The Knoxville journal. (Knoxville, Ga.) 1888-18??, August 10, 1888, Image 3
THE KING’S SEAT. Prince Valdimir sat wtth his knight* In Kief’s banquet hall, And boasted of arms and of victories woi And the joy of the bugle call. “While a figure gray at the gate Knocked once and twice and thrice, And Valdimir snouted: “No more shall come in Neither for love nor for price!” But a breath of wind blew apart The fringe of the pilgrim’s cloak, And beneath, the lute of the singer was seer Before the singer spoke. ‘‘Ai, little minstrel,” then said The great Prince Valdimir, “The top of the earthen oven is there, The minstrel’s place is here. “A small and lowly place, For my heroes all have come, Bloody with wounds and with honors rare From Ilza of Murom.” The minstrel climbed to his seat On the earthen oven’s top, And tuned his lute and began his song And they would not let him stop. For his song of battle and death He sung of victories won, Of Deuk and his Indian steed, And the tale of Morga, the Livan. And there, as he sang, as he sang, The hearts of men bowed down, Andlo! the top of the oven Became the monarch’s throne. —Annie Fields , in the Century.. PITH AiND POINT. p Made of awl-work—Hand-sewed shoes. Net proceeds of a summer da\-—One Bmall fish. A case that needs no close inspection —Limburger cheese. In order to carve out a fortune one must be sharp.— Epoch. The man who sets up to be the archi¬ tect of his own fortune has often to alter the plans aud specifications .—Rochester Post. A woman who married a one-legged man says it doesu’t take much to make her husband hopping mad .—Pacific States. A writer in a scientific journal tells “how to euchre wasps.” He will find it can’t be done with a lone hand.— Practical Farmer. The delirium tremens in a glass of whisky doesn't get out on the tumbler and announce in thunder tones that it is present .—Washington Critic. One plea of the bank clerks for the Saturday half-holiday is the solid fact that they are exposed to drafts ail the rest of the week .—New York News. Won’t somebody ask us: “Is it hot enough melanite for is said you?” be The new times explosive to ten as pow¬ erful as dynamite, and .—Baltimore we are anxious Ameri¬ to experiment with it can. It is said that one pound of banana contains more nutriment than three pounds of meat. And yet meat will build a man up, while a small piece of banana will bring a man down.— States¬ man. Said a thief to a wit: “ There's no knowing one’s friends Until they have been tried and found Very steady.” true,” said the “but 1 * wit, all yours, Have presume, been tried—and found guilty—al¬ ready:” It was a little girl who, going to the Episcopal around just church, the and happening to turn the at moment when congregation bow their adoration in the creed, took it into her head that they were all bowing to her. And so, as she was a polite little girl, and not inclined to receive a salutation without returning it, she bowed very respecifully and ex¬ claimed: “Good morning, people!”— Boston Transcript. Cliek-elielk click-click! How swift and slick The maiden’s fairy fingers fly! Click-click! click-ding! A wedding ring Will grace her fair hand by and by. Thus Cupid cute his conquest makes, For Sly instead fighter! of darts he takes now Typewriter. Boston Budget. We are fold that the Siberian Railroad will connect Napirsk, Okta, Irkutsk, Tomsck. Tobolsk and Ekaterineburg. We think that if these names were con¬ nected, and had a handle adjusted to the rear end, they would- make a first class meat saw. Cared of Malaria. 