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Mercer cadets prepare
Members of the Mercer Bear
Batallion Reserve Office Training
Corp (ROTC) was one of four
schools that participated in a field
training exercise at Fort Gordon.
Ga. February 17, 18 and 19 in
order to prepare junior cadets for
advanced camp at Fort Riley, Kan.
The exercise had to be called off
early Saturday afternoon do to the
severe cold temperatures and rain.
However, the exercise was con
sidered a success even though it
ended early.
Under warlike cooditkms cadets
learned to conduct reconnaissance
and combat patrols. The purpose of
the patrols is to locate the enemy,
observe their situation and then
plan a course of action to eliminate
the enemy.
The exercise allowed cadets to
assume leadership positions and
team responsibility for the bat
tlefield environment. Although in
structors were present throughout
the weekend they did not par
ticipate in the planning or execution
of patrol movement.
During the exercise cadets used
for camp
the M-16A1 rifles with blank am
munition. Cadets carried only the
essentials to sustain themselves in
a combat situation.
The six week summer advanced
camp will allow cadets to
demonstrate the drills they have ac
quired while a n field training ex
ercises and 'H the classroom en
vironment. Patrolling is one of
several graded concepts that will
have to be performed at camp.
Cadets must be thoroughly
knowledgable of each position and
how to execute it properly.
MMAA members place r
high in tournament
The Mercer Martial Arts
Association led by Sensi Shawn
Levito. attended a tournament in
Atlanta Feb. 25. AD members plac
ed in the top three places in their
belt division.
Pat Cha placed 2nd in orange and
yellow belt one-step spomng and
3rd place in forms for the same
Melissa Liddleton took fust place
in both one-step spomng and forms
for the white belt division while
Vince Letter took second in both
the competitions for the same belt
Buff Payne placed a solid third
in the white belt one-step spomng.
and Clydellia Prichard placed se
cond in the womens purple/blue
belt forms and was able to defeat
his competition to take first place
in her free-sporring.
. Charles Yood, the final Mercer
participant, took 1st place in the
purple/blue belt forms and 2nd
place in free-sporring for his
A breakdown of place finishes
for each club was made at the end
of the tournament and the MMAA
finished with the highest percentage
of winners for any club despite its
small size.
Dean named senior vice president
(MUR)—Mercer President R.
Kirby Godsey has announced the
appointment of James C. Coomer.
Jr. of Atlanta as senior vice presi
dent for academic affairs. The ap
pointment is effective immediately.
maw has been dean and pro
fessor at Mercer's Cedi B. Day
College of Arts and Sciences in
Atlanta since July 1, 1988. Dr.
Charles J. Karcher, associate pro
fessor of sociology at the Cedi B.
Day College, has been named ac
ting dean.
“I welcome Jim Coomer to this
newly created and very important
position at Mercer.” President
Godsey said. "He is eminetiy
qualified and has an/cic£Uent
background in administration and
academics. Dr. Coomer will repre
sent this office in administering all
the academic areas of the Univer
sity. The schools in the health
sciences area and law will continue
to have direct access to the Presi
dent in the matters of budget and
Coomer said. "Coming to
Mercer University has been a
return to the academic environment
in which I was nurtured, a liberal
arts college. I am philosophically
wedded to the importance of the
liberal arts education and am ex
cited about helping continue that
tradition at Mercer."
Prior to coming to Mercer,
Coomer. 49. was associate vice
chancellor for curriculum and
research and professor of public af
fairs at the University of Houston-
Clear Lake in Houston. Texas. He
served both in academic and ad
ministrative capacities at the
University of Houston-Clear Lake.
In his role\of associate vice
chancellor for curriculum and
research, he was responsible for the
advancement and administration of
research activity and policy and for
institutional academic develop
ment. including academic program
review and academic standards.
Answers fron puzzle on page 13
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority
Jan. 16, 1920
Remarkable ‘Spike’
shows Costello’s growth
By Christopher Kirby
Entertainment Editor
Elvis Costello - "Spike” -
Warner Brothers Records
If album covers determined
whether or not you bought an
album, you would never, every
buy Elvis Costello’s latest
release. And yet, despite this
absolutely hideous cover, which
boarders on being virtually in
describable, Costello’s "Spike”
is, musically, quite a
remarkable album.
"Spike” harkens back to
much of Costello’s earlier work,
particularly “Imperial
Bedroom.” Yet amidst all of
this reminiscence, there is still
a decisive move forward on this
album. Costello’s band. The At
tractions, are now defunct and
their former leader wastes no
time assembling some of the
best musicians in the world to
back him up. There’s T Bone
Burnett. Benmont Tench,
Chrissie Hynde, The Dirty
Dozen Brass Band, and even
Paul McCartney.
McCartney and Costello have
been supposedly working
together as a songwriting team
for some lime now. Two of the
songs that have been bom from
this collaboration find their way
onto “Spike.” ‘‘Veronica’’ and
"Pads. Paws, and Claws" both
include the trademark McCart
ney catchy melody and he
equally trademarked introspec
tive. somewhat ambiguous
lyrics of Costello. From the
looks of it, this cooperation bet
ween McCartney and Costello
may help to invigorate the both
of them.
Lyrically, Costello often
moves beyond his traditional
vague form. On such songs as
"Tramp The Dirt Down."
Costello shifts into the political
arena, taking on the administra
tion of Margaret Thatcher
There are also story-like songs,
such as "Let Him Dangle." a
tale of twocaptured criminals
forced to face their own execu
tion. All in all, “Spik^lJro-
vides Costollo with an expan
sive ground to further hone his
considerable songwriting
It’s notable to mention that
Costello is continuing to grow,
without alienating his already
immense listening audience. It’s
also interesting to recognize that
despite all of his worldwide suc
cess, Costello has yet to have a
major hit record in the United
States. In the long run. that may
be for the best. Hit records have
a rather annoying way of
destroying the appeal of cult
musical acts. Still, even though.
“Spike” may not generate five
top 10 singles, that does not
diminish its musical value. In
fact, it may actually increase it.
PM Mu Starch 7 Faaatan Day
Alpha Deft* PI tNMt Oflkrtn
/ PicsHM Mciiwa Citffofil
EucmUvc V P Aagic Mrffer
PWdpt Etaoooa V P - Julia Hiuacr
Home Cfcairmta Rfediu MacAilaairr
Treaswcr Michcfit Bradford
Rash Cfcaumaa - Kelly Gaflu
Pitaellea* ■ N«cky Vms
KamnMu Sac • KaMi ana*
Mctahcr-ai Larje Cheryl McChms
Alpha Taa Happy Caaapar MUcr March Itah.
Alpha Mu PI “JaB m' BaT' Fm4 Kata*
Alpha Mu PVLauhta CM Alpha Mr I ahtuta SacUty March fch. Ml.
Alpha Phi Alpha’s
If you like to win, but you think
you can 7, it is almost certain you
won 7.