Newspaper Page Text
VOL. VI. NO. 31.
Ti l-AVc« Uly Wtclily.
W. B. BIT90LB8, Editor Mid Proprietor. |
Daily Intelligencflr per aunmn, in advance, $6-00 I
Tri-Weekly, “ f, !
Weekly, _ j- j
Glvertlifai? in the Dnffv r«WlU«dnow will I.e
iuserte'i at the IbKowini? rate:.’- per «f|n:ire ol tan^
lines :
K n • > w-Nori ri X C. U ,\ co x - r i r u t i ox a l . —
\ correspondent of tLe New York Times,
writing ii' iui Vtuyne County, Pennsylvania,
under dare of 5th instilnt, states that his
Honor, Janies'M. Porter, presiding Judge,
in liis charge to the Grand Jury, asserted
that they were bound bv their oaths to bring
an indictment against every member of a
Know-Nothing council, under their knowl-
A letter is published in the New j ■fOorrc^r
York-Evening Post,, from a member of the ;
Philadelphia Bar, presenting the Beak case In-no ,v and Reorganization of-the Arm!,- facultie ; bave a „- v dependence upon, to bear
■h (' i , ,.. iL n n«,]
Aden co t*t tla-* Baltimore Son.}
Washington, flee IB. 1854.
[From flic PhihidStpWd North American.]
Tht Hnnin Brain.
The question whether their intellectual
i l>rnk«iuii.uf'l-iucn loUfaiKnti hic Hiat-.j
son flivfr Raih'oaii.
ia a light very unfavorable indeed for that
individual. T-he writer says, a large ma
jority of the people there believe Beale's
sentence a righteous one: and that those
elsewhere who are pronouncing judgment
against the jury ar.d coart, aw meddling
Urn' insertion,
Three, “
One w-ck,
00 ete.
1 25
1 50
1 75
2 00
I One month.
Tivi “
! Thrtsi “
j Four
One year,.
£5 Ou
S 00
10 00
12 ro
15 00
25 00
Special oontnu U will be im-do for yearly ndver-
tUomonts occupying a quarter, half or whole eol-
" ""&■ Advertisement* from transient persons
must he pniil in advuncc. .
i,. g:tl u lvurti.-ements puLKshcil at c:e usual
Oliiiuurv notice.- < x< ceding ten lines ebarjr-
c',1 a- advertisements, .'.n.cumiug candidates fur
$. r > GO. to 1 •• paid i** lulvai* e.
ft hen ndvertisements <u'o e loved in :d! the is
sue-. including Doily, Tri-Weekly and W.eky,
2.i per cent, will be added to toe above rates.
Tl't ;>rivileire of yearly advertisers is strictly
limited to their own immediate and regular btisi-
!Vofcs.d»nal Cards not exceeding sis lines, $15 |
jier annum. . I
Advertisements nut specified n« to time will be i
published till ordered out, and charged at regular •
Advertisements inserted in the Weekly paper :
only will lie charged at former rates.
edge, in the said county; and that although j with what they do not understand. The
men could not he made to testify .against j writer further says that the Common
themselves, yet they would he hound to be
it witness against a brother. The Judge
considered the association unconstitution
al, and that- it should come under the ba*i
of the law. It is said two-thirds of the
Grand -Turv are members of the order.
wealth’? Attorney offered and was prepared
to prove several previous attempts to com
mit similar oaf; ages to that of which he
was convicted, but the court rnlcd the evi
dence ir.admissable. He -ays, further, that
it is genetallv understood that he was once
j horsewhipped for an insuit to a young lady.
1 The letter in the Post, however, was by
an anonymous writer, and in matters of so
Montgomery Lottery.—At the drawing
of the S •■ithern Military Academy Lottery,
at Montgomery, on "Wednesday, the priuci- i , .
i dlo'vs • *4000 £7500 • ,auc ^ importance tue statements of writers
copiKi -’ 057 u „d 071‘* I wLo are :,rraiJ give.their proper sigua-
S1000 cadi • 2U33, 9515, 9029, 821 and 1334, J furr ' s shouk, ' he taken'rith extreme caution.
! "Whatever may he the facts m regard to
' h. ----— — ! Beale’s guilt or innocence, enough was elic-
view of rite vert' liberal donation I ftt d , e mcctiuR1 j of dentists in New
ot the South Carolina Legislature to t * ie York to show that the testimony of a pei-
pai prizes were a
356, S6000: 1060.
Provision'- of a Bill Reported for tki
pern-—Discussion of the Board of '-'Ctrdms
BUi—De-siruble Amendments Propose i.ilY.
-Gen. ShieMs’-iias, with his usual prompt
ness. reported from the committee on mili
tary affairs the measures tor the increase
and reorganization of the army, so much
called for by the necessities of the service.
These measures are all embraced in the
same bill. This nil! adds to Die army four
regiments of infantry and two of cavalry.
It provides f ir a corps of artillery, with two
colonels, four : lieutenant colonels, . twelve
majors, and twenty-four captains, organized
as at present; the artillery now in the ser-
vi -e, who may not be retained iu the new
edrps of artillery, to he transferred, to regi
ments authorized by the section above men
To each regiment of infantry and cavalry j ‘ • V 'j^datou
any proportion to, the relative weight :
magnitude of the brain, is one that lias l
engaged the attention of philosophers,' with
out, however, having been in any degree
satisfactorily decided. "The notion of such
dependence and such relation, however, is
arr extremely common—and therefore doubt
less," a very natural one: it is proverbial to
say of a inan of great mind that lie has a
a big head, and of a weak man that he has
a small one : and when we hear of the brain
of such, a .uivatii Of the celebrated Cuvier
having bean" found to weigh some half a
pound inure than the average of ordinary
brains, and 'remember how diminutive those
of idiots often are, we feel almost that the
point is settled and the theory established
as a law of nature. General observations.
' however, are not so favorable to the hypoth-
C-o ugr<' ssion a I.