22 Florida St., Elizabeth, N. J., t M irch 17,1884. ( I have been using Allcock's Porous Plas. ters for the last five years, foae two years ago, after having been sick for upwards of six mouths with malari 1 ,1 fo md myself with an enl rged spleen, dyspeptic, and constantly trouble 1 with a headache, and my kidneys did not act very well either. Having spent most of my money for medicine and medical advi e, I thought to save expense l would use All COCk’s Porous Plasters, two on the small of my back, one on the spleen or ague cake, and one on the pic of the stom ch, just under the br astbone. I continued using the Plasters about thirty clays, changing them every week. At the end of that time I was perfectly well, and have remained so ever since. Geobge Dixon. Beer was prescrib' d for a horse in Chicago, and it died of delirium tremens. Inventionsof the 19th Century. The steamboat, the real er, the sewing ma dhine, by night and by day, Cars running ed by Houses lighted by gas and hea: steam. And bright’s ray. The telegraph’s click speeds like lightning re¬ Then leased, the telephone to excel it; com-9 And, to put oil the finish, the last but not Is the least. Purgative Pellet. famed little Last but not least is Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative P llet, because it relieves human suffering, adds to i be sum of human comfort, and enables the relieved sufferer to enjoy all the blessings and luxuries of the age we live in. The rapidly Knights England. of Labor organization is spread¬ in Conventional “ Mo non ” Resolutions. Ky Whereas, Co.) The M non Route (L. N. A. & < ties res to make it known to the world link at large Pullman that it forms the double connecting of tourist travel between the winter cities of Florida a d the summer re sorts of the Northwest; and surpassed, TT7iereo£, its Its elegant “rapid transit” system is un¬ Chair Pullman Buffet Sleeper and car service between Chicago and Louisville, Indianapolis and Cincinnati un¬ equalled; Whereas, and Its rates are as low as the lowest; then be it Resolved , That in the event of starting on a trip it is good policy to consult it 1 K. 0. Mc¬ Cormick, Dearborn Gen’l St., Chicago, Pass. Agent Monon Route, 185 for full particulars. (In any event send for a Tourist Guide, enclose 4c. postage.) If you fail are going write to the buya Brown Cotton Cotton Gin this Gin year Co., to to London, Conn., for their prices and testi¬ monials of the thousands who have used them. Warm Waves Are rolling in. You can’t escape them; but you can escape the sleepless nights, loss of appetite, and languid feeling that result from draining the nervous force by muscular or mental exertion in summer’s torrid days. The use of Paine’s Celery Compound, that great nerve tonic, will at once strengthen the nervous system, and fortify it against the attacks of summer debility. This pre¬ paration is a medicine, not a drink. ^ ‘ It is a sci¬ Wt entific wC combi Cj jV/i nation of the best | LLI t°n ics, giving last/ \~ingben efit to bo y l t) dy and brain. It , ■jA cures diseases, all nervous and has I brought new life and' ’ health to thousands whose weakened nerves were the cause of their many ills. It is especially valuable at this sea¬ son, when feeble persons are so lia¬ ble to sunstroke, a disease which is nearly always fatal. Paine’s Celery Compound, by restoring perfect health, almost entirely re¬ moves the liability to this dread disease. If you feel the effects of summer’s heat, you can’t afford to delay another day before gaining the vitality only obtained by the use of this great medicine. Sold by Druggists. $1.00. Six for $5.00 , Send for eight-page paper, with many testimonials. