uothingrtnme.' Ashamed I -Why, -
it's he that ought to bo ashaase.l. Os
all thiuga, a mugstet to be a Coki, cnrel
flirt! Anjl that >4 what Hugh Mae-
Ugg.-rt is f
I Ifaimed, bnt I oould not move'W
speak. I felt as though my heart Wire
ajap freaking; and oh, the shame I
hiff.-nxl I Tire women dmnk ihsiv tea
and left, aud then Augoiiua turned to ma
With a.mid, earcmitic smile. ,
“laeo by your face that that little perfectly kruj, Mr.
* Angelica,” Haltered, " I haver ffmis
ugthteg ( Joat thinlti give offense to
" Nothing but love another woman,”
- fcji<« answefal. " Lovu lifrj kfet tot
see it, me-auuig me I Don't
think I am hart; indatdl *m relieved!.
M Should h*«wksp».my w«rd
for this, but not so gladly as I ones
should. You awja wry ■wsd-faAiU*.
, man, but ou the whole y<?o don’t ahrt
me. I wet Mr, H. at Millport, and he
does. Frankly, I have lx** thinking
■ sshat » pity tt w “ khat I must dec lias
hi* offer. As for this- Mary, is it not?
-wredrtn’t abe Bmfa*Jrory good minis
ter’s Wife* 44 - AA-J ' -i 4 J rej,
It cadre tn rtv mind that ah* would—»i
that she waa the only wife far ma, that
Angelin*-splendid as she wss—would
. i*«ht?i onto ’ W’itiii*' ««<;
jim dfabvfto W« yot« J
no choice." ..<v«w ■* u . . I
" I desire it greatly, *
“It is your*." I4M. wAafetot A
' After that, YAfaidt. *• wvwislioth hap
pier ttaw wa had trean far d*/». *“4
ilwxtt haafe vrt>.-u*aT*fe*A i(r; !
' . i
1 tCmumressdl.A *pW Mary Ufa
I HBOB. !—.fastwuffi.Md |bo .*Ktofl»
i Sire iiuhi morn*'• I had aver tov-xA fan*--
i trred •» anmwx* ap lav ■pob Md
» <4a- fad, Imt Mlled in th* attempt ai d
tot me teka bar to say heart. To-day I
• * —OX —■ ~ -- ♦ - _
am pfastpr of fthurch at Yaks of
Oruix ; Mary is my wife, and we are aa
pteui and quiet a pair aa you could fan
cy. I often help my wife pick currants
for £a. and have taken a turn at the
gardoj) when help waa scarce. But Ido
Mt envy Mr. B his wife, "nor pine for
the Insurious jxwdlullUos that I lost
witli Angelina. Mary and Yay little
Hdfce conleM tiM *
Ataljt*** »AG A war.
“A lady with ma apotoa to Mr. Blaine,
but waa not immediately rtreognized,
whereupon I said : ‘ You have not got
that famous memory in [rerfection you
luxxi to have wbou you rtxxignizad Will
i*m Lawrence, of Bedford."* Here 1
was miked the question, " What waa tiis
rqcQguiHou pf Lawrence, of Bedford ? ”
"Well, Lawrence, who has picked up
co(Mid«ial>U fortune of late years, went
to school with Blaine twenty-nine years
•go, at Little Washington, Pa. Doming
to Washington city one time, be hearil
n» say that I was going to see Mr.
Blaine, •! wonder," he said. *it Mr.
Blaine would know me now, after twenty-
Jiiqe years ? ’ ‘ Certainly he will know
yen,* said Montgomery. ’ The last
tHglit,’ccmtihuiSd Mr. Liwrenoc, ’Blain*
i *as tn' Uistu I sat up with somq half a
dozen boys who agreed to watoh th*
bight tiuf imtil tlie stage came along to
take him off to the Ohio river, and
lIM-ue* to hto iUoewy, where he wan going
fa teaAh schoAb '-ToWaM morning,when
it was alxmt time to go, I said, ‘ Blaine,
will you give mo as ranch as you are go
ing to give that nigger boy to carry you|
l>ag down to the station?* *Yea,' aaid
IllHino, * I will give you just the same if
yon will carry the bag.’ ‘How much
are you going to give the nigger?* I
was going to give him a levy.’ ‘All right,
I will carry theliag for the levy.’ Whcr,
W went up to Mr. Blntn<>*H house,” say*
Mr. Montgomery, "Blaine knew Law
rence, of course. They sat down atal
tiYked a considerable tune about this
num two never um«ui H «m» *~- v.
