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• OH
»*lt*pa liter’’ I* •*» <•"<■ thing that
araoys and tortirrva infanta and
•mall ebHdrea dm mg Ibri Kummer
■Htntba an much aa HEAT. You
■ay bathe and powder them, atill
U»* heat and Inflamalion remain*,
and they atHi fret ao<l cry. How
*v«r relief baa at laal bean found
ham Cuba <* C—wfo«i»’* Ecu—a
Wmh » a Swine r<* H»*t. and
»]l Skin a&cllom caus'd hjr heat.
Sponge the affrcirel part* with the
Waah wd tba bllh fcll-w ia aah*p
In ire mioutea. No nxdlier ebouk.
be without It.
12 College Avenue.
ATHENS. GA.. Al G. If. !•••
<m wmaii <»a*»ml* » humkb
uni iwmi.
LoCfil 1 )ots.
Tto street <*«» tateg pet Io »PP>
fta order.
Tfoltatgri rrwlrg marMre* '»<* to
again Incotetl «»w Mclbre*fi’e mor*.
Nr. J<*e L ArnnM will the
pale l lag teisotu***. He wHI bare teto reop
to Itarvat of teto tare.
Ve angler! m b»"W , * M »’ ■'» J *
Prtnae, who te* *»»• qeiu sack. to »m|*uv.
tea wry feptaiy.
Tore* toe tad »ed tab •»**» tai!, way
tata«*a ’ta neOcwa ta lx Met
and Hr. Geavga T. Ma»r»n. Wo are iw
to eJi Ito attoatWw ta ’tee reed
rnmattoebOMr to thto pteco too
Mtaetto* tari»y. aad to gfere tto prop*
wh- trawl iMo rood a <•«■’ ’kef of
-* Afaratito.
Lm eight an a (*■***« l* rep**** ww
aa hto reuadr, ba <*aw uppuuie a b»*»
woolyiag al too peat o<
—site. Bo bad MX too*** tai s few stof*
farttor W*«i pieale wagon rtotod to
•lisri vhte b*ppy taya aad «Wu Deck to
Ute, while **a ar. ee>.)tog fife, u’teors
ata bowed down wtob sorrow
A taantMal hue ta Utambriftota, Die
*ee fins and T* to. la, al J. 11.
j Hr. 1. Forte. wbo baa toon gone reck,
to M-tott—.
IU J FtotoTo now and grotty orealb*
■mri. no apgewaaro to-daf
Mr. Aodr*w Um to "tonal to IX
•Hp, after a ptoamot onto to tbe mow
to** '
Ctopr. A P- Rto*y, tta threw enttaw
bey.r.armed * toeottf Fmta, afto**o>«
Mo to tatertg bate end beery
f>«A Hama, tb* bwrtor. baa but bto
ewt.wtaaodeMoboa. toe wonted to *'•<•
M onto th* to*, bet II dbto t want tootey,
* untooeUy.
Men Mrere* B*« •« ton *•**« to
prrtanm * tta -»«* at MrtteMM cbm*.
Itoadv Woe** gtod to knew ibaA etoe to
toapwotag r.potfy
Tta* win be a big Fsnrere’ Ai'tenoo
(MteStog tears neat Ttotetof Madtann.
deetori*. Ogxtbtopa. (tonawr and Ctor A.
natendo a boarty tHtootow to the At.
Mi M i totoin wbw baa Wargo of the
gtameflbdteto A Cto. Uo ateo it owe of
tbe peettoal tb »to totem tie to a
|pe tl,itorato end to rnpoUy caobteg toton*
to Attorn
d. II Bwftfftte to toewMtwerOooo fee
K. wowed Futba. w—at. « -*m *«-
Mr toetoeweto to bnridtog a now oteto
tome, aw Lempbto auoe«. eaar too eeteo
•otto Vto» li w wito be ■aea*«m ay
M«. Hnto. a Motweaato bom Omwm
teuo<r. eon tout mtorty tonoetf tn tbe <uy
Tbe Mee Ur. bm*. of Altona bae bM
gtepptog to the Cl y tbe peri tw« Wweba
ntaMwe •< tbe puMw toe wnaokgm nt
-.T«em* Mown.
Tao Albinotetyoptoy endow tbeenw
put mntty «e>fy dug. and « w onto to «w>
U*t wbae tbe UamMy opeea ep. a town
w«K to pel to two toad tbaa eat-wee"
nay Initotowte.
tor «n» C. Motoritom wto bed Ito aom
bntuee to taewb too entote ’to oetor eb>e«.
te ooewdriy anproatog W « tope tee* tow
owl oom
Pee tony Ttonbtoe. Ptou J«e», lae
C.oto Ptotak Fto fta*a. Pty Pone, lour
•we* Ume»K »«s, arad y«an n*a » i
Mr i « Btor. pt IlfcA dtow* Mr
Hew wen on • own to bto toeteae. Mr
Orton Mbm. wto ton teen pane web tor
tatami Anya.
Tto p toirtene am togtewtag to tea
etoai me aMS M or* etoody hte a ba.
Mr mrty to tagte to wet ate ta an Uw on»-
>•». bto ibe peAAtotonto an aleeyo on
A IMJ It outer w A bn brM at tbe
oetetooe of •» M«eue. an (britep etroor
OOM tta rMartaOCMi wtob btiwwte. nea>
bweday alternant M • o'eaariL Ab Mt
Ptetterwewttag Cbtea.Momo rateQwree
•ere neg M WtatoraubiOQ Ua*m daw'i
Ito toon* an AM Btogtea
WWW. to oM Oto a abort eoooMoa. etantog
Hew T«*b end oabm Nortaoew rrr
MbH Kewoatoew. to tto (toetato
to«W Metotort. gore ten CMtewutea a tto
toutatete bto pnr»*. «m myo • to A-wetob.
too Wm Onto entom teat a yum m
Cb»?• Wtem^Cte*Mee A p"tL«.
to tete *op. uto «• town to uto *• ;
Mr. btete Itoab* tto bane n»..mie»ew |
teiouAng to> awetAb ewa te Mi At
,< T?
•atato putoeg el tee baan to Mt town ‘
toney. u» • entauuem otewrt.