... , . .In the House on' the • !9tti, Mr. Bailey •
'^*1® jV’ ' : c , T h r Btntroad, -j ,, ftve uotice that'ho would-call un the French
which left Albany, at Co dock Sunday eve- , hm un the Jdh of jinuarv next.,
nmg, did not arme_ here tiH -.i late hour ; ■ ^ tLe Souai ^ ou ^ 20iu, the bill'of fast 1
yesterday- morning, owing to the depth ^j-daUve to. the naturalization. of'
snon on track. ... j Americans, born abroad, was passed. The
The experiences of thisumn on theyntr? I i( , u bil! v , a ; :flkcn -' Kp . When Mr. Fes'-'
ney are said to have been .T tben.o,ttrv- | ^ rt!en moved an amendment to place the
ing kind. When rafamt half way to Hud- A<Upwe on lhe iNavv tension list on the
son, the snow urns so deep tfait the condue- W ithewddowa on the army I
tm- was obh-eu to send hn;-k to Albany far ^ ^ ^ lviidM was . rejected and lh ' !
a-snow-|>!t>u;rh. it is sard that m lionie-; bhsVcd'
places the snow ^as pried upon the track ^ Tbe-Senatc has passed a resolution to send
eight fee? deep. While he train was wait-j ;vstefimcr ; n , oarch for t)r . Kane,
mg at tins pmnt the smlcnngs ..1 themas-': j u , lhe House, Mr. Whittitdd, delegate
sengera, from cold, nve -repraranted ' frolll , appeared and was
sworn. Tiie.bifbto suppress small notes iu,|
been severe in the extreme. THetfSih wrA
literally embedded in rhe show, vvtrh'a hiti-c-
ingcold wind from the rrerthwe-t;
One of the hrnkemen. named Jonx Dovlk:
was frozen to death. Two of ihe passen
gers were also badly frost bitten!
the bill adds ten first lieutenant
try *57 : 2d I,t. Cavalry. S55 : Cadet. 832
Term*—$2 00 per annum, UtariaM^ in advance.
Tun 1’ w.nt’s Messacf.—-The Ca*sville
,87 mdard speaking of the early date of de 1
livery of the Message to readers in this city, j
-• Such enterprise ou the part of our At- I
lanta friends is commendable, and we beg i
the readers of the Stuiulord not, to forget ;
that our extra containing the Message in i
full, was delivered to subscribers in this i
place, on the afternoon of the same day, and
sent to those in the country on the next day j
m jnHi four dai/s after it irrts delivered in :
\Vu.ihiu-jtnn, one day after its appearance in i
Augusta, two days after it was published in j
Charleston, ou Ihe same day of its puhlica- j
tion in Savannah, and one week nr advance ;
of erertt country paper in Oeoryta, except i
In connection with the above, we would i
add, that although our neighbors of the
Hrjiul/linin, by having their Extras contain- ;
ing the Message printed in Augusta, fur- :
uished their readers with it promptly on ’
the morning «<f tho 7th, (it having been de- j
liverod in Washington at noon on the 4th,) j
vet, with oar small compliment of workmen, !
the Message was set up and printed at ihe j
Intdliycncer office on the otb. In addition j
to printing enough copies for our subscri
bers, we had the pleasure of printing a suf- .
licient number of copies to supply the entire j
circulati >n of our friends of the Standard. ‘
also, on the evening of (lie 6th, which were i
dispatched up tho Hoad before daylight on •
the morning of the 7th. Our neighbors of .
the Examiner, bv the way, hud the Message ;
out promptly on the next Saturday, thereaf- j
tor. the 9tli inst.
Tub Artesian- Weu.—Tlie Charleston
Mercury of the 19th inst, says:—The water
still continues to flow from the Artesian,
Well, at the rate uf from 20 to 25 gallons
per minute, the variations being occasioned
hv the greater or less obstruction of the
sand in the tube. It is the intention of
Mr. Wolton to coutinue his perforation, in
perfect confidence that as he gets deeper i
the flow of water will increase.
Fno rida Senator.—The General Assem- i
hlv of Florida, now in session, has just con- |
eluded (he elec,lion ofl’iiitcd Suites Senator. ,
lion. D. L. A nice was chosen on the first j
ballot. The Whigs voted for Ex. Gov. ,
Brown. Tho vote stood, Yulee 31, Brown
21, blank 2. Air. A’nice r-vteeeedc the Hon.
Jackson Morton, Whig, whose term ex
pires on tlie 11 It of March, 1S55.
tlfty, AVc learn, save, the New York AI hi- '
on, that Sir George Simpson, tho energetic
head of the Hudson’s Bay company, has al
ready organized an expedition for the pur
pose of recovering any relics of Sir John
Franklin’s party, and finally clearing up the
mystery that still hangs over tlie dicoveries
made by Dr, Rae.
Another Expedition for Liberia.—Ac
cording to a vecent number o tho Coloniza.
tion ll rahl, arrangements have been per
fected to dispatch the Brig General Pierce |
to Liberia, this month, with colored emi
grants to that colony. The General Pierce
will probably take out about one hundred
persons, mostly from this State and Ten
nessee. She will sail from Savannah on
tlie 30lh instant.
A Trunk Fi u.oe Secrets Stolen.—Mr.
11. J. Coleman, deputed as an agent of the
Free Masons. Odd Fellows, and Know Noth
ings, who was ou his way to Nebraska and
Kansas to establish lodges of these orders in
those Territories had a russet trunk stolen
from the railroad depot at Jersey City on
Thursday, winch contained tho rituals and
other documents relative to those orders,
and a quantity of valuable clothing and
jewelry belonging to his wife, lie had left
that trunk with others in the depot for a
few moments, n> go to dinner, and when he
returned they were gone.
Colt’s Revolvers.—The English papers
slat'- that the number of the repeating pis
tols or revolvers manufactured l>y Jlr. Colt
during the past two years amounts to two
hundred thousauu. The profit on each pis
tol is said to l>i* 85. so that on 200,006 his
profits roach the immense stun of 81,000,000
The N. A’. Herald says that arrangements
have already been effected in the ranks of
the Know Nothings, both in New York and
Virginia, which render morally certain the
defeat of Seward for tlie l . S. Senate by
our new Legislature, and also the defeat of
Wise, tlm democratic Cabinet candidate for
Governor of Virgin!".
fist?" The N. A". Courier d- Enquirer learns
that the 93d Highlanders, tlie regiment
which received and repulsed the charge of
Russian cavalry with such admirable cool
ness on the 25tli of October, has volunteered
to lead the storming party when the breach
es are opened at Sebastopol. Probably not
one of Die gallant fellows will live to know
whether the attack is successful or not.
Another Guano Island.—The New York
Post announces tlie discovery of another
guano island with at least a million of tons
on it, the locality of which is yet a secret.
Measures are now taking for the organization
of a company to bring the guano to market.
AVc hope it will make the article a little
cheaper and more accessible to the Ameri
can farmer.
Rabun Gap Railroad, by which the comple
tion of that enterprise has come to lie re
garded a - a fixed i'act, tlie Augusta C/ironi-
| de dr Sentinel is urging upon the people of
that city the necessity of urging forward
with all possible dispatch the project of tlie
Savannah River v alley Railroad.
