Newspaper Page Text
i■' MIBHHMI linn Ill—mil
VOL. VI. NO. 25.
Dally, Trt-Weafcly and Wrekly.
W. B. KUOOLB8, Editor and Proprietor.
Daily Intelligencer per annum, in advance.
Advertising in the Daily Intelligencer will be
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Advertisements inserted in the Weekly paper
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Tfrmh. Two Dollars peramiun, invariably in advance
The Weather.—Yesterday the weather
was cloudy and during the forenoon we had
a slight shower of rain. Last evening the
weather had liccoinc quite cool and o\ er-
coats were in demand.
jjjgf Since the above was in type, we
have lmd a very heavy rain, audit continues
to pour down as we go to press—I) o’clock.
B^-Tho New York pub-
Europeau News.
By the arrival of the steamship America,
we have European advices to the 28th ulti
mo. The neWs from the seat of War in the
Crimea, slums that Sebastopol still holds out
strongly against the assaults of the allied
forces. In fact, we are inclined to think
from the tenor of the brief telegraphic out
lines of the America’s advices, that the al
lies are farther from the accomplishment of
the great object of the invading expedition
—the capture of Sebastopol—that the pros
pective surrender of that military strong
hold, into the hands of the Western Powers
is attended with much more of doubt and
uncertainty than at any time since the date
of the landing of the allies in the Crimea.
It seems that up to the 21st October, little
impression had been made upon the walls of
die city, as the reusult of the continued
bombardment, and that notwithstanding the
allies had completely invested the city by
sea and land, nnd held in their possession,
according to previous reports, all the ap
proaches to the city, a reinforcement of four
thousand Russians had succeeded in effect
ing an entrance into the city for the purpose
of strengthening the garrison. In addition
to this, a Russian force of forty-five thou
sand men are hovering around the position
of the allies, ready to take advantage of any
opportunity that may offer to make an attack
upon the besieging army, and of this
outside force is in a condition to lie constant
ly increasing by additional reinforcements
from the interior, while the reinforcements
of the allies must necessarily be very few
and very slow in their arrival. In the
meantime the garrisons are by no means in
active, nor disposed to confine themselves
entirely to defensive operations, as appears
from the fact that a sortie lias been made,
in the words of the despatch, “inflicting
terrible loss on the allies.” “ The details
are wanting,”—of course they are wanting.
Such details come through English aud
French channels, whence wc derive our
[C„rreqiomu-uc of the Daily Intelligencer.| ! , atl „ lbi from thirty I.. ;-t\. dollars an acre. The uixe, Tk\n v Nov. 5. 1854. , t -r n ps in Sinclair bounty Lave been almost a fail-
J/.-\ Editor: In fay hurry while wruing Hl'J ore. and. consequently, grain of all kinds corn-
hasty letter to you last week, from Fayetteville, I | inilu< | pr ; eo .
fishes the protect of an important scheme
„ , 1 .. . .. <• .1,- I earliest intelligence, like the pulling of teeth
for the promotion of emigration trom the | „ , ., 1,
United States to Australia. It is designed
especially to attract the free negroes of the
United Stater
of* Bier"ft' 1 Lowe, contemplates the accom- | Ult ® r u ““ u,e attai |" ™ "* ratber * more
modation of poor persons who are healthy, j ser ious character than is made to appear at
hut have not money to pay their passage. ! the hr>st ghmee.
They are to enter into an agreement to work l v rom present indications, the campaign
for they are on “ the other side of the ques
tion.” From the fact, however, that five
The terms which are fullv j steamers had arrived at Constantinople, j was almost without friends: and now Prattville j
letter from the Sydney house j l° a ded with wounded, we may reasonably i presents almost the appearance of a city, and i.- a
omitted many items that might be of interest;
and. therefore. I shall now attempt to “sketch”
from recollection some of the leading observations
that cling, rather loosely to he sure, to a frail
I ought not to have omitted that, in my nieaii-
derings in Tallapoosa county, Alabama. I passed
over the classic ground of Youugviile. in the vi
cinity of which resides the veritable original of
the real “ Simon Suggs.” I was gratified to learn
that “Simon,” or rather Capt. Young, is at pres
ent an affable polite old gentleman, plain but neat
in his attire, and of a prepossessing address and
demeanor. He is highly social in disposition,
gracefully winning the admiration of all who seek
his hospitality, which is cheerfully extended tojill
who visit him, whether influenced by curiosity, by
respect for the man, or by an ambition which as
pires to form the acquaintance of so notable a
character as " Simon Suggs.”
I did not call on “ Simon,” my curiosity being
“ perfectly satisfied ” from the flattering descrip
tion given of him by his neighbors.
Wetumpka is a small, unhealthy looking plate,
apparently much “too big for its breeches," doing
far more business than one would suppose could
be attractad to a town of that size. If the busi
ness were removed, and Col. Dorsey and his
•'* propeller ” should cease to render it famous
Wetumpka would be too insignificant to deserve a*
place upon the map.
The road from Wetumpka to Prattville passes
through a fiat, sandy, piney-woods region, pre
senting a sterile appearance, with here and there
a miserable looking cabin, and occasionally a tine
mansion, surrounded by a productive looking i
plantation. The replies to the inquiries I made ,
concerning the crops were more encouraging in j
that part of tho State than they have been “'race I j
came further north. Contrary to my expecta
tion, I crossed several beautiful streams of water '
between Wetumpka and Prattville ; but the hum
of the musquitocs were louder than the hum of the
I regret that I did nop take more time to note
matters and things at Prattville more particularly.
This is almost wholly a manufacturing town, and
is chiefly the result of the enterprise and industry
of one man—Mr. Daniel Pratt. lie commenced
operations there, not many years since, without any
capital: and, with the exception of Mr. Samuel
Griswold, of your State, who stood by him, lie
out their passage money when they reach
Sydney, the Council of the Colony having
passed a law designed to enforce such con
tracts strictly.
in the Crimea may not terminate so rapidly,
or brilliantly, or successfully, as the more
ardent friends of the allies have been led to
anticipate. At all events, it will he only
after a long and desperately contested strug-
le, and the shedding of rivers of blood that
T. B. Coming, the acting governor j
of Nebraska, has issued his proclamation j fiastopol will be forced to surrender,
ordering a census of tlie territory to be taken j — - —
immediately, in order that an election for j
a delegate to Congress, and for members of j
the territorial legislature may he held at an j
early day.
At the office of the gas company in |
Cincinnati, the other day.was tested a re- ,
cently invented apparatus for cooking by the i
heat of burning gas. A neat iron range,)
furnished with the proper burners, broiled
beefstake for half a dozen persons at the
cost of one cent, and baked at the same
time a pio for the desert.