Ito> ami* A ..Am me taanm gp tom .
tetato bOMp
Aba Unnm on to* a mCiW te Sat Atteww
M«w M t loan.nd Mmenee OAeeae, I
• * tong Mte. • A Mr inr aa*
Ao to ba «to Timber end <
O bttoerp weaab* on teaag «* w team
Mr Guy HtmHi.m a rapidly improving
On Kit Hominy R v W. K Htillwell
will preach at iJconee Street Church at 11
A. M
Prof. Campbell io looking well after hi»
▼acntiuo. Be ia realy for tbe next ro
It in Mid that new rtrret car rtabirr will
be built in tbe rear of tbe I»cy G bb iu-
The iron front bar been placed on the
Micluml Bro*, liuiidirig and it will tie n>m
ptelud in a few w> > k».
Mr. Jerr> Gray Irila ua that be brought
in ten watermeione tbe utwr day that
Weighed ViO pounda.
Tbe Atboua Four dry Lm a few good,
rebet one and Iwo-totM waguoe for aa.e
cheap. »35« l and »G.UO.
Ch m n a very faeiuoAable game in
AtiM-na, and we have aoiue "ctaca" pia;-
Mr. Jan. 11. Hugginr Jr., who baa been
nprftdine a lew woekr o< rent at Lula, r.>
turn'd to the city ytuhtday, countd* raUy
improved in ucs‘ii;
Wby w it that newt all tbe dray*, ond
yard and licurj wagoor to A'b.i>« a/c
lieu dt Marm/a luak- f Bccauo there M
no otbrt wagon Ibet will oteud the heavy
lotigb wuek hot them.
Mt. Andy (44 man arrived in tbe gtty
to-ley. lie Wul bane a Aae lot of (paxle
lot tbe Tea Cent* toon in a lew Jay*.
We r> grot io leva that Mwa Rum WtU
liateo ben been »<» With the lever the part
lew days. Hope »Cm may have a rpeed)
Aak romo urn that ban been tutag Klein
A M.rtio’e make u< baggwa amt wageoa II
they at* but Ute and boat you wau
Ibe oowopaperaclaim that yon oogbt
to pouoa Ar Mime indartry. K eta A
Merten A. hot to yin» to pelceik U. u
tecauM they Uanit waguao aa ba.-
gm tof. al loom, but will iroukt u,
•rll >« a tetter baggy and wag<m lu* tfar
■ata* *un< y that ,uu cun buy any w beta
Um, that to ibe gruawl oo wtocu tb y a«a
tor your pa'rvaage.
Tbe yoaag man wbn Marte <«t ia life by
drtaktag obtoy, keeping n in button and
yoga about bw pmoe of bWrli.m, ta only
totot U* luuadouoo to* futiMw dugtace
and namry.
Keo. U V Utlmr and hw eon. T. It
U<iv«i, r.teuixd y.alMOay town Poptar
ft, rioga (lamp N.a>ia< la Fiaoklm Ouanly
Nr. (Mivef fvpueia a targe crowd and a
Cl acton* Itatw uvoe a i>a«a her
of tarn ver teuwe and mm amwantoao to the
Cotltbera. Bette A Co. too occofiy tbott
new on A art iogt w rtraet. I'
■o Sited wto a targe atom «< oew and rk
ga»l bagam. enrriagao sad wwtoew Tbw
Arm bur aa imtaeww imdo turn ail tea
•enoiHtoiag fterita, aad have aooady
add o aeoteM tri trtoetaa.
la tear* any on rUo ta NunbawM Gone
gta Hmm gtvm M gaud a anaraotee tbott
boggwa and waguao m Km* A Maitu.’
Ike. W. W. ImopCm wid pooch at
Ptl»M<ma no ttotoay tetwatag. end M to*
Pbprt MIU Ok the altarauua *>v Kl>
HMtaw wdt prawto al Whrtrtvlila Itead.y
io tent tamo •pptwro Ike ndvorttomeai
to too apnaiag to tbe I’atvoraHy. Tbe
yotopeete ar» vary teigM, and it w tomghi
tkal at knot tbrw ba*ur.a etadawia aid be
Or n. P. Itetordam wan down town
to* htortiMu.ato woe ptedy revere «a bw
cvriwawi ut tbe ■in net te aba* tbe ado
cate not eytaate w auuduetod te Uotogiw
The Man as dieMtag tea Vaivwmy op tn-
wwrb rated M tewe by bavtag «b depart.
rarUte at mo pteeo, aad tern hutea toe
vAgweao, aad at tee name ttave maae te*
e«eb Moro vßtoura, w« pemaoteu to too
aoani graphic ay la.
Mr J w liwa.M • baviaa tee OMon
pnitaiinate otauwwto epea b«M tar tee ad
auto UMtMto tn wuww an la weebtag
tee etmoca
Mao Aneta 8.11 Bdakaadma. a ataaMa
«M ftoto *ty h.ea Itodrawe*. w Mt tb
any. to. gaoM to M-e li F. Jar to. »
UtaJta* Mf»e«
■r 1»* totepAta •te tea atty
Bto. W W. LwapAtw tot'Ate taeniMM
kd a OkM te Atoll
Mra L A lunatpAta Moto on a rtam te
bi AaMbtrt, Mr* tl L •ut.MC'hrl*.
Werrgrea te two that Bra R.*ei
tto* hi cite duMtWtately mc*.
Br Jtoa A. Brt>e. to Aagnwa. ta • j
■betoy. Mr Btotae Ana been tea ato
Mee B P BMba’. to the Sad Maprut
a anew rani ata. H. boa bum a pneeae tee '
atarwt W y«wx aort tortag tort unee hue ;
meet aad a 4m*A te bte eAmrgv, ano a am
w d ha enotaW aagmtoM a agm a e
pt ‘
ikon eg nr. F.w peek ra «4 tea |wwa rtpeo
ewwr ana my tew rnato-
Tte Rtam A Mottto warm am tee bent
to the eteoa.
*Wueoa Art you get teat Sue baggy, end '
ebat AM yew pap tat BV* won a gewti w
a Mag. TptA’v*, the rvpty. •fe.m
ltowtarte, Mrtio A tX. and ’be torn of toe
taaMßMu M I grt a a* otamp yea wwnMal
taftaoe me B I area te ted pan ter md
hart M ttatf rue* bad grt pram ta* ptrnn
TbAr oarewteg Um Hmdweeoe. too ogrtd
aeerimw. wweml pt. tor wi irwd,tereagk
bee atoMwry. O* B tl Mtote. brim
JeMMe Beu an lbw dmunerin an tetoe*
owed by toe Grand Jury
tbe tetanavn a tele waif tort tee tart ,
teat IB tbe add Mon te toe wwh«e at I
rvUMwOrW PmWrry • ntekte*. «tel B to 18. |
unAw too emeu* of toe tenggu
A a * i in.
