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Lifestyles Houston Times-Journal
Social, school church news deadlines
In an effort to better serve our readers and meet printing deadlines,
The Houston Times-Journal is asking readers to please observe
deadlines for submitting your engagement and wedding
announcements, as well as news about your clubs, schools and churches.
In order to meet our deadlines, all social, club, school and church news
will have to be in our office by 5:30 p. m. Friday, for publication in the
following Wednesday's newspaper.
If you are unable to come by during the day, there is a mail slot on
the front door in which to drop your items.
We appreciate your co-operation.
I ’ n
Mr. Adams (Tom Adams’ dad),
Gorden Grimm (Gordy’s father),
Horace Minyard (Carol
Montgomery’s uncle), Audra Berrie
(Marilyn Hooten’s granddaughter),
Craig’s daughter (John Newton’s
niece), Charles Midtbo (L.
Grimm’s father), Joaquin Gonzalez,
Kathryn Leap trot (Nell Woodruff s
sister-in- law), Grace Long (Nell
Woodruffs sister), Marion Lcaptrot
(Nell Woodruff’s sister-in-law),
George Gonzalez (Joaquin’s family
member), Billy Boone, Mae
Stanley, Dorothy Ayers (Autumn
Meadowbrook Rehab.: Johnny
* * *
Recuperating at Home:
Annie Beeland, Lindsey Bell,
John and Leila Clifton, Wister
“Bud” Williams, Lucile Pritchett,
Kathleen Ayer, Margie Watts, Dot
Lambreth, Tina Davidson, James
McLeod, Debbie Fendley, Muriel
Akin, Alice Connell, Thelma
Walton, Billy Irwin, Nadine Wilder
(Keiland Hairrington’s friend),
Marie Parrish (Marilyn Hooten’s
mother), Barbara Green (Billl
Green’s sister-in-law), Laura Green
(Sheila Harris’s friend), Roselyn
Mullen (Marie Lewis’ mother),
Mary Julia Fowler (Rosemari
Patterson’s mother), W. O. Stewart
(Joe’s grandfather), Sheldon Shelton
(Frank Shelton’s grandson), Korrie
Kice (Janet Modrell’s niece)
* * *
Sympathy is Extended:
-To the family relatives and
friends of Dr. Robert Brown of
Athens (formerly of Grovania),
upon his death on Wednesday, Oct.
5, 1994. (See obituary)
-To Jeanelle Land Carlene Pierce
and Carl Bowen, both of Perry, and
other family members, upon the
death of their mother, Earlene
Williamson Bowen of Eastman, on
Saturday, Oct. 15, 1994.
-To James B. Stubbs and family,
and other relatives, upon the death
of his sister, Eunice Stubbs Lee of
Parrott, on Wednesday, Oct. 12
-To Margarete P. Call and Alice
P. Gray, both of Perry, upon the
death of their sister, Alma Parkei
Gray of Perry on Tuesday, Oct. 11.
-To sons: Dr. George Rawlins
of Perry, Sam Rawlins, Jr. ol
Dunwoody; sisters and brother:
Irene Graham of Perry, Nylic
Radford of Braselton and Luke
Rowe of Stone Mountain; five
grandchildren and six great-grand
children, upon the death of Myrtle
Louise Rowe Rawlins on
Wednesday, Oct. 6, 1994.
-To the family and friends of
George Alton Montgomery, Jr.,
upon his death on Friday, Oct. 7,
* * *
-To Mr. and Mrs. Carl F.
Corbin, Sr. upon their 50th wed
ding anniversary. They celebrated
with a dinner given by their chil
dren Oct. 1 at Blue Willow Inn in
Social Circle.
Corbin and the former Edna
English were married Sept. 28,
1944, at First Baptist Church in
Cocoa, Fla. Both are members of
First Baptist Church, Americus.
Their children are Marvlyn Corbin
Bankston of Covington and Carl F.
Corbin Jr. of Perry'. They have
four grandchildren.
