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The state road question is as big a one
now as it ever was.
The gubernatorial covention in Atlanta
was a blundering, riotous mooting.
A new railroad town is the most popu¬
lar kind for one-horse shows and single
1 barrel 'ectiarcrs.
Vienna, Dooly county, . is one of the
CC mug towns of this State, and it is com¬
ing fast too.
Next Thursday the citizens of Fort Val¬
ley will find out that it is a big job to en¬
tertain and feed - 5,000 people.
Gov. John B. Gordon has been nom¬
inated Ail the old state
house officers-were also, re-nominated.
The Atlanta & Florida road will become-'
link in a big system if it ba built to Way
cross as it is now poo posed. This line wit]
"ho built.
A bill has been introduced in the Ken¬
tucky legislature requiring doctors rewrite
their prescriptions in English. Truly this
ic an ago of reform.
It has been wo hot in this part of the
country that a shipment of ice turned to
dust the other day. If any one does not
r* relieve this we will show them the dust.
The lands and climate of this part of the
country arc so favorable to farming that
people make a living without half- trying.
This can be made a prosperous and wealthy
The people ofjllawkinsvilie are a pluck
y set of people, Tlu new railroads have
not been built to suit our llawkiusviile
friends and they are building a wad of
♦heir own which will give them the con¬
nections and outlets they want-. Probably
they will get the main line of-the .A. & E.
after a while.
, 1 he , bagging , . poo', , .which , , inis run up the .,
prico t, of that c-.wiuodity t-.j unheard of
. . (o rob t»e Southern
'r. i cs, is preparing
farms of millions of dollars. Several plus s
Hive been suggested fur defeating the rob
Levs, but none of them are quite fear bio
The best plan, it se<rns to us world be. ,
;- r ap the etajilo ii; ■'■mio other kind of tvv
rii gt-han bagging.
■ . ’k c< ii in
,!o : i Wlvchi aid:
be , ip. I C nnot fn 5- myself
" ;‘ d c- r tl:
s,” ' :• . ;ii, yoi: h.\r<i neve felt
■ acce -' sl *i ' lU ™ hi * If :he4
!.( vonr b'JBil'P.r fc.-l* V■-!•;.3 I i)U have
rMov/!i sbiverovera
rircloss Stove in the dead cf winter because
v hi couldn’t ] ay for tariff-taxed coal or
tariff-taxed woolen clothes to keep
•warm. The need cf cheap clothes touches
you not, therefore you have ho sympathy
ft with this demand for cheap coats,”
therefore the peoplo of this country
no sympathy with your ambition to
jpxe&ideut ol .these United States. Ex.
There is always something new under
the sun notwithstanding the saying to the
contrary. An insurance company has
beeu organized in New York with a capi¬
tal of $5,000,000, whose object is guaran¬
tee depositors in national and state banks
against loss in the event of the failuc of
the bank. .It is said that the 1,100 banks
have signified their intention of becoming
stockholders, agreeing to pay the company
one fifth of 1 per cent, auually on their
gross deposits.
Mr. Jtobort Bleakio, a republican and a
large woolen manufacturer of Maine, says
that a duty of 20 per cent on Woolen goods
will cover the cost «i the labor employed
in their manufacture. The Mil's bill pro¬
vides for a duty of 40 pes cent, on such
goods, allowing 20 per cent for the labor
and 20 percent to the manufacturing pro¬
prietors. But the republicans, while pre¬
tending that they want protect ion only for
lie benefit of American tabor, refuse to ac¬
cept this, and insist on the present duties
t mging from 04 to 82 per cent.
Are in the ring and must have a
J*'resit Groceries.
Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Drugs
and Canned Goods.
All grades corn and Rye liquors
Home-made Peach Brandy.
Lager Beer, Imported Rum and
Imported Gin.
ft BORGIA, Crawford County—T o all
O' whom it may concern : J. Wesley
Mathews lias in due form applied administration to me
for permanent letters of
on the estate of James N Mathews, late
of said county, deceased : This is there¬
fore to cite all persons concerned to show
cause, if any they have, before me on
the first Monday in August granted next, why said
such letters should not be
applicant. Liven under my hand and
official 188«" signature this the lStli day of
GEORGIA, Crawford County: W.J.
U» Slocumb ns Administrator Cum tes¬
te men to annexo of Sarah P Williamson,
deceased, discharged having represented his trust and that peti¬ he
has fully that
tioned he be discharged from the
same. This is therefore to cite all per¬
sons concerned to show cause before me
'ey the first Monday in Octonnext why
said application should not be granted
and petitioner be discharged from ills
said trust.
Witness GEO.' my hand SAWYER, officially, Ordinary, .Tune 25,
1S8S. L.
ft CORGI A, Crawford County.—-To
U all whom it may concent: will Whereat: of
,T. B. Fowler, executor of the T.
I). Hammock, dismrisory deceased, from has applied Ms Exec¬ to
me for letters
utorship ; therefore, required all pern to as
corned are hereby thov have, before flw'.v
cause, if anv rue, on
the first Monday in Augu-'-t next, why
the said J. B. Fowler should net be dis
c p ar ged, GH. u under pry hand and offi
cial s'lgnatr-vm DL '--nr.1 h.