OB towteMteo tod there at I bn an
• ta*.te te Brv. P»mA Btamtoy ta
mbi bee • auaunAteg tbe Murted Ctaa
er eetaey «l Btow* IbW-w we gm a to* ’
to ttawe who ato take pert te ten mnmrt |
Na PteaA Shwaoy, 8.-» Bi Itaewn Wm <
> Ntote to bAn. »• Un totontee. Mm
IbneetoMa, toaa Item to.c s Mm Atoom
ItoA. N*a Pbrt*w > r Atm k Pent. Omg.
bto. M K Ugtata. CtoMtar toll Ptart
Memo*, totem* CtaAK to F Manta a.
ttert Mtadto. *. tewedi OA> C Vm Ate-
Ue«A tart rOtorm
Tb« Alton Ptar tory md Mwtabw f
W «eWa a a»mbne wAb a*ea. Sw*w *- >
tatatowa •» « mb« a Mghto Latent*
Bmidb* Wto* tome be Mate a aeear
a- ta Ste enut A CU- te twwtab dm w«* '
Mr toerinp • auMMuag rma
Thunwlny’. D.ilv.
Mr. Jo*. Wall, nad Mia. Martha A.
W iartrlt Tailed by Silken Tira.
A quiet marnage took plsce this morr
ing in th* part of Clarke county known as
Buck Branch district. The ceremony
took ptace from the home of tbe bride in
ibe prea nee of a f<_w frieoda, Jurltce B.
F. Woods officiating.
The contracimr parties were Mr. Jem
Walla ami Mae Murtha A. Winsleit.
The marriage heeoae was iv«ii<-d July
;ji> h nod tbe marring.- was to bnve taken
plw>- wjHrP, but on account of anne ice
underatandiog waa p<oiponed. The d ff
ereocro were ail made up and the mine
<<i-J licenee waa med tbu morning after
being laid away fur arvernl day*.
Mr. Walls is near eighty years old, and
is tbe gr*to:*m of the Mr. Wails apoken
of In the Chbokk i.k a few days ago »a
having marred at tbe age ut 1(13 years.
His wife makes tbe flttb time that
be has taken npot. bimaeif tbe mantel
vow*. Tbe brile a a lady of between 37
nod 40 years of a«e.
Ttw-y aie both well-known and clever
profde, Hkid by all wb» know tbeiti. and
have tbe coagratulattons ut many fneoda.
Aa Old tarhi PaM.
Thia aaorninr a man waa in town dun
ning atnHber for a dollar whicti be bn-l
Uaaed him to port lime wtoaky with three
ye.rv ago. Just at this time mother man
•lapped tn and reminded tbe Arat man
that twelve yearn ago be bed bought a
q iart of lig»>r from bun. The Aim man
potd ilw twelve year-oki debt, end squared
■/0 with Ibe man Who owed him.
.lew Plrm.
Judge A L. MitcbeU end Mr. C C.
Chandler h.v- firmed a
aad will g-> lute bewnena Tta-y ere Lown
Hr.Anv. lb-«l Mainle mid fi.iurano
AgraU. Tio-ir • to Ike law idbce <ri
Judge A. L. M-ictoriL They r. preaeut a
G'Oigia I'.xnpany in the I/nu bmioem
Both ate ctaow aod wviUka.wa gmth
rnwi, end ttiry base a gixai I. n I jury and
will Ju a Sue bu.iaem ttocccn* to teem.
Btovrte VM> Pae BaMmaria.
Aibeiet taw already ihrm railoada. vis
Uaviagtoa a Macua, North Krntera and
Thee tbe U. C. A N. to coming, already
ia priom <ri euautiecinm.
Tbm mevral hum have been dhewaeal,
namely Tbe Augvote A Cbaihaauoge.
the b«r(i. rued riktioß, tbu Athena A
J. ffrtaua, Ibe Xto A *<e« rallroto <ri Ata
bam*. Uta Ratalvilto estoeeina, and tb*
Barnvi sauna railway.
Think of Athena nite lea railroad* m
tanag Mr gates And yet with d kemt
uurk ad teto ran be (teas Weharit fur
eani earnestly io lost Han.
▼too Megrem re ( vaMar.
Lastaw-mw. Ot. August Ml—Yrottattey
tbe eegrwre us thin county, or • gnortly
number to them, eml Mew ia Toaagb ball
to form, m they il-ta., aa ailisM*. Tbrti
ntoriiaga were togsm. We uadrtrtaad lba>
tbey pseud, ur ml-nd to pum, fwalulhiao
MMK’lm* au>m. ta rvfuae to bwe t o wages
'taanerlvro. end to r»iu«* lu Is, their
cklMree in a lA* u.ita They pevpuw
te i*at land os •orfe on bnlvca, aeri are
agrrnul that teey wul not wesß any mber
way They were iu are»*Hi tel day. aad ;
ii.Mt to bnvv aime A veto Mt dart st data, i
alieaoy termed la dAruat puetemo of tta i
«aro rtMm, tea* Uwto a Mrop-rnta.
Fur PtrtM Plane
A <roe« »eo«»l mriHawl ea<tu*erla«
out be riwee by Irtvaue to ra> > rtnUe to
«•«•*» tar tbetr men tee Bert ptaew on lb*
twart, pato ibe hem aeaa e 1 pvtoaaWy av
<wr* the cwVriod piece Then ts H»h«w.l
by ibe to ibe p»vpw. tee *4vmh«
k MtoMtal Awue tornote be* teen pet
m ta* Irmrt. h* Msertva p»«ni d upon, baa
torn* ueritow d, sari'y gieve ibe
t»m m»ee. aueueg tv am.las prowltarty
stapled h» Ibe tmmf end cute el ail !>•
raw* to Rtoueya. .Liver sod teummrs.—
• Metric Ik *«•>< vw-roamel. la a ent««
hnUMii >‘rw» Me aad |l bute*.
M Atom Crawford A Cm.'a moo*
Ae.aßoe Vwaa W—btaw
Quite a aewritas of yuaag pungie wdl
: nltead tee tons aeeteag al Ml Rue
i t*rwn<M*s Beptart Ctartrh Beat Itewtay
I Ibeotaaroa ta that vi aariun tvuun tee
I «*y. teyu-4 MtabT« httege
Pule Hen Imi « -an tomaeaa*.
