Newspaper Page Text
I i II. C ALHOUN, Editor and Proprietor.
w&b Beamed startled by the heavy foot- i “Fully, Captain. Must I leave at he raised his arms about her nock, und
fall of Wilson boside his couch. , once?" tears rose to dim tho wilduosaof his eyes,
[The peasants of Transylvania have a “It is me. Don’t you know me, Mr. ' “Yes, at once.'' as in a law tone he whispered, “Thank
erst it ion that fttthojnoment^whoia the Xroop?” ; Carlos reined in his horse and dis- 1 God ! thank God ! my child, my Miriam.
Henry Troup rubbed his eyes, and try- mounted. Opening his saddle-bags, he i i 9 beside me, and sho will never leave ire
ing to prop himself on bis shriveled arm, ' took out some articles of Indian attire, ; again !”
the better to look, he gazod with un earn-I and putting them on, ho painted his “Never till death, father! '
est, painful expression at the man before : cheeks, and looked liko a handsomo young | Henry Troup’s hoad sank on his breast,
him, and then shaking his head, be said j Indian in his metamorphose. and for tho moment Miriam thought him
loirY^ar merges into the New tho cattle
1 ipeak, but in a languageunknown to
I ana
that whoever hears them dies.]
p|l<» FOOfl C
i the i*(loo.
In tUrM the 0'.«1 'i
T ,, tiordiracn h.v. k,iu» (torn, t l> « l' •
1 r,. il.o r luiM (.n. tho edgo of tho I'lueo ;
T « m I kora crouch close m their hovels ;
'l foe aiusra Jlo )o«v In their mines.
V ,r (o nlR' t, when tho Old Your expiring
To '.hi Com Ing Year waves Ida farewell,
Upiiftlmc t"« lr head* in tho ww**™
Iln cattle etrunge things will foretell—
iri, u t the wolv.e to their coverts will lieu,
An 1 tho Imp-lights will fade In tho marshes,
Aud the owlet will cower In her tree.
in i if unto ears that aro human
* Oo IIo itlng the mystical words
That, Jmt a * - ' "
Qush mrt
Death’s dart like a than tor-holt Hashes,
And lifeless tho listener lulls.
As the New Year a ts foot an the threshold,
ADd his shadow towers up on the walls.
Uo! Caspar, tho herds
must be talking,
Year arrives—
id your head, Wlllielminu,
pray for our lives !
in a mournful tunc,
“No; I do uot know you. You arc not
my boy 1 ”
“I will soon bo your sou. I mu ller-
dick Wilson.’’
“Herdiok Wilson! Why, I dreutued
about him, and I saw him standing above
my boy with a long knife in bis band, and
it was dripping, dripping, dripping with
Frank's blood. I hoc it now there ! Look,
you can hear tho red drops beating on the
floor at your feet! Listen, only listen.’*
Tho old man lowered his voice, and Wil
son with a livid face gazed in the direo-
ti on pointed out by the old man, and then
w itli a cry of dread he rushed out of tho
cabiu and staggered, for support, to a
tree near by.
“You seem to grow no better,"said Os-
kola, who witnessed this exhibition of tlqi
white man's weakness,
i “Leave me; my heart is sick, and I
wish I was dead.”
“Then you can have your wish before
long, if you desire to tight."
“NVhnt mean you ?’’ demanded Wilson.
“I mean that one of my people has ! long, quick stride
jiiBt come in /run the Tullassee country, J uot restrain
and ho reports a largo baud of tho Semi- advance the giant
noles moving this way.
“How long before they can reach bore,
if this point be their object ?"
“By anothe&t'.uupet."
“Black N<,ethill be back by that time? ’
“He shor* >er ^o hero now. I have aeut
( out a sco’ «xrn bis whereabouts.”
Oako 1
Seizing his short, heavy rifle, ho handed j dying; but ho revived, and sho plaood
his bridle to oue of his companions ; i tho pillow move comfortably, and gently
thou raising his beaded cap, he shouted j lnid him down. Patsy came in, and seo-
“Adiosl” to his friouds, and on loot ! jog the condition of her master, sho
ho plunged into the forost, and was soon ! obeyed tho orders of her young mistress
lost to sight. for his comfort, and soon the old man’s
“Spanish and Seminole, and the best hoad was wrapped in dampened towels,
blood of both courses in that lad’s veins, mid tho muses installed thomselves in
My word for it, but ha will watch,” said j Phil’s cabin.