The Chicago Times has a story of a
gentleman from Missuori stopping in that ci
ty, hn\ ing with him a slave man. The an
ti-slavery folks, hearing of the slave, tender
ed him the hospitalities of a winter in Can-
nada. and, on his declining to leave his
master, they proposed to make him freo,
whether ho desired it or not. A crowd of
about five hundred assembled for this pur- j be some time since. The rot has been un-
pose, but the slave proved stiff-necked, and | preoedentedly destructive to Cotton within
Removal Reconsidered
We are informed that the Clerk in the
State Road Office, Mr. James McPherson,
who was removed during the recent visit of
Governor Johnson to this city, has, upon
further consideration of the matter, been
reinstated in his office. We understand that
the charge was, that the offending Clerk had
hissed the Governor during the political
campaign last fall. This was found on in
vestigation to have been unfounded, though
another charge which had been urged by
parties anxious to procure his removal, that
he was a Know-Nothing, was not denied,
hut on the contrary admitted.
Florida Ctton Crop.—A letter from the
neighborhood ofTallahassee to the Savannah
Georyian, dated November 2d, contains the
following remarks in relation to the Cotton
“Our crops are not what they promised to
be some time since. Th
mounting a store-box made a regular speech
in which he defined his position as against
abolitionism, and the crowd left him “alone
in his own glory,” free tube a slave.
Additional Life Boats for the Coli.ins
Steamers.—The owners of the Collins steam
ships have decided to furnish each of the
ships with five additional life boats, which
with what they have now, they expect to he
able to provide for 400 persons, with water
the last few weeks. 1 doubt if we are not
short of last years product.”
8®r. A correspondent of the Cherokee
Advocate, says that Mr. Josiah M. Daniel,
who resides about six miles south of Mariet
ta, in Cobb county, raised on 12 acres of
common branch land, 200 barrels, 1 bushel
and 1 peck of corn, the present year.
and has a crow attached
and ticketed.
also numbered
Health of Selma.—The City Council of
Selma, Alabama, officially contradicts the
recent report, which has obtained circula
tion, that the yellow fever was raging vio-
BfTsThe Montgomery Mail will be pub-
lislied daily on and after the 10th of the pres
ent month. The Journal will also appear
daily an Monday next. Wc shall be pleased
in see both of these dailies from our sister
city regularly on our exchange table. By
the wav what has become of the Advertiser ?
Wc have not seen it fora month.
J8Jay” The Louisiana planter who recently
| stabbed a cabman at the New York Hotel,
. . . , . . ' was arrested the same night at the Carlton
and provisions tor several days in ordinary, - TI , , , ... , . ...
1 - ... , , ,5. House whither lie had fled and procured lod-
wcatbor. Each ship will have eleven life . t .. . '. ,. \. .. _ .
1 ; gings. 8in ce then, we learn the father of the
bouts, including the old ones. The new assa ; lant who is also in thc ' c itv and stop-
boats, ordered are of the largest class, and j ping at the Metropolitan Hotel has compro-
will be hoisted ondeck, and so prepared that m ; se( j the matter, and effected a settlement
they can be put afloat and equipped in ] ( y paying tfie cabman some 8500.
tewenty minutes. Each boat is numbered 1 — —
Libel Suit Against tiie Tribune.—Mr.
Baker, the Know-Nothing candidate tor
Mayor of New York, feeling deeply ag
grieved at some articles which appeared in
tho Tribune, impugning his character and
motives, lias brought suit against that jour
nal for libel, laying damages at 820,000.—
lently in Selma. The Sentinel of Wednes- . The impression prevails that he will be cn- | Montavak> . Al Elvton , t<j0 , liuMtertaiie abund _
day says that thc city lias thus far this sea- 1 titled to a verdict. The Tribune tried to | liul and the laud good. In Blount county I was
son been almost entirely exempt from every sneak out. but Mr. Baker is inexorable and i much disappointed: for I had, somehow, got an
disease. uncompromising. ! idea that it was a rich productive country. It is
- - — — ! poor in the extreme, and. as a consequence, the
1 he result of the recent protracted inhabitants appear to be very poor—very poor, in
meeting in Rome, Ga., was thc accession of 1 dee , b
93 to the Methodist Episcopal Church, of
• whom 60 were whites and 33 blacks. Out
of this number 58 professed conversion.
The Washington Sentinel says, although
j Congressmen will not re-assemblc a-tor a
, month to come, thc Ilall of Representatives
Treaty Between the United States \nd is nearly ready tor their reception. The
Russia.—The Vniou publishes officially the °. iir l le 1 ts have . been put down, and the heavy at twelve and a half cents an acre, will, some day.
. ^ 0 ruMi drapery put up. j he spittoons, too, Ik? very valuable, on account of the coal l>eil>
treaty recently maue between Secretary are in proper place, capacious enough to which arc of a superior quality. I saw thc very
best of coal used in smithing at Elvton and
(.■markable instance of what energy, enterprise,
and well directed industry can accomplish.
The manufacturing operations at Prattville is
driven by the Autauga creek, which at all times
furnishes power sufficient. Thu Cotton Factory
was built in 1S46. It runs 2.800 spindles and 100
looms, employing OR females and 51 males, con
suming about 1,000 hales of cotton annually,
making mostly' osnabergs.
Thc gin-shop and foundry of Daniel Pratt .t
Co., which hits chiefly built up the place, give em
ployment to 45 hands, who turn out, on an aver
age. about (500 gins a year.
Mr. Pratt is now erecting a new building lor
his gin operations, which is 220 feet long, 50 feet
wide, with a wing 40 by 34 feet, all three stories
high : aud. when completed, it will be the largest
gin factory in thc world. This enterprise con- |
templates the manufacture of front 1,000 to 1.500 j
gins a year: and as Pratt has undertaken it. no !
one doubts its complete success.
Besides the Works mentioned, there is a large
sash, door and blind factory, a large merchant
mill, nnd various other industrial pursuits carried
on nt Prattville ; and not the least of those is a
printing office publishing a weekly paper.
Nor are the people of Prattville wholly devoted
to the world. They have several churches, among
which arc the Presbyterian, Methodist and Bap
tist. Education, too, is well attended to; and
good schools are well supported.
I loft Prattville deeply impressed with the mer
its of its founder, and wishing a long life of pros
perity, followed by a green old age of repose and
From Prattville I traveled directly northward,
through what Col. Dorsey, of the Dispatch, calls
the “Great Sahara of Alabama;” and truly it is
u “ Sahara !” For miles aud miles we traveled
tho dreary way without meeting a human being or
coming to a habitable spot. Hail wc started from
Prattville in the evening, we should have been be-
nightedin the “desert," nnd should have had to trav
el all night or “ camp ” in the woods. As it was,
the only' inconvenience we experienced was a
want of water; but this we could endure pretty
well ourselves, though our poor animals suffered
much. This “ desert,” however, cannot be all a
desert; for wc passed through a large scope
whereon turpentine was being collected to a con
siderable extent, and, consequently, inhabitants of
some sort must have been in the vicinity, though
I saw no living soul.