Tbe Parr Rr*w e*e at w*e* (wetter tee
I <akMtee rs Lory C*b iarißMHe. When <
l <bry am ibtowgb wan »a-w e-m tan i
ipgv ruwe teas *me taker.. Bwry pert
I a kMMg tewcßui up te the annul arttaa* I
tenaeor Tta>*» w on* syevrtwr apm te the ‘
BftHfcto life** OMbriioAl Qh* y
lartrtwte. *
VW* SO.. ■* gteva.
Vte riuert a es •rihewa ta* tee Ctertar
Rrftae wwU sdnOe •**> wen beg but emu ,
lb* bmmnt I* aad I oVtaug. te tee
to Xteßrtl A Wegttoh Jwd«* Kvssy sart
Br ttam BtagMw* I a*ee tbe teililgiou to |
tea ataortaa The ktohewt < b te* MMBrt>
U to Teuwey. Owtartß. L «• Medg*. lot
Law nan l. F N Ighrt. Bed UrUte*
aeC D P. Rbartau*. Juaew Bud LiuWte a- j
Otodl OR"' , (pB'NF * teto®
totouueu were uais.meerty ihessd-
a Mi no PvOeW
Th* orbrt Utatat awe to an* •«« •«•***
ptoumnurt bad start a omm aad *<m gm
eUty veuaut * • HW* aeur tee sM»w tot
A u one sis in rtvbiw ibi g iri age and **a ■
a dteper to *s*m tewcwi ii taw gened u a
to tee pw M» Jrthpud up and tnrwrA
tee bey «*<* rite heal wvte a rtwk. W. '
tutab tee -dtoroe am yurtrttaAAr an uses br
AM. a> * wen a auras wwk on kb* pusrt of
tee bey.
gey, AurenS Ale MTh* Own Aae. 1
tawmaag w A ecmeX a. * Writ a*»
Ifoetasry Ptaal M mm* puna. Aamedup,
Itayaeuataw Ibk. taiguauw * • »>•■*. a.
* H IL Bom oak Cmmmmhomv .
■■— i ...■■■■»
W» irtbur yvw week ta* tame, tame* «*
MMWry. u* kv* nuyttatag emu. war* v«h
ywrt aamte eert knee Say IwMaw ye r
v* pMAA. am* bmm Au ywu *Ct euuguw.
baa sews* jeree Aat yrw Sbtwts'l keqyrti
hsto tee Jpumm*
Tuesday’s Daily.
Draih es .VUmi Krttae I.eSrerr
Lwt niaht at o’clock, this amtabi
youoit Christian pas-e-l from dea'h unto
lift-. For many weary months »-he bad
been battling with that fell «iis<-a«e con
sumption. Every thing that skill and
ass -ctioa could suggest was done to pr. -
serve her life, but it vis all unavailing,
and death ended her suffering an nbove
From childhood Miw N-ttie had been a
nivtnlter o| the church, and n > doulit wan
tcouiucly converii-d ala wry ea’ly age.
For uevr-ral years she had been a de volt d
and tto >ns member of Oconee Street
Church. She was always at her place in
the Sunday School and at the Church, and
look an active putt tn tbe w<rk us each
A faithful teacher for yt-sn ia toe Sunday
School, she bad endeared her red to tar
pupili, aad will loug ta remembered by
them In the Woman's M*k>oary Society
' she had long held a leafing position ai d
' was in charge to tta Juvenile Masionary
| Sicicty to ner church, ami her work f<-r
these v.houa church immunts waa un
ceasing and unUriug. I‘otoemiug atieauii
ful Christ lau character, she won tta love
of all Wta» knew bar. Though she die.!
young, she labored ruuc'i in tbe cause and
will be sorely tntioed, but tbe tareav.d are
comforted by tbe words to St. John, who
Mid " Blessed are the dead Wta die Ui the
Lr •rd."
F.m a>me weeks Miss Nettie wae aware
that dua'b was near at band, end she
tagm to make prepvrt».»M for it with tta
mine Cshuoees a. I bough she was ro ng on
• Juuruey to wute neigubotiug town.
ttae arranged axue tea.puito matters In
Which money wee iuvtov.d, w lb scrupul
ous cart, sod then directions aa to tta
luneraf. After seketing the hymns, she
expo sad her deuirus m to tbe srr>
vices, and that all of H ebotod ta simple
aud plain. After aL l*d ta«o tbue at
rangeo. she Mviued sal tolled, and sweetly
fell a*ho p in J. ou*
The tareaved mother an.l relatives
nave the s.ocrre iyo;nlii. -i to the entire
OKuaiuai'y. The took place *t
Ocoom Suvut Ouurch tuta alter tv on al 4
(•‘click. Use f>. net al Artvicm taing cm -
<lM.t.d by lUva. U. M <4 diiM and W. D.
Turatay’s IKily.
A Tbtot rtwter. te* Slew.* «< Me. W.
••Mteems sari lanewa wlte Waste
sari Waaav.
line to tbe tuldrsl tairglanm ever known
to Atbeeo lotto place lent nigbl. bowse
berslsr or burglars uaiervd through a
window a room to Mr MeKiancu's rr.
rtdeacr. Tata mas was lighted up, aud
fr.aa tai* they went into aa ml} aoing
r<>a abek Was also lighted Bp. This
wm tbe tadrtetert to Mr McKinnon, ami
ri was ortalalya tahl uno, wb» would
outer a lighted Mom |m*o loto another ok*
•nabich w«re * gvoitemsn and bw wife
Mr M< Kmate and bis wtf« board no
notae end Amw nmbing to tbe robtwy
estil tht. morning. The burglar aucceed
rd in getting from Mr. Mi Kmute’s penta
pork-ta a ten dtolnr bid, a Ave dollar bi J
.nd some silver moavy, |>r< bably four or
•vedoßarv. Ills vrot pekrt was also
i.fl dto a .tlvcr welch. There is ao sus
p«>uu as io tbe sail y parties.
■e Pupena S~ Psto.
Tbte tatentid y<Ming gen'eninn left
Attamsoe Wtahtesday far Dublin. Oi.,
atawe bo w>U w*n< editorial tamtnd at
the Habile l\a». |a mUhumi to ibte sort,
Be a & cooliaae lb* practice at taw. Mr.
W*Je bus taate to ftteSMta here whose buri
wtafcee viil ftotow ktm Into bto new bnsne.