'The Mayor or Boston.—Dr. Smith, who
has just been re-elected Mayor of Boston,
in returning his thanks to the people, on that a portion of the latter struck on Mon-] dieated a concurrence in
Monday evening, thus alludes to the Burns
fugitive slave ease:
“It is said that L have unconstitutionally
called out the militia, (voices, no,"no!) but
what did leal! them out for? It was to
save your lives, and protect your property
and I will do it every day in the week if it
is necessary. (Loud applause] But God
forbid that there should ever be an occasion
for it again. My sympathies are as strong
and profound as yours, and 1 do assure you
that there can ho no oppression of the peo
ple or of an individual for whom I should at the bung-hole than at the spigot.”
not feel the deepest and wurme-t sympathy. , „ . . ,
But when sympathy says one thing and The Railroad Companies ana business
law another, 1 thall not let my sympathies men in the State cf New York, aredeter-
stand in the v.i^ of my duties as a inagis- mined to have a bridge over the Hudson,
son as to the occurrences while under the
influence of chloroform is necessarily unre- ,
ceivahle and ought never to be received in ! * avmaster General and {surgeon General obta ; lled a world-wide reputation
, ,, , -iii; >auie tvt Colonel. 1 lie bill atso provides for . . „ ■
court, and as Beale was convicted solely by j rel ; red ]q st F was never better cleaved, be, aas
the evidence of Miss Madge he should have : The bill to establish a Board of Comrnis-
been acquitted by die jury. j sioners for the examination and adjustment
TLe directors of ti e Erie Railroad have P? P” V ? te clai ? M Wa " ^ f J V n the J® n * ! ra^^“gi‘~ so “ e of them are° Vn TpposI- 1 hoth^auuT iua.The ^uoee^fuTt Fl0 * 1d v ^rnANS.-Late movement
" O <te f ded I rad^thew^^h-^to ' tf* i- 'it^ tion both to reconceived opinions atlcl to ! doubtful, far in fact, tho means are wholly l? vt tf °» r mlhtiU - v ^uthormes- Imre, eon-
..gam deeded ,o reduce the wages given to, Mr. Broadhead lhe fol- tLe g ed rule of t elation. Tims the wanting to the Netherlands by which s’uoV )]»^o us that our_ troops are not to remain
their employees, ana the consequence is J lowed m regard to the menu of the lull in- T &% et y- true there is a difference in ; can retain possession of such large colonies >Jui. or even statiouarv much longer, hev-
the expediency of ihe size of the brains of the different races far any length of time” oral large raackannw boats, together with
and has, by his numerous publications, ad
ded vastly to the sum of our knowledge and
more laboriously earned.
The last tables published by Dr. .Morton
others, for the purpose of restoring the es
teem far Holland among the Japanese which
the .Government find has been greatly lowe
red by the American expedition. An addi
tional purpose is said to he tlie safety-of the
East Indian Possessions against a surprise
the District of Columbia was passed. j
In the Senate," on the 2Isi, Mr. Slidell ;
presented h petition, praying that Ameri
cans aln- ad may be permitted to worship,
tuid bury tho dead, according to the dictates
of their conscience.
ME Stunner offered a resolution instruct
ing the Committee- mr-Foreigu- AfeTrs'to'en-'l
quire into the expediency of off'ermg to me
diate between Rajssia auu tlie allies.
Jlr. Dawson presented tlie petuiou of the
Georgia Legislature, asking tite establish- |
ment of a Navy Yard fit Brunswick.
In the House message was received
front the President, enclosing the corres
pondence between the (State Department
and the government of the Netherlands rol i
iitive lo the ease "of L'apt-. Gibson, it was -
referred "to the Committee oh Foreign Af
fairs. Mr. (Arr hoped rhe Committee would
give the subject their earnest attention.
on the
me measuie. , . , of men, the moat cultivated races of met ,
lhe bill, no doubt, wotdd fae unproved by ! the muit cultivated races having larger
the amendments suggested in the cuseuss.on , brainsthantheancu iti V ated Tlte Caucasians
,1 p be {J lree
da}', and the remainder were expected to
fallow the example. It ~eems strange that
this wealthy corporation, which is making | ^ Mr Clayton and others, xne turee ; for ^ have brains averaging aoapae-
an unusually large profit, should once more j Commissioners ought undoubtedly, to be j 0 f yo cubic inches : while those of the
undertake to cut down the salaries of its i independent of the President durm-
; some twenty canoes are in progress of eon- 1
Brown and all other dark-colored": struetion, doubtless designed far the Ever- ;
eyos are weaker and more susceptible of hi- glades. A largo storehouse, or the material
jury, from various cause*, than grey or bine ; therefor, is now ready for transportation to .
empio}ees, and at a time, too, when the
price of living is so extremely high. We
agree with the Baltimore Patriot in the be
lief that “tlie company will find, when they
are a little wiser, that they can save more
term of their service, whereas the bill gives
the President the power of removing them.
It is also conceded that there shall lw> an
attorney for the United Stases to look after
ihe public interests, as involved in each
claim before the board. The want of such
th i ll i"
e Hottentots and Alfarians only average
The Chinese have an* average of
aboriginal Americans 79. But in
tion to all this we have the equally
aud somewhat incomprehensible fact, that
the barbarous races now in existence have
eyes. Light blue eyes are generally the
most powerful, and next to these are grey.
The lighter the pupil, the greater and long
c-r continued is the degree of tension the
eve can sustain.
Ms. Webster’s Estate.—The Executors
i of Mr. AVeh.ster's estate have asked leave
Irate.” [Applause.]
Heads Off.—AVc learn from the Macon
Teteyraph, that the Know Nothing Board of
Aldermen recently elected in that place, has
taken off the heads of all tlie foreign bom
officeholders in the employ of the city.
Tue Panama Railroad.—Letters were
received by the Ninth Star tu New York,
on the 9ui inst., by the Panama Railroad
Company, from their General Superinten
dent on the isthmus, to the effect that their
Road would he opened through from Ocean
to Ocean in the mouth of January, tu-d
ibat about the 20tli it was prupo. cd by tlie
friends of the enterprise at Aspiuwall and
Panama to celebrate its completion by a
public jubilee.
Sfaf " The Chattanooga Adrcrtiscr of the
10th instant, says:
“ Some ten or twelve thousand bales of
and have given notice that they intend to
apply to the Legislature for an act author
izing the construction of the same. Much
time is now lost every day in consequence
i if being compelled to cross the river in boats,
:md it is expected that the time, as well as
fuel, inconvenience, Ac., saved by railroad
trains, will pay for the bridge in a compar
atively brief period.