For a time, I thought we were in the land of
Gofurs : for, at intervals, I noticed innumerable
piles of fresh earth thrown up, ns if some large
animal was burrowiug in the ground : but on ex
amination, I found nothing but a small hole. 1
afterwards learned that this earth was thrown up
by' what are called vampires, a species of animal.
I was informed, in some degree like a mole.
At last we got through the “ desert,” and, ap
proaching Montavalo, we came to a very flue coun
try of valuable land. Limestone, the unerring indi
cation of productive land, is abundant about
Sinclair has been a great dis-
rilliug county, furnishing largb quantities of pork;
out no whiskey and hut little-pork will go from
there to market this . ea«uu. A pork speculator
with whom I conversed in Lincoln county inform-’
ed me that he had on hand live hundred hogs,
which he at first intended to drive, but that, in
■consequence of the high price of food on the road,
he would now bacon them, expressing the opinion
that little pork would lie driven from Term eg se
this'full, and that bacon will proliabably sell low
in the spring. This seems to be the general im
pression all over this country.
On my way from Fayetteville to this place I
diverged to the right, passing, through a rich bnt
broken country, in which the land, in general,
sells 'at from forty to fifty dollars per acre.
About nine miles East of Fayetteville I was
shown some beautiful specimens of marble, taken
from the land of Mr. Jacob Sionebrcaker, who in
formed rac that (lie supply of every variety was
Stopping to pass the night at a little village, I
was informed that it bore the cujkmious name of
••Pineh-’cm-Slity." A gentleman ol' whom I en
quired explained the derivation thus: When the
Temperance reform first commenced, a social old
merchant kept a little of the ardent m a back
room, and whenever a customer of the right sort
came up to his crowded counter, he would pinch
him tidy, and, with a wink and a nod, indicate
where li Black Betty" sat smiling upon all the
subjects of the friendly piwh; and thns thc place
acquired the name of “Pineh-em-Sldy.' Anoth
er gave a different derivation. He said that a
sly pinch was the means used by the knowing ones
about the embrozio tillage to “come it over" the
greener countrymen when they came to tho new
town for a horse swap: but. however derived,
“Pineh-eiii-Sli/y i- now the name of the place!
On my asking a citiizen if thal was the proper
name of their town, he replied that those who had
no good fillin' for them called it “ Pinch-'cm-
Slily,” but that "the good fillin’ ones wouldn’t
call ’em so.”
We next passed through Lynchburg, but the
single street looked -o narrow, and the people so
indifferent that we never stopped. The land,
however, ail the way, looked rich and productive.
About five miles South (if this (Shollbyvillc) an
cuterprisinggentleman—Mr. Dwiggius—has erect
ed a large steam mill, for the manufacture of flour
and lumber. I learned from him that liis object
in building so line a mill is to encourage the cul
ture of wheat, for which he thinks the land welt
; I ara much pleased with this country, which,
i in all respects, resembles the valley of Virginia
; where it crosses the Potomac.
[Correspondence ot the Daily Intelligencer.]
Things In NcwTork.
New York, Nov. 7,. 1854.
The daily' papers, during the past week, have
The Weather.
The rainy weather which commenced on
Saturday last continued through Sunday and been crowded with affidavits and counter afitdn-
was followed on Sunday night by a regular vit@ ’ in leferenee to 1110 private life of several of
freezer. Yesterday morning we had a deoi- ,‘ he for °® c «- Statements
, , „ . ... have appeared, winch, it true, show the candidate
ded foretaste of winter, ice being dtscerna- to he eminently calculated for the galley or pirati-
bie in exposed situations as late as nine o’- cal service. They would unquestionably shine in
clock.A. M. ; those departments. One is said to have robbed
. [ ' himself of his most valuable goods, set fire to his
The morning train for Charleston, Au- . store, aud afterwards collected from the Insurance
gusta, Ac., will hereafter leave Columbia at Compands the full value. Another cheated his
7 o’clock, instead of 7.15, as heretofore.— 1 partner by returning to him falso bills of sale, and
Travelers will take due notiee of the change j otller little enormities peculiar .to the profession of
lest they should be fifteen minutes too late. ! a S ^ !,1 'P man -. Amid all this, you will not wonder
: —i— r t —— ; the difficulty of easting one*s vote in such a
Blackwood’s Mag azine.—We are indebt- i manner'as that it will be effectual in electing the
ed to the American publishers, Messrs. ! ^ t<5 office ’ before th e people. There never
Leonard Scott & Co.. 77 Fulton st.. New 1 Was entanglement, and the confusion
i i -V' , cannot be cured until after to-day's count of votes.
York, tor a copy of Blackwood for October, j Still it is beKeved here thllt CIark wiU be elected
The following is the table of contents- j by 10,000 over Seymour, throughout the State,
Speculators among the Stars; King Other Owing mainly to the temperance issue, which, so
and his Classic Kingdom : Student Life in *~ ar this-State is concerned, is the only praeti-
Seotland—Part II.: Civilization ; The Cen- i caHssuo bcfore the only one which
sus : A Russian Reminiscence; Records of : 18 hkel} ' t0 result in imy im * ,ortance t0 whole
the Past: Nincvah and Babylon; The couut Y‘ Of c™ there wdi be a strong vote
/v • i r* n , vp, ; against .Nebraska and the Administration, and a
Opening oi xbe Ganges Canal: TheLsesof fair demonstration iu favor of Americanism. It
Beauty: Spanish Politics and Cuban Perils. , u not likely, however, that the Nebraska iniquity
gS-The Selma (Ala.) Reporter has com- j wiU b ««sp*cted, or that men and women will be'-
menced the publication of tri-weekly edi- C ° me °, f “ 8 " ddc " raore consistont than their fac
tion. the fir it number of which we'haye ZZ T, 7 . b -; - tb »t in spite of
. T . j • j i , ! the great moral .essons constantly reiterated, the
just received. It is a good sized sheet and world wiu continue to 8wiag prettv MUl . h after
ably conducted. We Wish the publishers the same fashion as before—and the self-interest
success in their enterprise, which we pre- j of man continues to make slaves of his fellow-be-
suuie will he the case, as Selma is a place , iugs, until about the day before the Millenium,
of much promise and has increased Avon- | '" hen and where only we may hope for a univer-
derfully in population and business within : 3al eban ge-
a year or two. I 0w f ms t0 ‘ ke of Constituted con-
■ j servatory ot the peace tho election is passing off
Musical.—It is a good thing that our city, with very little disturbance of any kind, and in
so busy in its commercial affairs, will not ; tb at particular there has been a decided improve
need to groxv entirely neglectful of its musi
cal interests. Atlanta furnishes a good
Music store, Avhere the Avauts of the most
fashionable can be gratified. That Mr.
Braumuller kuoAvs what good Music is, he
ment over the past few years, when bullyism Avas
so common as to eudanger a man’s coat and nose,
in exercising this much vaunted privilege, which
too often is made use of to secure the writing
down one’s self an ass.