Tbe CnnoUii UB beepewh* for kirn saemw
MS bls new MW. and OWcrulUiUa tbe
Ifobl-a pmpte Upon (ba addittae to ber
tauai sal aesrtpaps* I laterally
Tta I*l Cota talito
We find tta ftaxiwtag ta tb* Atlaata
ii tea arorre of pride to evroy Geewgtaa
'b.l ww been tei war sials aud reoreMbte >o
•evfy home *> assay vieattoul Mtetrtnlteme
I<4 owreta*. ksteMM! * Lury Utebb
las Mate ol Ataro* to oarpstesri by e* ash
re te Urare teaisroe wlwri. impart reals*.
ire sari far* ebstactre. As a patroe of
’bs setewri | bare b*J ■nww’eatetao ta ere.
a* n Bataa ah ctaruaretaacwo a*4 reotta-,
ty a year outer N«ss Rsta**f««4*a wreak,
firt eure to * Hart- aa eriaasttn*.
The teerare* we oli Isrite* ta rare stall
to ttolr .te, ml freeste. sad Ute oasfuris a*
beuae lore a*l iam etarensng fared}.
Ybe L*ry CkAb Iren* st* * srtaateri ea tb*
rtrigo kaowa ss fil l 4** ervaee. ead frwre
as tea* vorisitab mtaetw«a*ri *«*b wm*w«
! ssta rente tarn*, a taaa- tfta v*►* «4 ita
| any are** ibe ayw. li tad tta gwri
I ferine ■ (were to taro *»'*> dtertare
eittae tta «si< sou tbe ragatoißy to du*
' end riatere ta ibe era..’ere wta * retai.*
beep tbe rreweri eater 4km. To eeery
fktuor o*4 rewbes 1 o»i - U ysare d**r*-
*** oaote teaoe b saw. y.* are they afi,
•re» egrrt a y*r st tta La*y Cobb l*tf
- _Fwaar*a— I’»t*mi
Kwrtel**'* krtoterss Orelve.
T*a item iulv* * t* vwU foe Vote
firete*e ftesrea. I revs. As ’ Be***. Frew
. Bl*’**, trite*, Vbaptetel liateis. (.IlLdMsme
I titaert asri ta fibre ■raptowto, are! part
*re«y rear* Fttea, wa* pay r qeiiwL It
• e*aswßSs*ri te. grew re*f*a ost *r*ctao*.
w * are ref are* ii. FTwo M orate per
teas. ter Jotea Crawford A On.
Dteroa tea yas***.
Tbe rt-rittektero ta Uss Osrte OrtßMy
, Btoi-ar. L«a eari laprre ***i (.**.
I fteey wk! lake restate ttes’ tbe fiM I*o*l
omsm * ta tae *e Aogart Urtt Ttoy
oA tori see al rey tains rev* A <k
: Lpwtaak more, aa ttap**a taereg. Al
rebs se-.ok *• * *ta*e lbw Sap. * alter
bat HOM tare *v4 taw to psy a* tarikar
** tee te taMSo** nsrtatosrw ft**
sre*rr A«s arete pae weak t fifiri rtarre
! atearely tabs*.
W W Lavrsak, A rntery
irifißi a in—i; f r
Ytee* —*re »**■*—
FM*My ** *e* ta»< ta* o*eata
sor* a grewreJ reoteta a* troas « *<*y
(hr** tew * mew atetaa areas «e aso*
' rn* >■ *». *s ta * rearey fireo tnri teertre ta
tte K’-wr'w Ns* tfoosseary ta* CtaMMrere
««*. Ttew mJ* to a reply aamw* as
, ata very vtawtae artaote f re* tta tertr
’bw « ataapi rem* amt ***** Aon—rtate
, i-teta.Cta Astare*. taw n **.<¥■*»,
. areri re tbsoo* are! to** ! qua a e aetofiry
■■■**. T *so Ore* It
goreaag aWW tererts tore. Lurg* •*. •»
vrety terete arenaatte*. Art* Crewtoeri
CM. R. S. State* to rapatay r.reteg •*
: tar Trent * *cr gteosi tewyre. Rs «4R
rerireri ibe re— > gtof re Jeri (Rrigpri »«b
. tort*—-
Tuesday’s Daily.
in clarki COUNTY JAIL.
The <Url ToafMMa le her Triiae.-The
Mrs wks Kllleri Rill McWhorter
Our readers will r. member that a little
negro baby was burned up near Pi inceton
Factory a few days ago. At tbe Currier’s
inquest suspicion ptouted stionr-ly to Gm
U ndersoil as the sn-lty party, and sine, time Sta-rilE Wn-r ha* been trying to
irrewt her. Fnlurd iv night he succeeded
and lodged ta r tn jail.
la a talk with S tenff Wi«-r this morning,
we learn that Lou say* she poured a apoot>-
fui of kerosene on the child's head and
then a boy poured the other oil on the la
by and at it afire. Tbe also tell*
us that ahr has told two or three stotha
about the ass <ir. Os course she h j told
enough to show that she is guilty of an
enorm< >us ci ime, »ud ber trial may develop
the fact that it was a dctbto Cal murder.
If thn should prove tru-, it will be the first
time in titty years that the bai'giuau's rupe
Waa used tn ibis county.
the Kihunu or McwnorrttK.
Yesterd.y ohirulug ail kinds ot tumors
were *fi<Mt, in regard to a murder that
bad been comtuittrd on Bunday evening
ab<>ut si mile* from tbe city. A Cuuosi
cut reporter went out lu tbe inquest, and
below we give tbe salient points iu tbe af
fair :
Arrtv ag al tbe home of tbe murdered
man. Bill Mu to hoi ter, we found a tew
whites around ibe bunar and about one
hundred aad Alty colored people from
m les around. There was no ixcitemeut
among them—all appeared cool and quiet.
A kwtoat tta dead mau rvVraind ouc of
Ibe mot horrible sigbte tuat Ibe bnmen
(ye * ever CaiieJ to ks>k upon. He w*s
tn a little room, droaeat in tta duttas be
had ou when killed. Bkiod was over his
face end the pillow, and II wm a nick
cuing sigh*. O i lbw Side of the head Was
a gnat tarie Irom which tbe blo<*i hod
fl >w«d Irmly. Ov*r the eyes wa> another
trac.un , and under tbe chia anoltar Lui*
and *M»« minor btuaca.
It was about balf-paat«leveo o'clock be
fore tbe witiieas** bad arrived aud tbe
UoroaiF* jury male up. The loilowtng
vtn the jury : J X Some, W. J Tuck
R. F Wood. B F Woods. C. J B llg.v
Jerry FUtnid, J. D Broy. J. R Tuck. T.
a. Metkvm, T IL Brown, Aquiß* Pittaid
aud D. A. Ahttaniy. Alter the jury bad
been sworn ta, Mr. M Ibviu wm cMiab
forvsMMi.Aad tbe work to inveettgatma
beusa A number to w in. aww w<rw ex
•mined, axae tewatocu or «igbtwen, aud
tbte w>irk did nto rod until near three
u'cock Then the jaty retired to make
up the verdict.