-fare in tereoty-mu* yeas*. Finally I
xaM: ‘Str. BhunA, lam giml to have
brought, you two gcntli-men together,
Jxjcauw I want to sec an ancient subject
“f coiupfant Ix-iween you adltled.'
Blaine i«>kcd around for a minute, when
his eyes Ctelied and he said: ‘Bill, I
ought U» have given you a quarter in-,
i toad of a levy for carrying that liag
down forme.'”— Gath.
t c
Tua Ixiudon Telcyrajih, of a recent •
‘date, anys : Thirty tons of human Ixmes
have just ireen lauded at Bristol from
Turkey. Picked up tu the immediate
neighlxithood of Plevna, cartel thence
to Boduato, they now go to enrich En- '
gliali soil. To those who do not give to,
niufli a matter much consideration, it.
may Ire well to mentiou that thirty tons
of I Hines mean the akelehma of 30,000
tnwti. They do not include, probably, (
many stone* or pieces of wimnJ, l*ut in
all likalih'Hid are the actual lx>neaof the
gallant men wire, from the inaide and
the outside of the wonderful earth works
which Osman Pasha made, fought as
uard as thqy could -for the nations to
wbioii they trelongwd. The battles of
iteutamber, 1877* atone conUibated
irelrly all thia number of skeletons ; but
there were otirer terrible fights in July
(Mil Angnat, and, again, when the place
surrendered. Each exmtest furnish'd
-ißaqnota of b<x*ea, aid of there a large
proportton now comes to England. It
to appalling to think wlxat Wire the
sstiiaf lorn of human lite ia the
| sjxMre Ixitwsen the Danulre and the
Jfaaui. But one thing m certain ; the
thirty tonswf skeletons landed st Bristol
do not at all sAsquatel v repressirt th*
slaughter -that took piaca.
' If'Ji i m|*n ■» i
tho actress, says that
" slur talked with the J'rini-eas of Wale*
in the box of a London theater, and
fouAd her charming in manners and pve
son. H«r voice ia soft sod ertremely
tntuioal, and a slight German accent
make* l»er speech all the more pleasing.
Mr». Etorsaae pumonnew* Ladt lexre-
Halk afa Iredv Mandanll.- anxxig the
flrwt of Hfaiiah bmtuv, and says of
Mrs Ixsagtay: "Hh* ia not strictly
I -cart trful Hhe has s fair skin and large,
eyes, whtcii ahe nres very
■ ■fwawsfafiyi and vtofa ail the art of a
< ipeatoaaaMfa actress, AP goorspaUon.
Ybs oattnol aaitw of haw fair M cheete
fas m•• often seen with tight
ca reddish fnzze* *• W 1 Tfak* A* tile
relor Iwetdwed ?»y nature ’ *Hmm arti
r adiHnrta enhance the efcot rd far
' reaffy fine eyes.”
io,.' -* -*— v i - -
, Ma- Li4xx"a tea fan* torn* otit to be
Wrea a greater <** A» first
"< vippusaifa <o» tfa4U > oofi put fttoo the
i amase the Gowwacnaot fas antrfasaf*
I whfrh c«t t*W and vang no-sreonnt
tea manta
I covraars rvvoarrar. nritir.