Money still remains searce, on ing, no doubt, to
easily proves by his own compositions, which our immense Importations. It is-, reckoned that
are as creditable to himself as they should the entire proceeds of California, gold go to pay
be gratifying “to his Pupils and Friends in the difference between our imports and exports :
Atlanta.” 1 and this is true, notwithstanding tho activity giv-
r—en to the produce trade, eaused by paying prices
f ln,IS A = al “’ abroad. True the remedy is in the hands of tho
lestemav the temporary contract to car- ; , * ... , . _ , .
, ‘ ^ ^ .. people, they yvill only cease to buy fabrics, but
ry tlte mails, made with the South Carolina tbis tboy are notlikely to do whi!st ( hov Wany
Railroad Company, by Mr. Huger, the mouey or farms duril!! , this ilse of spending ;ind
Postmasterat Charleston,onhisownresponsi- j luxury, inflamed by fashion and vanity:
bility, expired, aud up to Saturday last, as Ai
[From the New York Tribune.]
The Military Power ot Russia.
We may safely leave John Bull and Jac
ques Bonhomme, for a while, to their rejoic
ings at the “glorious yiotory” of the Alma
and their anticipations of the fall of Sevasto
pol. The war on the Danube and in the
Crimea, Avhatever importance it may have
in the eyes of the allies and of united Middle
Class Liberalism of Europe, has very little
tie weight, as far as Russia concerned. The
eenter of gravity of that country is in no
Arise affected by its possible results; while a
Litewski form a system of fortifications
stronger, in its strategical combination, than
any other in the Arorld. This system offers
a position in which a beaten army may de
fy double its numbers as long as it has plen
ty to eat, and, to out oft’ a Avhole country
from all communications is a thing that has
not yet been attempted. This whole com
plex" system of fortresses, says a German
Military writer who knows the country, in
dicates "even more an aggressive than a de
fensive spirit. -It is planned not so much to
, f rf ■ 1 3S , f res “ lts ; while a j ma [ u [ a [ n jj ie g roimc i on which it stands as
SSSS S5&SS4SS&2 to sen, M »
for a considerable time, and give them a 1( \ i ^
iii, r . i i t And there are neople who believe that
moral check to recover from which would u i ;i i
require their utmost exertion. i ? R s wil! sue tor peace if Sebastopol be
Some authentic reports of the distribution ! . Wh f ll,lssia has ^ J
and late movements of the Russian forces tul d 01 her timmps yet, and the momenta-
have ,a (*(y come to hand, and itmay be .yell 1? fe? 0 ^tlfe°gS'
“5peelSg r rftfitaSSi Lee l’? 1 , nm ' b “‘ “ plMMaS- R«»-
" „At • i sia knoAA-s full AA-ell that her decisive action
is as yet engaged, and what thc remainder , . ,
is expected to perform. As is well known, I d .V e f ? ofc ,¥ alon &' tho , Seashor !* or m j reach
the Russian army consists, as nearly as can ! oi debarking troops; but on . the contrary,
be stated of the following bodies;
The Grand Active Army—
2 corps of elite, Guards and Grena
diers containing 76 battalions, 92
squadrons, 228 guns.
0 corps of the line, 3,900 battalions,
192 squadrons, 672 guns.
3 Cavalry corps, , 166 squad
rons, 96 guns.
Total, 376 battalions, 460 squad
rons, 966 guns.
II. Special Corps.—
Finland corps, 12 battalions.
Orenburg corps, 10 battalions.
Siberian corps, 15 battalions.
Caucasian corps, 55 batalions, 10
squadrons, 180 guns.
Reserve Caucasian corps, 26 bat
talions 2 squadrons,—guns.
Caucasian line, 47 battalions,—
squadrons, —guns. Total, 175
battalions, 12 squadrons, ISOguns.
III. Cossacks and other Irregulars—
on tho broad interior of the Continent,
Avhere massive armies van he brought to act
concentrated on one spot, without frittering
away their forces in alfdiSess coast defencG
against cvancscenfc^gemies. Russia may
lose thc CriutoaJ'nHMgaaus, Finland, St.
Petersburg andjuHpEi appendages; but
as long as her bodffA Avith Moscow for its
heart, arid fortified ‘Poland for its sword-
arm, is untouched, she need not gh-e an iota.
The great actions of 1854 are, Ave dare
say, but thc petty preludes of the battles of
nations which " ill mark the annals of 1855.
It is not until the great Rtissiap army of the
West, and the Austrian army come into play,
no matter whether against each other or
Avith each other, that avc shall see real Avar
on a large scale, something like the grand
Avars of Napoleon. And, perhaps, these
battles may he the preludes merely of oth
er battles far more fierce, far more decisive
—the battles of the European people against
the new victorious and secure European des
About 700 squadrons, 32 battal
ions, and 224 guns. ,,, »- „ , ,
IY Reserves— Washington, Nov. 0.—Mr. Perly, of
' 1 About 50 battalions of interior ^ ^A'' Brunswick returned here on Saturday
Guards, besides invalides, pcna i ; on business relative to the Rect
* Tivnflif.v : rfin.r.v. mid has hfifl
companies, 11.
2 Reserve of the grand army, of 4th,
5th and 6th battalion ofguardsand
grenadiers. 5th and 6th battalions
of the line, viz : three battalions
for 24 regiments, and two battal
ions each for 72 regiments, or in
all, 216 battalions.
As all the reserves are called in and fully
organized, so for that thc formation of the
7th and 8th batalions of each regiment has
been commenced out of the lately decreed
mischievous. Their eves sre vcrc W«. I ™Oe»rn from onr Charleston exchange., no ; curtutaig thor osats uu<l veal.,, bul feather,, fcnVnuy be «omp& it. the gmntl tot,J,
ami their Mack eves are verv Mack, and some ] arrangement had been perfected betAveen velvet, ribbon and gauze continue t6 flutter, Avave, which Avould give 726 battalions, 472squad-
t.f them have very sharp noses, hut most of! the Department and the Railroad Company, and enfoldthe ladle3 ln ,hc S!lmc if not greater ’
them are charming creatures, faultless in every ; to provide tor the transportation of the P rof ^^ than heretofore. So that the men may
, x . ,• , ~ retrench, yet the looms of Valencia, Brussels, Ly-
P ea * , mails alter that time. \\ e may thereiore „ i n , ; ^ n , i • , .
ketch oi tins I . , % . ons and Maxiciicster, will had work in their em-
branch of the j reasonably expect a stoppage of the great ployers, the women of America; and ns the negro
In my next I will give you a
place, at which, you are aware.
rons of regular, 700 squadrons of irregular
cavalry, and considerably above a thousand
guns. The organization of the reserves for
procity Treaty, and has had interviews
with the President, Secretaries Marcv aud
Cushing and Mr. Crampton the British
Minister. Canada aud New Brunswick
having affirmed tho treaty by Legislative
enactments and provided for its going into
immediate operation. This gOA r ernment
has promptly consented to admit tho pro
duction of those Provinces into tho United
States’ on the termes recently established
with respect to colonial fish. And ano
ther Treasury circular will ho issued accord
ingly. Prince Edward Island produce
Avould he included in this circular but no
official information of the Legislative pro
ceedings in that colony has reached here.