It * not al all necvwaaty to attempt to
reftrodaev tb v msas to tMlitnoaiy. Two ol
Uta pert tee BcWtanter aud ILury Bullock
hud bad ad Acuity la W.nUrviße bsnar
day (>B the same day McWhorter bad
S wrrob'd a pistol aud thri atoned Use Hie
ta another party Cbarlie Lester. Ou
boa Jay Charley, Usury and Bill all al
tetxhd Mteisl Ztte church. Al the dose
to tbe servires, McWhrwter’s wife ap>
prteCiied U>< man ttail-ck sad said now
tell iuy hitetaad wbal yte said about him
Ml roi*rd to tbe diflloully at W.ntervtfle.
Tbte M *b«l brought oa the difficulty,
Wtafl the ptfty. conarting ot ILnry
Btawch, Charite Lroler aad bis wife, had
gone 'tall two mure fiom th* church in a
wagon, tbey were ovvrtahsn by Mc-
Whorter end bio wife who were ia a
buggy. M< re McWhorter asked IL ary it
be bad said any to lag atexit him dtawtng a
rail cm bm at WinterviUo. Henry sa dbe
duL Then Me W tax ter left bto boggy and
went to tbe wagte ta a run. Hr and
Heary hitc ied. Home ruck* were thrown,
and wbea tbe dtßcuHy wm over, in
ataot owe mtaate, Bdl McWhorter wm a
dead man. Tue wtetota loS cted bavrug
beta mtethwed eiarwher*.
Taw frriiseere jury were out antfl *h r
b ma rtttoch, Wbea tbe tot ..wing vwdio
W <a arrived el r
twb vaanw-T
We tbe Jury Ai-d ttasi tbe deneamd
Wiitmm McWborter, osmo to bi* death al
th* basnis us Henry BatfucA end Luarlie
Lrexrt. Tbe* rocks •« tauar Wiaptavs
vrere ass**, we ftMtbrt thick tbe kDi tag to
b asaaelwogb’e*- Tbe rvtd. ecw te bow
*eee vary owwßsrtta* usd nusstMlatewy.
cert ww ler it nmsnd teal I leery Uatevfc
sad Usulta Lsata* be bdd (ta I art ber te-
J H tote*.
Ttva, H Hrnvra,
J *e K Toe*.
J»rr* Pruned,
R F W«<
W. | Tech.
D A. A»’teeay,
Aqwrtl* Psuard
W* tbe eedirwa o bytave so Um best
at • ton keweisri**, from tbe evl
**<««• as tbu Wdliam McWhorter, earn*
ta bM Jeatk ot Mte ham!* <4 Chartee LreAW
Bad Hmsry Baßoch. Tern rueba s* tabu
•wopnsM war* atari, aart >h*l Ibe killist* ta
W«tem McWbuSte* wm jaauAataa btes
T M Bxtbv-a.
H y W-rta.
J. li iteay,
CJ Rrtdgsa.
Tbe prtsteere wave ttora taken ta cbarge
k*4 torn* (M tas tb* erty aad tarig*i ta j*t.
Mb art tew n'estek lath* astaarag tb*
tew prtoo*i«* WreJe tbrtr sppearaace <•
toe grtemti aad <»*• UssreiuLm ap.
Twy A* *n* appear te be eery mews testa-
I < ewrrore. aad there wee b«t INU* «*
***** ’be rrewtas es csetaeed pmspie wbea
We toora tbe* <**▼ bare *a<*<vd Mr. K
T Drews tadtoterf item.
Mre. V. W. Baril baa retained tree* a
vtsrt to fiw*As m M*A>p sad Fwaswg-
MT. Utl 1* M©.. Poa*-Bi*p*teb
aaye lata>aa ■ sansa ere pawv«rtfssDy
bterthy. end smrng. tatea asa*ekto« tar
dart wwk tbsM bwtas* apart ’brer wru I
I* fart. Usey nusssuiiy g ibe day taf-*s j
*sd totev fiod.sMmt. wwb ttokr trtaa.;
a*** tea msrra Throe woum* neo*"* I
tMs *rae* otrwagtb aesd power at emi«r- :
e-«» by aaseg a wed tael *rowv ta ’hear I
taetariry «* of wbw* a omStassw * *nw
tostag Mte. usd *»*• ta tbe Ataerteta
Brtte* tbe etMOO INDIAN VRKD (Tb
■at* Ma**rnm«
• INDI AN WRRD PsaaMi Bkmcx**)
Ms treason a great teste ig re tbe *waß.
•tewtata. ausu wxtetart Wteem *4 ter «e»re
<**oa. tear ■ w n*-ri KMrt te wm ate « k«*p
ostete nod tamriby.' Jroa* Qaa •***»>
Oh beep K.
Os My Irt. tta Bn* to fcigr. T>*reey A
Ca was riktedwori by matte nnteiwi. R
A. Rl*» and P. F«*taa**eto tame* wdri
ary. Tbe Bros a* Nte-r* A ihoowry eanaae
kA tvsto ..ri** *md rertw** eri eemeeaM and
wtertto MrtaM Art*.
E » Erm*.
W. F. Dmarttr.
F FvßSßteTwrv
«rKrtR«:iA’M I.tiraOVEIENT,
The Tnx Kcturuw Mte«w h Phetiotut nHI
Inert M«e in iter Vai ar of Properly.
The tax returns fur 1883 showed that
property bad increased in value through- i
out Georgia f 18,000.000. Every year ,
since that time tbe returns have shown an '
tucrexse but never u*a the amount tor tbe
year 1883 been equalled. Tuisyear, how
ever, ihe high water mark will be passed
and a new ncord esialilislied. Captain
Furlow-, of the co.uplioiler general’s office, ■
has rtemved up to date lue Ux digests ol !
132 counties, and these show an increase i
ut 413,0<X>,(X>t».