(kavper, it will be remembered, was of
a melancholy tum of mind, and hia
mind liecame morlnd on tho anliject of
religion In fret, st times he had Ate
of insanity. In London, while ratnumt
tng on Um uaatessneaa at human life, he
was seized with the sudden imputes to
dee trey himself—to gn at once and
drown himself. He ordered a hackney
coach to be brought to the door. Whan
it arrived he rushed down stairs ahd into
ft without giving orders where it waa to
be driven. Waiting aotne tittle tune,
1 tho driver aske<> whore he would like to
1 be taken to. "To the Thames,” Tho
manner and look in which these wonte
were uttered oonvinoed the driver, wfaf
apixisrs to have had more than the akual
inteUigeooe ol men of hia class, tliat hia
(xicupsnt wa« deranged. He drove off.
but not to tho rivwr tehere Cowper had
ordered him. He drove up one street
and down another for a long Ume, while
Cowper sat back in hia scat in mentd
alwtraction, which convinced the driver
that he was crasy. After a long, round
about drive he drove up to the poet’s
lodging ahd told him be had arrivixl
“ where he waa ordered.” Cowper de
scended from the vehicle, entered the
house and went to hia room. Then ia
his returning oonsciousnoe* the truth of
the entire transaction entered his mind,
and he found that he had not seen the
tiver at ail, nor had he drowned himaeff
ns ho hail intended when he left the
chandler two hours liefore. In this fa
saw the hand of Providence, and imm*-
dlately oqppufad tfafamn :
G<fal>or«t hi a myfkgalt >u« way
, Mi woßdara io parConh
ahicti will be sung as long as hymn*
are sung in religions woaahia
Tn* omigaattfa aa]x>rts show some
curious fa«u, IS fa bather surprising
that out of the fail goillion straqgen
that rente to our shores last year only
fortv-six were lawysre. are
faglard, and the s4m<- bomber from
Ireland. Os mnsiciana there were 399,
snff, strange to sty, only forty-two of
them came from Itely, bul whether the
bureau classed liand-orgsim under ths
faail of musical instruments t* not
known. Tliere wore 211 teachers, 09
anulptora, 7 reporters, 1&9 . artiste, 82
editor*, 22 dentists, 88 sraldtMite, and 1
.chiropodist. Frop’fhc largo number of
.-bakes* 00 ths list it is pnwunwd that
1 they mMt have beafa of ttse gsagnifirent
wbeat-ftelda of Pakote awAotharfiac. *,
and longed tin lend a hand tn turning
the golden grain inti? tifaul. There
were landed 1,877 hakars during tho
year, and 6f this number Wt oswtefrnni
Germany. There hntifiien.,
1.67A iwbitiot-makvre, m&ons,
2,184 tailors, 1,474 weavers, 6,988
miners, oud lOfi.OHlAlxrrera,-
Ho or«*t bsa lieeu the destruction of
.x-dar trees in tho famous Lebanon for
est that they havu dwindled into a nwn
thicket, numbering only 400 trqcs.
liuatem Pasha, the Governor General,
has taken steps to arrest the disgraceful
vandalism from which they suffer at the
luuida of traveler*. He has uwnod a
«jH-ci*l ordinance forbidding the crectiira
<>f tents or other kind* of shelter witfuu
tho tree district, and the lighting of l|r< r
f< r cooking or other purposes is Aho
prohibited. No one will fa alfownl to
iireak a twig, and beasts of burden will
not fa emitted to enter within the
prescribed limit*. Hhonld oxen, sheep,
goals at other pasturage cstli* be found
there thsy will fa confiscated absolutely.
PlanlaiKM and Mill MacblMiy. Engines u»A BoHeo, dottoa Borewa, Aheftin ;
Hatley*. Hangers, Jonrwai Boxar, Mill Gearing, Gudaons, Turbin’s Water Wheel*,
Gin Osrtwg, Jmieon's Governors, Ihsetoo’a Cinmlar Bawa. Guaaasare and File.,
Belting, Babbitt Metal, Brass Fitting*, Globe and Check Vaises, Whistle Ganger,,
•te. Iren and HraM Caatinga, Gia tits Iron FrcnU, Balooniasand Fenenrßalling.
(MWNenr the Water Ttowwr.l W*B*peirlng proeaptiy dene at loweet anes .
