Newspaper Page Text
Church News
tßev. Glenl
Clower I
Victory Christian E
Fellowship f
Easter: The Most
Important Day
Of The Year!
Tomorrow is Palm Sunday!
Throughout the world, where
Christians gather to worship,
believers of all ages, of all
nationalities, of all denominations,
will celebrate the beginning on the
most significant week of all
eternity. A local doctor’s office
sign rightly reads; "Happy
Easter... The Most Important Day of
The Year.” What a glorious
confession! Oh, how the Father
must be pleased to see the various
expressions of united praise from
His children.
Ephesians 4:13 says: "Till we
all come to the unity of the faith,
and of the knowledge of the Son of
God, unto a perfect man, unto the
measure of the stature of the
fullness of Christ."
If you know how to listed to the
voice of God, you can hear Him
calling throughout the body of
Christ today. He is calling for
unity. He is calling for us to lay
down our disagreements and come
together in preparation for Jesus'
final return.
Just the thought of that scares
some believers. "How can I unify
with someone from another
denomination?" they say. "I'm not
going to give up my doctrines and
agree with theirs just for unity's
What they don't realize is this:
scriptural unity isn’t based on
Winds of doctrine, according to
Ephesians 4:14, are childish.
Winds of doctrine don't unify.
They divide and blow people in
every direction. The Word doesn't
say anything about us coming into
the unity of our doctrines. It says
we'll come into the unity of the
In the past, we have failed to
understand that and tried to demand
doctrinal unity from each other
"If you do not agree with me on
the issue of tongues," we have said,
"or on the timing of the rapture...or
on the proper depth for baptismal
waters, I won't accept you as a
brother in the Lord. I will break
fellowship with you."
But that is not God's way of
doing things. He doesn't have a
long list of doctrinal demands for us
to meet. His requirements are
simple. First John 3:23 tells us
what they are: "To believe on the
name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and
love one another.
Once you and I come to the
place where we keep those
requirements and quit worrying
about the rest, we will be able to
forget our denominational squabbles
and come together in the unity of
faith. We will grow so strong
together that the winds of doctrine
won't be able to drive us apart
When that happens, the devil’s
going to panic because the unity of
the faith of God's people is a
staggering thing. It is the most
unlimited, powerful force on earth.
Right now all over the world,
the Spirit of God is calling the
Church of the living God to unite.
Hear Him and obey, and you can be
part of one of the most magnificent
moves of God this world has ever
So let us enjoy the pagentry of
Palm Sunday, let us draw strength
from the Holy Week services which
have become such a beautiful part
of our local tradition, let us find
peace in His presence on Easter
And then., .after we fall back into
our denominational shells waiting
for the Praise Sing, after the palm
branches are discarded, after the new
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Ted and Evelyn Rosebrock
Rosebrocks Active
In Church Ministry
Staff Writer
Active in several areas of church
ministry, Perry Presbyterian mem
bers Ted and Evelyn Rosebrock are
the featured couple this week.
As interesting as their decision to
move to Perry in 1983 is the story
of how they met.
Evelyn Rosebrock’s father was in
sales, and as a result, the family
lived in several states. Evelyn was
bom in Oklahoma but graduated
from high school in Smithfield,
Va. as salutatorian of her class.
She attended Mary Washington
College in Fredericksburg, Va. and
graduated first in her class from
Butler University in Indianapolis,
Ind., with a degree in pharmacy,
Her husband, Ted Rosebrock said,
“She is a smart lady and a wonder
ful lady. Everywhere we have
lived, she has been active in every
thing. She was National President
of Alpha Delta Omega Sorority,
was Woman of the Year in
Rochester, Mich., and practiced
“Evelyn isn’t a social climber, but
takes on responsibilities.
She likes people, is a genuinely
kind, compassionate person, is gen
erous - a great lady. We are support
ive of each other. We are kind of
used to each other and like our fam
Ted was born in Southeast
Indianapolis and grew up in
Northern Indianapolis. He gradu
ated from Shortridge High School
The World Is A Lonely
Place Without Friends
Making friends is one of the
most rewarding things you will
ever do. Real friends last longer
than new automobiles, they cost
less than things at the store, and
they never fade away. This world is
a lonely place if you have no
I'm certain all of us have had
those times when someone we
thought was our friend really turned
out to be an enemy instead. The
pain of being betrayed by a friend is
something from which some people
never recover. The greatest scar or
wound that you carry today most
likely was put there by a former
friend of yours.
Although losing friends is
painful, making new friends is a
joy. I made a new friend recently
with my association with the Perry
Players. I had the privilege of
being in the cast of The Music
Man, and I got to know a fellow
Perryan named Jim Boyd. Since
this was my first play, Jim helped
me with many of the items
associated with a show. He helped
me know where to be backstage,
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and Perdue University with a degree
in aeronautical engineering but did
considerable research.