-To Carol Renau Morrow of
Ashburn and Clary Scott Tyson of
Cordele upon the announcement of
their engagement.
The bride-elect is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Morrow of
Ashburn, and the granddaughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Morrow of
Perry, and the late Mr. ;uid Mrs. Joe
Passmore of Hawkinsville.
The groom-elect is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Clary Tyson of
Cordele, and the grandson of Casey
Tyson of Cordele, the late Frances
Pauline Lewis
Society editor
Tyson and the late Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Purvis of Vienna.
The wedding is planned for Nov.
12, 1994, at Penia Baptist Church
of Cordele.
-To Thomas E. and Sonya
(Suddath) Eason Jr. of Perry, upon
the birth of their son, Thomas
.Tames Eason, on Sept. 27, 1994.
-To the students at Perry High
School, the Perry ROTC, Westfield
School students, the Westfield Tri-
Hi-Y and Key Club, to teachers
CMSgt John Barton of Perry High
School, and Jean Barton of
Westfield Schools, and local volun
teers for their participation in the
American Red Cross Bltxxl Drives
which led to the success of the
drives during the past school year.
Jana Frizzell, consultant,
American Red Cross, passed on her
thanks to these and all participants
in the Houston County schools and
-To Wanda Eckhardt of Perry,
employee of the Houston County
Farm Bureau, who won the Bth
District Outstanding Secretary
Award for 1994 on Oct. 10, and
will be competing against nine
other district award winners for
State title in December.
-To Peggie and John Williams
upon their 33rd wedding anniver
-To Mercer University Law
School which is being used by
Russia as a model for their law
-To Mrs. Sharon S. Wilson of
Perry, employee of the Houston
County Board of Education,who
won the TV given by The Bank of
Perry at their Customer
Appreciation Day held on Thursday,
Oct. 6.
Grilled heunburgers, hot dogs and
fixings ( cole slaw, chips, pickles,
lettuce, tomatoes), home made
cakes, Cokes, Sprite and diet
Cokes were served to a good
* * *
Bits and Pieces:
The Westfield Schools 1974
football team held its 20th reunion
on Friday, Oct. 14, 1994. Team
members, cheerleaders, coaches, and
"signigicant others," along with
spouses and children were invited to
a reception in their honor at 6:30
p.m. in the gymnatoriuin.
* * *
The Perry Shrine Club’s annual
fall barbecue, held on Oct. 14, at
the facility kx:ated at 402 Courtney
Hodges Blvd., was very successful.
* * *
The week of Oct. 16 has been
designated Colonial Heritage Week
by the John Alden Chapter of the
Colonial Dames of 17th Century.
They ask that we reflect on the
courage of our colonial ancestors
and the sacrifices they made to tame
a wild country into a free nation.
* * *
Bobby Tuggle was a recent
speaker at the Warner Robins Noon
Optimist Club. He spoke on
Indian heritage and showed clothing
and other items he has made.
* * *
Angela Pope, 11, of Perry sang
at the fifth annual Georgia National
Fair on Saturday, Oct. 15 and on
Sunday, Oct. 16. Angela is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Long and Mr. and Mrs. Neal Pope,
all of Perry.
* * *
The Fire and Rescue Unit of the
Hayneville Fire Station, located
along Hwy 341 South at
Hayneville, will hold their sixth
annual carnival on Saturday, Oct.
22. (Their regular meeting date was
Tuesday, Oct. 18.)
The carnival will feature a cake
wallk, haunted house, com dogs,
cakes, horse rides, hay rides, games,
costumes contest for kids and
prizes. Judging will be at 8:30
For more information, call
Sandy Henson, who is in charge of
the carnival, at 987-2387.
Green honored for nearly a
half century service to firm
Davis Company, Inc., recently
honored its longest tenured
employee, Columbus “Bootney”
Green. Green retired in September
with over 48 years of service with
the Perry-based, family owned oil
Since 1946, Green has worked
for the Davis family, first for Mayo
Davis at his cotton gin and
warehouse. When the Davis
business began to diversify, he
started driving a gasoline delivery
truck. Green, born in Houston
County in 1930, drove an estimated
three million miles making daily
deliveries throughout the Middle
Georgia area.