Boiler repairs of all kinds done promptly. decSl-Iy
operFhouse garden
BROAD A»»lU*fl»imi«rrß RA. Modi
v ianll-ly • ' • I .1-r.lee.iH
< , a n R j
inUS-4IS<S»r*BMm “
I ia ssnaca
JPZJK*<BAjrZflm& ,
—— jft
Qvxkm doctrine is pure thuwesjt, u a
Ths father of die ocrrala ia PepQoniv
Do si the Romans do—if yen, awgiii
not fa done by the Roman*. j (
Comum on grain wfa|i
through weevil report
Twu billiard player U uuitAtoi
He Mkea the ca* fremitoman. HetaW
ft from the rack. >
Wht cannot a pantomunMt ticklp nine
auditors et once? Jh>cau»o ho must gni
ticulate (just tickle eight). '>■ U
Chixmb barfan ahavo without IMhev.
Thu reminds ns tliat our schonlmaafit
used to lather withfat kbaving. , u p
It was vefy nngallatrt in theold brndi
(dor, who was tiikl that a certain led?'
“ had one foM txr tiio grave," to a«k if
.there "wasn’t room for bofafeef,’*
It's fnuny tnat a man ean't,pear a
plaster without feeling more liws
■tuck up. Poor, proud flesli, tliat*hot
even a mustard plaster «Ci hfanblc I
Talk about the facial exprMfab of
groat seton I Did you ever see
l»oy with his mouth filled with plug io
>«coo for the first time?
Pr is a pitiful thing to hear a yoyng
lady any something tastes like tntiswiic
ecsmetto, and then change color Wffiry
to look unconcerned and fhdifffirefa. J
, "If you grasp a ratthwnafa'* flhaiy
about the neck be cannot hurt yuai,"
says a Western paper. But keeping
about a block ahead of the snake is, a
fatter scheme.
1 If it makes a white woman fawitclung
to stick a piece of blaci rourtplaater on
her face, why wouldn't a piece of wtuto
oourtplaster make a black woman appear
ixwitively charming ?
A CoMWScrii tT woman ha* given her
son a largn comforter made of hmr cut
from her own head during ton peen.
Till* i* much fatter thun allowing tho
hair iti got wasted and tost in tho fasti
" Mr brudders," said a waggish col
ored man to a crowd, "ia all Ji tfetiou,
mall ob your troubles, dar is oni’ Waoo
you can al ways find sym |>sthy. ’* *• Wfar ?
Whar? ” shouted several. "In do dic
tionary," he repeated, rolling ius feyos
skyward. ~,
"I mswuii," said Br*wcr, •• I re
inember two young men who used to
board at my liou»e—they are Imth
now.” Tho crowd broke into A ttfan
ing smile, and Brewer wondered why
they didn’t wait for the hinny part of
the story to come. •’?
A LnannuJt twin tn oneweek w* at
tacked and scratched by a eMbsaiount,
hurt by an sxpteaioa, fad • IxrwWsy roll
down on him aud atav* m two nfa, and
wua kicked by a mule. And e edi
tor remarked that ho had " I won aomo
wfat annoyed by circumstance* lati-ly.”
A rouvn man, whose mnatsebn ia,
tike faitli, "tiio evidence of thing*
hoiiod for, the snfatance of things not
yet >ecn,” called on hin inaftrh'r
fatlief-in-lsw, ami gave nofero tb*< he
Intended marry mg tfa ok I gentleman a
daughter at an esrly date. "l( fad
IxAtew take pirn* ou some Hetttrdav, ao
Hurt U will not interfere with ‘your
hours,” »nrca*ticaily remark..l
tho old man.
Th* wealthiest Georgia negro, Henry
Todd, gained Ills start toward ’fifetuite
( l,y owning »iavea. He was owoaamlave .
hlMsdlf, aiwi bis freedom era* (Mi- to
him by hi* master; but fa qrtcMliOT«r
caww> any »crngto« wfaeh fa may save
entertoimd, and, at tfa outbreak of the