He worked for Allison Division of
General Motors (reciprocal engines
for P3B, P 39, P4O, P4l and Psl
type aircraft).
Ted was in the Army Air Corps
for three and one-half years, was
with the Bth Air Force in England
for one year, the 20th Air Force in
Tinian in the Mariana Islands from
where the A-bomb was flown to
Japan. He personally performed the
modification on the Enola Gay, the
plane that carried that bomb. He
came back to England soon after D-
To go back a bit, he was sent to
Robins AF Base from California in
the opening months of 1943=
He had a week’s furlough before
going overseas and decided to go to
Indianapolis. He took a Central of
Georgia train from Wellston
(Warner Robins) that had been
brought out of retirement. It had a
potbellied stove and wicker-backed
seats. He switched trains in
Chattanooga before proceeding on
to Indianapolis. Evelyn had bee
hired in at Allison after completing
Mary Washington College.
Ted paid his return visit to
Allison Division of General
Motors. His brother’s fiance’, sec
retary to the director of personnel
there, had written to him about a
cute girl who was working there.
I *** Wf
£jf Rev. John I
checked my props, and did other
things to help me be a part of the
production. Getting to know him
and his wife Bridget was a delight.
On the last night of the show,
Jim and his wife presented me with
a gift as a token of friendship. I
was at a loss for words-something
that doesn't happen to many of us
preachers! Their thoughtfulness
was overwhelming, and that token
of friendship meant more to me
than any amount of applause from
any audience.
Having been on the receiving
end of an act of friendship, I have
resolved to become a better friend to
those around me. Blessed is the
one who not only has friends but
also the one who is a friend.
Churches Plan Activities
For Members, Community
Rehoboth Baptist
The Youth Department will host
its third annual Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 2 from 2-3:30 p.m.
Prizes will be awarded in two age
groups for the most eggs found, for
finding the Prize egg and for the
least eggs found. Refreshments will
also be served. This is an outreach
ministry and all children, ages two
through sixth grade, are welcome
and invited to attend.
Congratulations to John Steese
who celebrated his first anniversary
as Rehoboth's Minister of Youth
last Sunday, March 20. John came
to us from First Baptist Church in
Warner Robins where he served as a
youth leader and Deacon. This is
his first staff position. He plans to
return to college shortly to com
plete his Seminary training. John
and his wife, Christi, also share
their musical talents through our
music ministry and Christi teaches
the Senior High Sunday School
class. They have one son, Drew.
The Youth Department held a
Fellowship in John's honor follow
ing the Sunday evening worship
A special worship service is be
ing planned for Easter Morning,A
April 3. The service will feature
special music by our choir and
soloists. A drama will be presented
by the youth department and our
Pastor, John Waters will bring an
exciting, challenging message. We
invite everyone to come and be a
part of this exciting service.
Midway Baptist
The church cordially invites the
public to attend a special
celebration of the Resurrection of
our Precious savior on Easter
Sunday morning April 3,1994.
A special worship service with
the Lord's Supper will be held at 8
a.m. and followed by an old-fash
ioned breakfast.
Sunday School will be held at
10 a.m. and the regular worship
service at 11 a.m.
Instead of sunrise services, spe
cial emphasis will be placed on the
Lord's Supper at the 8 a.m. service.
The church is located on Highway
341 (across from the grainery on
the Fort Valley highway), four and
1/2 miles west of Perry.
First Baptist
An Easter musical, Every
Tongue Confess, will be presented
by the Adult Choir and Drama
Team Sunday, March 27 and
Monday, March 28 at 7 p.m. each
Nationally known evangelist
Rick Stanley will be preaching
God's word in a dynamic way at the
church April 10-13 at 7 p.m. ser
vices. David Akin will be leading
the musical praise and celebration
during these special services.
Plans are being made for a char
tered trip to Atlanta for the Billy
Graham Crusade coming to the
Georgia Dome Oct. 26-30. The
Perry crusade will attend the Friday
and Saturday programs.
Perry Presbyterian
During the Palm Sunday morn
ing service, Phebe Settles, guest
soloist from Macon, will present
two selections of special music,
"Amazing Grace" and "Were You
For the evening service, "Studies
in the Origin of the Universe” con
Rev. Shipley will present the
Wednesday, 12:05 p.m. during
Holy Week services being held
daily at First Baptist Church.,
The children's Easter Egg Hunt
will be Wednesday, March 30 for
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Saturday, March 26,1994 Houston Times-Journal
toddlers through third grade from
3:45-4:15 p.m. at the Youth
Spring Bible Conference will be
held April 10-12 with Jeffrey Leech
as the featured speaker. The Sunday
service will be held at 11 a.m and
weeknight services at 7 p.m. each
Greater Word of
The church, in an attempt to
bring people together to discuss the
growing violence in our streets, is
hosting a dinner banquet "Youth
Against Violence" at the Holiday
Inn in Perry Saturday, March 26 at
7 p.m.