Five counties, including Fulton, remain I
to be beard from, aud liny will bring the I
record up $6 000,000 more. Tbe lax re- |
ceiver <T Fultuu cuu.ay predicts that bis |
digest will sUow at least <ti,uoo OtO im
provements. And should tbe other fuur
cuunties have fallen oil in value, the re
sult will Uxve liulc eff.ct.i * the grand to
The itemise of 1883, which, for many
years was quoted aa soiuething pbeuomi
ual, included the nni>rovemeuis in taiiioad
property, which wtu. a very large
laetur. The SI9OOOOOO worth of iu<-
provi menu tins year c-'Uier solely trom the
tax digests, having the ia:!loads uut. —
Sliou.d luey be included the stateineut
would prove that Georgia is SAj.OOO,tkX)
ric .er uian rhe waa last year.—Uuuatitu
Baplisr'l at NlwrireOne.
Valdo ta. G i., August 20.—The Timet
tell* us a ruiuorkabte scene witnessed at
the Cai Creek Primitive Baptist church in
thia C ■nut), un Sunday last.
Mr*. Giusey McDunaid, aged mnety-onr
years, widow of tbe late Ben McDonald,
wuo has been dead tinny-five or forty
yrtlis, W(» baptised into tbe Primitive
Baptist cbuich by Eider Ansel Parrud*.
Mrs. Mi Donald b w not walked a s ep in
erven years, and tbe go>d <dd preacher
who peif ■ (med the baptismal rite is aged
buns* >l, and h*s bveu <>n crutches for
many years. Tbe <a .didate for baptism
bad to be carried into the water in a chair
A Ttrritelr <.«*■« aa sitae .Vloanlalu
A White Child Reported <>n the Ledge in
tbe Precipnx—A Night Search for
Hevcue—What Waa Fouml.
Htoxk Nomaiß, Ga.. August 20.
Mvevr wince 1878. when Dr. George Gold
smith rescued little Mi«* E.nms Jones, ot
Auausta, from the north or atc* p side ol
Stone mountain, i>m the citisens of thiv
natally quiet towu been ao excited aa they
Were leal niaht. Two gentlemen named
Braawvil acd Cbasttu, woo live near L>
gaosvifl -, were in town yrot«id*y evening
Bud started fur their home al*ait sundown
In the north side us the mountain,
they noticed upon tbe side aud near tbe
top to the monutain
which seemed l<> tie moving backward and
forward in a sma I space. For ■ unctiuie
they Watched the object, aud finally ouo
e'nded it was a Coll i, Inal p. rbaps bad
WAndi led an uod uu the l»p to tbe moun
tain aud bad tai ten uver the proCi i>»ce and
lodged m a crevte*. They lisicmd Intent
ly for axue noise aud Ituoly heard it cry
ing ar.d hallo • log-
on, lohdv 1 on u im>T 1
Imnxriuteiy they tetr*CV>! ttelr Step,
back to town and gave au alarm. By tbl
time It wa* dark. In a tew mmutea, more
than a buutridmcn with laulcros aud
rep.* were on tbe.r way to the mountain.
At the fu>4 ta tbe mountain the crowd
ported, a num tier of them going on top,
aad the htaauee K>**ng anouml tbe mxli.
eute to where lue chill was seen, with lan
terns l<< sigua! Itnte slui ha I gUSM up tbe
mountain lu hue 11-Sn thirty minutes
White waitiug r<M U»t par y who had gone
around ibe mouniniu to track tue north
side, one eod ta a three-piarter Inch
h>ps waa tted SUoOgly to tta water of
y«ma< JAn Hcodrxks; at the tain* end
*<re twenty <* thirty stalwart young men,
wku begaa to shiwly lower yixiug Hen
dr K-ks ovtr tbe m-MUtalu. M*«
vn* nor* oavk ovr,
Il n*» befog loo* enoufb, aud yen* Ileu
fliKk* w>• (Kilted tack. Twour three
young mm were dwpstetad to town for
mure rope. White waiting tor tta l”pe,
parties who were <•« Use ground be«ow
ootid ta heard ba-luwlog to tbe child i
"Raaom pwtrwtly sull, booey; we'J
BM* rescue F"*>*
**D><n*t more Ac tach ; H yo* do, you
wU to ktftaL**
•Htad tight t > tbe kx »oo'aja *
ta aa B«mFs ims*
Axcrtrwkit ortL <<r m»r«
had been i>rou<el up Ute tnmolaia, end
yuan* Heodr<*• was again towered d"«»
Ibe nsunaiam's ahte. Tbte time luey tad
P<pe aafftaMot, aud y«Msn< ILwdrkAa auu*
rv octeeri Uw <e jack
Al <•<» Uis«>a IU grmnd mw lbn<
yoewg Mend’fcas hod •ewneit Um otffort,
ami Mgoafod texne oo t.*> to **ta*ve to.**
In a twlißlisg the ean—n*i, tbe dog—wm
rasruod. for H proved to be a fu« deg that
cha-vd a mt ct the tenrsrrsm.
a*.’ Io west taring ar>msd had taitea over
tbe precipice sa l tal*ed tat tta crevwe
Il ww«M ta a hard matter io get Use boys
net sraii st sugb’ to rmnse enrobar ring. |
Basse >4 loem dMo*l see tanday SCb-eri
w-eta erbes tbey Coanri it wm a bemad
Dress the Hair
Wtob Aywto Htar Vbpw. Ito etewea.
as*, taaillrtel cßeroa * the scalp, aad
laetoag piwferee »n*arret to fa* ssk
rente bates naa. Il k**pa Aa haw stat
B*4 st’hrs. pra*erv*ito<*vw*teN
tow* fall. ng. o*4. if Um hart b* hsrmre*
v«ab at tta*. promre* a *o* grew—
“Te rnrtaro the origtaW enter ta rey
brer wteirb k*d tarred r*««rel*riiy
gray. I anta Ayre s Uli Vlgro wttb *te
two re we 1 cheertady tneufy to tae
ta tbte per preen * "-M* P. B Drtrtfi.
•o*. AhKaoudri*. La.
• I to* *R leteri a near throe roars with
arolpriare** My bait was fteha* out
reta utere rsrefer I tarred gray I**
tafare I to try Ayre s Hart k gpo*. sod
ta a few wwka the 4toe*as ta rey arolp
Blaser liar 11 sod rey bear iwwawri Ito
•repsM enterv " —(**» I • A fitaam
Posare C. R Cterch. Ba. Baretoa, Irek
• A few riare art* I reriroeri ta* swttre
ta* a* rey bate trrea Che efloi* W loss*.
1 Iseoßßd that •fWt * tiMtsm wmM
report As taoa. test I waited ta rata.
Ma&y rerearite* wars teegreteta re**,
barevrer, art* each pruta as rt*em *
Arar's Hair Vigre, aad 1 l.*aa to ore R.