On September 28th, DCI hosted
a retirement party for Green at
Buzzards’ Roost. Green was
surrounded by family and friends as
he enjoyed a steak dinner prepared
in his honor.
He was then recognized by the
Davis Company family with a
series of remarks and gifts. DCI
Chairman Bill Sexton thanked
Trainer wins horse shows
Society Editor
Terry Hatfield, local Show Horse
Trainer, took three horses to the
National Show Horse Finals in
Springfield, 111., Sept. 25-28, and
came back with seven ribbons and
one national title.
The three horses, Mohamed
Knockout, King Pin Willie and
Sultan’s Too Cool, were in the top
10 in seven different halter and
driving classes’ competition.
Knockout, a 3-year old, 1000-
pound black gelding, 16 hands
high, is the National Champion.
He was among the top ten in ama
teur driving, and fine harness.
Kingpin Willie, a one-year-old
Show Horse colt, No. 3 in the na
tion, won two titles and was among
the top ten in halter.
Sultan’s Too Cool was among
the top ten in halter and top ten in
driving. All of them are the
National Show Horse breed.
National Show Horse has been
a registered breed for 14 years. It
is a cross between Arabian and
Terry Hatfield also took these
three horses to pre-shows in
Omaha, Nebraska prior to the
National Show in Springfield, 111.
Hatfield has worked with horses
all of his life. He grew up in
Nevada, worked in Ocala, Fla. lor
several years prior to coming to
Georgia and to Perry in May of
1994. He has worked with horses
in movies.
Hatfield serves as a judge at
horse shows, but began his career
with horses by doing rodeos and
gradually worked into shows in
Atlanta Orlando and Macon, where
he trained horses.
Hatfield now trains horses and
shows them for clients and is get
ting lots of business. Of the
National Show Horse, he said that
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Bill Moss
Wednesday Oct 19,1994
. nlfe
lg V p
Green for his many years of faithful
service and told him how proud he
was of the way Green had
represented the company through
the years. Davis Cosey remarked
that DCl’s philosophy of
“exceeding customer expectations
through total commitment” was an
everyday way of “dedication and
service” to the Davis Company
“it is a young, elegant breed —an
Arabian crossed with a saddle horse
—the ultimate show horse —the
National Show Horse”.
There are about 35 horses at the
Jerry Davis Farm. Terry leases
about half of the farm for training.
Kathy Ernst of Premiere Farms
leases the remainder for boarding
horses and riding classes.
Hatfield will serve as a judge at
the Premiere Farms’ own horse
show on Oct. 22 at the Equestrian
Center on Hwy 127, Old Perry Rd.,
Kellwood employees
honored for service
Eleven Kellwood Employees
were presented service awards on
Oct. 12, 1994, at a ceremony in the
Break Area. Recipients were
30 Years’ Service:
Christine Harris, Samples Unit;
Ronnie Singleton, supervisor; and
Mellonese Hambrick, Shipping
Unit: Wycile Williams, supervisor;
25 Years’ Service:
Daisy Bowens, Comforters Unit;
Meredith Hoch, supervisor;
20 Years’ Service:
Tom Roberts, engineering unit;
Norma Taylor, Quality Unit; Betty
Haslem, supervisor;
15 Years’ Service
Steve Stripling, Shipping Unit;
Wycile Williams, supervisor;
5 Years’ Service:
Angie Alford, Comforters Unit,
Cheryl Ciilligan, Personnel Unit;
Howard Prior, supervisor; Meredith
Hodo, Supervisors Unit; Steve
Morrow, supervisor; Rosa Childs,
Samples Unit; Ronnie Singleton,
supervisor; Donna Martin,
Shipping Unit; Wycile Williams,
Each service award winner was
presented a plaque and a gift of their
own choosing by Kellwood.
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