Special guest speakers include
Mr. Doug Porter, athletic director at
Fort Valley State College, Sheriff
Cullen Talton and Judge George F.
Nunn Jr., Houston County
Superior Court Judge.
The cost for the banquet dinner
is sl4 per person. For questions or
to purchase a ticket, contact Valerie
Clark at 987-4796 or 988-1254 be
tween the hours of a.m. and 4:30
Perry United
This Sunday the church will be
having special music by the
Handbell choir in observance of
Palm Sunday. The choir has been
working very hard and has some
beautiful music to present this
Also, plan to be present at one
of the Easter Sunday morning ser
vices as the choir sings some very
special music.
The church will have Tenebrae
Service on Maundy Thursday
evening, March 31, at 7 p.m. in the
The church’s Easter offering will
be received for Houston County
Habitat for Humanity, which is the
process of organizing for the Perry
area, and a lot is being acquired.
Rehoboth Baptist
Congratulations to John Steese
who celebrates his first anniversary
as Rehoboth's Minister of Youth
on March 20,1994.
John came to us from First
Baptist Church in Warner Robins
having served in their youth
department as a youth leader. This
is his first staff position. He plans
to return to college shortly to
complete his Seminary training.
John is married to Christi who
teaches the Senior High Sunday
School class and they have one son,
Drew. John and Christi are also
active in our music ministry.
We will be participating in the
Lord's Supper during our Sunday
morning worship service this
Sunday. This will be an especially
meaningful service as we enter the
Easter season.
Houston Lake
A 7 am. Sunrise Service will be
held at the church Easter Morning
April 3.
The church is in need of dona
tions for a new sign to enhance the
looks of the new building and
grounds. Also, a spare copy ma
chine is needed.
Thanks to all who hosted The
Continentals. It was a great
Opportunities of the Week in
•Saturday, March 26-Activator
Training 6-9 p.m.
•Sunday, March 27-50th
Anniversary Celebration for Curtis
and Margaret Rinehart in the fel
lowship hall at 2:30 p.m.
•Tuesday, March 29-Ladies
Bible Study from 9:30 to 11:30
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Victory Christian
The church welcomes Dr. Jerry
and Bobbi Gross, who will present
a Family Enrichment Seminar
March 31—April 3.
God has given Jerry and Bobbi a
deep love for marriages, family and
those serving in the ministry.
Middle Georgia is truly blessed to
receive the wisdom, encouragement
and love from this gifted couple.
Everyone is welcome to attend
these special services for which a
schedule is listed below:
•Thursday and Friday evenings at
7:15 p.m.-Growing in God's
Family... Improving marriages and
strengthening families.
•Saturday at 10:30 a.m.-Serving
in God's Family...A very special
time of ministry and encouragement
to those who are called to ministry.
Sunday, April 3-The Grosses
will be ministering at both ser
Nursery and child care will be
provided for all services. Special
motel rates are available for out of
town guests. For more information
call 987-9826 or 9874161.
Victory Christian Fellowship is
located at 1917 Marshallville Road.
St. Christopher's
The Rt. Rev. Frank Kellogg
Allan will preside over Palm
Sunday Service at St.
Christopher's- At-The-Crossroads
Episcopal Church in Perry Sunday,
March 27.
Bishop Allan was consecrated
bishop coadjutor of the Diocese of
Atlanta in 1987. He became dioce
san bishop in 1989 upon the re
tirement of his predecessor the Rt.
Rev. Charles Judson Child Jr.
Jerry Willson of St.
Christopher's said, "We are always
blessed when Bishop Allan is with
us. We hope everyone with join us
for Palm Sunday."
The service will be at 11 a.m.
and a nursery will be provided.
St. Patrick's
Holy Week services at St.
Patrick's Catholic Church were an
nounced this week. The schedule is
listed below:
•Sunday, March 27-Blessing and
distribution of palms. Palm Sunday
at all Masses.
•Holy Thursday, March 31-
Lord's Supper at 8 p.m. Mass;
washing of feet-adoration-Altar of
Repose. St. Patrick.
•Good Friday, April 1-Reading
of the Passion/Holy Communion
Service. St. Juliana.
•Holy Saturday, April 2-Easter
vigil, no 5:30 p.m. Mass. A light
ing of the Paschal Fire, blessing of
water font and Mass of Christ's res
urrection at 8 p.m. St Patrick.
•Easter Sunday, April 3-Regular
Sunday schedule.
Perry Church
Of God
Perry Church of God will hold
revival services Sunday, March 27
through Friday, April 1.
Featured Evangelist is the Rev.
Tracy Swanson. Sunday services
will be held at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.
and weeknight services begin at
Special singing will be featured
each night.
The church is located on the
Marshallville Highway in Perry.
Crossroads United
The United Methodist Men of
Crossroads United Methodist
Church, 1600 Main Street, will
stage their version of "The Last
Supper" on Thursday, April 7 at
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