Newspaper Page Text
What the People are Doing and
Talking About.
Society News and A’eigUtoor*
hood INiotcs--Personal
The town has been unusually lively all
.the week.
Read the nesv legal advertisements in
this issue.
Judge A. F. Williams spent several days
this week in Atlanta.
Miss Lizzie Long, of Fort Valley, visited
friends in town Sunday.
Col. Henry Mathews, of Fort Valley,
was in town a few days ago.
Read McGee Bros.’ new advertisement,-,
to he found iu another column.
Col. and Mrs. Robley D. Smith spent
several days iu Atlanta this week.
Misses Minnie and Addie Moore, of
Macon, are visiting relatives in this plaep,
The Crawford Guards will bo supplied
with new, improved guns before many
W. B. Andrews, of the Central City,
has been rusticating in these parts several
lays recently.
-MissMattie Miller, of Bibb county, has
been spending some time with the family
pi' Mrs. Mathews.
0 P Wright, A J Danielly, C S Wright,
and J F Andrews spent some time this
week in, Atlanta.
Captain Johnson, nominee for the Legis¬
lature from.Crawford, paid us a visit the
first of the week.
A good many beef cattle are being sent
from these parts to Macon, and they are
generally very fat.
We are glad to state that J R Beeland
has about recovered from bis attack offerer
• ;nd is able to come up town.
The feather renovator company have
worked ou a goodly number of beds here.,
and pataonage seems to be increasing.
The young people spent a pleasant eve¬
ning at the residence of Mr, F H Wright
on the 9th, engaged in making music and
iu other ways.
J. I. Champion is having his residence
repaired and piaiuted, and ho he will have
an attractive and comfortable home when
the work is completed.
Our community is in a hurry to get t-he
ll sc of the railway mail service. It. is hu¬
portant and highly necessary that it be put
in operation at an early day,
Quite a number of the young people who
went from here to Oak Grove cn Sunday
got drenched in the rain, Their return
into town was sad and silent.
Captain Jeff McGee made a trip to the
Gate City this week, and bought so many
goods that he can’t find room for them—
consequently he is advertising,
I Clarice Hicks and one or two other gen
clemen recently ran down and caught six
foxes in one morning’s hunt. There are
many fine hounds in the Hicks settlement.
Another world-renowned horse trainer
■and veterinary surgeon has been hero and
taught his cless. Ho made a big
n trying to tell the age of Dave Wallace's
Hfincss Hptain John Green, a very prominent
man ..Atlanta, but formerly a
resident of this county, was in town a few
days .ago.. His visit is supposed to meat)
.! good deal.
Howell & Wright;.hive for sale one
the best farms in the county. It contains
550 acres, large 8 room house and several
outhouses. One hundred acres covered in
oak and hickory timber. Price reasonable.
J A. Rayburn with his Improved feath
er Renovator has located at Knoxville to
renovate all the feather beds. Old one?
are made fresh and large as new, also ren¬
dering them more healthy. New ones are
improved by removing all animal matter
and unpleasant orders—destroying the
moths etc. His wagons will call at your
Homes for the Bed3 and return them to
you when finished.
All work guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Give him a trial.
Wo will sell lumber at the following
prices fo.i cash on tho yard. Heart lumber
$100 Good square edge .75 First class re¬
fuse .50 Second class refuse .35. We sell
strictly for the Cash. au 7
Mathews & Jack,
'i’o Alliaucemcn.
To the sub Alliance of Crawf on»
County:— The State Ariliance will con
vone in Macon on the 21st instant. You
are therefore required to at ouco crdl your
body together and send delegates to the
County Alliance at Knoxville on Monday,
20tli instant at 10 o’clock for tho purpose
of selecting delegates to represent us in
said State Alliance. Dons by the President,
J. J. Clark J. W. Jack,
President. Secretary.
qfJse SrocMIi ©lasers’ Bonvealioji.
A large delegation of, stockholders in
the Atlanta & Florida railroad went up to
Atlanta on Wednesday. The, business
before the convention was of a very impor¬
tant nature, and drew cut all who eould
Mr, Aaron Haas was elected pvesintnt.
Tire new directors are: Aaron Plans, L. J.
Hill, Ii C Harris, S B Hoyt, L F Blalock,
G .W Parrot, R J Lowrcy, C A Collier, J.
M Rucker 1 J K Brunner, T L Langston,
W A Hemphill and E W Marsh.
It was decided to project the road south¬
ward from Fort Valley.
JackColeman Sla©S*
Jack .Coleman, the negro convict who
escaped from the Chattahoochee Brick Com¬
pany, and who stole a horse in Monroe
county, was shot by Dock Johnson on Sat¬
urday near Byron, this county. Coleman
was a bad negro and has given the farmers
iu the Cth district much trouble latoly by
his depredations on their property When
found by Dock Johnson the negro raised
bis shotgun and fired both loads, but wiss
his aim. He was killed by a load of buck¬
shot, There was a reward of $100 offered
for the delivery of Jack Coleman,
SSapgsiness AVw A BJisste.
A communication just received, very
generously proposes to send the best family
papier published, four mouths on trial, to
each of our readers who wilt send ten cents
in silvej or postage to Woman’s Work,
Athens, Ga., before 1st of next November.
We know “Woman’s Work know that
it is filled with pure matter that will suit
each member of the lamily, and. know that
every home will be improved by its visits.
We say this for the good of our readers.
How many will profit by it, .
Soliciting Committee.