The ProAunees are much indebted to Mr.
Perly for Ills energetic and successful exer-
Railroad terminates. 5 IATOR.
[For the Daily Intelligencer.]
i Southern mail from to-day until this unfor- man toils by day, in raising cotton lor liis master,
| tunate difficulty shall he adjusted. As far | so the white clerk and merchant of this city toils
Have AV< Books among us i j :l s we have been able to ascertain no efforts . night and day, to keep in motion the foreign spin-
Charles Lamb, in one of liis rare essays, J were made on the part of the Department, j die, and support in luxury the foreign tnanufac-
speaking of books, says: “ There are thinys j during the existence of this temporary con- ’ Lurer - P is doubtless true that if this country
in that shape Avhich I cannot allotv tor such, j tract, to prevent another discontinuance at j won,d ! ‘ ur '" c n llttle more of tbe oyster policy it
It moves my spleen to see these things in ' its expiration. Considering the hcavv com- i " uU 11 " hd ®‘ a ‘ tbe sa “° umo tbere
books’cloUttay perched upon shelves like false mercial interests at stake throughout the SMWed> as M . Kossmh would hav ° 0 had ug believe . !
j saints, thrusting out legitimate occupants.” South and Suuth-IY est, the Postmaster Gen- Since writing the last accounts of murders and !
Perhaps after all, the fate Avas, not such a j oral has an important responsibility in the i casualties in the city the usual number has occur- 1
! bad one Avhich bound Elia to London, even i matter, and the people Avili hardly fail to i red, including a case of stabbing by a candidate 1
— UJlO« A.11L U1 CIllllLdllUll V.’X LUG luOol \ vo Xvi • • Tilt* TT 1 C Li * •
cavalry and artillery not being well known ; tloa t . iieu ' . L 1 ehal “ left this evening,
out of Russia, thev are not included in tlie . ai J d ’ 1 lt 16 . said, 1 P 10 CQpds to Nova Scotia,
a | DOye ! which province has not yet taken any action
1 This- array, fortunately, looks more fl)r . ! the Treaty and is therfore excluded from
midable that it really is. From it we must ! the advantages of the present arrangement,
deduct to arrii’e at the number of troops ac- : ~\Yq have seen so much poetry drawn
tually available for a European war, tho ! forth by the catastrophe of the Arctic, that
Liberian corps, the internal guard, and at . we i iave taken thc liberty of publishing the
least one-half of the Cossacks; thus leaving | following stai.zas, descriptive of a sinking
available about 650 battalions, 472 squad- j ship, from Byron’s “ Don Juan.” They so
rons of regular and 350 squadrons of regu- : closely resemble the account given by Capt.
lar and o60 squadrons of irregular cavalry, , Luce that they might he mistaken tor A r ors-
Avith about 1,200 guns. Ihese troops may es -written after a perusal of that account,
be estimated at a very lowfigure, at 520,000 l n beautv and vividness nothing ever Avrit-
infantry, 62,000 cavalry, and 300,000 Cos- t en surpasses them :
The graduation of the public lauds having re
duced it to twelve and a half cents an acre, in all
this poor region of Alabama, hundreds and thou
sands were repairing to Huntsville to enter it. not
withstanding its extreme poverty.
A very great portion, however, of this a cry
poor Alabama laud, which is now iicing entered
at the expense of green fields, and pure air, ’ hold hint justly censurable if he suffers- so | for Alderman, who, in a fit of rum frenzy, nearly, ! sacks, or rather more than 600,000 together
since in return he found what was almost as : important a mail to be obstructed in conse- ! annihilated one of tlie police who attempted to in- ! spread on the long line front the Caspian
essential to his life, books—new books if he , quence 0 f a dispute involving a totv dollars ! tori ' ere with his conviviality or malice. From ; thc Sea an(1 Bulticto the White
Avished them—good hooks always.
Imagine him hurrying Avith his
step from the clerk’s desk, A\-here he had
dragged through the Avearv day, all excite
ment for the first glimpse of “ Marmion,”
and beiug met by his impassive book-seller
Avith “ not received yet.” Would not even
he gentle Elia have lost his gentleness?
And have Ave no Elias among us ? Are
there not many like hitn AA'ho Ioac to lose
themselves in other men’s minds, and to . Drentice
Then rose from sea to sky the wild farowoll—
Then shriek’d the timid, and stood still thohravo--
Thcn some ieap’d overboard with dreadful yell.
As eager to anticipate their grave ;
And thc sea yawn’d around her like a hell,
Aud down she suck’d with her tho Avhirling wave,
Like one who grapples with his enemy,
And strives to strangle him before he die.
And first one universal shriok thcro rush’d,
Louder than the loud ocean, like a crash
Of echoing thunder; and then all was hush’d,
Save the Avikl wind and the remorseless dash
Of billows ; hut at intervals there gush’d,
Accompanied by a convulsive splash, •
A solitary shriek—the bubbling cry
Of some strong swimmer in his agony.
public dinner given him by ! u P era - aau equnl Jenr-y Lind, and yet j 4. A portion Of thc third cavalry corps i A Speech from Houston.
, the citizens of Memnhis he rives utterance i those " bo be!lrd ber on Saturday night at tho \ (dragoons) in the Crimea. Sam Houston made a speech the other
■vxliuni a ])lea>ant conics like a dear . 9 ° , . , ! Broadway Theatre, at her benefit, yield to her the This makes a total of about 540,000 meu. ; day at Bernliam, (Texas) of which a letter
friend, to make happy the long winter even- " c '» <J tA mg sentiments, Avfiieh embody , tl .; uai j )b 0 f equalling the “ Nightingale ” in the ! before entering on the campaigri, but now j iu the Galveston News gives the following
iugs? Alas! Ave fear they may search long, and the experience of his long and eventful edi- ! same style of singing in which Jenny Lind used : reduced to 184,000 men at the outside, of ! acconiit:
only find many “in the shape which they can- torial life. There is not an editor Avho has to excel. She is now in Philadelphia under the whom 84,000 may be taken as thc strength “I had thc opportunity of hearing e
not allow tor such.” Why should not we, in labored at his post for years, bnt Avili testi- j charge of Lc Grand Smith, and will shortly go to ! ®f the army in Bessarabia, 54,000 in the | speech from Gem. Houston, delivered at
quence ot a dispute involA'ing t
.. • 11 i , .. these facts it is properly inferred that the carrviue
of expense m the transportation. Ihe peo- , of eonceaIed J^ DS ^ much luore C0lnnl0n ^ h; “ ! Since the beginning of the war with Ttu-
P le look to him tor thc maintenance of reg- i ugnal or elsu the rulu is not of so d n qualitv ; key the folloAving troops have been succes-
ularity in the mail service, and if any seri-! iis heretofore. j lively engaged against tlie_ allies on the
ous derangement like the one in iiuestion Failures are announced almost every week of soa ^bern trontiei °f the ernpire .
occurs, tlie business community must nee- , large extent, but in the rushing tide ot busmess . with some of their reserves, which are, how-
essarily suffer and the responsibility in the I imi * money-getting they are soon forgotten and ‘ ever, mostly still on the march,
premises will properly attach to himself. ! lu0 ^ e ‘ l u P on as a gambler look*? upon an 2. The whole of the three Caucasian
1 corps.