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., BURLINGTON,FT. ROANOKE Cotton and Hay I, .1 PRESS. n Egg? pE£s The Hundreds Chattanooga, Bales ton and best cotton/lifter liny and in Press cheapest Tenn. actual circulars. than Box made. use. any £60 KERBRAND FIFTH WHEEL IMS Unsroveweut. UERBliiLND LO„ Fremont. O. •^•DODSOH’S-iP PRINTERS’ SUPPLY DEPOT ATLANTA, GA. PRINTING MATERIAL Everything Used in a. Printing Oflice at Manufacturers' Prices. JOB PRESSES, FURNITURE, CYLINDER PRESSES, RULES, STICKS, JOB TYPE, GALLEYS, NEWSPAPER TYPE, NEWS INKS, PAPER CUTTERS, BOOK INKS, LEAD CUTTERS, JOB INKS, CASES, STANDS, COLORED INKS, CABINETS, COPYING INKS, LEADS, SLUGS. VARNISHES. PRINTERS’ ROLLERS A SPECIALTY. Cincinnati 27 OCT. iii jttu IB Hi lB i P li l m: M l « w «* » % 4r — m g - m 6 £N 1 E)IIUL ElPOSUlOmilO GRAND JUBILEE celebrating the Settlement of the Northwes tern UNSURPASSED DISPLAY. EXCURSION RATES FROM ALL POINTS. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT TULAHE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA. ltd [Formerly, advantages 1847,-1884, for the University of Louisiana.] the practical instruction, and especially in the diseases of South-west,are unequalled,astlio law secures it superabundant materials from the great Charity Hospital Students with have its 700 beds, and 20. WO patients annually. special instruction is daily no hospital-fees to pay and the sick, in other institution. giveu at the bed-side of as address no For catalogues or information, Prof. 8. E. CHAILK. M. I)., Dean, S 2 T P. O. Drawer 261, New Orleans, La. WISLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE 3^^COIsr, C3-7L. Begins 51st Annual leading Session October 3d, 1888. The oldest .and the college for girls in the south. All modern improvements looking to health, in Literature, safety, comfort Science and advancement of pu mild pils climate, and A rt. Pure water, Apply early for generous catalogue table, thorough teaching. to REV. W. ( '. BASS, T). D.. President. Monroe Female College, FORSYTH, CA. This Institution, “one of the best for the higher education of young ladies to be found in the South,” will resume exercises September 17, 1888. For Catalogue and particulars apply to R . T. ASBUKV. President, Or I. R. BRANIIAM, Secretary. Send for a Gatal ofe-uo <f the COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS IIA l,TIMORE, AM) SURGEONS, M O. which offers the Student of Medicine superior advantages. Dr. THOMAS OPIE (Dean), 600 N. Howard St. TF¥ I li I LMraS# A U n 5.000.000 tural and grazing acres land best agricul- for sale. Address,GOD EE Y & PORTER,Oallaw.Tex. 1 OLD is worth $500 per lb. Pettit’s Eye Salve .“S' KX worth $ 1 , 000 , bat ia sold at 2jc. a bjx by deals* :■ -5 - r a ^pl I si f Be§pj|gg| S s gsji i 1 cfjc ci If mm m ■ if ■ , - -%.m ■Wr. ^ r- .- . -- THE OHO 99 WELL DRILL 1 All , cuttings of the drill in clay, sand, gravel, rock, Ao., are tools. discharged Noted for at surface where without fail. removing , \\ (Irons 00 success others Drill Catalogue 70 to times a minute. Profits largo. Free. LOOMIS «& NYMAN, TIFFIN, OHIO. aftplIM R FP EATING •RIFLE is&ucal. Hew Model 1886. cartridge. [\Znger^&^%hal STm. P aZi othrr •Iiwt Out. " jJ* ~n» adua A i i i K mw .... BALLERY, HUNTINQ AND TARGET RIFLES. u WARLIN . Dl Catalo s u « FIRE ARMS CO., Box 201 ), HEW HAVEH, CT. for Shot Guns, ©srigsa® RSFLES “ %^'^^and Pistols. J g 6 for Send free > % CheapesI andbet. ij .v:;. H a Box \ 1061 ’5~/ II V, Ideal New Illustrated Catalogue. Haven, M'f’g Conn. Co. If •M 5 $IOO to $300 A MONTH can be made working for us. Agents preferred who can furnish their own horses «nd Live their whole time to the business. Spare moments may la r»e profitably employed B. JOHN¬ also. A few vacancies towns and cities. F. SON & CO.. 1013 Main at.. IUelim nd. Va. ESIaSm^aESeIIa fcSlielr Si lilSi Great Rheumatic English Remedy. Gout and Ovnl !I«»v,:t4: ronnd. 14 Pills. A. N.- U. Tliirty-one, ’83 ERINTING MATERIAL Everything Used in a. Printing Oflice at