Mr. Fletcher Webster is busily engaged
in editing two or three volumesof his father’s
uiu.uo vii i '-“i-'— ......... ^
, . . i tians, the builders of the Pyramids, had:
. | * UC , l - ’ in ° ,P rV , brains of but 89 inches; and our wandering Providence, Dec. 18.—The extensive fail-
for. frauduient claims would not have been ^ ^ of North America, including the are of Messrs. Hill, Carpenter & Co., which
80 • ra» a - - ‘ . '* ■ “Diggers,” “Poor Devils,” or Shoshonees as ! occurred, "or was announced on Thursday
A Sad Case.—A Bavin;, Maniac from they are variously called, of tlie Rocky ! last, has caused much excitement. They
Soiri/ualisin.—A commission delunaiico in- Mountains rise to an average of 84 inches, were considered the heaviest wool dealers in
man pedler uf jewelry, insane. ! ^9 inches. _ raw material.
It appears that, about three weeks since, There are other facts, which appear from was President of the Arcadia bank
he became acquainted with some persons in these tables, on an equally enripy*-. charac- credit of said institution has for the time
Fairfield who are believers in the spirit de- : ter. Dr. Morton divides the modern Cau- , being at least, been considerably weakened, j
lusiou, and practiced as media. Nathauson casian groupe into six families, of which the though it is thought not permanently. The |
witnessed the phenomena of table-moving first in order, a- in brain, is the Teutonic house always sustained an excellent name, j
and communications from the dead—affect family! represented in hisEists by Germans, and is now said to have large assets. It had .
Pontu Rassa, that position being designed
for a depot. Yet nuim is the pass-word.
Advices from Fort Myers of last week, :
state that Biily Bowlegs was chen at that :
Fort. He appeared in fine spirits, and is !
suspected of being privv to-that intended j
operation, yet his open declaration to that
effect, would he impolitic at present, with
iiis frille.— Tinnpa Herald 13//?.
Improvements in Telegraphs.—The new
and ingenious invention of Mess vs. Siemens
i and Clarke, far which these gentlemen have
| obtained the great medal at the exhibition
j of Munich, has been used for the first time
; on a iarge scale on the telegraphic line from
j Petersburg to Koenisbnrg. While by other
apparatus it was but possible to obtain a
speed of one hundred and twenty to one
hundred and thirty words in a minute, the
new apparatus can transmit six hundred
time next season, uniform in size with the
works of Webster that have been issued.
A whole year and a half has been devoted
by a competent person merely to arrange
these letters elironologioall} for tlie editor’s
hands. A rich addition to our literature
may be expected. The work of the editor
will consist mainly of such historical intro-
correspondence, that will he published some ir,g to deride it all: but in the evening he English and Anglo Americans. Of these connections in Boston, New York, Philadcl
... was observed to be considerably aritated.— the first and last named run up to 90 cubic ; phia, Baltimore, Richmond, and elsewhere, j
lie spent the night in the house. Before inches. Cousin John will perhaps exult at who must suffer somewhat front tho disaster,
morning he aroused the family bv cries for his fancied superiority; and Jonathan mav This failure is understood to have resulted j
help, and exhibited very strong nervous ex- stare aud feel indignant, Neither, however from the unexpected and gradual decline in j
citement. From that time he was possessed should lie precipitate. There is another and wool.
with the idea that he was a medium—that -still more anomalous tact exhibited in these New A’ork, Deo. 17.—The Erie Railroad
,ur. Ill 1, the senior partner, j w0 ,. ds ; n a m innte, without it lining neces-
Ni .: thC I sary, as in the American system, that the
clerk should have any particular ability.
Tl;c 5Tcw Fire Engiuc.
The following sublime “owed” is worthy
the genius of K. N. Pepper, Esq., tlie hard
of the Knickerbocker:
Snyuestcd by Setting if Shu-irt.
<:d l>3* l
cotton are hauled to the banks of the Ten- | auctions as will explain the origin of the
the riv- j Cl t er ^ 0 f h‘M father and their answers.
nessee, below, waiting for a tide in
er. Y lien we can get water we shall luiv<^ Anyonewouldbe asl((lli£ . hed to scc the
if materials that
have been ool-
au unusual brisk season. Every body is de- (
laved rn this account, and business must pd°'
remain statu quo until there is more rain.— lected from all portions or the country, the
i'v e hear of considerable produce to come j cream of which is to he given to the publi c
in when the means of transportation are through these volumes.
reachable. There is a slight prospect of 1 ^
December 20, 1854.
The fallowing resolutions were unani
mously adopted by the Georgia Conference
at its late session 'a Atlanta:
lit soloed. That tlie Conference do hereby
present their grateful acknowledgements to
the citizens of Atlanta, who have so kindly
entertained it? Ministers and friends during
its present session. And, may the blessings
of tlie Great Head of the Church be upon
them and their households, both in this life
aud that \v iiich is to come.
Resolved, That the thanks of tlie Confer
ence arc due and they are hereby tendered
the City Council of this City for the u-e of
their Hall in which it has held its session.
Resolver 1 , That ibis Conference most sin
cerely reciprocate tlie cliristbrn and frater
nal feeling of those Churches of other de
nominations who hate invited the Confer
ence to occupy their pulpits during the ses
sion of the body, and assure them that we
shall ever cultivate that oharitv which i« tlie ... , , . ,
bond of Christian Union, and‘the ground of m huro P e may nave terminated.
hope that we shall have a common home at
last in Our Father’s House above.
Resolved. That those resolutions be for
warded by the Secretary for publication in
tlie papers of this city, and also, to the Pas
tors of the Churches alluded to above, with
the request that they he read to their con
gregations on the next. Sabbath, and also,
that they be read from the pulpits of tlie
Coffer.—The consumption of copper in
the United States is put down at between
8,000 and 9.00U tons are produced in the
country. About 7,000 tons are consumed
by the rolliug mills, aud distributed over
tlie different markets of the Union, the re
maining 1,000 tons being disposed of in the
manufacture of sheet brass, kettles, wire,
buttons, &c. There arc six copper works
containing seven rolling mills and three
smelting furnaces, in ihe States.
A't.-rr or Qeen Victoria to Canada.—
The Canada papers are warmly discussing
the propriety of petitioning the queen to vis
it her dominions upon this side of the Atlan
tic Ocean. The Hamilton Gazette, Toronto
Globe and Man treal 757u/ unitein urging that
she be invited to take a voyage next sum
mer, by which time, says the Pilot “the war
The first “Shad” of the season sold
ir. Savannah on Saturday for fifiy-five dol
lars. The purchase is understood to have
been fora hotel in Macon. The luxury ap
pears to have been rather too expensive for
any of the Savannah hotels—on of them,
however, bid as high as fifty dollars for the
Methodist Churches in this city -it the same piscatorial delicacy,
time. —
Tlie papers of the city will please copy,
and the Pastors read the above, and oblige
Secretary Geo. Annual Conference.
