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- Wednesday, March 2 ,1994 "Houston Tims-Joumal
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Livestock Events Continue At
Georgia National Stock Show
Staff Writer
Officials with the Fourth Annual
Georgia National Rodeo and Stock
Show are riding high in the saddle
this week as early indications point
toward a record breaking show.
“Thus far, we have been very
pleased with the event, especially
the turn-out for the junior livestock
show” spokeswoman Michelle
Treptow said Monday afternoon,
adding that the show continues
through this Saturday with open
livestock competitions and
amusement rides. “Entries for the
junior stock show were up
considerably this year and, over a
five day period, we have hosted
around 39,950 participants and
A 10-day event, the Georgia Na
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P«rry High atudent Hillary Smith, cantar, apoka to tha Parry Klwanla Club at thalr regular
gating Tuaaday, Fab. 22. Pictured with Smith la tha achool'a FFA Inatructor Argena
Claxton, left, and Klwanlan Cohen Walker. Argena
Kiwanians Remember Green,
Hear From Perry High Student
Staff Writer
Kiwanian Yates Green was re
membered by the local club during
their regular meeting Tuesday, Feb
President-elect Mike Drake an
nounced Green's death to the club,
extended the club's sympathy to
Green’s family and told of Green's
community involvement.
Argcne Claxton, FFA instructor
at Perry High School, was intro
duced by Kiwanian Cohen Walker,
who was formerly a FFA instructor
at Perry High.
Claxton then announced that his
tional Rodeo and Stock Show is
being held at and hosted by the
Georgia National Fairgrounds. It
kicked off last Thursday, Feb. 24,
and continues through this Satur
day, March 5.
The rodeo portion of the event,
which also featured a family night
and concerts by Brother PhelDS and
Highway 101, was held* last
Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Crowds every night reached record
breaking levels with Saturday
night’s performance being a total
As for the junior stock show,
Treptow said that total entries were
at an all time high with participants
coming from all over the state. The
biggest turnout was for the hog
show with 2,300 entries being
four-man FFA meat-judging team
won the State meet for the fourth
consecutive year. The team will go
to Kansas City, Mo. in the fall for
National competition.
Claxton then introduced one of his
students, Hillary Smith, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Smith, who
spoke to club on Biotechnology.
Smith gave examples of biotech
nology at work, including changes
in the size of a head of lettuce, ge
netically-produced animals and veg
etables, human DNA variations and
several other examples. She con
cluded her informative talk by say
shown. Heifer, steer and breeding
ewe entries numbered 622, 394 and
47, respectively.
For the remainder of the week,
Treptow said that the open live
stock show will feature both adult
and youth exhibitors showing beef
and dairy cattle and dairy goats. The
shows are all open to the public and
admission is free.
Additionally, the show’s
amusement ride midway, a new fea
ture added this year, will be open
beginning at 4 p.m. on Friday and
noon on Saturday. Friday night will
feature a pay-one-price ticket which
will allow guests to ride as many
rides as they like for just $6.
For more information, call the
Georgia National Fairgrounds and
(Agricenter offices at 987-3247.
ing that the “future of agriculture is
dependent on these technologies.”
Drake presented a certificate to
Smith for her FFA contributions to
Perry, and a paper weight to
Claxton, thanking him for the work
the FFA did in recycling Christmas
trees, passing out seedlings and alon
for their help with the Talent
Several Westfield students attended
the meeting including Key Club
members Michael Williams and
Michael Douglas, both 11th grade
Please see KIWANIS, page 10A
Williamson Receives College Scholarship
Amanda Williamson of
Hawkinsville, a senior at Perry
High School, has been selected to
receive a $750 Academic
Scholarship at Brewton-Parker
College for the 1994-95 academic
Several types of Academic
Scholarships are awarded annually
by Brewton-Parker College,
including the 900+ SAT
Kemp Nominated
For Golden Eagle
Award By PHS
Staff Writer
Paul Kemp, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Wainwright Kemp, has been
nominated by Perry High School
for the Golden Eagle Award which
is given each year by The Macon
Telegraph, in various categories, to
Middle Georgia Seniors in public
and private schools. Kemp was
nominated for Good Citizenship.
He will be interviewed next
Saturday by staff members of The
Macon Telegraph.
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April Huff - Keith Griner - March 12
Kimberly Griffin - Martin Pinckney - March 12
Stacy Heath - Danny Wilson - March 19
Debbie Young - Ron Fauconniere - March 19
Shelia Tbdd & Bob Hartley - March 19
Stacy Ragan - Travis Bennett - April 9
Candace Jones - Ben Wright - April 16
Debee Hall & Gale Arnold - April 23
Lezlee Johnson & Chris Small - May 14
& Andrea Marler - Ifeddy Pender - May 28
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