Captain Mason, as they resumed their I Herdiok Wilson, though hoping for dif-
roarch. ■ ferent treatment from Miriam Troup, was
“And if he but do it well, I will reward ! not disappointed. Jlo only became more
him for his ftdulity." cruel and more determined to carry out
“Wo will tulle of that after wo have the plans long laid, and which now were
known each other bettor, my friend,"said ; about to bo realized. Ho know he must
tho Captain. hurry, for his Indians wore getting won-
Down the river till the sun was setting j tied of tho fight, and, excepting Black
over the green wall of western forest, j Ned, the few white men left had no heart
struined their eyes ns if for a game the winnings of which were
xpeotod objects ahead. ! all to result to Wilson’s credit. Besides
The last golden pencils of light had not this, his dread of Macon and Mason in-
bcon withdrawn from tho ouk-coverod J creased each hour, and some courso must
plain to which they were descending, bo taken to make Mitinm Troup his wifo
when out from tho forest, with tho sun at once,
glinting on their riflts and steobtippod 1 “Ned,
spears, moved a body of Iudians with asked, xv
The white men could Ned lay ■
and now the
oxpeoting to
> the
“He i
chief with a s<
' ground.
of tho
Salvador Colornd
Tho chief saw tho white mou advancing
at a gallop, and halting his linn of rod
braves, he walked out to meet the Cap
tain, accompanied by Henderson on horse
Tho greeting botween I ho chief and ! legal when it’s done.
showed tho kiuiPiesL relations. “Very well. I wii
mi have moved quickly," said
is Bill, the
Iking over
n the ground.
” answered a short, eld
ni-nlericul garb, rising
tho wearied
“You are a justice of the jn ulv for this
State. Bill, ami know how to do it
“Yes, Captain, I’ve married many and
many a couple, an’ i iiiu’t forgo! how ; an'
I've got my do-uinentH to show nb how it's
[creeks and seminoles,
“dunoan m'intohii.”
Written lor tlie Sunilay Enquirer.
[copy right skouoed. |
Heidick Wilson sat beside the spring,
with his hairy, red hands pressed to his
wounded, aching head, on which an old i and rode directly to where Iferdick Wil- ! covered, rode int<
Indian bad just been practicing his rude ; son and O.skola stood. j message.”
but efficient surgery. Ho was recognized to bo Black Ned, ; “And yon did not wait to rest more ?
“The while chief duos uot bear pain and liis faeo bespeaking good news to ! said Louis with a smilo.
liko an Indian," stml Oskoln, as bo drew Wilson, that perron's manner underwent j -‘No i Salvador never reals wlieu bin „ hom ] know Vr-ll
rly 1
I I lie
scarcely done speaking i white
when a shout was heard coming from tho ! “Why,
woods, and both men moving to got a
better view, looked in the direction from j “Yes; I was marching this way, Imt
whence carno the sound. hud stopped when tho huq seemed bul-
The shout was repeated, and soon after ; auccd overhead, and whilo my warriors
a horseman burst through tho clearing ■ were eating, Henderson, his homo foam-
camp with your
11 you to many mo
to Miss Troup to-night, and tho moment
it is done 1 will saddle ami away.''
“Gild to hear it, Cup. N one tho hour."
“Well, say ten.”
“Very good," replied “llio chaplain,"
relighting hiK pipe and sitting down.
ibudick Wilson sought Oskulu, and as
lio approached tho chief lie noticod a
crowd gathered nrouiul a prisoner.
“Why, that’s one of Mason’s men,”
Colouol Hawkins, formerly Government
agent to tho Creek nation, says : “If
murder is committed, tho family and tribe
alone have tho right of taking satisfac
tion. They collect together, consult and
docidc, auil tho rules of tho town or na
tion have nothing to do In tho matter.
Tho relatives of the murdered consult
first among themsclvos, and if their tribe
is not liablo to got embroil 'd their ac
tion is quick and soon decided. If tho
tribe muy suffer by their vengeance, then
the tribe i:» consulted, and they quickly
oxocato tho murderer if ho is come-nt-
nblo. If ho flios, then tho next noarost
of kin or one of tho family must bo slain
in Ins stead, the family being allowed a
reasonable time to bring tho murdoror to
justice, which they ore apt to do to save
tho lifo of tho innocent. To their credit,
bo it said, they aro not upt to fleo from
justice, as they know their nearest and
dearest relative will have to expiate the
crime with bias of life."
When we consider the expense of our
law to convict a inui d' t or; that justice
is often trampled under foot by a bribed
and perjured jury, and that the law is no
longer a not t<» catch the criminal, but a
mesh wherein to bido him from tlui pun
ishmout of his misdeeds, thou wo ought
to stand abashed before ibis high dei«re«‘
of civilization by a people whom we have
called savages.
Can anything bo more grand than tlic
lofty pinnacle upon which they b v**
I placed justice slid I
j must bo avenged cvo.