I really looked upon as a gambler looks upon an ! 2/ The whole of the three
unlucky card.
An Editor’s Experience. ‘ The whole city has been thrown into wonder j 3. Tlie two d'.A'isions (two-thil’ds) of the
In the short address made by George D. | nnt V.admiration that Miss Pyne c^-tld sing in the | first corps of the line, without reserves.
ientice at the public dinner given him by j ^‘ n °^ sb <>1)Cra - ilIU ' ec l ual J enr'V Liml, and yet | 4. A portion of the third cavalry corps
those who heard her on Saturday night at the j (dragoons) in the Crimea.
this growing, bustling Atlanta, have the priv- to 1110 truth of Mr. Prentice’s statements. ] Boston. Mario still remains too iU to sip
linos imr little leieni o in the And every honest editor, the longer he re- I tbc 11 tb Strcet
ilege of spending our little leisure in the pe- ; - _
books which are lxioks?” Vie can ' ma i a s connected AA-ith the press, the more i alliusauient .
,. , . though tlie New - York Metropolitan Iheatre is re-
cauttous he becomes of aspersing the mo- 1
rusal of
have our fashions direct from Paris—can tell
£ and Crimea, or marching toAA-ard it, and 46,000 1 Bernham last Wednseday. He proceeded
ce t o 1K . ra ,ii- ( .'s The other places of tbc Crimea, or marching toward it, and I to render an account of his acts and doings,
afford very Tittle amusement at a i 1; | 46,000 in the Caucasus. On the Baltic there j from the time of the Creek war down to
were, up to the end of August.
In Finland, the reserves of the Gth Corps
The Finnish Corps
The Guards and their reserves
Of the Grenadier Corps at Bevel
There were ia Poland, or inarching for it.
And every honest editor, the longer he re-
tLe close of the last session of Congress.—
Perhaps it Avas a Aery good speech in
many particulars, but taken in the whole,
it was very unsatisfactory to most, of his
political friends present, as far as I could
learn. To me it Avas the most disgusting
egotism aud uncandid effort that 1 ever
kncAv any one to make before so respectable
an auditory. It avur replete Avith allusions
o past events, and shuch as Avere not fit to
be recapitulated on that ocasion. He abus-
,oo° e j almost evrybody indiscriminately. He
230.000 | boasted of his OAvn superior talents and in
flexible honesty, and of his noAv irrepro
ible moral character;" Avhich, he said,—
erybody was trying to steal from hint,—
occasion. JNo compliment could have more | who have attacked private ticket 1 boxes. Noue, i the detachments of the White" Sea and oth- j although they must know they could ct
rratified me than this invitation from the , howeTerj have as v ^ had ^ impunity to disturb ; era, comes up to the number stated before ; no better figure in it even if successful.
■ . . deemed by the presence there of Miss Julia Dean,
you the prescribed inches on the cravat, or ' tn ~es °- those who differ with him, the more : g evere eo ]j attacked us on Saturday night and
the Avant of inches on the bonnet.—can fur- ' charitable he is totvards opponents, and the left ice all day Sunday in our gutters; since then
uish a Theatre, a la Niblo—but alas tor the more ready to do justice and accord full ! a distilling cold rain has converted the accumulii-
books, they must be among the things ' credit to all. Who has not found coolness j ted dust that blew iuto our eyes on Saturday into
“ dreamed, of, but unseen.” Surely our and ingratitude where he looked tor the re- 1 'd inlc J 'vhieh to-day plasters our feet and renders j
i xi • , 1 1 • 1 1 u i 1 * walking uucoDiiort&blc ns well as danejerous. 1 The remainder of the Grenadiers and th^ir
book-merchants do not intend to insult our ! verse, and friends m those he had no claims i . ® A #
1 •, 11 , ^ . , _ As the polls do not close until five it ia impossi- reseives*
literary taste, by the pretense that Ave will upon? Mr. Prentice has daguerreotyped ; ble t0 givc anything like even a guess of what tho j
not read, provided they will turnish. Aeith- j our own mind and feehng in this extract: ! result will be. The general opinion, however, that 1 Various reserves
er will thej contince us tliut wc should be Gentlemen, though Ijim not a^speakei^, I j Seymour will go out of the cit3 r with a large plu-
satisfied with thin ‘ * 1 ' v ‘" x i ’ u ‘ 1 xl '“ J xl * ~
even though they come to us
;dt. In these days ol magneuc mouguts ; No compliment could" have more \ wJiA W( , ! the detachments of the White" Sea and oth- j althSugh" they must ""know they could cut
as avcII as telegraphs, AA e cannot be satisfied
to find our book-stores furnishing; us Avith
only Calendars, and TV
It seems to us that our
doing the public great injustice lnthetardi-: don an( q j ust ify me when I say that fprize I surc t0 brln S thc clarot beforu momin
ness with winch thej furnish w’hat ought , ^his compliment, coming from Whigs and bruised head for the rest of the week.
Webster’s Dictionaries: i unless, jierhaps, an invitation from the la- ; [ he m3 l >eetors or theia baUot bt f es - T —- l d x fc oq qqq
r book-merchants -n-e ' dies of Memphis to a public tea party. I I however ’ be a 5WCCt Ume ^-rnght, for m many of j lana > x ab0 ^ A °l U „_:
.iT . * i knoAV that my Whig friends Avili both par- | tbe war< ls nun flows like water, aud thi
There wU! °f the grand" total. Of tlie troops in Pc- j than little sonneydid in his father’s great
*’ were on the march, coat. It (his character) Avas too good for
this will be about 20,000 garrisoned Warsaw, about j any other man a alive to get along with.—
and • occupied the right bank of .the i He said all editors Avere rascals, who did
Vistula, in the late Kingdom of Poland, ; not approve of his every act, or, at least,
to he our ’’ house-hold ^ords.” We are not j Democoats alike, far more than I eould a j The American Party arc proving themselves j Yom^and PodolkX^the BimanXei”- | were y'earltogs! too SSfor^kinVtat
fond ot being tantalized by the complacent ( similar one from members ot my own party . Wronger and more energetically united than ter Thus the main bulk of ^ Ruasian they all ought to be hanged.
