Newspaper Page Text
Dec. 2,1998
Volume 127, No. 48
2 Sections, 14 Pages
50 Cents
Home ol the Ciborgi.)
Notional I air .nit!
At the
This Week
Indian Festival at
The Georgia Indian
Festival is the event of the
weekend at the Georgia
National Fairgrounds and
Agriccnter. The festival cov
ers Dec. 4-6.
Audition dates told
Audition dates for the
Perry Players' production of
“Annie", have been
On Dec. 12, starting at 10
a.m.. auditions will he held
for girls from seven to 14
years of age only Because
“Annie" is a musical, those
who come for the audition
should he prepared to sing.
According to a spokesman lor
Perry Players, those trying
out for the play may bring
their own sheet music or may
choose to sing from a selec
tion of Christmas Carols pro
vided at the audition.
Adult auditions will be at
2 p.m.. Dec. 13. and 7 p.m„
Dec. 15.
An all-volunteer communi
ty theatre, the group needs
volunteers for backstage help
with costume as well.
The play, which was a
long-running Broadway hit. is
based on the comic strip
"Little Orphan Annie”, tells
the story of a spunky orphan
who wins the heart of a busi
ness tycoon. It will be direct
ed by Donna B. James with
Susannc Webb providing
musical direction and will
open on Feb. 26 w ith perfor
mances through March 13.
For more information, call
School menus include
Here are this week's ele
mentary school menus
All meals are served with
milk. Breakfast includes fresh
fruit or fruit juice each day.
Lunches include two hot veg
etables and four to six cold
fruit and vegetable choices
daily. Schools under renova
tion may have different
Dec. 2 - Breakfast: Waffles
with syrup or cereal and toast,
fruit or fruit juice: Lunch:
Hot dog or hamburger or PBJ
sandwich or baked potato
with hot toppings, shortcake
with fruit toppings.
Dec. 3- Breakfast:
Sausage biscuit or cereal and
toast, fresh fruit or fruit juice;
Lunch: Submarine sandwich
or southern chicken with roll
or PW sandwich or sub sand
wich. manager’s choice
Dec. 4 - Breakfast:
Manager’s choice or cereal
and toast, fruit or fruit juice;
Lunch: Pizza or manager’s
choice or PBJ sandwich; oat
meal cookie.
Dec. 7 - Breakfast:
Manager's choice or cereal
and toast, fresh fruit or fruit
juice; Lunch: Hamburger or
manager’s choice or PBJ
sandwich or baked potato
with hot toppings, peanut but
ter bar.
(See FOOD, Page SA)
Houston J
the Times-
Contact the Houston Times-
Voice (912) IZZZ
Fax (912)988-1181
Mail P.O. Drawer M,
Perry. 31069
Street 807 Carroll St.,
Perry. 31069
End of the trail
Westfield Hornets fall to
Houston Wnes-Journal
State to finance Houston Lake Road changes
Work could begin on Warner Robins section before the year 2000
TY.ikn-Joi *\u. Srm
The 1998 election campaign is over, and
Rep. Larry Walker is back to doing one of
the things he does best bringing home
the bacon.
In this case the “bacon" comes to a sav
ings of more than $lO million in costs relat
ed to the fmir-laning of Houston Lake
Road, plus renewed commitments from the
Ga. Department of Transportation for a
number of other highway projects The list
exceeds SIOO million in state dollars
The savings on the long-anticipated
widening of Houston Lake Road were
secured at a meeting on Houston County’s
transportation needs held in Atlanta the day
before Thanksgiving.
The two-hour meeting, held with State
Department of Transportation
Commissioner Wayne Shackleford, was
arranged by Walker, and also attended by
Christmas cheer
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Impressions staff greet shoppers and friends during
an open house at the business Nov. 29. Open hous-
Christmas coming to the Crossroads with major events
A pancake breakfast, a parade,
and a candlelight service high
light activities planned for this
weekend during the Christmas at
the Crossroads celebration.
Christmas at the Crossroads
continues this weekend with a
wide range of activities aimed at
bringing the community together
in the spirit of the season.
Other activities include a
Festival of Trees at Massey Lane
Gardens, and the appearance of a
children’s choir.
The merriment starts on Dec. 5
first thing in the morning
with the Perry Kiwanis Club’s
annual pancake breakfast.
The breakfast, served from 7-
10 p.m., will be at the Houston
County Extension Service audito
rium at 733 Carroll St.
This popular event, which usu
ally attracts hundreds, includes
freshly cooked pancakes,
sausage, orange juice and coffee
at a cost of $3 per person.