I oout suffer—
mount over Hontimen
[and every tribe; for,
Sf.ttcUl *U.'UlIfll rtl*i
I'oarsa Is-
Attorney% at L»h,
Will practlcr i. t • 'tn.«mi,l »• :.taI Court'
Attorney nml Counsellor at l.UW,
l’radices iu tfinto uml Ki' Coiirin lu l eor^lu
a?i<l Alittiuxa.
Office 120 Urot‘1 .• t., (.'olumiiuH, tla Jufl
Mxbk H. 1ii.AM-rop.e. Lon, V. (Uliubd.
lil.ANUroim.1 <* All HARR,
Attorney* uikI ('omtsellorM til law.
. . Kin-
A la tm
L. T. lUlW .M VU,
Attorney and .Solicitor.
il*l It-V I.
■q uVi r lliuokb' J'i
A IIliA \ AOS.
his blanket back from bis red, sinew/ a speedy change.
“What nowR, old friend V” asked Wil-
ou, hastening to meet his lieutenant.
“Good nows, Captain."
“Have yon found her ?"
“Of course I huvo! Look back ; there
hrrn, and exhibited tho flesh lorn in a
frightful gash that marked the course of
a bullet.
Wilson looked up, and suppressing tho
profanity that rose to his lips, he replied,
“My pain is not of the head, Oskulu, she is riding out of tho woods, and she is
and docs not come from my wounds." rr tamo and gentlo as a lamb.”
“How can there be pain without i As Black Ned spoke ho threw himself
wounds?” naked the tall stoic. from the saddle, to bo clasped in Wilson’s
“Perhaps none that you could feol, Os- arms, who hocamu maudlin and exultant
kola * but there is a pain of the henrt ; by turuH as bo thanked the man who
that hurts more than a pain of the head." ; seemed destined to counteract with huc-
“So I have heard squaws say," said the j cess all his own mistakes,
chief with a contemptuous grunt, as ho
called Carlos,'
ing our prisoner
we pie iso."
sat down opposilo lo Wilson,
tlnuing, he asked,
“Why have you this pain it
I have hoard it did those
much good to speak of it.
your henrt?
so troubled
friends are in danger," replied the proud-
louking chief.
“Well, wo must rest now. Our horse*
arc fatigued, and wo need food. Ilnvo
you any,” asked Mason.
“Plenty. But how long will yon stay
here ?"
“l’ill the now moon follows the sun.”
“Good. Wo will nil feel stronger
Uulvador and his friends walked back,
and soou tho white mou mid Seminoles
wero talking together and laughing us if
the occasion wore one of merriment,
rather than a g it boring for war.
'llio Him went down, and tbu Indmiis j boTierii". Glyoor.
lay in picturesque groups about tho tires, , all prop*
on which venison and turkey wore soon
roasting and tilling tho air with their do-
Ho i
plied O-l:*
NCI EX'l l ElE XO l INS.
Glycerine run Steam Boii.huh —The
manufacture of glycerine has of lute, in
view of ilH constantly extending impor
tance in tho arts, boon greatly expanded
During tho punt year tin
the United States alone
pounds, of which one tiro
manufactured one-half,
cation addressed to tho Fi
Civil Kugiueers, M. Am
recommeuded tho ctuplo
substance iik mi nuti-incru
in Ciuciuunti
a (annumni-
ch Society of
i 1ms highly
lent of this
i steam
ions in water, appears, accord-
Austin, t i increase very notably
thu h,liability ol the Jimu s ills, to which
the evils of incrustations iu boilers are
i mainly ascribablo ; indeed, according to
moon wont down tho author, it really forms with them a
n from the oast soluble compound. When tho lime sultH
accumulate to such an extent us lo be u<*
longer soluble in the glyoeiin
they aro deposited in the form
h does n
After Henderson loft to summon the
Seminoles, Captain Mason, Louis Macon lioioim od<
“Yes, it does, if it be but spoken to and their companions held a hurried j Long before the ne
those who are capable of feeling.” council. a H hnrp wiud swept
“The white man makes a mistake. It Tho Indians seemed swarming down driving before it de nso masses of clouds,
Is not he who cries like a woman, and so from tho direction o! tho plantation, and th*nl veiled the ruoou and tho stars and
makes known to the world his loud but ! it became evident that tho party had to ■ covered river and forest with a Stygian I tinous sediment,
shallow* sorrows, that feel* most. The , obooso quickly between n retreat and a j darknes- 11,8 b,,iler
henrt of the Indian iH not liard, but hifi tight.