Tta retell w* ail I ooeri hare dart red
A growth ta teats eo* cams oat *U s*rs*
rey breri. sad grew to ta * atal aari
tarery * I r*w had. seed at a oaansal
ertw, erta .**W> art."—J. U PnM.
•nerterd. Tans * . ,
Ayer’s Hair Vigor,
rs*r***x> rr
Dr. A C. Ayer A Csx, L*sreA taaea.
w *H< a* laogrt*saw rwfrere. _
1 If You Are Sick
With Headache. Neuralgia, Rheumatism Dyspep
sia, Blliousnees. Blood Humors, Kidney Disease,
Constipation, Female Troubles, Fever and Ague,
Sleeplessness, Partial Paralysis, or Nervous Pros
tration, use Paine’s Celery Compound and be
i cured. In each of these the cause is mental or
physical overwork, anxiety, exposure or malaria,
the effect of which is to weaken the nervous sys
tem, resulting to one of these diseases Remove
the CAVsc with that great Nerve Tonic, and the
nssvLT will disappear.
Paine's Celery Compound
Jas. L. Bowkn. Springfield, Mass., writes
"Paine's Celery Compound cannot be excelled as
a Nerve Tonic. In my case a single bottle
wrought a great change. My nervousness entirely
disappeared, and with it the resultlug afllsction
of the stomach, heart and liver, and the whole
i tone of the system was wonderfally invigorated.
I ’<!^ry l Jmpo dS <l f * iCk M 1 b * Te b ** n * Paia ®’ B
>Wili Cure You! •
toSold by druggists. U ; six for *5. Prepared only
4>y Wills, RicHAaneoN & Co., Burlington, VL
lir tlrt Aged, Nervous, Debilitated.
Offers to the Trade the Best Line of Cook Stoves
Ever Put on the Market. Among .them
• Mav Be Found the
VBBft* stdves
> • AND
* ’St
Which witb .It's|uat.y v 1c! Wl Wla E GAL'ii- w • —at TOOK Ddles the World
torr.ducvti'sequaL A OUAteAitaf oA_x iu
k'oucamiakoycnrw'*' n curry u 'u.lllnicf
T ”
the im (in m noil!
Having handled them for the past fl he n yeara, 1 can refer with pride to tboaa
i.d«of them u>w in u<ie, working and talking for llienxu'lvoa. In addition to th
i >ve, I carry a large line of low priced Btovoe, which I am tell Ing as
Y<>-ii> tlo rd to bur a Cook Stive taforeJjexMnining JJmy ye
w .lab is the Lvgret in NurtbcMt Georgia.
And General Merchitniliee. Hiffboßt price paid for nUTTEHJ|CHJCKw
ENS AND EGOS. Call and see ua.
WnotateAU AMD **TAtL
mF/ < A>U DriALßri* •
Musical Merchandise
ro. X m bhobo jry , ATHF.Brt, Ok-
HAri A
New, Full, Wide-Awake Faculty; New additions on the
grounds; New Boarding Houae; New cottages for
young men and familiee. Almont every
thing ia bran new out aud out.
Is aa a oew aarecr us prooftarity aad ef-ndod aarfulnma. To* c*a educate voar
bom aart daogbien at 7
Hayesville Male and Female College
For almost a thiag. Ottar Ctaw/M make a profit of three or f««r doflare pro month
tot ttnonl mi rocu p*(»l. Voe can aae* that by gtaog to Hayesville. B-ianl in
boardlag bum* revest dtaiar. pre omath ■, ia private fanuitaa, tex dtatan and even
>4.00 FER MONTH.
Tes Mxn’ta Rsaatem from Sixty-five m One Hundred Drilara, ail told.
Tu twm la Tnuoiog |5 Oo to |7 Ml f« hoe moetos aeowoo.
Grttegtale Depannteot, 00 to *8 <F» per rtonth.
B.«A-K~pt-g »>d Fra.maurtip a An exeeßeot instroctrere will give
lobwwi* in (trewta* sod Famtmg.
PromflMrtre *iv»e '•> iartrum-nfnl «ad V ietf Mxtec. Ma*. W. B Baldwin for
tarr y Maa. Lozt* SrTTO*. tote ta Y-mar H«rrte Institute, will have cbsrxe ta In-
I otrvwrotal Mose. Inrtrocuoe ia Mater. fiOO per mwitb.
Tuva* men can buard fbeatoelvce ia cxxiaitonre and pay tai Urn tor ten montta
ril kA!, for RM ®. ’
OF* Seeston Upesrt Aagm*. It. Itert. Apply to
BEV W. B. BALDWIN, Fresident,
ELHXBSTH A TSsrsMsri •« tbs Adaisis
irsrtts tatb* astate of ritah* Thereto*-
I Maxag >apro11.011« te to- Oort tart ribs BM
, f»»r **o4 seta gaol*. M p«r«»oa ar* '
I eanhr •**»** to aha* asaas rs aar xoay ere.
M tba ngotar Oato*** Taras law ta tea Coen
, rfOrt.vl of Clare* Caatar ohv eSa sterol4
' set tea Ae-aargM fr-*a •“* taaiatararto*
aM rosot*. toCtoro ta rtreroM** ra tens, tal
ItSe io*. Tits LMte d*» ta Joa* trtkr.
Joo* l\ tea Urrtoary. ’
Warranted to color more goods than any other
dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and
durable colors. Ask for the Diamond, and take
no other.
A Dress Dyed ) FOR ’
A Coat Colored ■ Z > i
Garments Renewed J cents.
A Child can use them!
Unequalled for all Fanoy and Art Work.
At druggists and Merchants. Dye Book free.
WELLS, RICHARDSON A CO, Praf*., Buttagtsa, Vt,
J. " ,j
z1 Root *. eta kkr cot; nr.Oouur'i
’ > Ornes. AwnM Wk, lIW.-W. J. f *«k,
44*>a»«rstar aZ U»« muu <rf T««»» C >••-
<«>m. 4r-«aaa4. r*»r«wsu ba baa Mir
1 4i«Mar<. I sba 4«um nf saM irau, aa4 »r*ra
, '«* W th «—«■»» TWa M tki r«far» la
j M*iTr at rn»M —a»»r»a4 la aba* aaam. <
•ar tbrr Ma, aa ar M~rv tba Am Ma«4»r Ml
i limmbW mH. »br h. 4 Utlan AoaM a-»t
iba graabM aaZ m 4 •!*
I Otfeaary.