Reviews of our more fortunate neighbors, j al cne. There was a time years ago when I : people had supposed, and m any event a decided a and amQn fte crack reeimcn ts of Richardson, of the News, got a particular
Let us have the books themselves—not the ca ff d Tm a i . ni - ) “tic^al opponents ( as been gnen iu favor of Americans for of- Q aar( j s an( j Grenadiers, was concentrated j blessing from him. also Commodore Moore
on a line from St. Petersburg to Chotyn, or ' and Gen. Thomas Jefferson Green, (or Dog
isions remain about thc same, . a ]ong the eastern frontier of the Empire.— Green, as he called him.) The only por-
, . , , „ . i , . . , . . . apprect- : and it is a singular fact, that nearly all the articles But these positions did not appear sienifi- I tion of his speech that I took any interest
est t nnke s die songs of new poets in ate and iO desire tlie good opinion iff all i for household consumption can bo bought at re- cant enough. The Grenadiers left Revel, in hearing ivas that in relation to his vote
Avord. “the books which are l>ooks.’ ^ good men. b nave learned that candor, tail in Europe at the same price as in New York, , to be replaced by a division of Guards, and °n the Nebraska bill. In his attempt to
venture, nothing have, is a proverb j truth, ana non or, and nonesty, and | notwithstanding o Ur boast of plenty. with the other two divisions of Guards justify that vote lie certainly failed most
marchc d off to Poland, the latter four bat- signally, even in tho opinion of many of
, . ,, i i L : said or thought of me, so I had the regard, : fiee.
catc l-pemtA, je >\\ cotcret hoacL that are j tbe SU pp 01 -t ) an d the applause of my politi- | The prices of provi
not Avorthy thc name, but the words of earn- , ca [ friends. But I have learned to appreci- : and it is a singular iiv
MarcA.on benal. d our government, and contain the tobacco expectorations of the
Mr. Edward de Stoockl, the Russian charge most devoted consumer of the Indian AA'eed,
d’Affairs, on behalf of Russia. The tAVi
good men.
Nothin^ ^
too old to question. Let our lxioksellers ; wisdom, and prtriotism, and virtue, areeon-
a enture to bring ns these books that we I no party My devotion to the par-i English and American Hotels.—We talioTT or “regiments sti-wg,'Toaving“oniv befriends’ “'He'used thfrsamV arguments
Avant. ane they wdl have increased reputa-; ty witi whtcjiI have acted throughout my , could hardly picture to ourselves a greater theoth and 6th battalions in Petersburg.— ho did in thc Senate, and which Judge
tion and profits, and will not nave the re- j »teu unfaltering, but time teaches to all contrast than that between an old country I Thus the army of the West was increased , Duglas so mercilessly refuted as to cause
proaches of the reading public. j true heartsMhe great lesson ot political lib- , and an American hotel. The tiro things t0 above 270,000 men and the greater por- him to retreat from the Senate Chamber, to
high contracting parties recognise as perma
nent and immutable the following principles,
to Avit:
1st. Th at free ships make free g<>ods-that
is to saa\ that effects or goods belonging to
tho subjects or citizens of a power or State
at Avar are free from capture or confiscation
when found on hoard of neutral vessels, AA-ith
the exception of articles contraband of Avar.
2d. That the property of neutrals on
hoard an enemy’s A'cssel is not subject to
confiscation, unless thc same ho contraband
during a night and a day session. Thc
desks have been handsomely polished tor
among other uses the resting-place of honor
able gentlemen’s heavy soled boots; and thc
old AA'inter stuffed chairs’re-introdueed tor thc
comfort of the republican dignitaries.”
Blouutsville procured from these lieds, and I
learned that the supply was inexhaustible.
Going from Blountsville to Huntsville one trav
els on thc top of a mountain nearly all thc Avay
• to the Tennessee river. When Avithin about six
i miles of thc rrecr thc road descends the Avorst
Jtggy” Building operation
city show a great falling off
of Commerce tells
entire cessation of
avenues, where they
or two ago. Lumber is aeeumulatin
... erality. I have published some things, , are not in tlie least alike. Arriving at an UUJ1 01 LUC „„ rm xwsurve
in New lork ' which, although Avell intended at the time, ( inn in England, you are treated w ith im- . -.A-hioh have as vet not been
The Journal j I could Avish blotted from the memory of my ; meuse deference, allowed the seclusion of a are marched off to join tl
fl@*"The Cincinnati Gaztte
Mr. Bcckcl, of Dayton, Avho has
gaged extensively in railroads, banks, turn
pikes, &c., has been in trouble for two weeks
past, and was finally forced to suspend on ll *" S ?
Tuesday last. The Gazette says: ■ tmues to i
“He owned the Miami Valley Bank of ?” >ni * be
_ in the sued tears ot sorrow and regret.
mountain I ever went down, nnd it is a great deal i yards there in enormous quantities for Avant ! when I look hack throu
states that ; ( bp Avorst road I ever traA-cled, and yet a follow ! yf market I years of my
been en :
' tion of the three Reserve Cavalry Corps, get out of hearing.”
ot been engaged at all,
join them: this Avili Thc contemplated tunnel undeFthe Ohio
West to some 300,000 river at Louisville, Kentucky, and Jefferson
ville, Indiana, Avillbe exclusively for railway
are changed. The purposes; Avith a double track, adapted to
,, r — — ; 100,000 men, occupying the south-eastern ! the use ofrall the roads of the different
ir J,' : !■„ ll (• fhe Americans, Avith some portion of the Kingdom of Poland, have guage. It will be tyyenty-eight feet wide in
sits at a gate demanding fifty cents toll! I after-
Avards learned that tlie charter granted for this
road lias expired, and yet the old fellow still con-
impose upon the public by levying toll,
foot of this mountain, which is four
miles South of the river, to Huntsville, tlie voun-
"f war. They engage to apply these prin- Ohio, thc Wayne County Bank,Of Indiamu
ciplcs to the commerce and navigation of and another" Indiana Bank, the name of tr . v > for beauty aud richness, will favorably coin-
nil such powers and States as sliall consent Avhich Ave do not recollect. He is also i-P* 1 * 1 witfa any in the world,
to adopt them on their part as permanent principal owner of several turnpikes, and Huntsville is one of the most beautiful toAvns I
and immutable. is a hear V stockholder in various railroads; 1 ever saw, and it enjoys the reputation of being
By another article the contending parties besides which lie has a large amount of entirely healthy at all seasons, though tbe land is
reserve themselves to come to an ulterior un- real estate. Unless his possessions were rich and productive as any in the world. Thc
dArstandmg as circumstances may require, gcatly over-estimated, he tvill he able to ■ roads leading to it are McAdamjzed in tke best
Avith regard to the application and extension pay all his debts. Tlie notes of tlie three manner, and everything needful has been done to
to he given, if tliere be any cause for it, to the j banks referred to are secured by the de-' render toe place attractive. The price of land
principles laid doAvn in the first article. But posite of State stocks. Another prominent : more varies from thirty to a hundred dollars an
thcA declare from this time that they will citizen of Dayton is also embarrassed we j . M . n> desirable locations near town are much
i i
Extensive Counterfeiting.—The authorities
of Philadelphia have arrested a man named
John Wilson, on a charge of forging the
coin of the United States In his possession
was found about 81,000 in counterfeit bills
on the Philadelphia banks. About 810,00
' of this kind of money has b^en put in cir
culation Avithin the last-two months in the
counties of Delaware, Chester, Lancaster,
and Philadelphia. When arrested, the
prisoner offered the officers all his plates,
and u< much money as he eould rais, if they
woui d let him go. No counterfeit coin was
found upon his person.