aorrowa, like his loves, are bis own, end Lotus urged tho necessity of slaudinK,
he bides them from the world ns Home- and advised the preparation nf a defence,
thing which the world should uot know ; : for he could not hear the thought of iu-
but the whites are different. Toll me the I creasing the distance between himself
cause of jour trouble, and though l may and where he hud no doubt Miriam would still
on be. ; She looked pnle and fatigued, but secii g
“I hive no doubt, Mr. Macon, we could ! Wilson approaching as if to assist lmr lo
splendid red man before him, and remem- beep hack tho whole party if they attaok, diamoilut, aim sprang from l.rr horse, and
boring hia Ul-pald fidelity to himself, he and I shore your ouiioly to remain, Lnt ( turning her earnest blue ey. s on the ril-
was pleased to adopt a softer manner. * 8 »1»)' »>“1 fl K ht >“ u '. v "P 1 ' 1 '"". i >">"• f ' 1 ’" :
"I have been thinking of the white ha simply to place in in a atalo of siege, •What hove you .lone with mffalhoi ?"
long, but who where, in defending ourselves, wo could Wilson hulled in his advance, nud being
DVOr •• render no assiKtance to our friends on tho thus accostod, stammered out.
hill. I know more about these Indians, “1. h »vo d<ino uolhing, Miss Miiiam,
1 I do not think I think, than you, and ns I have Hunt to a only to be Lis friend. J want you to bn-
? A broken law
in though tho imio-
1 justice put para-
■lit, over every lifo
tribe de
mands of another a lif• • for a lifsome
one of tbo tribe must hncomn a sn*M‘)lico
to avenging jnsinn*. JI. • ooonouii.Ml
their tribunals! Only a meeting and flis-
ctiHsion of relatives. No sheriff's, con
stables, lawyers and jurors to pay and
food, and tho fortune of the murdered
mail doos not. have to bo spent to bring
his slayer to punishment. JIow sure:
Officers are not sent that . onumun months
in tho search, but. thu kin of the sub-li-
Into whoso life i > forfeited are soul lo
i is not apt to bo
If the kin of the
"ley. and grant the
to (bui'li v. if li claniHh
mi work himself into
prosoout ion ; no sup
co imperils hia life,
v and unwritten, bill
IN the
M. An.
Miriam, with Patsy by her side,
mends tho euiploytn
glycerine to every thiee
pounds of coal butul.
made with the material,
the communication
t of .
forward to the line of cabin®, the Indiana * b y
' . mariner above a respect!ul dintnuce.
not luihors
e pound of
mr hundred
act n il trials
denialed in
•in| Ionment
uot feel with you, I can net for you.’
Wilson turned liis bleared eyes
i tin
girl whom I have loved >
l now feel is lost to me forever."
“Why think yc
•‘.She is very proud, *
Black N(iJ oan bring her back.
“Wore I vou I would uot want such u
chief who is a friend of mine for iih-.
auoe, it would be wise, in my opinion
ist- j li
; got no f.
you sootier thu
woman for a wife. She hates you, and if move in the direction from which he i
you wero married sho would put badn
cine in your food, and yon would die
•‘I would guard against that. But, npnrt n.aiu back with my servant to watch.'
“As you say, Captain :
but I will
from my love, 1 hive other reasons to
“Yob, anil O»kola cun tell you
they are. The white squaw's lather i
not live long: li> is dying up in the log
world would
would. 1-
Wilson might lmvo gone on wiilt his
hypocritical avowals of fidelity, but Mi
riam stopped hint in hia spooeh. as alio
1 had iu bis walk, by asking.
“Whom is u»y father now ?"
“He ain't lit to have any one see him.
Miss: indeed ho ain't.’
“Have you seen him ?"
“Yes, Mi-s. only a f( w minutes ago,
the Sunitury Council, »No.cml . i ... Is.'.'i,
Dr. ('handler guvo »n extended neeouut
of the impurities ol drinking wh'i r. Ty-
plioid fever lmd been dt-wlop «q fre
quently by water cotitatiiiliai'. *1 by aew-
ag.». Water wm also Indda to )> * ootatui-
natul by tlm lo.ot j* j • . nltliou . li many
authors on s liltai} .subjec ts cbiuncii Unit
lea l did Hot <‘onlH(li)l. ee «;i!it. At the i ox un
present tune tiny folio I in I ins ct'y llml but 1 stand
the Croton water took up minute grains ' ratiuu at tin
of lend. Mineral and vegetable mq.un- j 0II
ties wore not parii. ulmly >d>jectio aide, j
but the great it.ingcr 1 i.v in •. wa-, <1 con- j |,n '
tan iuation. Wiills oogl-' t . i •• p’/tcod majesty of I
farther than Hoy wot now in ih-- -oun- ' ilictico vivid
try tri
hunt, and their so
vain. How nimpl
murdored man who
slayer his life, no *
him ntel hound Inn
hatred ; no lawyer
fame by relent lest
prossion of evhh-
Their laws were f*
from them there w
An Indian trader, who liv
river in Alabama, in “the olden times,
told uto tbo Creeks tuiido but little differ
enoo between accidental and intentioin-
murder; that once when he was cm sin*
tho Chattahoochee on a flat, coon up '•
Columbus, two Indians uresiled mid fell
ami the neck of one was found broken !>_\
falling on the edge of th- flat. Ah hooi
a t ihe party l tndod tin : l
talk, from which ho Hiqqms* d the near*-'-*'
kin wero in tho etowd, and thou the I
commanded the living wrestl* r to b«- -; .«• •
oven ns he lu^l slain,
across a log, ami auott.