PntLFDF.LPiHA. Dec. 16.—Yesterday after-
uooii, iLe locomotive Wisconsin, attached to
a cuttl train on the Reading rail rued, explo
ded near Manyu.k TuuneUl, killed George
Long, tlie engineer, John Lynch, fireman,
aud Charles Miller, of Dauphin county ; al
so seriously injured a lad and a boatman,
a passenger on the train, who resides at
Reading. George Long, the engineer, has a
family residing in Baltimore, lie had come
here m search of employment. The engine
was one of Ross Winan.s <(' Co.'s eoaleburn-
locomotives. It was rendered
gfty. Fifteen bales of Cotton, raised by
Col. Burke, of Wilcox county. Alabama,
from the Ocean and Dean seed, lately sold in
Now Orleans tor sixteen cents per pound.
The Delta remarks, that the staple of this
cotton is unusually long and fine.
The New Y'ork Express declares that
it will not continue the publication of the
debates in Congress, unless when something
is said worth the the space occupied. The
conclusion is a sensible one, aud ought to
be generally acted upon.
[Con .pondencPof tUoN.-O. Commercial Bulletin.J
com tile te ‘ Dr.tirttinm in tlte Toinbs—No Cltance
‘ for a Pardon.
New ..York. Nov. 25, 1854.
In tlie ease of Dr .•-Graham a stay of pro
ceeding has been ordered by tlie court, to
an .- argument upon a bill of errors. The
immediate effect of this is for Dr. Graham
. to remain in the Tombs certainly till the
the worst feature ot all i- tho discharging February term, and perhaps longer. As
nun employment hundreds of laborers and for pardon, there is no chance of (hat now.
mechanics, who are now upon the streets whatever hopes there might have been had
Seymour beer, re-elected. Clark is the son
.. O' ' ORK > De.-. 10.—The steamer Union «>f a Uni verbalist chargvniftn, latterly eon-
sailed hence to-day at neon, with 28 pn«-en- verted to the Bluest Lirht Presbyterianism
of most of the employees. The laborers at
Piermont have struck and many more ate
expected to follow.
The sudden closing of navigation has
and wheat
nense amount
is also detained in the Erie Canal from (he
locked up 186,000 bushels com
in the Welland Canal. An irrmu
his arms aud hands were moved by super- ; tables, which will suggest equanimity and Directors have decided to reduce the wa?
natural influence—and in three weeks he j caution ; which is that the native Africans,
became a raving maniac, his business pros- j savages though they be ; have a similar ex
pects. which were flattering, destroyed ; his ! cess of one cubic inch of brain over their
earnings, which amount to a considerable ; civilized defendants in the United States,
sum, about to be exjiended far bis support j the former standing at au average of 83,
aud recovery, and himself doomed, possibly, 1 the other only of 82 cubic inches,
to tlie '-ad life of a confirmed lunatic.—Mo- j These are facts wholly irreeoneiieable
hawk Courier, Dec. 14. ; with the idea of the intellectual powers bo- same cause.
_ ! ing proportioned to the mass of the brain. —
New York, Dec. 20.—A block of build- j \\ e have every reason to know that neither Texas Railroad Bonds in Eurofe.—Au
ings on Broadway between Howard and t t) ie English nor the African race has degen- attempt was making in L inden aud Paris
Grand streets was burnt this morning, also | orated in any way, physically or intelleetu- to negotiate the Bonds cf the Galveston and
tlie City Assembly Room iitywhiyli a ball j a jty j n the New World. Houston (Texas) Railroad Company—8750,-
" " Ll ~ " " * ' The experiments of Dr. Morton are direct- 000. This gave rise to a controversy he
ed to ascertain tho cubic contents of tho ! tween the agent anu the London 1
brain. The older physiologists attended to i money writer; the latter appealing in sufl
its weigut, and they constructed tables, | port of hi? warning against the loan to the
though very imperi'ect ones, showing the j course of the State of Texas on the debt
average—orsupposedaverage—weight ofthe j of the former Republic. The first notice of
brain, as compared with the rest of the body, the Times was owing to an intimatimation
and this in the lower animals, as well as in ; that Lieuc. Perry, of the British army, for
man. Now every one knows that the rela- ! whom a public donation has recently been
Wednesday night which destroyed the block ! tive weight of a child’s brain is greater than subscribed to compensate for tlie bad neat-
on Broadway, between Howard and Grand j that of an adult; aud this i? an initial fact, i nieut he received by a court-martial, was
street, including the Assembly Rooms of j which, of course, does not speak very favo- j about to invest his money in ibis loan.
Speaking of the proposition of the
sor Dunglison’s well known work on Physi- French Emperor tobuy the Collins steamers,
ology, it appears that the brain ot a child, the Washington correspondent of the Baiti-
at 6 years old, equals l-22d part of its body: j more Suu says .
that of an adult l-d5th part, unluckily for «* cl »j A 1 j a i
. human dignity, although some of the mon- / «« cl “ rte t0 }j' e .
Dreadful Accident.—About a quarter be- kev and baboon tribe sink as low as t0 | contract noxv existing jeracen thelnitcd
fore 12 o’clock last night one of the boilers j l-l(>4th part, othersof that race have brains " , es ,0 ' c * nnlcn a,l( ’ ® 1 'ty. ei 2..
at Chisolm’s Steam Rice-Mill, at the foot of of l-22a, or as large in proportion as a understood tltycompany will prefer selling
TraJd street, exploded, completely demolish- j child's. The game cock and dolphin tread ...*. e,T s lU ‘inning i lem at oozing iates.
;i vC era*lien ted Fi’ v m
mu.Mole—(tv.i t«* tugine
ely ockslinguiM]i.
rat* 1
sjtu|jeii<lou\ULL.s stoem pump. You suck.
I'raw up. and you skwirl water on 1L • n
aajtl *iev«>wring eUuneit*. cuminunlv Unoiio
Fire .\n*l you in kwcneliing tli
.Stupcniloowr.M stc*om pump!
i>Ti»r «*l
0*y do
it t*> a iUalfjn, 1
:mr Kajincai* p»i
nd von proceed
Mitev destrov
Mini evkstennin
ignited kuinbustirMjls. wit
ii run v* sir suckUons i<i.
riiiwitli to darken down e
of ignited kumbu.4ibul-
was going on at the time. One man was
killed and several ladies are missing.
Louisville, December 20.—River Falling.
Weather clear and cool.
Cincinnati, December 20.—River falling.
Flour 87.50 to $7.60. Hogs 44 to 4J.
Fire in Sew Tor It.
There was a larsre fire in New York ou
■ uf bLraein
Must feel proud bekase yon him
Of wutcr ou k: i litii'L don't use
Spirituous liok* i—You don*l w you have notliicgto «l«*.
Grand Gck.'.teruiiiiAtor of bl
I NVoiulrrful Infnnieel ’
]K*rfcct h:ti?d pumps.