Proceeds go to D.A.R.E., P.A.L,
Rcad-A-Book and Meals on
Wheels. " *>
Then comes time for a little
Christmas shopping, before get
Official Legal Organ for Houston County, the City of Perry and the State of Georgia
State Sen. Sonny Perdue, County
Commission Chairman J. Sherrill Stafford.
Warner Robins Mayor Donald Walker.
Perry Mayor Jim Worrall and County
Public Works Director
Tommy Stalnaker.
The DOT was
already committed to
spending S3O million
on the first two phases
of the Houston Lake
Road widening, with
the county government
picking up the costs of
rights of way and mov
ing utilities.
However, faced with
the limitations of the county’s tax cap and
the need to come up with approximately
SIO million to cover those costs, the coun
ty officials were in a bind
“We couldn't figure out any way to fund
ting in place to watch the annual
Christmas parade, which begins
at 2 p.m.
Members of the Perry Area
Chamber of Commerce will host
the event.
The parade route begins at
Kell wood Drive, goes through
downtown Perry and ends on
Main Street near the Board of
Education offices.
Youngsters of all ages won’t
want to miss this full-scale home
town parade with high school
bands, decorated floats, cheer
leaders, clowns, walking groups,
fire trucks and more. The high
point of the parade will be the
arrival of Santa himself.
A Community Candlelight
Service hosted by the Perry
Ministerial Association begins at
7 p.m. Dec. 6. The service is on
the Carroll Street side of the
Houston County Courthouse in
downtown Perry.
Participants will be'given can
dles to illuminate the service.
During the evening, visitors to
downtown will be able to inspect
the Illumination Celebration
lighting on the buildings in the
downtown area.
Prior to the candlelight service,
members of the Perry United
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Times journal Photos by Charlotte IVrkuu
es continue as part of the Christmas at the
Crossroads celebration this weekend,
that cost on the local level,” Walker said.
Stalnaker. however, came up with an
idea for the stretch of Houston Lake Road
from the Houston Lake Country Club to
Watson Boulevard in Warner Robins. His
idea was to add the road to the state high
way system, allowing the state to bear the
costs of the rights of way and utility reloca
tion Houston Lake Road from Houston
Lake Country Club into Perry is already
Ga 127 i
Shackleford agreed to this unique
arrangement, and the starting date for the
first phase ol the widening project (from
Russell Parkway to Ga. 96) is now
December, 1999.
According to Perdue, the state DOT tak
ing over the road will probably be tempo
rary, with ownership beginning at the time
the project begins and ending when it is
(See BACON, Page 5A>
Methodist Church Children's
Choir will present the Christmas
musical "A Star is Born" at ft p.m.
Throughout the weekend, a
number of local shops will hold
Open Houses with refreshments,
to show appreciation to their reg
ular customers and welcome new
ones. Several shops in downtown
Perry will expand their regular
hours to include Sunday hours for
Christmas shopping
Staff members of Massey Lane
Gardens will unveil the Festival
of Trees during the Christmas
open house at Massey Lane near
Fort Valley from 7-9 p.m Dec 4.
Trees will be adorned with
ornaments depicting eight differ
ent themes. Some of the themes
included in the exhibit arc "A
Peachy Christmas" by members
of the Georgia Peach Festival
board of directors from Fort
Valley, “ Angels from the Realms
of Glory” by the Jolly Nut Cos. of
Fort Valley, “In the Heavens with
Silver and Gold"’ by the
Marshallvillc Garden Club.
“Natures Harmony” by the Byron
Aistorical Society-Wcs G.
Lansford-Smith, “The Midas
Touch” by the Fort Valley
Women’s Club, and “Music A
Gift from God” by the
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This One Is At Carlton Interiors
Montezuma Music Lovers Club.
During the open house "Bell
of Praise" the hand bell choir of
the First Baptist Church of Fort
Valley directed by the Rev.
Danny Stubbs will perform
selected Christmas selections.
The Fettcrman building will be
decorated in the Williamsburg style
featuring greenery and fruits during
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BEAR IN A TREE This John Trussell photo shows a bear up a tree
in the Bonaire community earlier this year. Read about bears in
Houston County on page 7A..
Local hosts
Local businesses and
groups helped host a
major livestock show at
the Agricenter recently.
Details page 1B
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Times-journal Photo bv Charhmr Perkins
Rep. Larry Walker (left) and State Sen.
Sonny Perdue announce plans for the
state to help widen Houston Lake Road.
the open house special event.
Members of the Perry United
Methodist Church at l()0l Carroll
Si. feature an Angel tree. Persons
wishing to help ensure a happier
Christmas for an underprivileged
child can pick an angel from the
tree and return a gift. Contact
Debbie Wood at 987-1852 for
more information.