with a club. The <‘*111.
1 apart while ins sunli t
cussed, apparently m
though lie had fn» part
! Ilull.1 ...I llu. lug Will. ...
as though he was goto,
executor wan equally a
Homo will (xui'.idi i 1
] evidence of the wtu.'
j savage, and eluis 1 lo-o.
Apropos of tho illness of the Enif
of Germany, tho Berlin correspondent of
the London iVeiCtt writes: tho uinau-
tiuio it is ominous for lunay that tho
White Lady has lately boon r.eeti at the
ensile. Did you ever hoar tho legend of
the White Lady of Berlin Castle ? Many,
tunny yours ago there was a Hohauzullnrn
princess, a widow with two cbildrou, who
fell in love with—“bocanio enamored of”
1*, perhaps, 11 more courtly phrase—a for
eign prince, rich, handsome and brave.
She mult a proposition of marriage. But
this bravo and haudsotuo prince doolined
tior suit, explaining that “fonreye»” stood
between him nndaccopUnoo. Ho reforroil
to hia ngod parents, whom lie was unwill
ing to leave, or whoso consent ho could
not obtain—tho versions of the longond
vary a little here. But the PrincosN un-
d -: -tood him to tefer to the four eyes of
h..r two children ; to his unwillingnass,
in fact., to boi otue a stepfather. Ho, liko
Kichaid the Third, Hhc promptly suft'oeat-
i d the infant obstncloa, nud wrote to her
lovor that tho way was clear, lie was
stricken with horror at tuo cruel deed. He
revoulod her fatal mistake to her, and
died cursing her blood-thirsty rashness.
Tuo Princes.:, in her turn, was overwhelm
ed with romorso. Alter In.goring u doy
j or two in indescribable anguish slio, too, ! “
I died, and was buried under tho old castle j " * u 1 ' ' l
' lit Berlin. Bui 'i"t to rent quietly in hor
} unhappy grave. At rare intervals she up- , M Kuhumj.. * ...
j pours at midnight, clad in white, gliding. , UI’AAEI.I, A Mi ll
! f;huStlilce about IllO castle; AUil tilt) ftppa- i Attorn»*>» anil t-/ui •
; rition always forebodes the death of some j '*‘0 ( ourt* ..1 t.n
uitmibcr of tli*> Holien/.ollorn family. 'Tlio! til
White Lady has boon s«un three times
within about a year; onco in October last
, year, just before the death *>f Prince Al- j
j brcelit ; last spring again to antiounee the [ u |( * (
' end of Prince Adallierl; and the lust time
while Queen Filizabnh lav *»n her death
hod. I'lici-c in. however, some doubt
: d.out the meaning of the last, visit. Tho :
J Quean Dowager was not n born Hohonzol-
lern. and the doctors are not certain that :
horde Hi* can he teganlod as the answer ! ,
to tho NN hiie Lady’s appearance. If not, 1 -
j there is v t another vi -tiui t" lie eiprot-
od, and the supi'r-titiouu know what that .
j means, llio professors **f the university ’
. are trying to solve this knotty problem,
and you shall know tho result at the car-
! liost moment.
Llli’k) Oliienx. ()rtll
(hid numbers barring tlm ever fatal ■■■■■
' thirinen—urn thought lo bo lucky. Tho
■‘brill piping ot tho household cricket is
prophetic of happiness to the hearth it (
haunts, as smwly ns tho settling of u stork
upon a Dutchman's roof tree bodes pleas- ; K—i'l*
uni times to tho dwellers buuoath it. That
furlorm.'Hl of animals, the umsterlosH d**g,
1 that follows close upou Dm hocls of a
night walker, nud will not be balked of mile*-
; cumpniiionsliip, is a certain luok britiger.