Xmv slat
Of Fame. Ik-kaoe vo
Wonderful lufaute
Christy’s Minstrels and a number of stores. I rably for the theory. By a table (taken
The loss was very heavy. j chiefly from llalter and Cuvier,) in Profes
The Weather.
The weather in New York is intensely
cold. At Albany, the thermometer was
five degrees below zero.
Ibcm ^premier of akv.cous Fluid—
Know full well your lniudm! h ot «•
Your wiior. big wheals, little vulic
&o., death lo the oiu tire*bo,»s ;t
useful to Insurance ComiiaiiVs.
Thou spreader of the akweou.s I
Stccm Fire Engin-—your useful,
use wood aud koal!—you make
a big noise with your whissle. an*!
You leevo streek of fire behind y*
lu the si rout. Hut Steam Fire iiiJi
TTpeful. Your a—a trump. Goon-
<io “ii Steem Fire Ingine.
r.o on—'Irate- old skwirt!
Louisville, Dec. 18.-—Weather cold and i
freezing. Snow fell to-day, but melted as ,
soon as it reached the ground.
Nothing doing in hogs ou account of the
pressure in the money market, and low-
water. It is estimated that only 200,000 j
, c , i will he killed around the falls this year;
speed ot one mile tier hour on a voyage ,, v i i>
1 , u i • .u ‘ Loday as the workmen engaged on Bus->
across the Atlantic makes a bole m the own- . ,. - , ir „ i , i „ , ■
, . , , . - lo .i , tardsnew buildings, one door above Uie
ers pocket equal to from Into 18 thousand . r , , L !
, r 1 . , : J e'egraph oliice, were hoisting a large cor- ;
dollars for each typ; counting cost ., fuel. L^tone, weighing aboutIve tons, the
^!fIu“ n l tea V°5„™ a Jl h J ne ^ °i ! derrick bn the top of the roof gave way ;
precipitating three men to tho ground, a j
distance of ninety or one hundred feer. ;
Southern Pacific Railroad.—We learn j Due was instantly killed, another lias sin -e :
lied, and the third is not expected to lit
freight, in consequence
500 extra tons of coal.
of shipping 4 or
... from the New Orleans papers that Gov. | ( neu, ana me uiiru is. not expecieu to mu i
f water.— that the bat is a respectable animal ; so is p e (S } jas i SSU ed liis prnatwnntinn again ui- : through tlie night, Tltcy were all Get- |
Boston, Dec. IS.—There is a decided pan
ic in our money market to-day. and the city
is rife with rumors of failures amongst mer
chants and others.
The times are unmistakably hard, and
ing the boiler house, and badly scalding a i —and swim—close on the lord of creation's i * *’ oie :uc %e .!' ^' v P er ^’ty j 11 M a-hington
number Raft hands that were sleeping in it. \ heel, their brains being l-25th part the "’ho can realize the tact that an additional
A hole was knocked through a brick wall I weight of their bodies. The little canary
into the Engine room, bnt tlie engineer, Mr. > bird, however, beats man and monkey, dol-
Dougall, though covered with the fragments, phin and game cock, its bruin weighing on-
escaped uninjured. | ly 1 14lh : while he, in turn, retires in dis-
A11 the hands connected with the Rice j grace before the insignificant humming-bird,
Mil!, wc believe escaped unhurt. The boil- j whose brain expands to the immensity of
er that exploded was au old one, and the ! 1-Ilth of his whole weight,—as Dr. D. j
Engineer, who. we understood had just ; informs us, on the authority of the late Pre-
eo.oe on duty, was of (be opinion that it was ] sident Madison. We find, from this table,
occasioned by a deficiency ”
Charleston Mercury 21s/ inst. j the bear, and the hedge hog, the mole, the j ter'ing the contract" construct theMieris- i mans without families.
, | rabbit, the ox, the sheep, the donkey the i 8 i pp i an( i Pacific Railroad.” The proclama-
The tetreat of the Russians from the : goose, and the dignified creature that fur- • ^ 0 n recites, that the contract entered into Anecdote of the Czar.—Nicholas, it
tieid ..f Inkermanu ts thus described by au nishes us Virginia hams and lard oil; for between the Governor and Messrs. Walker, : seems, fin spite of the anxietv incident to
English letter writer: “ Tne Russians nev- j they all come before, having bigger brains King and others, for die construction of the 1 his present position maintains his old habit
er lied, but retired from the field slowly, 1 in proportion than the horse ami elephant; : roa d has become null .ind void by the fail- I of wt.iking the street of St. Petersburg un-
angrily and fiercely: again anu again they j both which, however, have moie intelligence | ure of t [- c contractors Lo make the deposit of attended. He was lately Informed that a
if business had
without any provoca-
settt for him.—
- . . .. | it ucu asiscu >vby he had insulted the man,
what win lie the result of a prolonged fight ' __ _ . . : further recites the authority given to the : he replied, “because I hate his nation.”—
with such a people! a people who tliink : A man was recentlytneam Indiana- j (Governor, in case of such a failure, to enter i“ Is that your only motive ?” “Y r es sire.”
dea'li a holy sacrifice, and believe their Em- i polis.nndertheseventhsection of toe rug.-j umi an() i!j e r such company or individuals j Then, you shall have an opportunity to grat-
peror s command the voice of Jehovah ar- ; tive k.lave law. for aiding in the e.-cuj'C i , op t p e construction of the road. It then i ify your hatred. I shall send vou to join
taring them for the battle.” j slaves from them masters, m whtchcase Mr. ^ notice that proposal , for that purpose, j my army in tho Crimea.