V curiou
take the stipulations contained in said arti- understand
ele 1st as a rule Avhencver it shall become a
question, to judge of the rights of neutrali
ty. Church in this city was destroyed by fire w b* c h is also a ja'otiy place, though it is far be.
1 A .. 1 . J. I Tl* 1 i 1 a l. ! — 1 X1 -AAA - -.—2 11a TIL ■ n ,, AA h A r. A— tt'— X i
j higher.
Concord, N. II„ Nov. 3.—The Unitarian i From Hua,?vUlu 1 went to Fayetteville, Teim..
SiN-rur AR—The W line ever set bv M , las t night. It is supposed to have been ' bind Hunisville. This place has suffered much
m n -n-Ljt l . , . : ./ caused by the ga^, wliich had just been t within the lust few ycaiv. First a great tornado,
Charlton, a Pittsburg printer, whose death - introduced into tlie building. J j or wh Mwind, Afisited the town, about four years
occurred recently, was this— ! -
“ And even at last the solemn hour shall
Having done this, he staggered from hia.
case, under a sudden attack of disease, and
in a few days died and was buried. The
#oleian hour had come.
introduced into tlie huildin
Bostox, Nov. 5.—Dr. Abraham Gould, a
since, blowing down a great many' dAvellings and
well known physician of Lynn, while rid-, mu ‘T g V ^ ?t. t u ”
ing in a buggy yesterday afternoon, was j June that terrible scourge, the cholera, at-
run into bv the Saugus-train and had bis i tacked them WItb great vlol « a ce.. Still it is a
horse killed, his buggy smashed, and him- j P rett y P lace ’ •“ urrounde ‘ 1 with r!cb land > ' vll!c! b
self severely if not fatally injured. ' when in market, (which is very seldom,) corn-
case of bigamy Avas re
cently in the California courts. A man
was married iu England under the laws,
there, hut that Roman Catholic Vicar Gen
eral. in California, on ascertaining that
the woman had never been baptized in the
Roman Church, annulled the marriage, and
married the man again to another woman
by the Romish forms. This decree of die
“Church,” however, Avas uot considered as
A'alid in the eye of American laAA-, and the
man Avas convicted.
ta3L,Rev. E. T. Winkler has accepted the
unanimous call of the First Baptist church
in Charleston, to become its pastor.
many I once
came my personal
selves their country’s friends, and how many Instead of looking to livelihood from a few tier? Guards, grenadiers—possibly the into the tunnel, at either end, will be only
a tn U ?nd t t0ll i ed Mt.T Wh t° haT ® : customer, scoffing petty gains by running ; cavalry corps, when they arrive—-take a eighty feet per mile on a straight line.—
' nc0 , tlllnea t. 11011 " hands ruthlessly and U p a bill for tne use of candles, firing and central position to the rear. During the - From the head of the grade on one side, to
tauseiessij against me ; AAfien i reflect Iioav - other conveniences, and smoothing every- winter more troops can be spared from the thc head of the grade on the opposite side
0 ,en th ? mobt arduous and devoted pohti- (thing over by a mercenary bow, the propri- ice-bound Baltic. -of the river will be two miles and a half.—
oat services are forgotten by those to AA-hom etor of an American hotel is a capitalist at By May the neAV leA'ies, forming the 7th The tunnel will be constructed in the river
icy are rendered, and how often the deep- the head of a great concern, and would des- an d 8tli or ncAv battalions of thc different bv excavating a channel or pit in the rock,
est political injuries are magnanimously pise doing anything shabby: hundreds regiments, or 192 battalions in all, (130,000 and arching over tvith the material exca-
tojgiAcn by those to whom they are done; and ■ pour into and out of liis house daily, he to 140,000 men,) will be so far drilled as to vated limestone rock of the best quality.
*" 1 ren } cm her hoAv many of my ponti-'i notices neither your coming nor going; replace them. There is no doubt, then, that The AA-ork lias been surveyed, and the cost
Ctii menus Jifive striven to crush me. unci ; withnnf ooronvmv vnn own fma nf tim o«. VaaIa/aIao oovac AAm%AaAHA^ m i» a i. _ l ' .• i .i a»a million t^vo thousand dol*
strategical position of Poland, payable
And a splendid position it is. Driven in i «=—
New York Times a wedge between Russia and Austria, A woman named Pamelia Myers, now
outrage on my own conscience, and of eve- ! comfort.— William Chambers,
ry feeling and impulse of my heart, if I
were noi. to weed out from my nature the par- The F^hions.—The ixew ^xoio. it outflanks both, w'hile it is protected by under arrest in Philadelphia, has confessed
tizan bitterness that once flourished there. I gives the following as the fall agonies tor the stl . ongest means of res i s tance which art that her paramour, a man named Mayer,
am a >V lug, but I will rteet every true- 18o4: . . . and nature combined can produce. Napo- killed five of their illegitimate children by
hearted Democrat as my brother, and I Avili i “ The fall fashions for gentlemen make a a _ ,± ■— *- r to- .. J
greet no false-hearted Whig as such.— sensation. Hats have a fringe that reminds
leon knew the military importance of the j throwing them into a sink,
country inclosed by the A istnla and its af-
..— 1“*“™ “ ■ j”- — -j— -- — tiuents. ±ie maae it ms Dase oi operations, fi^*The ^Arabia brought quite a number
not, and the wisest of us aie uot wise enough ! coats have changed into long-tailed sur- f or tke campaign of 1807, until he took ! of orders for American seetHHties.One house
A’SSBSE 1 *« i»** nmmuymu on
next steamer.
tions ;
many ■
peratelj w “““ i a '* u ua '« coi.sp.reu tog™, auu gince 1831 haye done what their predeces . i A f iue unparalleled in the history of
selves arrayed shoulder to shoulder m de- j the results are funny. The young ‘bucks sors in p?wer omitted to do M od h n, (No- j the country, is said to be prevail^Tthe
fense of the great cause of human rights. ! are conspicuous objects, just now.
A-o-Georgievsk,) Warsaw, Ivangorod, Brzesc i land of Judea.