Black cals ahould bti at a pretuilini.conaid- ,t ""' ( ! 11
oring a stray puss of that hue who takes " ’
a fancy lo rfilahlixliing himself in a house
introduces good fortune with him; while Dili-.-
a cat of any color, whether an uuinvitud
visitor or an acknowledged member ot “ 0| ‘
the family, ought never 1*1 bo restrained
from sharpening lustnlni s at tho expense
of the table h log 8 , sinre, when ho tins x.'i* 1
MorotchcH, he scrutchcs for luck. Pat
kindly tho head <•!' the tlrst lamb of
spring, ir you have the ebanoe ; it will
■ bring prosperity t * * you and yours ; but ,
avoid tho iu11 (icont creature if it presents
its tail to view. Hail the first hearing ol
the cuckoo's voice witli thankfulness, it
ho salutes Y"U upon your right hand-
then his greeting is nn assurance you will
niuk.i your way in Dm world, and attain
the highest object of your nmbiiion ; and
bogruijge not a sip of good liquor to the
busy, * urioiia, thir«tv fly, dropping int**
your glass, but welcome the intruder as
heartily, it n■ »i as poetically, n *(>hly
AI torne.> mikI 1'oiiuMcHor 1
*>l>.ll( ilunll- I' I oII.IIUm
DK. ( OL/.LY.
DR. H. ||. J,AW.
Hro«*l Hid tlm *|..l| li -fi . 1-
1*1111*11... .
* K.itsv 1I1. 1 Ini-.- i|n. 1* |. -
It. J. A. IIItni llAUT,
.1. MuffiUt's Urn ;fl' I'. . IU o.
"ii HI. flair, I* iv 1 li*.. 1
Tmnt Ht** , ('"IiiiiiMs«, I,*.
DIt. J. C. COOK,
•1. 1. (miEi i
Imported J>mgM mid 1
K« K.m.itiiM 1
* I hi
.d i -
atid 1 i-i
H« laid los lie
or Indian broke
lc.uiiod had ato
J *» come
inagpl -s, t«i pi*-k 11/1 a’ pin
ward you, t*> liud‘(*>f ruim
*ng) a four.leaved cluv.*i.
mko the shape of a ru-iy
horse shoe, the oiuci. 1
i more fm tunut..■. .\L~ < 1 1,,
less dr i
luck's w
vtiong h
infollil le
are hk.*
T* ,,.t
protil the
II. I'ALMI'.lt, l.lccnacil A|)OlliiM‘iirj
'! u I ii till, r.isi 1 pr./r\i : • •• *,
< unmoved.
with her
Wlnddiiitlr nml
Toilet Articles
Retail Dcn'ir
I MhIPIiich,
uikI I’orlumerj .
I-Ivory and 3ulo Stnblec.
Livery, Nnle imJ Lxchanyo StaliJ.cs,
OaLSTuo&pK, Noris v iiAxnotpa 3ts.,
uctSO Columbus, Qa
Livery and Sale Stables,
TartiViilnr atlentlon t., g i.:;? au-i Cits
’iidc-l in stahbi i.j ths
of Stock
ItorMwi aid Miitoi
mouth or day.
Next to C'olumbiiH HauU Ilulldlnff
Boarding Houses.
Tin and Coppersmiths.
F resh Wlea' q,
.J. \V. i-ATKlCK,
.StulIh No. 'i mid IS, .VIurhoL lioevc.
11. -.ii Moata of evei la
Jut I ulwin. mil.
IV. €* TOLDEH .,
Jt'roNli Meals ui oil Uintlv
Tr**«h Suwm*,;.. Meat <i
I resli Meat-.
Piano Tuning, &c.
Cun and Lug; ; .r
1*1111.11’ : ii . !.:•
r 'MM'
Cotton Factories.
therefore b.
“I will enter uiy protest sgaiost that.
I will detail ono of my own men, the best
1 tho country, and I will warrant
you lie will bo more efficient than your
self, for ho will be lest apt to run into
wigwam now, and when ho is dead all his danger for tho mere sake of learning all “Yes, Mi-s.
property will be his daughter s, and nil about Miss Troup. My word for it sho and hos all light : but it won l do y»u no
hers will bo ln*r husband’s. But do not will take care of herself till we can como good to see him. I Rpcuk ns your friend."
let your heart go down ; I wifl send out u up* My this timo a number of th** servants,
nC'iut to tin l what lifts become of the Louis looked 11L tho toll, mysterious with joyous acclamations but tenr-diuimod
gj r h“ tuau before him, nud recognizing tho full eyes, cams crowding around their young
Oskola r »**••. uu l calling a tall young forco of what b* said, he replied : mistress, some invoking blessings on her
warrior, gave him sotuo instructions, and, “Very well, Captain. As you are in , head and others kissing her littlo sun-
with an inclination of liis feather-capped command, like a good soldier I will obey
head, tlio y.mug man turned in the direr- your orders. "
lion of the wooded uplands. Louis held out his hand, and Captain
llerdick Wilson was ill at case, uud ho Mason taking it, bade him keep up a good
• tried to reason himself into « bettor hu- heart.