The following is a list of those appoint¬
ed to take subscriptions for the Crawford
Guards: Knoxville District—Miss Lil¬
lie Blasingame and Miss Eddie Jarrett,
O. P. Wright and John I. Champion.
Seventh flivtrict—Miss Nena Sandford,
S. T, Lee and W, B Davjs. _
Third District—Miss Ida McElmunpy,
W. J. Slocumb and J. L. Marshall.
Sanbt Point District—Miss Mary Dent
I keep an assortment of General Merdfandise, and try to suit
both in quality of goods aqd in prices. I have now
hand a lot of Fresh Garden Seers, also, a variety of
3?Va- i*na. r JT'o ■*> ? &
the best makes which I sell cheap. Gail cn me.
F. H. WRIGHT, Knoxville, Ga.
Green Hollomon and Ed Cloud.
Webbs District—Miss Molile Jackson,
Ben Harrison and A. M. Jackson.
Hammacks District—Miss Laura Par¬
ham, Jim Parham John Rowell.
Beasleys District—Miss Leila Webb F.
Danielly-and it. K. Webb.
Sixth District—Miss Emma Barfield,
Charley Taylor and E. L. Auloman.
f't VT EORGIa Bibs County—B y virtue of
county, an order granted of the court attlie of July Ordinary term of
said l«sR
or' said court, will be sold at public out
cry, to. House the highest in the bidder, before of Macon, the
Court door city
Bibb county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday
in September next, within the legal hours
of sale, the following property to wit :
All that tract of land lying in the Seventh
district of Crawford county, known as
the East half of Lot. number two (2) eon
taming one hundred (100) acres more or
less, bounded as follows: North and
East by lands of estate of Vince Rickies
South by lauds of Robert Bryant, and
West by the other half of said lot Kb two
owned by Bill Dunn. The property
hereby described being the same proper¬
ty conveyed to-Alfred Wilboru b v A. B.
SmaH by deed 8th August 1882 and record
ed in office Said of Clerk Sapr. to court sold of for Craw¬ the
ford Co. of property tha debts be of Alfred
Wilborn, purpose deceased, paying and settlement of the
Estate. Terms cash. August 0 1888.
Ben L Jokes, Exr,
TWILL VY BK SOLD before the court house
dcor in the town of Knoxville, Ga.
within the legal hours of sale on the first
Tuesday in September next, the follow¬
ing property to wit: One hundred and
sixty acres of land more or less, being
parts of lots numbers Eleven and twelve
in the third district of originally Houston
now Crawford county and bounded on
the north by lands of T. J. Simmons, on
the west by lands belonging to estate of
A. J. Oulverhouse and on the south by
lands kuowm as.the Watson Sawyer place
Levied on as the property of E. E. Atwa¬
ter to satisfy two Fi. .Fas. issued from
the Superior court Crawford county one
in favor of I). J. Baer vs July Ann Ap¬
pling and E. E. Atwater the other in fa¬
vor of D-J, Baer vs E. E. Atwater and
Thomas Atwater. Terms cash. Sheriff. August
1st 1888. B. A. Hartley,
( Rule ni si to fore
Miss Jimmie Meara J-close Crawford mortgage Superior in
v s \ 1 April term,
Chas. H. Meara. Court,
( 1888.
It appearing te the Court by that the Chas, peti¬
tion of Miss Jimmie Meara
H, Meara on the 1 st day of January, 1307,
executed and delivered to said Jimmie
Meara a mortgage and tract of land lying
in said county, to wit: an undivided half
interest in 415 acres of land owned as
tenants in common by said parties. payment For of
the purpose of securing the for the prin¬
a certain promissory of hundred note dollars, made
by cipal the sum said Chas. one H. Meara, on the said
1st day of January, 1887, and payable six months to
the said Jimmie Meara, due
after date, with interest at the rate of 8
per cent per annum from date thereof,
and attorne'-’ torueys’ *""" fees of *' c 5 K per cent per
month, which said note the said Chas. H.
Meara refuses to pay. It is therefore
ordered that the said Chas 11. Meara
pay into this Court on or before the next
term thereof, the principal, interest, together and
attorneys 1 fees due on said note
with the cost of this Court proceeding, will proceed or in
default thereof tho And it is
as to justice shall appertain. ,
urther ordered this Journal, rule be published inr
published fthe Knoxville in the county of a Crawford, newspape
once _____a month for-four months previous
0, P.. WEIGHT,
KNOXVILLE, . - - - oeobgia!
OlHce in the Court House, f b 27
A fcfcmiey 'at Law,
Prompt attention given to all business
entrusted to his care. jy27
Calls promptly attended day and night,
Patronage respectfully solicited. fb3 .
New and FreiE Goods .a
Eeliablo Goods,
Having sold my drugs I am now making
When you want a nrst class meal or &
good House. place First to sleep Fare, come to't.lie Comfortable Harris
Rooms, Reasonable Charges, Accommo¬
dations Not Excelled i
I am improved prepared farms to loan money the
on to
amount of $200 and upwaids I
on most liberal terms. rep
resent the Georgia Loan <fc Trust
Co. of Americuc, Ga., a char
tered institution of the State
I will guarantee that, our-com¬
missions are at least from twe
to three per cent cheaper than
that of any other ompany. Pay
merits made at any time,
and the loan may be taken up
whenever desired, Quit the
warehouse and try us. We are
cheaper and give you more lib
erty, and we don’t -want your
land. The warehouses are get
ting it. W alter P. BlASINOAMS