' G'fCC :-:AVV Ordinal y,
baiM.: j f.;>
/■.Her Foirfcy ysm
B (‘■■:i>c-ricnco ctDArution of r -*"r
‘ reor.i
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.. i ; ’ -
ouco :«? an.; :hQlr fMihtU’3 <u-0 uwie
*ciw»n K«!.»>•« fwrammioalloii <w mtwrt*
ttouvs $^ V/l
The aavR.-tUigao it" buoL a fcotio e every y ate aloe
3S fidiYiiiL-'-i to be ’ '.-ho pEpey unvoted vO scieac*.
mccltu&ics, ir.rffruiooB, b.igiin:en»{f works, end
ollun* UGptrfcmov'ts ot induaferjivi progress, P'- j of g
lisb©'? in it vy oonntiy. D* co»tai:\A f ..i9 naties patented
ail patentoos and t.U-ia o£ every invention dollar.
each week. Try it. four raontds tor oae
Sold by all newsdealers. , .. .
»s,n H&m
maiM ft* h : ,
J. 0 . H O LI Ek
Culloden, —-DEALER IN- Georgia,
I keep a Full Line of Family Groceries Implements and Heavy Dry Cutlery. Goods, Shoe8, Hats &c.
Large lot Crockery, Glassware, Farm & Country Produce
taken in exchange at Fair Prices. Undertaker’s both Metal supplies Wood a spocialty. I always
keep a eomplete stock of those Burial goods, Robes Wrappers. & To Cases. this line Wood 1 have
from the cheapest to the best. & ~its;introduction) of my bus¬
iness (so much appreciated by my patrons since I give special at¬
tention, and by so doing hope to merit a liberal patronage from the public. I shall
spare no pains in serving you promdtly. burials My charges miles will with be hearse more reasonable than
you can buy elsewhere. Will attend 15 without extra
charge when cases are worth 920 or upwards- In connection with me Miss Achsah
Holloway has an immense line of
Millinery and Ladies’ Dress Goods, White Goods, Notions
and Novelties in profusion which she order. is offering Her superior at remarkably skill and low tact prices. in this Dresses line of
cut, made and fitted promptly excelled. to
her business just cant be Then she naturally loves to see yon and show
you through her stock of goods. She invites all the ladies to call to see her when
they come to our little city, and don’t be in a hurry; spend the day and she will
make * Very
it pleasant for you. .0, O. respectfully, HOLMES, Culloden, Ga.
lATlBW D y
mm I A
Macou, -- « ■a «j*aa mm mm Georgia,
Dealers in Groceries, following Plantation brand Supplies, of fertilizers Kentucky hand Mules
and Fertilizers. Tlie on :
We keep a supply of the above goods at Fort Valley for the
convenience dr our' Crawford, county customers, which can be
on to
m&sssm mmp piisPi
Atlanta & floeiba b. b.
Daily except on Sundays.
No. 1 A. M. | No. 4 p. m.
Lv. Atlanta 6 35.Lv, Knoxville 1 20
Ar. Knoxville 12 10 Ar. Atlanta 6 35
Sundays only. Sundays only.
No. 5 A. SI. No. S A. M.
Lv. Atlanta 8 00 Lv. Knoxville 6 00,
Ar. Knoxville 12 40;Ar. Atlanta 10 25
Sundays No 8 P. w. Sundays No. 7 f. 5!
Lv Knoxville 2 00 Lv. Atlanta 2 30
Ar Atlanta fi 45: Ar. Knoxville 7 Ol
Will won f
Bsaelit HIQH tfe? ABM SpSsnclSd
J il
v ■
w ilif ill in
Fov it iJooa et^cS*. boatstSiTuS YToxia.
Sai»p$s iaefifa© si Fasferf
apis Mi in ttmaoiti Territory.
hi r< JCsB?--ge
til Liaise Vft^rauccsssoE diseases oftAe BlotriirSkra to anti rfWV'Sa? lloass.—Karroos t.1 y DobUR*
lispotcney, liSDOtC Org*n!o ^eaknessu Scientific Gonorrhoea, Syphilitic abd
Mercurial Affections. treatment* cars for arid sura ol
remedies. fawfions Deformities Treated. by £bo«o Call or Vrife by list maiL
to be answered desiring treatment
^Persons suffcrfcy from Rupture should eendtbetraddress^ Physician
tjJdrwB IT. C. h. .LnBAKCE, Preset and 3a ChsM
feitral %cc Xed.ASurp. iix, Butrs’JDisper>ifuy i**fltuia,920 Locust £staUisli«d st., Sh.L<-ute,BLa. 2D Yeas*
biv> r -tr
,01 m
—“t# "Ilf .-W -iA.,
■si r teSto
a a
Cheapest & Best Business College in the World,
Htghesi Worlu’o Honor E.Tpf»»»Jtioa, and Golij System ever Book-EecylnK all other College, and
for c,r
Buelneaa* fceiiural Haflinees Udaoarion. Coat 8000 of Graduate* Fall *»
10 Teachers employed.
Course* Including Typo>Wr3tlns Tuition. Statieaery and Board, about $83*.
Short-jJaml, No Vacation, "inter Now. Graduates & Tclecrapfey, Guaranteed. Buccsm.
i'or circulars, addroso Kahrelm W. Staltfc* Principal, or
WBba? 11* Siudlla, President, Lexlwctotu KsP
fti§g&f5£ M i v
- .... iillil
i . 4 ffliS p/VfCHT SM MU
i mss&M
ChambersbnrKi Ft.