uior; but as lift retailed his success so Tho Indian scouts, maintaining a safo .story, sh*
far, lamenting only the etcapo of Macon, distance from the rifles of tho white*, "End"
who had been twice in his bauds, the tall swarmed through the woods in full view, father U
form of Hie dark-bonidod stranger would «ud as Mason's party mounted nud hea led “Yes, >
rise before him like the ghost of Binquo, down the liver tho red uion shouted thoir
and would not dowu. taunt a, and, shuking their spears, up-
“I will walk to the house and roc the braided them
old man. I wish be was dead, and yet I to light.
cannot kill biin. I have steeped my hands Unheeding this, tbo band of white men
in too much of his blood now. If lie had continued down tho river unmolested,
only burned np in the honso ! But he and after having gone some tulles Cap- raving, and loading the wa;
cannot b st Ion.*. Hark, I hear him riving tain Mason ro le to the side of a slender, lowed him with throbbing i:
now, an 1 tho old man’s voice makes me a
. **v\s.d Bn* 1 v ill see him, and »‘-cor-
Umi it hu ktoivs anything of tuo papers.
1 thought ht.s son had them wheu 1 killed
The old man lay raving aud tossing on
the little bed iu the negro cabin. It hud the young man, raising his largo black j Say they have not killed y.
been Phil’s bed ; but the black man was eyes with an expression of admiration to I cannot part with
alcepicg the eternal sleep far out in the the Captain s faco. gone,
dim forest, and tho «*ld man, so wan, hng- “I wish yon to stay back ami watch “No. father; I 1
gard and worn, looked as if he could not those peoplo at the plautation. We will I am here by you
last long, and as if the Angel of Mercy, push down the river till night, w hen I ox- never leave you '
touched by bis writhing agony, would act pect to meet Salvador Colorado and his She prosed l
hor pare if r.Lo oslled in death to atill tho Seminoles. Yon can fled us when you brow, from which *L«» had pushed bank
troubled heart and close forever the want to : but make no report unless you the loug gray hair
them oarryiug off a white girl
you comprehend''
drainage «»1 - largo l**
by rivers .* itli iul a
dJer Dieu aJimb il
supply, \\hi li pr*»>
lost and •b*,!i* I
tho •Thames. '! :.*• (
it was lour timer, u
1 .
.sliiriiiit-s. an*l Sew*
KnlIt ins Thread.
’U m ouli; u xMi tcn uim
jmt . 1 »1
Bat'Lc. t.tiops.
! grand *»!*1
' It!.*! little. *.
1 g'l.iran** •* that the
i ol
i*r*d 1
mist re
head 1
burned hands.
Tho aff-olion of tho people tended to
unnerve hor,’ but she hmou reoovored her
self, and turning to tho gray-beaded black
mill referred to in tho early part of i*ur
“Yes, Miss Miriam, ' said tho old nmti
in a broken voice, as ho tollera] forward.
“Manss Iloury's iu Phil’s bou^o. Ho's a
v-trds and dared thorn 1 lyin’ dar, purty nigh gone, young Mi**s!
purty nigh gono.
out injuting th
hud ap|*nuri'ii
spies wore In
tho < r /tou rit
pia!i y,
During It:
*1 I*. I..* fm in
fought with
happy icdividur N
si i w id** apart. S
keys and kni vi 1. j
Hp.'e i*f all pains t
hou nn
1 k* i'p 11"
Boor and h* >
while the
boats of inset
cnltr "f solut
Swiss Inki
. Do
-Aided by
' l'«
vwring 1
try of tho Swiss pe q lo has
extensive ni.mnt • ■ :■ s T 1>ri
woolen fabric-. •* l • • -L*. • -i aro
; aod designs. * -.'"ik h .1 nl
cmved souiu nttuitiini. M.itheni.iti*
sciontiflc instrument-- arc in -L ,
stid at Borin*, and piaii'H at D.** f
place*. In nigard to tin* c<.11*>t» m*
tnro, which i - an industry ot c jj*<
black-haired young mat*. wIkjm* olive Aa Miriam
f.v e sn*l h *lf Iudo.n costume might ensi'y she n n 1 :’m f »*f*.l <1
enable him to pass for an Indian. time had madu, and wi.h a
“Carlos, I have work for you,” Haul the besido the bed and throw hi*
Captain. j him.
“I urn always ready, Captain," replied ' “Who is that ! is that you, Frank !