in accordance with the provisions of the act | —— - —■ T —
of rhe Legislature, will l e received at the The Specie of tue Country.—The Sec-
notice of the Secretary of State until the 1st j refary of the Treasury estimates the amount
of May next. j of specie in the country on the 30th of Sep-
We learn that a certificate of deposit? of j teniher last at 8241,000,000. He says :—
coin at New York was offered to the Gover- ; “ Of this stun there was about 860,000,000
nor by the fate contractors. The security ; in the banks aud .$26,000,000 iu the United
Cyrus Fillmore, brother ofthe Ex-President,
The Tolede Blade states that the i was the principal witness. The man was
grand jury of the county of Hillsdale. Mich- j proved guilty of the charge, but it is said
igAti have farad bills of indictmeut against ■ the jury would not render in their verdict,
the conductors ofthe Michigan Southern . unless the judge would promise to remit the
Road, far (jutting off’ passengers from cars ! tine which the act imposes as penalty for the
who refused to pay a charge for fare which j offence, which was agreed to and the jury nor tne late contra , tors . , }i0 fie c«nty ! in the banks aud 826,
the people deem illegal and extortionate; thereupon brought tn their verdict that the , ^ by the Texas Secretary- of the I States Treasury ; the rest being in circula-
and for false imprisonment m conveying j prisoner pay the tme of fifty dolfars, and be Xrea l sury , *, vas above par, the contractors tion among the people or boarded up.” At
df 8 S ' Uaprl8 ° Ded ° neh ° Urmthe C ° Urt roo “- ! have since been offered, it is stated. 5 per j the period of the discovery of gold in Cali-
- - l ~—* — They will, it is expected, j farnia there was in the country about 8100,-
Failure.—News was received in Wil- ! cent, premium
security 000.000, and of this 850,000,000 was held
gm-s and $23,000 in specie for Ilnvie. There
wil' lie no mail now for Europe until the
sailing of the steamer Pacific on the 27th
Value of Forth ation.—The Boston
Carrier gives a strong illustration of the im
portance of strong defences. 11 says:
“We trust we shall hear no more non
sense in or _ _
ity of expending money on torts. The Eas
tern war is showing us tlie diflieuliy of
reaching the heart of a nation whose breart
is well defended by cannon bristling from
stono wails. It is to Iter marine fortifica
tion that Russia owns her safety. Let us
be protected at home before at- least we
seel; to he aggressive abroad. Besides, if
we aspire to become a Naval Power, we
—he is full of the prejudices of sect and
party—an abolitionist, etc. You cau easily
see that- the chance of pardon is not great.
in the meantime Dr. Graham is comfort
able. He is daily visited by his wife, and
numerous members of his profession have
called upon him. Iiis health i» good, and.
not affected by any fears during the recent
Hk-.v" a Mail feels iu a Fight.
You have. I presume, devoured all the
accounts.which have beeq .sent home as to
our glorious charge. Oh. sculv a charge !
Never think of the gollop ami trot which
you have often witnessed in the'Phoenix
Park when you desire to form a notion of a
genuine blood-hot all-mad. charge, „s.uch as
that I have come out of—with a tow lance"
prods, minus some gold lace, a hemlet chain,
aud Brown Bill’s (tho charger’s) right' ear.
From the moment "we dashed at the enemy,
whose position, and so forth, yon doubtless
know as much about as I can tell you, 1
know nothing, but that I .was . impelled by
some irresistible farce onward, and by .some
invissible and ini perceptible, influence to
crush every obstacle Which stumbled before
mV good sword and brave old charger. I
never in my life experienced such a sublime
sensation as in the moment of the charge..
Some fellows talk of its being ‘demoniac.’-
1 know this, that it was such as made me a
match for any two ordinary men. and gave
me such an amount of glorious indifference
as to life; its • thought it impossible to be
ma ter of. It would do your Celtic heart
good to. hear the most magnificent cheer
with which we dashed into what P
W calls the ‘gully scriniagcf’ For
ward—dash—bang- -clank, and sliere ,-wo
wore in the midst of such smoke, cheer and
clatter, as never"beforp stunned a mortals
cat. It was glorious ! Down, one by one,
ave, two by two, fell the thick-skulled and
over ntimer, is Cossacks, and other lads of
the tribe of old Nick. Dosya, too, alas, fell
many a hero with a warm Celtic heart, and
more than one fell screaming loud for victo
ry. T could not pause. It was all push’,
wheel, pl’.rensv, strike, and down, down,
down they went. Twice i was unhorsed
and more than once I had to grip my sword
tighter, -.ho blood of the fees streaming
down over the hilt, and running up my very
I -aniu-t depict my feelings - when we re
turned. I sat down completely exhaused aud
unahip to eat, though'deadly hungry. All
my uniform, my hands, my very face, were
bespattered with blood, it was that ot the
enemy! Grand idea ! Bui my feelings,
they were full of that exultation which it is
impossible to describe. At least, twelve Rus
sians were oew wholly out of the way of the
war, by my good steal alone, and at least as
many move put on the passage to that peace
ful exit by tfe same excellent weapon. So
also can others say. What a thing to retlect
on. 1 have almost grown a soldier philoso
pher, and most probably will one of these
days, ii the bullets which are flying about
so abundantly give me time to brush up.—-•
.1 letterjrorn a Drnyoon Captain.
Narrow Escape of the Stt-aitisiilp Wivsii-
On the night of the 19th ulc., us the. U.
8. steamer Washington was ..proceeding
along the British channel, --lie was run into
by a brig "under full sail, boring with its
bowsprit a hole as large as a man iu her
left side, leaving therein the broken spliu-
lers of lior bow. Striking again, Iter brok
en timber bored, in another part of the
steamer, a second hole with such a force
that the whole bowsprit of the brig remain
ed in the steamer. Happily, this damage
in the steamer was six feet, above the water.
A letter in the N. Y. Tribune, says: >
“ You can easily imagine what an excite
ment soi led upon everybody. But the offi
cers did not lose their presence of mind ;
and thefirst tiling ordered was to post a watch
near the boats, armed with, loaded pistols, to any one who :h ..ui i try to seize upon
them without an "order from riio captain.—
Tn the interior of the vessel tho chief engi
neer directed the necessary repairs, and by
his orders the holes were stopped with mat
tresses outside. The captain himself,, sus
pended on ropes above the water, worked
for hours, until the work was done. The
brig was lost sight of in the darkness of the
Louisville. Dec. 18.—It is estimated that
only 280,000 lipgs will be killed in the re
gion around the falls this year.
St. Louis, Doc. 18.—The extensive rolling
mill of (Jhartean, Harrison Y Valle, was
destroyed by fire to-day. Five hundred
tons of unfinished work, and 1,200 tons of
iron undergoing the process of finishing,
were in the building. The amount of the
loss is not known. The building, machine
ry and other contents were insured for 8100,-
New York, Doe. 10.—There ave no tidings
up to this hour of the-steamer Sarah Sands,
now about due here. Nothing of the steam
er America about due at Halifax,
The weather here is cold. M e have
accounts from other parts north intense cold!
Tin-: Heaviest Train Y'et.—A freight
train came down last night on the Central
Railroad, from Buffalo, consisting of forty
freight cars, loaded to their utmost capacity.
It was said by those on the road to have
been the heaviest train which ever passed'
over it. It was drawn by two of the most
powerful engines employed mi the road.—
Rochester -Y. I’’., paper 15.
The High Price of Paver,—The great
advance in the price of paper within tho last
six months has put the publishers, of news
papers to serious reflection how to counter
act the evil. It is'suggested in the West,
among other things, that publishers reduce
the size of their papers ; demand advance
payment in all cases : out off “dead-heads,”
anil prune exchange lists. The effect of this
would be to reduce the consumption of
white paper and enable the printer to live.
