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10- The Savannah Tribune • Wednesday, November 21, 2012
First Annual Young
Gentleman’s Scholarship Beautillion
JBB Circle of
L.Y.F.E. of First African Bap
tist Church of East Savan
nah invites you to be a part
of their First Annual Young
Gentleman’s Scholarship
Beautillion. Too often, young
men are either overlooked in
or absent from the church and
this event will allow the op
portunity to recognize those
young men who are present
and active in their church and
other various ministries.
Christ modeled the
true marks of manhood to
be emulated and aspired by
every man. Therefore, we
aspire to make young men
aware that they are to be
representations of Christ in
their homes, neighborhoods,
schools, and jobs or wher
ever life may take them.
The objective is to
promote professional de
velopment, higher learning,
family values, and spiritual
empowerment as the key ar
eas that define the substance
of a young man.
We are asking that
your church ministry nomi
nate one young man of great
character to represent your
church family in this year’s
Beautillion. He should be
an active member of your
ministry who comes recom
mended by your pastor and/
or youth advisor. In addition,
he should be a high school
junior or senior during the
2012 - 2013 school years.
We invite all of you
to participate in our Beau
tillion and request that all
nominations are received
no later than November 30,
2012. If you have any ques
tions or would like a nomina
tion form please feel free to
contact Deacon Tony Foy at
(912) 220-5079.
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Irwin wins Cyrus G. Wiley Award at
SSU Founders Day
Dr. Cheryl D. Dozier (left) and Laura Irwin
NAH — Savannah State
University (SSU) presented
Laura Irwin, a 1957 Savan
nah State graduate, with
the Cyrus G. Wiley Distin
guished Alumni Award Fri
day at the 122nd Founders
Day ceremony held at Tiger
Arena on the SSU campus.
The Wiley award
recognizes outstanding Sa
vannah State alumni who
have shown extraordinary
support and loyalty to SSU
and exemplify the high ideals
espoused by the university.
Irwin, a Dublin, Ga., resi
dent, is vice president of the
SSU National Alumni Asso
ciation and currently serves
as general chairwoman of the
association’s 2012 Million-
Dollar Campaign.
Irwin earned a
Bachelor of Science degree
from Savannah State and a
Master of Arts degree from
New York University.
Though she retired
from the Laurens County
Board of Education after 37
years as an educator, she con
tinues to teach GED diploma,
English and writing classes
at the Eastman Youth Devel
opment Campus in Eastman,
Ga. Residents, faculty and
staff at the Georgia Depart
ment of Juvenile Justice fa
cility selected Irwin 2011-12
Eastman Youth Development
Campus Teacher of the Year.
A member of the
Dublin City Council
from 1995-2005, Irwin is a
lifetime member of the Dub-
lin-Laurens County chapter
of the Southern Christian
Leadership Conference and
the NAACP.
She is an active
member of the First African
Baptist Church in Dublin,
Order of the Eastern Star,
Emerald Business and Pro
fessional Women’s Club and
Leadership Dublin/Laurens
County, and volunteers with
the Oconee Regional Library
System among other organi
She was instrumen
tal in establishing Dublin’s
Martin Luther King Jr., Pa
rade Committee and spear
headed the city’s first MLK
parade in 1994.
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Chatham Parkway
Chatham Parkway Subam/Toyota
is pleased io announcer that Mal
colm Williams has joined our
learn as Sales and Leasing Coordi
nator. Malcolm comes to Chatham
Parkway alter 15 years of retail
sales S&K Men's Wear.
So if you were wondering where
Malcolm is delivering great
customer service, he invites you
to visit him at
Chatham Parkway
7 Park ol Commerce Way
or give him a call at
or Cell (912)699-9038
Malcolm X, Williams
Sales and Leasing Coordinator