The old man motioned with his stick to t«ros*t t<* 11 * to look a'. M Clrndi**
“In liSiiOSwifzorland numbered !,<>(•“, IU!»
spindlca; to-day thorn arc more than
tbtH Showing in thuicin y
nil increase of omu: than i *7 Jl" • \-
dles." PriMii thi * mi b* II- ■0
i tlio littlo cabin where Henry Troup lay
Miriam fob
y sho knelt
arnit about
•taring evA3.
‘Who i* that*
ttjkod the old uiwu,
- I k'» ”• ■ • • '
tHH) pounds.’ Ono iiuud.*'*! ihuic* :
uinsic boxes arc annually niauufacturcrt in .
tho Yaudois District of St. Croix alone. 1
The manufacture of xvatchos of allqnali
ties, from the very fluest to the most or- |
tny boy, for diuary, is perhaps tho distitiguishing in- J
dustry of Switzerland.
Elastic Varnish.—As an excellent and
easily manufactured varnish for wicker
work, Mr. I’, ltbiru recommends tho fol
lowing composition : One part of .<*d
linsoed oil is boiled down to a syrup on
to the burning siatency, aud mixed witii twenty parts <*f
copal. Thia mass is tbon diluted with oil
of turpentino to tho proper thinkues^.
I he varnish diios easily, and remains
•ok by Die bending |
r that Miriam i
Miriam. Look up.
■ id**, and will nover,
•ip, my father!
Ther.ld man looked at her earnestly, ei^tic,
and Cor the moment reason returned, for of the banket
b" a • opts bis
i*i»ir, and trusts that Ins r»*ody • s
iitni Djm courage with Inch In* dii*h'i .-
f«'r will Wirt for him n.,, q... i;
the f .ir linlds and woodn -f 1 i...
i land. How different tin* • odiu*t **f
cm I'liniinnlM, who spend all th* ir to * *
and make every i ff'urt tG • iax\
1 that requires lib tor a life, in („, 1., civil
I i/.od Europe and America cannot point in
' nil their criminal docket, to s *..: l( . 1 *.
I this, whore life was laid down a* the <]i* .
j tales of law, without a pr*.t, -t or bravado
without, tears or appeal, ,. V en •»■< it child
! obeyh its parent. So fm fn.11 dvo • • •
an ox. lids Creek diet 0 .1., u . ...... „»d
, ;;•» is of Hi . JJ* 0.
j Ono great Hccret of tho (.toil u. 11 of Dip
; Indians in facing death is, th»t they *'x
j pout to okaugo tho pleasures of thi world
i for brighter lands uud greater sport in the
! world to which they go. “Salvation by
tlio Gospel" secures to every man fsb <*r
lauda than those the fndiai.-. •*-. . . .[ ,,.|
overy mou that watiLs t*» dm n . . tlnd v .
though in* but w rit to ill 1 ‘-.i' -p, li'.i- l! i
Indian, cun do ho by sacuring Ci- * h> .
vcnly lands that lie boyoi t the Jordatt'-,
swolting flood, to ha had without toonuy
and without prion but they mu-t be en
tered by tho straight and narrow way.
A brief
Crypt is publish* *1
Tobacco, Ciuars,
C. Lori;/.
ilrr In ituil Mwiiiiliielnrev «*i
1 .Year Hi •* I M. ei-t I* i-•»
VutiqiiaruM. An Kt.g
traveling "ii ttm skirts of Smut
am. 1 t'Jiw* stones lying in t),i
'Iri* <1 tip torrent*', and brought n
r x n n 1*011 a ,
Cine (Ixnrii, l*lpi
ca-winx T-.lsrro.
i« H**m...,f,.| Mui .
W„ A.
•d good
;> I'D
1" at the jnrir tion
tq IllCl.tlb
ins Mirxiov.
•big f T' •*
I di *
t: -111 111* took i
• 1 d the t'.iqii' iao mines form-
■ l by tho an* ienl Egyptians,
with *« tuo ol their tools, nud
wlu ie they ground and polish- ,
turquoises 1
tit to 1
orkt. have also
heaps ■ f slag
*"" n of this
WIiolewMln anil K«*|i%|| RrtH *
Junctiuu of Franklin, Warr«a A OaMtiv,
.S" .di.trk*' ter .Irqax.*.
'* bieh
i pay
i !• . built fortifloutii
tcmplo for the tro
»'jll remuiQ.
ile| (o*its Du
Raa;s f Hides, etc,
Rentier in Hunt, llltlr*, lleeawna. r«e.
and oil kind* ol Junk.
CuMa Uaiboi ash oiunaoaM Si*
ColnmimK O*.
j. tt, PtASl u NORMAN.