It is now stated that rags cannot be had in
sufficient quantity, aud the reply to this is
that an increase in the price of paper will
not supply the deficit. Advance payments
would remedy a host of evils attendant on
Here is a beautiful thought of that
strange compound of Scotch shrewdness,
strong common sense, and German mysti-
c-ism, or uncommon sense—Thomas Carlyle:
“ When 1 gaze into the -tars, they look down
on me with pi r \ front their serene and silent
spaces, like eyes glistening with tears, over
the little lot of tuan. Thousands of genera
tions, all as noisy as our own, have been
swallowed by time, aud there remains no
record of them any more, yet Arcturus and
Orion, Sirius and the Pleiades are still shi
ning in their courses, clear and young as
when the shepherd first uoted them from
the plain of Sltinar! What shadows we are,
and what shadows we pursue!”
!•* “ or ““S- i f~: YFrida,, after the fell of the
out of four dollars in the Carrollton Rail- , New York, Dec. 18.— The weekly state- curtain, (the piece ends with a tableau rep-
- - - .t .j n it • ! rpnrAisftnnnfr rrnrw'P n.nn AmpriM Attpfincr
Tire Infernal Machine Case at Cincin-
n a*tr.—The trial of William Arrison, indic-
V , VT , *V , ' panic, a plate of fine oysters were se
out af Oongregss of the inutil- ldm whi f e L wafi there J 1)uring bis
lilino inntior tm Ji.rtK I ip Imis- • . » . . . P. .
trial he i sume
improved much by the change of air, and in I
consequence of his walk to the court room,
sonic hall mile, which lie preferred to rid
ing. The doctor is cheerful as can be ex
pected, and his conversation is spirited upon
general aud professional subjects.
Poughkeepsie, N. Y'., Dee. 18.—-Judge
Dean, of tlie Supreme Court of this place.
must have veil defended ports ol refuge has forbidden his clerks to take proofs of
or our ships o. war. The fleet of Russia is citizenship and grant naturalization papers,
certainly tour or hive times creator than i,.. oil
umes greater than
our whole navy, yet it would ha ve been
and has directed that all those who wish to
, . , „ - - , „ —. become citizens hereafter must apply fa the
fV r it ‘ ,le ,rr ^ Ul iaiu l arls Court. After hearingthe proofsfromanum-
of Cronstadt and Sebastonol. ber of ^cante, he rejected nearly all of
them. He has given a. written opinion
Uon. R. P. late c»did- SLASHES i EX «
ate lor Congressional de.egate in Kansas, c f citizenship is a judicial act and requires
has returned to his home in Uniontown, Pa. j an examination by the Court- in each case.
road cars some time in 1853. He at once J mehts.ofthe city Banks show the fallowing j representing France and America Offering , f murder of Isaac Allison and his
reported himself at the Chief of Police’s i totals: Increase of specie $987,000; loans t0 ^ againstRussia,) oneof the was commenced in the Criminal Court
office, and is now, doubtless, prepared to re- | 5350,000; deposits about $1,000,000; the | a«d.tora ^ f al ^Tthcv TevIVen. I at Cincinnati, before Judge Elinn, on Mon-
«7 n ift rp* • n\ At the Tabernacle, on* the Same evening, a P art °j
heeling, Dec. 18.—lhe navigation of . .. day was occupied m empanneihng a mrv.
arthtoRto^fasii -ik.- to- i Btmtlatyscene was enacted by a vet} large ^ att0 ’ rney ^ t J t fje
m e 1D ”’ expected to prove that on the 26th of June
ceedingly well—the ups and downs of the . .
life he lias led do not seem to have had any the Ohio River still remains closed by ice.
deleterious effect upon either his health, ! and in view of the present cold weather
spirits or personal appearance. He paid a j there is but a slight prospect of an imme-
visit this morning to Vannuchi’s wax statu- j diaie opening,
ary exhibition to see what kind cf a figure |
his figure cuts there. As the Doctor is i
about, we suppose somebody will have to
be bled soon.
'Why does a bow-legged man re
mind you of a holiday at the South ?”
We give it up-, as probably you do.
“Because (you see) the knee grows out.”
Pretty good, isn’t it ?
Train Hand Killed.—We learn that Mi- :
chael Hughes, a train hand on the Central !
Railroad, was killed yesterday near the 20
mile station. In attempting to get on the
train, while in motion, he fell, was run over
and his body severed in twain, nis body
was brought to the city last-evening.—Sac.
Georgian inst.
„ . ——. ,, Sale of Collins Steamers to France.—
sou” whv the 1 AllfaswnrnoTTakribalS- lt ia ^
poI. The best reason is, the Russians won’t I °“ ere< l 32,-50,000 for the three Collins stea-
let them. * 1 mere, or $76,000 for any one of them.
The Answer.—The State Register wishes i ast) T h c prisoner prepared and sent to tlie
to know the “velocity of a running ac- marine hospital a box, containing a loaded
count.” An exchange answers it thus: . tube, so costructed as to be discharged on
“ Multiply t-lie distance between you and opening ; that he sent this box to the hos
tile Sheriff’s office by the diameter of your j pi tal, and thereliy caused the death of Isaac
imprudence, the quotient will be the answer , Allison. He expected also to prove that
iu miles. Suppose the distance is fifteen > there was enmity between Arrison and Al-
miies, and the diameter of your imprudence | Ii SO n, and that the fomer had threatened to
equal to $30 a day, these multiplied show j tin the latter ; that immediately after this
that you are going to the devil with a veloe- event Arrison left town and changed his
ity equal to 45 miles per week.” uame, and at last was only discoveru by
Missouri Legislature have offered to coal- I ■ •
esce with the Whigs to defeat’ tho re-elec- ; The veteran Lord Brougham, has under
tion of Senator Atchison. 1 token to collect and edit his works.
A Remedy for Abolition.—The St . Louis
Intelligencer of ihe loth inst., discusses at
some length the evil of slave-stealing, to
which Missouri is in an especial degree sub
ject, and proposes as a remedy far the mis
chief such an additional supply of negroes
as will at once satisfy tlie wants of the abo
litionists of Illinois, and of the planters of
Missouri. The editor concludes his article
“ There is one mode only of meeting this
difficulty. Abolish the existing laws against
the slave trade, and vegulato it henceforth
and license it. The poor barbarians of Af
rica will be vastly benefitted and thorough
ly Christianised by the operation. In fact
it is only through slavery that the African
has ever had a ray of light, of reason, or of
religion poured into his darkened mind. It
was the penalties against the slave trade
that made it horrible. Make it legal and
respectable, and then we can have plenty of
niggers for our own use, aud can spare to
Chicago as many as her citizens wish to
We are in earnest about this matter, and
wait with impatience to hoar what bur Doug
las and Atchison Nebraska bill friends wnl
have to say about it. W r ill they have the
courage to get on our platform and he con
sistent with themselves, or not?”